September 22, 2019 Christianity Church Churchianity 0

I have been churchless for several years.  I have had many issues with churches and the people that attend them.  Just about every single one of them are fear infested, SJW/Churchian infested, and cannot handle someone who is willing to speak his mind when it goes against the grain.  A friend of mine whom I respect wanted me to try a church that is literally rebuilding after the membership was bamboozled by a crook that nearly literally stole the building and land right from under from them.  Luckily the scam was uncovered right before the title to the land was turned over.


It’s now been 6 weeks and I have been watching with great interest.  We have a church in Frederick called Summit Trace that has said they are going to help my church rebuild.  They have sent financial support and their lead pastor is coming to lead our church somewhere around the end of the year…as long as the congregation votes to confirm him as our pastor this upcoming Sunday.  I have been asked to provide IT and audio/sound mixing expertise to the church which is what I have been doing.  So far, so good.  We shall see how things progress moving forward.