November 6, 2008 General 0

Gay-rights advocates went to court Wednesday to press for same-sex marriages a day after California voters dealt them a stunning setback by approving a ban on such unions.

The constitutional amendment approved Tuesday will limit marriage to heterosexual couples, the first time such a vote has taken place in a state where gay unions are legal.

Proposition 8 overturns a state Supreme Court decision in May that gave gay couples the right to wed and creates uncertainty about the legal status of 18,000 same-sex couples who have tied the knot since then.

California’s new gay-marriage ban challenged – Decision ’08 – ballot initiatives-

Want to know how out of control the courts are?  I bet the courts decide to overturn this..which actually they cannot do since it’s an amenment to the state constitution…but i bet they’lll try.  Keep an eye on this one.