First WEP now WPA
It looks like you have to use wpa2 now with AES. TKIP was cracked a while ago and it continues to show issues. Also remember that your passwords need to be a minimum of 16 randomized characters or they are subject to a brute force attack. WPA data is gone in 60 seconds Without any… Read more
The Entitlement Culture Perfectly Illustrated.
I bought a bird feeder. I hung it on my back porch and filled it with seed. What a beauty of a bird feeder it was, as I filled it lovingly with seed. Within a week we had hundreds of birds taking advantage of the continuous flow of free and easily accessible food. But then… Read more
Persecution in America
Faceoff! Cops versus preachers on public sidewalk. It’s only going tog et worse. This is n’t the first time and won’t be the last.
Feds go hog wild promoting swine-flu shots
Feds go hog wild promoting swine-flu shots. REsist this. This vaccine has not been tested to any level of safety. Plus with virii ability to mutate it’s most likely the flu vaccine isn’t going to be that effective anyway.
Paul Gordon Gets it Totally Wrong
Paul Gordon: Only government can solve the impending health crisis. We already have government healthcare and it’s called medicare and medicaid. Costs have gone up since the government got involved. Wnat tog et health costs down? Get the government out of healthcare. Healthcare is not one of the powers enumerated to the federal government in… Read more
Next step in H1N1 scare: Microchip implants
Next step in H1N1 scare: Microchip implants. Nough said here.
Obama is Officially A Federal Lawbreaker – By Their Own Admission!
White House Reveals Identity of Firm That Sent Unsolicited E-Mails on Health Reform – Political News – Obama the spammer! If anything should rile you up it’s the fact he has now broken the can spam act!!! This is a federal law! While he hides his birt certificate that’s one thing but he is… Read more
NIMBYISm at it’s Finest
Substation is not suitable for anyone’s neighborhood. There’s one thing these folks constantly neglect to mention..we are part of hte PJM interconnect. Sure while this line(PATH) does not DIRECTLY sned power to Frederick County it can because we are part of hte interconnect. That power fomr kempvillle can be rerouted back here if it is… Read more
obama Wants to Emulate Britain, France, or Even Oregon in Medical Rationing
Obamacare will be 1 big ‘death panel’. This article pretty much sums everything up.
We Sent Them But it Was Others Fault for Filling the Database – White House Admits It Sent Unwanted E-Mails. This makes you a spammer!! You are in violation of your own CAN-SPAM act!!! Not that this has stopped any administration since reagan(and he got busted for illegal stuff too).
Ryan Has Sour Grpaes Over Jersey Number That Wasn’t Officially Retired
Rex Ryan, the Ravens’ former defensive coordinator, criticized the franchise’s decision to give former defensive end Michael McCrary’s No. 99 jersey to second-round pick Paul Kruger. “I am disappointed that they gave his jersey to some rookie who hasn’t proven” anything, said Ryan, using an expletive as quoted by The Associated Press. “Excuse my language.”… Read more
Its Time to Press the Fight
No time for Constitution. With obama dogged on several fronts it’s time to continue the fight. He is breaking out the racist tag(bring it on bubba) among others. From his website saying for neighbors to report on their neighbors to him now spamming it’s obvious they are getting desperate. let’s hope we informed few are… Read more
Obama seeks to track visits to .gov websites
Obama seeks to track visits to .gov websites. I just got Axelrod’s pleading e-mail telling me the the “myths” about Obamacare. It’s quite pathetic they are not resorting to spamming to try to win this. It’s funny i got it in my hotmail account but not yahoo or gmail(yet). I may blackhole the whitehouse(and most… Read more
Vaccine Causes Mutant Polio Outbreak Nough said. I don’t trust the entire medical establishment at all..especially when they STILL use thimerisol which is derived form mercury. it defies logic. How can something that is based off a highly toxic substance be safe? Here’s the article since they tend to go poofies after a few days: (AP) Polio, the dreaded… Read more
Still Think Vaccines Aren’t Dangerous?
Swine flu vaccine linked to deadly nerve disease?. When the gov’t itself is worried about’s perfectly “safe”
6 out of 10 servicemen wary of Obama in charge
“How are you going to safely pull combat troops out of Iraq?” asked Air Force 1st Lt. Rachel Kleinpeter, an intelligence officer with the 100th Operations Support Squadron. “And if you’re pulling out combat troops, who are you leaving to help support what’s left? What happens if Iraq falls back into chaos? Are we going… Read more
An Interesting Take on Obamacare
‘Obamacare:’ What does the Constitution have to say?. The states have already risen up and killed REALID. Will they have the gumption to do the same to Obamacare?
Obama and the Dems Can’t Win Without “Cheating”
Town halls burst with Obama ‘plants’. It’s going to continue to be this way. Even Bill Reilly is going to the healthcare reform side. turn off the tv and do some research on the’s obvious this is a bill of goods the likes we have never seen. You think the spendulous bill was bad? … Read more
August 2009 A/V Failures
Symantec, 11 others, fail Virus Bulletin’s August 2009 test (Updated) – Ars Technica. Some of these are the BIG BOYS in the market…:)
Microsoft August 2009 Black Tuesday Overview
oh boy. Get your mouse clickers ready and update Windows as this is a nasty bunch of updates. More than half of the patches are of the type that allow remote system takeover and most of the takeover udpates are in…..Drun Roll Please…..ACTIVEX!
Miley You’ve Moved Into the World of…Britney
Miley Cyrus used to be somebody I allowed my daughter to follow but over the past couple of years Miley has steadily followed the Britney Spears way of doing things. In this latest move she is dancing in shorts that barely cover her and wearing a top where her bra is clearly visible all done… Read more
This is so Funny..Kidan’s Wife Gave me the Chuckles.
No Krakana: Liberating Cookies.
‘End-of-Life’ Counseling Intensifies Health Care Debate – Political News –
‘End-of-Life’ Counseling Intensifies Health Care Debate – Political News – This is only part of Obama-care. If you don’t take the euthanasia counseling and kill yourself they’ll just deny you care based on your age. A provision in President Obama’s health care reform bill encourages “end-of- life” counseling for seniors — sparking euthanasia fears… Read more
I Never Thought I Would See This
Church at forefront of debate over gay members. A Mennonite church accepting an openly homosexual person. Talk about knocking me over with a feather. The whole movement is not embracing this..sut since more and more of the individual churches do it’s only a matter of time before the rest fall. National body says it will… Read more
One of the Many Ways our Country is Bankrupt
99% of all of our issues are due the gov’t doing things that are against the US Constitution. Here is just a few of them: 1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year by state governments. Verify at: 2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food… Read more
Black Hat ® Technical Security Conference: USA 2009 // Archives
Black Hat ® Technical Security Conference: USA 2009 // Archives. This is a huge annual security conference by folks who know a ton more about security than i do..:)
My Initial Review of El Sloppy Taco
I saw the writeup about this new restaurant in the local paper. It was highly mentioned about how he uses all fresh ingredients form local butchers and local grocers and the reasonable prices he charges. I then saw something that made me nervous…he used to run the local Dominos pizza. We had stopped patronizing the… Read more
Firewall Server Offerings Set
It is going to be either Astaro or Untangle. Depending on what the clients needs are. Ipfire feels kludgey and ipcop isn’t really designed for modern hardware and is a bit too basic for my needs. Comixwall is a typical Debian distro..if you want to live in the cli go this route..:)
Centos Comes off of Life Support..But is the Project Truly in Recovery?
According to the Centos homepage: The CentOS Development team had a routine meeting today with Lance Davis in attendance. During the meeting a majority of issues were resolved immediately and a working agreement was reached with deadlines for remaining unresolved issues. There should be no impact to any CentOS users going forward. The CentOS project… Read more
Anyone Can Get Compromised
When ‘Big Leaguers’ Get Hacked | threatpost.
Business Banking Should Not Be Done With Insecure Browsers
Security Fix – The Growing Threat to Business Banking Online. NO clients of mine that have run Firefox instead of IE and followed my best practices advice have gotten infected with malware. If you don’t get infected online baking is perfectly safe from your end.
What the BOOM post means to ECC clients
For the clients running centos I am going to be researching other alternatives. Right now no servers are in danger of being unable to update. I will keep everyone informed as to how this situation unfolds.
When an OPen Source Project Goes BOOM!!!!
Read this site: Planet CentOS. It turns out the CentOS project is under the control of one person and that person has decided to disappear..for over a year. All monies that got donated did not go to CentOS but to the founding individual. This type of thing can happen anywhere but this type of thing… Read more
Server Move Finally Completed
Moving to a VM was easy. Getting virtualmin to cooperate was the hard part. Everything is back up and running..finally..:)
New Server Location
I have relocated this site to a new server. It is actually a virtual machine on a physical server. I have noticed a 50% increase in performance of this site. I hope you enjoy the new speeds.
Security issues with sudo in Ubuntu
Security issues with sudo « Mihai’s Weblog. I have always thought Ubuntu’s way of locking out direct root access was nonsensical. It now turns out it worse than’s Microsoft-ish.
Is Taxing ‘The Rich’ to Pay for National Healthcare Socialism? |
First let’s read about the new bills the dems have announced: WASHINGTON — House Democrats scrambling for ways to pay for overhauling health care would raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans to levels not seen since the 1980s, breaking one of President Barack Obama’s campaign pledges. The tax increase would be limited to the top… Read more
Oracle Could be Sending Solaris to the Great Bit Bucket in the Sky.
Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris? – Computerworld Blogs. I think it’s beyond open Solaris I think it’s also Solaris as well as Mysql and Virtualbox.
Banks: Here Come The OptionARM Blowups! – The Market Ticker
Banks: Here Come The OptionARM Blowups! – The Market Ticker. Meant to post this yesterday.
Get Ready for Another Mortage Meltdown
Mr. Nocera (And Regulators): WAKE UP! – The Market Ticker. I have been talking about this for a long time.
Webcasters Loose Bid Media Looses as Well
Why The New Webcasting Rates Are A Death Sentence For Webcasters | Techdirt. Michael Robertson really breaks things down. I am relinking here so the link is more pronounced as i think it gets more to the heart of the matter.
ADL’s Hate Crimes Law has no provisions for equal protections
Holder Admits: No Equality Under Hate Bill. A Hate Crime Law by it’s nature cannot do this since it singles out a single class or narrow group of classes to special protections.
HOw the Gov’t Want to Penalize Folks for Driving the High Mileage Vehicles the Gov’t has now created.
Government control goes that extra mile. The gov’t created this issue by pushing the CAFE standards then pushing them up. So folks are now driving more fuel efficient vehicles which means less fuel being sold which means less taxes…now the gov’t wants to tax us by the mile for driving which of course is going… Read more
The Real Reason for Global Warming and Cap and Trade
‘Global governance’ coming with carbon tax, says Gore. I have talked about this more than once in 2009, 2007 and all the way back to 2005. This is in addition to obama’s “science czar” calling for China population control here in the US.
A MIsguided Attempt at Reducing Security
Full Disclosure: imageshack – pwned for anti-sec.. They also hit an outfit called SSANZ. Full-Disclosure is not meant to make money. If full disclosure did not exist many security issues would never be known by anyone except the bad buys. Companies like Microsoft would never have had to refocus on the lack of security of… Read more
Things are Moving Quicky now
It’s very hard to keep up with things moving as fast as they are. I can relay them verbally faster than typing sometimes. Watch this space for some updates.
moving hosts
if the site goes offline for a bit..i am moving to a new vps I ahve been graciously allowed to setup. i’ll post once the move is done.
A Great Article…With my wife’s best friend’s son as the centerpiece
What an amazingly well written article. Usually CNN and other outlets these days have to put their spon on things but this is a good case of reporting hte facts and the story. Kudos to CNN for a great article and I tip my Hat to Kristan and her family for putting mental illness…specifically schizophrenia.… Read more
Groklaw – Oracle Buys Sun: It’s Official
Groklaw – Oracle Buys Sun: It’s Official. The enormity of this purchase is quietly summed up in the article. Sun was a huge defender of and contributor to open source software. NOw Oracle(not known for ethics or being nice to or about open source software) owns some critical IP AND components of many free sofware… Read more
School board cuts diving, trims some games instead of trimming it’s own fatacat overexpenditures.
School board cuts diving, trims some games./ That figures. HOw about cutting the 52% of the overlal budget that is going to administrative pay?!?!?! Get rid of some of the fatcat’s overpayments at the top and sned that back down to the schools instead of cuting school functions.
Obama and the Socialcrats Continue Their March Towards Amerika.
This is what you get when you elect a socialist into office. Since he is not a legal alien(much less a natural born citizen) he’s not concerned with things like the US Constitution either. Bill Would Grant President Unprecedented Cyber-security Powers By Roy Mark 2009-04-02Â The Cybersecurity Act of 2009 introduced in the Senate would… Read more
So much for Maryland slots saving the horse racing industry.
Groping for the finish line. I talked against this as soon as i heard about it. The Maryland horse racing industry was already heading this it’s there..and guess what? There’s no slot parlors open yet as the state could not get anyone to bid the minimum..:)
‘Income redistribution’ coming in Dem budget(Obama talks openly about his socialist ideals)
‘Income redistribution’ coming in Dem budget.
Obama bows to Saudi king..People wonder why many “wackos” don’t like him.
Obama bows to Saudi king. What is this? Obama has jsut subjugated the entire country to the Saudis with this gesture.
Karl Denninger nails everything i have been saying with a couple of caveats
What’s Disturbing About The Truth? – The Market Ticker. I do not agree with compulsory community or military service. Also abolishing the electoral college is also unconstitutional. If you want it abolished..amend the Constitution..any law passed that does this is illegal. That has never been part of our Constitution and i am totally against… Read more
The czech Prime Minister Nailed it a loooong time ago.
Czech Leader Doubts Global Warming I blogged about this back in2007. I have been decrying this myth since 2005. I am hitting a wall though…sites like msnbc are expring the pages and they are going poofies. Â I am going to be posting the entirety of the storeis at the bottom of every post now so… Read more
Live blogging Obama’s town hall
His initial statement talks about one of the criterion for a recovery is if families have more money in their pockets..when his multi-trillion budget saddles this country with even more debt so more of our money has already been spent. A historic investment in early childhood education? I’m wondering what this means? Our success will… Read more
Clarence Thomas: The Justice Nobody Knows – CBS News
Clarence Thomas: The Justice Nobody Knows – CBS News. I posted this back in 2007 but i had a databse crash and it turns out the backups were corrupted. I’m surpised this video still exists on CBS. I made an audio recording of this video as well because i wanted to make sure this interview… Read more
More Fraud Courtesy of the Gov’t
On that date, a House financial services subcommittee plans a hearing on mark-to-market accounting rules, which have been blamed for forcing banks to report billions of dollars in write-downs. Karen Finerman has long been an advocate of putting these rules on hiatus for a while and “letting the banks breathe.” It’s been widely revealed that… Read more
SBS Backup is not a good tool for disaster recovery..not sure cloud backups are either
If you read my earlier carbonite post it started because i had my server decide it would corrupt itself. I did not catch it for a copule of days which meant my backup had corrupted OS files on it. It turns out you can only restore the entire volume, disk, or server. How idiotic. So… Read more
Fed Launches $200 Billion Debt Trap For Those Unwide Enough to Fall Into It
Fed Launches $200 Billion Consumer Credit Program – Economy US News Story – oh yes..let’s get a loan directly fromt he gov’t. I am sure these are going to have some serious onerous terms in it. HOnestly with all of this gov’t intervention bo is doing it seems to me he is relaly trying… Read more
Microsoft Fixes a Long Time Bug
After CERT warning, Microsoft delivers AutoRun fix | ITworld. It’s about time. I have been trying to kill U3 forever among other autorun enabled garbage. ALL ECC managed network will get this patch pushed out to them.
Karl’s excellent speech at Accuracy In Media’s awards
Remarks Of TickerGuy – The Market Ticker.
Obama wnats to blow more money AND spike our helthcare costs
Obama Seeks $634M Over 10 Years to Revamp Health Care System – First 100 Days of Presidency – Politics We are heading down the eugenics path. So obama is going to spend ANOTHER .63 trillion for socialized healthcare that si going to be rationed. How lovely. What these iudiots don’t see is that they… Read more
Senate Being Pushed for anarachy
Boxer Seeks to Ratify U.N. Treaty That May Erode U.S. Rights – Presidential Politics | Political News – Look back at this post. If this gets ratified parental rights are’s all about the children. If you think we are a nation of crybabies before wait until the next few generations of children that… Read more
What is money?
After running into the previous finance post I made with Ron Paul i went digging a bit and found the following video. it quite clearly illustrates what our money system really is..a giant fraud. The high quality mp4 is here.
Godtube sells out to mammon.
GodTube hopes switch to Tangle will broaden appeal. New ceo and their christian focus goes bye-bye.
Time to End the Fed..that illegal and unconstitutional “private bank”
You can download it here. The streaming link is below.
Illegal aliens march to try to allow themsleves to continue their criminal activites(aka staying in this country illegally)
Protesters say they will call on lawmakers to rescind a nearly year-old policy that, in part, allows local police to enforce federal immigration law. They say the policy, which drew national attention, has torn apart families and created tension between Hispanic immigrants and police.
Haggard: Christian Right Off Course, Needs to Change|
This is coming form a homosexual pastor? Unfortunatly he doens’t know or refuses to understand what the bible says about homosexuality..the word abomination is oen of them..unnatural is hte other. It is haggard that doesn’t know what Jesus says but more importnatly what the bible says. Disgraced pastor Ted Haggard didn’t hold back when criticizing… Read more
The United nations Wants us to Not be Parents
More United Nations Insanity Here are some of the things heading our way if obama signs this treaty: According to the Parental Rights website, the substance of the CRC dictates the following: Parents would no longer be able to administer reasonable spankings to their children. A murderer aged 17 years, 11 months and 29 days… Read more
Al Gore: Don’t listen to your parents
Al Gore: Don’t listen to your parents. People wonder why many folks think that liberals are insane? Gore Instanity
Why Not Nationalization? | The Big Picture
Why Not Nationalization? | The Big Picture. Barry missed a critical point…once something is natioalized it’s never going back to the private sector. All nationalization does is reward the bad behavior of those who drove their banks into the ground..let these banks fail. There3 are tons of small and mid sized banks that did not… Read more
The lawsuits in the Brusnwick vs rosemont conflict have begun
Rosemont residents file lawsuit Originally published February 03, 2009 By Karen Gardner News-Post Staff The owners of four Rosemont properties filed suit against the city of Brunswick on Monday, citing Brunswick’s intention to shut off public water service to Rosemont water customers in June. The lawsuit, filed in Frederick County Circuit Court, asks the court… Read more
Nobody’s Perfect
Lane 9 News Archive: Michael Phelps Admits to Bong Usage Portrayed in News of the World Article; USA Swimming Releases Statement; Marijuana Outside WADA Jurisdiction – Updated. whoopsie. Mr. phelps thought he could sneak this in? Once you get relaly ahve to live like a hermit or you’ll get snapped doing something…
Obama demands 10% defense cuts
Obama demands 10% defense cuts. Want to see what the “stimulus” relaly has in it? Did you relaly doubt this is nothing more than the swine democrats lining hte trough with pork for their own consumption? Tax and spend..Oink Oink Oink…all while slowly cutting our defense budget. i served in the Navy when another porker… Read more
Illegal Immigrant Facilitator’s Organization Tires to compel Frederick County Sherriff to appear
The Frederick News-Post Online – Frederick County Maryland Daily Newspaper. There’s jsut one hitch..this lawsuit was filed in Montgomery county. Never mind that CASA knows Montgomery county has no juristiction in this case so the sherriff is right to blow this one off.
The WSJ is a bit behind
Calculated Risk: WSJ: Option ARM Defaults Rising. Barry Ritholtz found this gem on 60 minutes back in December. There’s more than 1 trillion involved here and it’s only the beginning.
The march towards a one world currency begins in earnest.
A call to utilize the current global economic crisis as a panic in which governments worldwide can move to nationalize banks is emerging from the 2009 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The forum’s founder, Klaus Schwab, told CNN yesterday the current global economic slowdown is a “transformational crisis” that should be utilized to shape… Read more
Obama’s illegal aunt seeks asylum
Obama’s illegal aunt seeks asylum. 4 years after the fact. There’s one hugely interesting quote: “I knocked on her door, and a nice young African-American greeted me. He was very happy. He saw my camera. I said, ‘Can you tell me, is she still here?’ And he said, ‘No, she went away with some men… Read more
Local Brunswick troublemaker gets a pass to cause more issues
While i am not a fan of illegal searches and seizures there HAS to be something that can be done about this fool. He ahs caused 3 barricade situations in the past three years and as soon as he gets his guns back you can bet he’ll do it again. I’m tired of being in… Read more
Besides Racism the Next “Stimulus” package increases Govt’s reach even further
A little-discussed provision in President Obama’s economic stimulus plan would demand that every American submit to a government program for electronic medical records without a choice to opt out, and it has privacy advocates more than a little alarmed. Patients might be alarmed, too, privacy advocates said, if they realized information such as documentation on… Read more
Congress adds another criminal to their ranks of theives – Political Intelligence –
Geithner wins confirmation as treasury chief – 2008 Presidential Campaign Blog – Political Intelligence – He didn’t bother to pay his taxes until he was caught then tried to blame his tax software….yeah right.
US says rule lifted limiting immigration what about Obama’s illgal immigrant relatives?
The Homeland Security Department reversed itself Monday, saying that weeks after the presidential election it lifted a new rule requiring high-level approval before federal agents nationwide could arrest fugitive immigrants.The Bush administration had imposed the unusual directive days before the election of Barack Obama, whose aunt was living in the United States illegally. The directive… Read more
Pelosi: Birth control will help economy
Argues fewer people stimulates economy by cutting cost to state, federal government And we white, conservative, christians are insane for wanting to PRESERVE life? What do you call the above?
Racism of the Congressional Black Caucus
Racism of the Congressional Black Caucus. “nough said.
California prepares to stop paying bills
California prepares to stop paying bills. They get to issue iou’s whle they continue to take taz money out of their citizens pockets…legalized robbery is all this is. Unfortunatly most folks in california are now so trained in the liberal ways of htinking they won’t bat an eye when they should implement a statewide tax… Read more
White House plan puts bull’s-eye on talk shows
Obama elaborates on the site that his aim is to “encourage diversity in the ownership of broadcast media, promote the development of new media outlets for expression of diverse viewpoints, and clarify the public interest obligations of broadcasters who occupy the nation’s spectrum.” Whenver anyone clals for diversity and/or tolerance it means it’s their way… Read more
krashpad: Expanding Thought Crimes Since ’09
krashpad: Expanding Thought Crimes Since ’09. Obama’s racism is showing more. First it started with the racist his labor dept rep says the following: The second thing that has been brought to light is that one Robert Reich, the 22nd Secretary of Labor and an Obama adviser, has gone before Congress stating that “professionals… Read more
Time for forced updates? Conficker botnet makes us wonder – Ars Technica
New to the botnet scene is Conficker, a botnet that exploits a critical security vulnerability Microsoft actually patched in late October. It may be time for Microsoft to begin forcing critical security updates upon home users. via Time for forced updates? Conficker botnet makes us wonder – Ars Technica. this is totally bogus..guess what? It’s… Read more
Texas prep hoops team wants to forfeit 100-0 win – Other sports-
Texas prep hoops team wants to forfeit 100-0 win – Other sports- WHY? BECAUSE THEY ARE BEING PC WIMPS!!!!! THERE’S NOTHING CRHISTIAN ABOUT THIS CACAMAMEY BS!
Obama adviser: White males need not apply
Obama adviser: White males need not apply. Nough much for being a uniter when you are encouraging anti-white racism pres. obama.
Having a Bad day?
I got this in my e-mail(thanks Eskimo) Things Got Ya Down? Well Then, Consider These . . .. In a hospital’s Intensive Care Unit, patients always died in the same bed, on Sunday morning, at about 11:00 am, regardless of their medical condition. This puzzled the doctors and some even thought it had something to… Read more
Watching the Inaguration via Computer Streaming
The Day Live Web Video Streaming Failed Us. I msut be in the minority..i used msnbc and it worked flawlessly.
Red Maryland: MIssing the agenda hidden in plain sight.
Red Maryland: Dissent Is No Longer The Highest Form of Patriotism. Considering his very publicly stated agenda and the racism in his benediction that he smiled over..let’s hope the GOP becomes truly conservative and not another name for democrat like they were this last 8 years.
Benediction shows the new civil rights movement which is coming
Inaugural prayer slam prompts Obama smile. If you are white, christian, don’t believe in gov’t handouts, and heterosexual you are going to be oppressed in short order. I think it’s coming time for a counter-civil rights movement. After reading the above linked pages I don’t think i’m going to be hiring anybody when my company… Read more
Obama is already surrounded by scandal – Obama Stumbles Out of the Gate. Wow that didn’t take long did it? I get it’s only going to get more interesting both ont e persecution side and the corruption side.
time: 1207 The birth of Amerika?
What a historic day. A black man name Barak Obama is now president. His speech showed his directions towards global warming controls and redistribution of wealth and more. I am interested to see if this is the true beginning of the end for this nation. It’s going to take a huge influx of prayer from… Read more
World Court says US defied order in death row case – Yahoo! News
The International Court of Justice ruled Monday that the United States defied its order last year when authorities in Texas executed a Mexican convicted of rape and murder. The U.N.’s highest court said the U.S. remains obliged to review the cases of about 50 other Mexicans on death row because they were denied access to… Read more