June 12, 2005 General 0

Well the Lord answered my prayers in a way that astounds me. I have been able to retire all of the p-2 350’s. Here is my current server hardware.

Now, of course, I want to make it bigger. I was playing with the idea of adding a windows server 2k3 domain controller..and i do need to do that so i can learn it..and it is stilll on the agenda..but I have a new thing as well. How? I want to install a MYTHTV server in my server room. I got the idea from one of my favorite online tech shows called systm(pronounced system). They use one tv tuner card..however I am looking to put three in. I would then put thin client knoppmyth clients in each rooom that currently has a tv plus the guest room. oops..i need 4..have to have one for the bathroom too..:) . They would not actually do the encoding or tuning..they would be simply controlling one of the tuners in the knopmyth primary server updtairs in the server room. The server upstairs would have an idiotic amount of hdd space to be able to hold the shows that were recorded..:)

As soon as i figure out how Kevin built his one tuner system for 300 bucks i can build a four tuner system for aobut 600 bucks..:)

It may take me a bit to pull off..but Lord willing I will be able to transform our tv/music to ip over the network with all the incoming content concentrated in my server room..:)

Then my next project..VOIP PBX for the house..:)