February 20, 2011 General 0

This post is from Heather

I have written a letter to the Maryland Senators to show my opposition to Senate Bill 116.  If anyone would like to copy it and send it, please feel free.  You may want to change the 2nd to the last paragraph to something personal about you, unless you, too, were married in 2002 and you have a husband instead of a wife LOL.  Here is a link to the bill if you would like to read it (it is a very quick read) http://mlis.state.md.us/2011rs/bills/sb/sb0116f.pdf

RE: Opposition to Senate Bill 116

Dear Maryland Senators

I am writing to you today to express my opposition to Senate Bill 116 ‘Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act’

All marriages are not created equal and should not be treated as such.   A marriage between a man and a woman is a covenant created between them and God.  It has long been the practice of and benefit to society to maintain this definition of marriage.  Changing the definition of marriage would erode those ideas that are held dear by many, as well as undermine the societal structure of our state and country.

My husband and I were married as per the definition of one man and one woman in 2002.  We have been blessed with children and are honored to raise these children, but more importantly, we see the impact that a household consisting of a husband and wife (one man, one woman) has on the children and their development.

It is my strong hope that you will vote in opposition of Senate Bill 116 ‘Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act’


Heather Warren