June 13, 2010 General 0

Hey there, Americans! I’m sure, by now, many of you have had some time to reflect on the massive, unfolding Deepwater Horizon oil disaster and thought to yourselves, “My, that really is a terrible, apocalyptic cock-up!” But have you gone so far as to think to yourself, “My, that really is a terrible, apocalyptic cock-up, the costs of which I should logically be burdened with, because I am responsible for everything that happened?” No? Well, you should maybe start thinking that way, because the U.S. Chamber of Commerce thinks you should!

You know, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce typically doesn’t put itself out there as a big fan of socialism. But that all changes when we’re talking about risk and liability. In those cases, they love socialism to death!

via Chamber Of Commerce Says Taxpayers Should Help Pay For BP Spill Cleanup; GOP Leader Agrees, Then Recants.