July 6, 2008 General 0

Well Gen’s mom has arrived with our older daughter to see the little one.  We all got scrubbed up and i got our older daughter ready to go.  the nicu staff is now trying to wean her off the enforced 3 hour feeding schedule they have been on and are now letting her begin to get used to feeding on demand.  Our older daughter is absolutely thrilled to see her younger sister and she’s brimming with ideas on how to be a big sister.  Our older daughter constantly talks about how she wants to do this and wants to help with that..:)  She has already bought her young sister a webkinz of her own and a set of pacifiers..:)  While the birth of my second daughter is a monumental event the enthusiasm that is being shown by the older daughter towards the younger one is even more gratifying.  What a wonderful time in the warren household it is right now.  It will be even better once the entire family is home at the same time.

p.s. in case youa re wondering why i am blogging while in the ncu..only three folks ar allowed bedside at hte same time..since they ahve free wifi and gen’s mom and our oldest daughter has not seen our new child in a while(or at all) i figured i could easily wait my turn this time..<G>.