April 5, 2010 General 0

“[Maryland First Lady Katie]O’Malley says similar pinwheel gardens will be planted all across the state to represent the anti-abuse campaign’s motto, “parenting should be a breeze.””

It has been obvious that politicians are out of touch with the people, but to have continued new stories flaunting their ineptitude has shown just how out of touch with reality they are.  In the news story linked above, Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley’s wife is taking on the cause of child abuse.  The motto for the campaign is “Parenting should be a breeze”  I can only guess that this campaign is chaired by those who are not parents.

I have two wonderful children.  We have good days, we have bad days, we have neutral days.  It goes with the territory.  I love being a parent and think it is one of the most rewarding jobs anyone could have.  As a parent, I am responsible for shaping the future through the upbringing of my children.  If I teach them good work ethics, that money is to be earned, not received due to laziness, that honesty is the best policy (at all times), that life is not fair, but that we have a merciful God who has shown us Grace, that we have to eat properly and exercise to stay healthy, and at least a gazillion other things, they will grow up to be productivity members of society and wonderful adults. Teaching these lessons is not a breeze, however.  It takes work.

When my youngest was born, she was in the NICU for 8 days.  I did not get a chance to hold her for the first 2 days of her life.  Please, Mrs. O’Malley, tell me how that was a breeze.  My older daughter jumped off the monkey bars and had to be rushed to the doctors.  Please, tell me how that was a breeze.  I stayed awake until 12:30am to dye eggs for Easter Sunday so my girls could hunt Easter Eggs.  Please tell me how sleep deprivation was a breeze.

Being a parent is challenging.  There are hard times, but the good times are worth so much more than just a breeze.

I am very much against child abuse and it is a worthy cause to defend, but let’s do so in a way that shows others we truly understand what parenting is all about instead of thinking it is “just a breeze”

<obligatory disclaimer – comments posted here are my own and do not represent any group to which I am affiliated>