July 5, 2010 Anti-Americanism Finance New World Order 0

This is a very interesting read…and much truer than most folks will ever admit.

Regardless of what one thinks of the left-leaning Obama voters, it is eminently clear that they did not vote for a Vietnam-like expansion of the war in Afghanistan. Nor did they vote for the assassination of American citizens without trial, government kidnappings on foreign lands or the continued use of an extra-constitutional jail on foreign soil. Obama has betrayed their trust as well as the most basic principle of representative democracy, just as George W. Bush betrayed the votes of the small government conservatives who made him president.

So, the Constitution lies in tatters, the politicians have successfully constructed a system that renders their collective will unopposable, the economic system is designed around the fundamentally Marxist principle of centralized credit and the courts and executive-branch agencies are regularly legislating from the bench and the bureaucracy.

Where is this freedom of which Americans so proudly speak?

As Ben Franklin said, the American people were given a republic, if they could keep it. And they have not kept it. Instead, they mortgaged it for the meager benefit of a few decades of material prosperity enjoyed on credit. Not since Esau traded his birthright for a pot of stew has anyone made such a foolish, short-sighted bargain.

But the cold winds of the Kondratieff Winter are already blowing, and on them rides the four horsemen of economic contraction, default, unemployment, disease and unrest. Perhaps Americans will rise to the occasion and claim their lost independence once more. Unfortunately, it is much more likely that a once-great nation will sink into the lost seas of history like so many great societies before her.

via Exactly what are you celebrating?.