I’ve been trying to be “more civilized” the past few years…it’s gotten me more problems with folks who think they know more than me about many things they have no idea about. The lid’s off now…:) I’m going to express how i feel and if folks can’t handle it..too bad for them. My loving wife likes to tell folks i’m a redneck…that hasn’t shown much…i won’t be vulgar or destructive but the filters are gone now…if i don’t like something..or you..you’ll know…right then. I’ve had a better life when I’ve remained true to myself….it’s a hard lesson to learn..one I’ve recently been reminded of by a coward recently. Now i have the Gov’t getting into my affairs. It’s time for this lunacy to stop…and it’s time to get out of any kid of incorporated “city” entity…Frederick county isn’t rural enough anymore…because of Frederick city. Their cancer is now spreading into the rest of the county..of course it’s a symptom of the state of Maryland being the way it is. I’m looking for Kentucky or maybe Tennessee type rural area. Some folks are in for quite the awakening….i’ll leave those details as a “surprise”…watch for the rattlesnake..they tend to bite when tread upon..:) My previous post with Aaron Lewis has some great lyrics:
I still live in the sticks where you wouldn’t go
In a town of 1200 off an old dirt road
And a country boy is all I’ll ever be
That’s where i’m going…as Charlie Daniels says at the end of the song:
I love my country…I love my guns.
I love my family…I lvoe the way it is now
And anybody that tried to change it has to come through me.
That should be all of our attitudes
Cause this is america and a country boy is good enough for me son.