I’m BACK!!!!!!
after a server shutdown and moving to another one i had some real problems with the database. it’s taken me over a month tog et it figured out. I can now work on the new emmanuelcomputerconsulting.com site and also post about a huge security hole in windows. post back in no more than 24 hours..:)
You’re hurting Business by keeping Illegals out!
Illegal-immigration crackdown hurts business – U.S. business- msnbc.com updated 6:36 p.m. ET, Fri., Dec. 7, 2007 WASHINGTON – A crackdown by scores of U.S. states and municipalities on illegal immigration threatens the competitiveness of businesses across the country, a U.S. Chamber of Commerce report said on Friday. The report looked at more than 1,500 measures… Read more
Scare Folks Into Buying Vista!!!!!
Buy Vista or die – The INQUIRER XP is supported until 2014. XP is on sale until June 2008. Buy your copies now..quickly and skip Vista is my advice to everyone.
“Conservatives” are running blindly over the cliff again.
FOXNews.com – Mitt Romney Offers Comfort to Religious Conservatives With Faith Speech – Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum Mitt Romney took his Mormon faith directly to the public Thursday, defining the relationship between religion and public office in a speech in Texas ??? and many Christian conservatives said they came… Read more
What they don’t tell you about gun-free zones.
FOXNews.com – Media Coverage of Mall Shooting Fails to Reveal Mall’s Gun-Free-Zone Status – Opinion First VaTech and now this. Before that columbine. Seeing a pattern?
Bay Bridge Walk Canceled For 2008, 2009
wjz.com – Bay Bridge Walk Canceled For 2008, 2009 Gen’s not going to like this. I was actually looking forward to it this coming year..bummer.
A Typically Short-Sighted Solution to Long-Term Problem
FOXNews.com – Democratic Presidential Hopeful John Edwards Will Unveil Strategy to Reduce Heating Oil Costs /a> Noting that home heating oil prices in New Hampshire have surpassed $3 a gallon, the former North Carolina senator is calling on Congress to release some of the nations home heating oil and crude oil reserves as a way… Read more
A good site to Watch Congress
MAPLight.org | Money and Politics: Illuminating the Connection While they center on Cali politics they also profile federal congressional contributions and show the correlation between the money they receive form who and the way they voted. An excellent site.
I forgot to mention this one.
WorldNetDaily: Hundreds of banks threatened by new subprime crisis If your mortgage has been sold to another bank as part of an investment(as many have these days) then the institution holding that mortgage pool owns nothing..they are standing on a time bomb since those debts are unsecured. WOW.
Kidan Talks About The Rise of The Reptilesbian Overlordless
krashpad: Clinton’s Las Vegas Trip I can admit, I hate social welfare programs. They are evil things, and in effect are enforced charity. It is the government, taking money from me to give to someone it deems worthy by some arcane stricture. A modern-day Robin Hood if you will. While Robin Hood is often classified… Read more
More Maryland Taxes and They Mostly Hit SMB’s.
Well here in Maryland now i have to charge 6% sales tax on EVERYTHING i do except webdesign. I was hoping to delay my price increases a while longer but it appears Maryland decided to not only do it for me but to steal that revenue away form me to boot. It appears i will… Read more
The performance drop Vista gives you
exo.blog: What Intel Giveth, Microsoft Taketh Away Also Vista sp1 fails to impress the same blogger in terms of performance with rc0 of the service pack.
Another Hysteric Climate Change Report
U.N.’s landmark report on warming – World environment- msnbc.com Never mind that the earth is actually cooler than 2 years ago the UN wants control of the world for itself. Global warming, climate change, whatever you want to call it is nothing more than another attempt at a one world government. *long time needed update*… Read more
Another False Charge of Racism
FOXNews.com – Robbery Suspect Charged With Murder After Alleged Accomplices Killed by Homeowner Three block men break into a house and two of them get shot to death. The third burglar is being charged with murder in the death of his two accomplices. Racism cries abound..but it’s another false charge(as usual). Charging the third man… Read more
Boy Scouts Get Stymied Again
FOXNews.com – Cambridge Officials Put a Stop to Boy Scout Drive to Aid Troops in Iraq A verbal agreement for them is not going to work in these days. ?? The BSA is going to be targeted for more discrimination and persecution while they rightfully take a stand against the homosexual cancer that is infesting… Read more
Israel prepares to bring it’s own judgement upon itself(and will take the US with it as co-sonspirators)
WorldNetDaily: Annapolis insanity God specifically warns against this very thing. What’s worse is the consequences will make everyone who doesn’t think for themselves(most of the human population and even a significant percentage of modern Christians) run to the UN and set the stage for the future rise of hte Anti-Christ. Hang on folks it’s going… Read more
Welcome to Amerika: Security at the Cost of Freedom.
Schneier on Security: Taking Pictures from a Train Yep. Socialism is on the march. This is harassment plain and simple. If i was watching this happen i would challenge them to produce the relevant regulations. WHEN they didn’t i would go along and then file a federal AND civil lawsuit against the police, the train… Read more
Kidan sees the light about not voting hte lesser of the two evils.
krashpad: It’s nearing Election Time again. I’m not voting for Ron Paul because he’s repub. I’m voting for Ron Paul because he’s a strict constitutionalist…:)
Dog Gets Corraled
Duane Chapman has always been fun for me to watch but we have to be careful with our daughter due to the profanity. Now this recording(which AFAIK was illegal in the first place) gets released and after listening to it I have to say Dog should be embarrassed for himself and his family. I hope… Read more
Montgomery County Maryland Hops Onto the Homosexual Train Wreck in a Big Way.
WorldNetDaily: Coed locker room plan sparks surge of outrage here’s an amazing quote from one of the council members: “The Montgomery County Council has voiced callousness and arrogance to the concerns of parents who object. When asked by a mother concerned about her 10-year-old daughter who swims at the Germantown Indoor Pool, where she must… Read more
The OSI Apparently is Confused
Who Is Behind “Shared Source” Misinformation Campaign? | Open Source Initiative The approved MS shared source as an open source license. The rub is later in this article they state the below: Shared source is not open source by another name. Shared source is an insurgent term that distracts and dilutes the Open Source message… Read more
Cory Doctorow gives a Talk to MS about DRM.
Audio version of Cory Doctorow’s DRM talk (kottke.org) I originally found this at the link above. This is the text being read by Jason of Cory’s speech. I then searched for the original video. I found it but of course it’s in IE only format. I decided to make a direct audio recording of it… Read more
The Lizard Queen Awaits
WorldNetDaily: Be very afraid this Halloween Farah has it wrong here in one area. It is not America MIGHT turn over power to this person but that it WILL. Vox Day for a long time has been talking about this. Read the linked post then search his blog for lizard and read the rest. Ron… Read more
How NOT to let your child dress for halloween
Creative-Type Dad: An Open Letter To A Parent That Buys A Hooker Halloween Costume For Their Daughter This father has it nailed. I have seen some shocking outfits even more revealing than what is inside this post or what’s linked to in this post. I agree with this father 110%. The Bible also very clearly… Read more
Spammers getting reduced @ ECC Webhosting
It took me a bit but i got the zen list at spamhaus activated finally. It’s nice to watch the mail server outright rejecting mail attempts by spammers so they never even touch my other layers of spam filtering..:) The drop in spam being filtered by spamassasin has dropped by at least 80% the instant… Read more
Windows Dekstop Search Being Forced on Folks
Sadjad’s space: Windows Desktop Search 3.01 in now Mandatory MIcrosoft is now so desparate to “compete” with Google they are forcing their desktop search onto machines…IF you have WSUS running on your server and managing things. Since all of my clients ecept one DO NOT have WSUS running we’ll be fine. *update* If you have… Read more
NASA refuses to disclose air safety survey
NASA refuses to disclose air safety survey – Travel News – MSNBC.com Here’s the gov’t protecting you..but wait..it isn’t. Nasa is withholding this information AND destroying it after spending millions of dollars. Why? They do not want to damage the already messed up airlines. I have one thing to say: RELEASE THE REPORT!!!
The Partnership With ICE May be Paying off.
Local NAACP fears profiling if law enforcement partners with ICE He showed his Mexican driver’s license and his international driver’s license, a document the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration recognizes as providing legal authority to operate a vehicle. Despite having those documents, Arellano was handcuffed and taken to the Frederick County Adult Detention Center on charges… Read more
Get ready for some more wacky and dangerous weather.
WorldNetDaily: Zechariah’s warning to Bush and Condi Bush and Condi are trying to divide Jerusalem and the current Israeli PM Olmert is going to try to help this along. Israel is going to have a very hard times fall upon it and this country is going to get some more dangerous and highly unusual weather(not… Read more
FOXNews.com – Clinton Says Universal Heath Care Plan Will Not Cover Illegal Immigrants
Hillary LiES!!! The dems have been trying to kill ID verification for voting regs for years..just so they can get all of these illegals to vote for them. Also these folks will be the first ones to accept the socialist state Hillary wants to create. It’s going to be very interesting for the 8 years… Read more
FOXNews.com – Boy Scouts’ Rent Skyrockets in Philadelphia to $200K Over Gay Ban
FOXNews.com – Boy Scouts’ Rent Skyrockets in Philadelphia to $200K Over Gay Ban There’s a simple thing to do BSA in Philly. Find a Christian place to rent..don’t try to reason with the irrational, militant, anti-Christian folks.
My Christmas Wish List
I have several folks asking me for my Christmas wishlist so instead of typing it multiple times here it is: The pc game assassin’s creed A digital triple trunking police/fire/rescue etc scanner(uniden, bearcat or a good radio shack one works) that can receive Frederick county Maryland, Washington county Maryland and Loudoun county, va frequencies A… Read more
The Frederick News-Post Online – The Goose Herder
The Frederick News-Post Online – Frederick County Maryland Daily Newspaper Now this is an innovative business idea and one that serves the public as well. If you have a goose problem call this gentleman up.
New spam type
It’s now contained inside an mp3 attachment. PLEASE don’t open these things!!!
WorldNetDaily: Israel moves to restrict Jewish immigration
WorldNetDaily: Israel moves to restrict Jewish immigration The slide of Israel into the clutches of the anti-christ continues. Not only are they wanting to try to divide Jerusalem again but now they are going to stop the Jews return to their homeland. I have a sharp ear out for the trumpets for once they sound… Read more
FOXNews.com – School Board Approves Birth Control Prescriptions at Maine Middle School
FOXNews.com – School Board Approves Birth Control Prescriptions at Maine Middle School – Health News | Current Health News | Medical News The sexual indoctrination of kids continues and marches onwards. Here’s my favorite part: At King Middle School, birth control prescriptions will be given after a student undergoes a physical exam by a physician… Read more
Schneier on Security: Future of Malware
Schneier on Security: Future of Malware I would think twice before doing a funds transfer online with your bank..or any other bank. Read the linked material for full details.
?? Vista ???Out of Memory??? errors | Hardware 2.0 | ZDNet.com
?? Vista ???Out of Memory??? errors | Hardware 2.0 | ZDNet.com Even sp1 doesn’t fix this? Wow. It looks like I’ll be holding off even more on vista right now beyond sp1.
Kunbuntu looses some luster
It just works out of the box…BUT..don’t try to mess with the configuration too much. Root is turned off and trying to get samba to work in kubuntu is a pain. So far I feel like ubuntu is the Linux version of winders..it tries to be everything out of the box and locks you out… Read more
Here’s a Wise Person When it Comes to the Entitlement Culture
I found this on worldnetdaily.com in the letters to the editor: Public policy for the birds I bought a bird feeder. I hung it on my back porch and filled it with seed. What a beauty of a bird feeder it is, I thought, as I filled it lovingly with seed. Within a week we… Read more
Here’s the Text of the US Constitution
This is how the federal government should be run. If it isn’t in this document the feds are not legally allowed to do it. The Constitution of the United States Preamble Note We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the… Read more
Ron Paul Tells it how it is
Take a look at this video. Ron Paul should be on your short list. Ron is the ONLY candidate not feeding from and regurgitating the same old rehashed message that the demopublicans and republicrats are spewing. He is a member of the Republican party. he is not a RINO or a republicrat. Here’s a page… Read more
WorldNetDaily: ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’ banished by California
WorldNetDaily: ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’ banished by California It’s official. California at least in terms of it’s public schools is now headed fully into Sodom and Gomorrah lookalikes. Unless you are GLBT you have o place inside cali’s schools. This will also impact the rest of us since cali is usually the largest purchaser of books… Read more
Goodbye Vista(on my laptop at least)
I’ve had it with vista on my laptop. It’s slow, everything placed int he most illogical places with some items not able to be accessed w/o multiple clicks in multiple windows. On top of that a full 60% of network i plugged into vista would not take a dhcp address from. more than 90% of… Read more
Take this PETA
of course PETA actually means people for eating tasty animals… For those that subscribe to the other peta meaning here’s a quote i found..:) “There’s plenty of room for all God’s creatures… Right next to the mashed potatoes.”
Linux Desktop Performance Tweaks
I have noticed this. Linux is tuned more for the server out of the box. I found this article at linuxtoday.com. This not only tunes vm.swappiness(which to me should ALWAYS be at zero) with also a filesystem cache tuning tweak and a good explanation of the two.
An Amazing interview.
Instead of vilifying him the black community at large could take a serious lesson from this. Depending on Gov’t programs that “advance” minorities only create a cult of dependence and slavery. I have recorded the audio and turned it into an mp3. The mp3 is here. The link to the first part of the interview… Read more
With the Lizard Queen’s Health Care and….
Over the past two weeks, I have been barraged with pay for this and increase tax that: you now have to pay this fee and cover this expense for someone else. /pulls out soap box/ I have now been working for almost 20 years and with the exception of taking one summer off, I have… Read more
Courtesy of about.com There are 6 lists of names the are used each year for storms. The names remain on the list until there is a devastating storm, then the name is retired. So, we will never have another Hurricane Katrina. For reference, here is our list of storms for 2007 2007 Hurricane Names Andrea… Read more
More Cellphone Sneakiness
The Apple Iphone even when it’s off(but it really isn’t off it turns out) continues to download mail and make data connections. This can have scary financial results.
Ebay users make sure to protect your accounts
I just saw this on eweek.com: My advice? Head to GRC’s password generator and use this page to make your passwords. Make sure to use at least 12 characters. Also keep that a/v and firewall software updated.
A chemical That’s Toxic to the Workers..But Not to the Consumer? Yeah Right
here’s the msnbc story via AP here’s the text: Popcorn maker to drop toxic chemical ConAgra to remove buttery flavoring linked to lung disease The Associated Press Updated: 12:07 p.m. ET Sept 5, 2007 OMAHA, Neb. – The largest U.S. microwave popcorn maker, ConAgra Foods Inc., said Wednesday it will change the recipe for its… Read more
HUUUGE Microsoft Problem Within Their own Activation System
Microsoft has this thing Called WGA(Windows Genuine Advantage) that has started flagging installations of Vista, XP, and Office as pirated. While WGA has a certain error rate it’s spiked up to a high level recently. MS has responded by taking their activation servers offline until Tuesday, August 28, 2007. If you have to reload your… Read more
Interesting Phone Company Sneakiness
I am posting this from msnbc.com. Posted: Tuesday, August 21 at 05:00 am CT by Bob Sullivan Nicki Harris couldn’t understand how she’d exceeded the monthly minutes on her Sprint calling plan. She is careful with her prime-time calling and pays for a plan that gives her free Sprint-to-Sprint calls, so calls to her husband… Read more
NO wonder Christians Don’t Volunteer for Christian Ministries
I’ve been burned too much. I often heard fellow Christians talk about how they won’t work for other Christians…now i understand the sentiment. I’m totally mentally exhausted. right now i’m in robot mode barely able to function above a basic level. i don’t want to mess with computers, people, my church or much of anything… Read more
What a relief
I needed to unload a couple of projects. When i removed myself from them i now have two new clients in two days and a long term startup is now wanting to ramp up. I had to resign because when it comes down to it..neither of them are being operated in or truly have a… Read more
Feeling Anti-Social 2
Between one of my clients acting..in an unexpectedly rude manner, my daughter acting like she has no brain, and the overall crappy couple of weeks since i came back from my vacation, I REALLY don’t want to be around people right now.
Feeling Anti-Social
I am a hermit by nature. That’s the prologue: I just spent 10 days and 2500 miles with my wife, daughter, and my mother-in-law and a trip to a family reunion. I’m done being social for a bit now. I love my family..it’s time for a slight break.
new virus out…
it’s called the storm worm. It is meant to take over your machine and add it to a network of attack computers for criminals to control. It slipped by one client’s defenses and got into one machine. Luckily it was caught and eliminated quickly. the variant i saw was easily manually dispatched. Update your anti-virus… Read more
Many renditions of the super mario theme
I give credit to my wife finding this. The piano, tesla coils, flute and handfarts are the best to me..
Possible DOS in Astaro v7.005 using p2p *Partially Resolved*
unfortunately Astaro has their forums set too restrictively for me to post there..:( I have ips off, web security off, i only use a/v and anti-spam for pop3. I’ll post links to the posts on the astaro.org forums as i find them. i have 5 rules: New rule … Open live log All1Internal (Network) AnyNone… Read more
In honor of the day
Be Kind to Your Web Footed Friends Be kind to your web-footed friends ‘cuz a duck may be somebody’s brother they live in the pond or the brook by the mud and the gunk and the gook You may think that this is the end, oh no, there is yet another be kind to your… Read more
An Oxymoron: The Anti-Microsoft Pragmatist(me)
I have found a very practical Microsoft product that’s not expensive. Small Business Server 2003. What a great idea Microsoft had. You get server 2003(along with IIS), exchange, sharepoint, and outlook 2k3 all for $499 at retail for the standard edition. The premium edition has the same with sql server and ISA server for $699.… Read more
The IPhone
The reviews are overwhelming positive. I would love to get one..the big thing however is cingular only. Sprint/nextel has been good to us for over 8 years and they are making it easy for me to take our sprint account over to the nextel plans(we want the PTT for the business). I’m not willing to… Read more
The wall street disconnect
The stock market is going up right now and projected to go higher. unfortunately they are ignoring the various warnings of a coming recession: 1: Oil is up to $70 a barrel 2: The subprime mortgage mess and the sudden halt of the real estate bubble. 3: Layoffs are starting up again 4: The overall… Read more
Amerika speaks: The judge already granted a temporary restraining order May 21, a day before the ordinance was to take effect, saying public approval of the ordinance does not mean the ordinance is legal.
This is amazing. Talk about an activist judge! He just said the people are not hte gov’t..the judges are. Hello oligarchy. Article text below: Judge Stops Ban That Would Forbid Apartment Rentals to Illegal Immigrants Wednesday, June 06, 2007 AP DALLAS ??? A U.S. judge halted enforcement Tuesday of an ordinance banning apartment rentals to… Read more
Starcraft 2 Announced..and I’m Nearly Foaming at the Mouth..
I am blown away by all of the trailers and videos. However this video posted on gamevideos.com with full gameplay is amazing. It’s 21 mintues long..so hang onto your hats.
Kevin Trudeau Called it
I have heard Kevon talking about the FDA and drug companies wanting to regulate vitamins and other common things as drugs. it is now obvious the FDA wants to go MUCH farther; This article is reproduced in full from worldnetdaily.com: WE ONLY HAVE UNTIL APRIL 30TH TO RESPOND!!! Respond here Article Link LIFE WITH BIG… Read more
A Lesson Learned About Volunteering
Don’t do it for long term..say over a month or two and then no more than a few hours a day..and definitely don’t go more than 10-20 hours a week for that short time.. Even fellow Christians get comfy with it and forget you don’t actually work there..you are a volunteer and they forget the… Read more
I am now a Member of the IEEE!
For me this is a big deal due to the HUUUUGE amount of training courses i have access to for free! My business has finally brought in enough money where i can take the IEEE up on their invitation of a discounted membership offer. I can’t wait to start my training..just which one to take?… Read more
Upgrade WordPress now!
A cracker got into WP’s systems and compromised the release. A new release was put out to protect against this since all of the files are now suspect. Upgrade your wordpress immediately.
For all Windows XP Users…download this update to secure yourself against a wirless hole in Windows
I have the file download attached to this post. Grab it here and install it. I’ll let the transcript from Security Now! talk about it: Steve: Oh, yes. The challenge of secure Wi-Fi just never seems to be resolved. We of course talked last week, following up from the week before, last week we were… Read more
The interest in Anna
During the past two/three weeks, the mainstream media has flooded us with images and news stories surrounding the death (and legal actions) of Anna Nicole Smith. A day has not gone by when there has been something posted on msnbc.com and others, to be sure, relaying the latest developments in the bizarre case. Chapter One,… Read more
An Old Concept That Has Finally Caught On.
It’s called virtualization. It’s running on operating system inside another. The second OS is actually in a shell of the first. Well finally folks are virtualizaing windows and for many reasons. I am going to be doing it from now on for backup simplification and disaster recovery. I am going to be running Centos as… Read more
ie7 and xp badness
I have installed IE7 on 20 machines now with the same results. IE7 chews up a boatload of ram. Machines with 256 megs of ram that ran fine with 256 megs of ram now chug when IE7 is launched. 512 megs is now the bare miniimum with a gigabyte being needed for room to grow.… Read more
It looks like the left is spreading right
This past week, a federal judge in Massachusetts issued a ruling stating that the Board of Education (seemingly in Boston) was well within its rights to hand out material supporting same-sex teaching in public schools. Parents of the school children filed a law suit last year contending that the schools were violating their religious freedoms… Read more
Vista can be literally told to delete files…MS says it’s ok not to worry
Oh this takes the cake. Talking about an exploit you can drive a truck through. The funny part is..it’s able to be very easily done. I have to post this one in full: Vista has speech recognition hole Microsoft has admitted that speech recognition features in Vista could be hijacked so that a PC tells… Read more
A cheap way to get Vista
For home users you should only consider Vista Home Premium. Why? Vista home basic is even more stripped down than XP Home. There’s an interesting way to avoid paying so much money to Microsoft for Vista…install the upgrade version on a blank hard drive without any other versions of windows present. . Impossible? nopers. Here’s… Read more
The sexualization of America makes a drugmaker money
Merck wants all girls vaccinated against HPV using, of course, their vaccine. They say their lobbying efforts are above board. Unfortunately their ethics and greed put them into the criminal element as fas as i am concerned. *update* this vaccine doesn’t protect not only against all HPV virii but it also doesn’t protect against all… Read more
Vista is here
ANd it’s slower than XP in just about all tasks and much slower in video related tasks. This is not surprising as all versions of Windows are slower than their predecessors despite the faster hardware that is available than 5 years ago. I’ll make this easy: REAL minimums for full Vista performance CPU: at least… Read more
Lawmakers debate something they should already know the answer to
Congress apparently has forgotten they control one thing…the money. Turn that off and the troops are out of Iraq.
Srpint’s huge DOS vulnerability
Now this isn’t hugely simple but it’s not that hard either. Sprint will allow phone service to a phone to be turned off with no verification aside from getting the phone number and business name correct. In order to get it turned back on you have to verify your identity. So it’s not easy to… Read more
So true.
I saw this in an e-mail. How true every single one of these statements are. * *Scenario*: Jack goes duck hunting before school, pulls into school Parking lot with shotgun in gun rack. 1957 – Vice Principal comes over, takes a look at Jack’s shotgun, goes to his car and gets his to show Jack.… Read more
New Interview with Peter Gutmann on Windows Vista Content Protection
Peter Gutmann interviewed by Leo Laporte. Mr. Gutmann, recently in the public eye because of his analysis (and stringent criticism) of the the next-generation DRM present in Windows Vista, answers questions on the subject put to him by Leo Laporte and Steve Gibson. This link is to a transcript of the discussion. An MP3 file… Read more
The Dangers of Running Beta Software
It has long been known that the fedora series is the beta distro for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Fedora legacy is getting shutdown. This means if you are running FC 4-5 you really need to reload your machine with FC6. There’s another RedHat option:CentOS. They take the sources form RHEL..removed the RH trademarks and put… Read more
Major Security Update
There’s a major issue with Adobe Acrobat plugins. This flaw means hostile code can be run on your machine even if the other website is innocent. All the malicious person has to do is be able to append the code onto the end of any .pdf link. I am posting the download for adobe reader… Read more
AACS(the new HD encryption) already cracked
AACS decrypted There’s more on the doom9 forums here.?? It only took this person 8 days of determined effort…:)
HD disk format wars are over?
The Inquirer seems to think so.?? With the highly draconian DRM put into HD it’s not really surprising.?? Remember my previous post about the Vista DRM mess?
A disgusting use of Jesus
This is so disgusting. Jesus has nothing to do with trying to get Wal-Mart unionized. That’s it.
Pray for Sen. Tim Johnson
Regardless of whether he is a (D) or (R) this is something to be prayed for. I heard the audio and it seems he had a major cranial event similar to a stroke. He’s now in critical condition following emergency brain surgery. Let’s pray he has a full recovery.
A scary proposisiton
That could be very true. Bush has shown himself to not be a conservative at all but a globalist. If things are this bad(which i have been saying they are for a while) then the plan to make an American union are ripe for the picking. Interesting how America is not referred to int he… Read more
Upgrade your AVG now. Also AVG is still going to be free.
I have seen many folks and even some clients wondering if the AVG is going away from the free model. This is not the case. Grisoft is unfortunately trying to scare folks and they also don’t make it easy to find the free program. On http://free.grosoft.com it states: New Free Anti-Virus GRISOFT is announcing a… Read more
New sites under construction
I started this blog as a personal thing but figured out how good it is for security alerts and such things. I am going to be taking a copy of this blog to my business site and putting only the business portion of it on that side. This blog will become my personal site and… Read more
The transistion starts
A new admin has been chosen. It’s time to transition that person into my old job. Once i can get him trained on everything I can take that large slice of time and use it towards some very badly needed projects. My run has been long. Only history will tell if it has been good… Read more
Microsoft Word is a Major Attack Vector
Please read this blog posting. There are now 2 extremly critical holes in MS Word that alow a remote attacker to run code on your system. If you run as administrator(and most do) this can lead to a remote system takeover. There is no workaround except to not open word documents. A/v vendors are slowly… Read more
The ADS are Coming!!
Valve continues to mess with CS. first they make source impossible to secure against rogue clients with the exception of kick/banning. Now they are bringing in-game advertising to 1.6. While valve tries to make it seem they are doing it for the good of the community..it’s all about the money.
Word is a security breach waiting to happen
From Eweek: Microsoft itself says don’t open word documents from anybody. Isn’t this lovely. There’s no patch, workaround, or a/v update for this one yet. All of Emmanuel Computer Consulting clients are vulnerable to this. As soon as a patch or workaround is available i will post here. The security advisory from Microsoft is here.
I Hope this helps
I got tired of the trackback spam. I received 200!!!! trackback spams in the past 24 hours. For me with my small readership that’s more spams than people reading my site. I decided to add askimet and spam karma 2 on the site. I have found a plugin that combine askimet into spam karma so… Read more