November 21, 2010 Anti-Americanism Criminal New World Order Obama 0

Third party quotes are italicized while karl’s comments are underlined.  After you read the following material hit the link as well.  take this all in.  children are being actively molested by TSA agents.  Are you REALLY able to consciously allow your children to fly now in the face of this?  Really?

En route home through Charlotte, our 6 year old son was subjected to an aggressive pat down by a female TSA employee. He was pleading for me to help him and I was admonished for trying to comfort him. His genitals area was groped. He walked down to the plane in tears. When the stewardess asked why he was crying, I explained my frustration and I was further admonished for not being more compliant.

More compliant? A six year old is accosted by your goon squad in a fashion that would be chargeable as a a felony sexual assault if committed by a member of the public and the TSA and airline staff want his parents to be “more compliant”?I have three words in response to that: Go To Hell.

“One of the most frustrating aspects of this fight against terrorism is that it has created a whole security apparatus around us that causes huge inconvenience for all of us,” Obama said.

One of the most-frustrating part of this “fight against terrorism” is that you are 3,000 times more likely to die in an automobile crash on the way to the airport than you are due to terrorism during the flight and yet your administration is demanding that we suffer strip searches and gropes to get on the plane.

via President Obama: Stop Lying TSA – MarketTicker Forums.