Emmanuel Computer Consutling just recieved it’s first BIG contract. Mind you this is a volunteer one but still it’s big. The total cost is $15,000 is hardware and software. The scope is to take the entire facility of approximatly 25 machines and one server and relicense the facilty. The clients are a mix of xp, 2k, and 9x with the server 2k advanced server. The reson for this massive overhaul is record keeping was not properly done so proof of licensing is unattainable. Keep me in your prayers as i begin to migrate the entire network over to the standrd configuration of:
Windows Server 2003 Small Business Edition
Windows XP Professional
Diskkeeper pro
Trend Anti-virus
Other accouting packages.
I am intentionally leaving out details to protect the client’s privacy and security. I have already install a linux firewall machine to protect the network. Keep an eye on this post for updates.
Well politics have come into play..kinda. The Board of Directors wants justificaton for every machine and staff employee. Of course they had to ask for this AFTER they approved the expenditure..:) However it appears we will be able to standardie on one accounting package instead of two. I am having to also add VPN access so i can remotely administer the network..:) Next up, the yearly budget for IT Services.