The Men’s ministry is jsut getting started and Greg Nichol’s has a chainsaw accident. Fran gets claled home. We may be in a time of distress but this has only strengthened my resolve to continue attending men’s meetings and learning. Men of FBC let’s band together in this time. We have not lost Fran…he has gone home to be with the Lord. While I am saddened by his going hime I know another will step in to fill his place.
Comfort Fran’s family during htis time of sorrow on earth, I kow the angels in heaven are glad to have him home. Help all of us here to greive and remember his service to you and to his fellow man on earth. May you confort everyone who knew and loved him and provide a worthy servant to stand in his stead.
YouTube – Paul Wilbur – Worship Praise – Let the weight of Your glory.