HCS's Place

Obama poised to continue Bush’s expansion of Gov’t

January 20, 2009 General 0

Some say the program could also keep middle-class parents from buying insurance for their children because the legislation calls for an income cap of 300 percent above federal poverty levels – approximately $63,600 for a family of four in some states. More than 2 million children who currently have private insurance could be covered under… Read more

Inaugural homily for 2009

January 20, 2009 General 0

The government is my shepherd: I need not work. It allows me to lie down on good jobs; it leadeth me beside still factories. It destroyeth my initiative. It leadeth me down the path of parasites for politics’ sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of laziness and deficit spending, I shall fear no… Read more

Pot Meet Kettle

January 19, 2009 Uncategorized 0

I mean really, don’t these computer “geniuses” (also known as hackers) have anything better to do with their time. Imagine if they wrote productive software! via SeanDaniel.com – Small Business Server and Other Technology: Has Downadup, Conficker, or Kido got you?. I mean really, don’t the geniuses, (also known as Microsoft programmers) have anything better… Read more

Pelosi Open to Prosecution of Bush Administration Officials | Political News – FOXNews.com

January 18, 2009 General 0

Rep. John Conyers, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, announced Friday he wants to set up a commission to look into whether the Bush administration broke the law by taking the nation to war against Iraq and instituting aggressive anti-terror initiatives. The Michigan Democrat called for an “independent criminal probe into whether any laws were… Read more

The Obama Nation

January 18, 2009 General 0

I’m going to go out on a limb and say this is going to be the most inept, expansionist, unconstitutional, and corrupt government this country has ever seen. His cabinet is mostly comprised of either former clinton staff members or those who proscribe to clinton’s ways. Let’s see if i am right. I bet the… Read more

Narrowing Down My Firewall Server Offerings

January 17, 2009 Linux Open Source 0

There are so many out there it’s hard to sift through.  I have narrowed things down to 4: 1.  Ipfire 2. Astaro 3. Untangle 4.  Comixwall Depending on capabilities and budget those are the 4 ECC is going to be choosing from for the foreseeable future.  This makes it easier for my clients to know… Read more

I’m a N00B

January 17, 2009 Uncategorized 0

Wow.  I just got done talking with the guys at darkfiles and found out how much i have yet to learn..:)  It’s the kind of stuff one of my best friends named Erik talks about all of the time.  It’s nice to see I have a new area of network security knowledge to explore.  They… Read more

A New BSD Based Firewall Distro

January 15, 2009 Linux Open Source 0

ComixWall ISG – Home. Now this is interesting.  Comixwall looks like what i ahve been looking for.  I have been wanting to find a UTM that takes what i had with ipcop/zerina/cop+/copfilter and have it integrated into one package…and be free.  Astaro is very nice but it’s free only for home use.  Untangle is nice… Read more

Nanny State Goes Amuck in PA

January 14, 2009 General 0

Foxnews.com The Campbells made national news last month when a ShopRite supermarket refused to sell them a birthday cake with Adolf Hitler’s name on it. The story generated a slew of angry Internet chatter. Forensic psychologist N.G. Berrill said naming a boy Hitler could be considered child abuse. “Part of it is the infantile nature… Read more

Could the US be Dismantled From Within?

January 14, 2009 General 0

Globalists ‘salivating’ over collapse of U.S.. It could…I don’t know if htis is true but it’s scary if it is.  The sad part is if this goes through it will because the gov’t has succeeded in making most of hte american populace gov’t dependents so they won’t face any real, prolonged opposistion.

Comcast ‘TV Warehouse’ To Collect Your Veiwing Data

January 12, 2009 General 0

Comcast ‘TV Warehouse’ To Collect STB Clicks – 1/9/2009 2:23:00 PM – Multichannel News. Ah yes..domestic phorm now on it’s way.  Tye are going to track everything every single one of your set top boxes do..compile it into a massive data warehouse and then sell it…enjoy!

What Role Did Speculation Play in the Recent Oil Price Spike?

January 12, 2009 General 0

This seems like an unremarkable article until it’s revealed the same investment banks that drove up the mortage market were heavily involved in the old market.  Once again they peddled complicated derivatives called…drum roll…oil swaps(sound familiar?) Of course the last time we had a run up in oil prices..it went away once the feds started… Read more

Is Apple/Linux Arrogant or Secure? Both..for Good Reason

January 11, 2009 Open Source 0

CHR.DarkFiles.US » Blog Archive » Apple Arrogant or Secure. Their arrogance is partially justified due to superior design.  The Unix system they use is multi-user by design…unlike windows which is not truly multi user.  90% of everything a user is going to do in  Unix system is done inside userspace..so unless the user intentionally runs… Read more

The Great Office War

January 7, 2009 General 0

Did you ever wonder who would win an office battle between IT and Sales?  If you have a fast computer click the HD link right below the video. YouTube – The Great Office War HD.

racial subtext of anti-government rhetoric

January 7, 2009 General 0

krashpad. I ahve to agree with jsut about everything Kidan says here except one thing..the GOP is not a conservative party any longer.  It’s time for us to vote the candidates not hte party.  I wrote in Ron Paul not because he has the litte “R” by his name but he was the best candidate… Read more

FOXNews.com – Arab Nations Call for U.N. Resolution Demanding Cease-Fire in Gaza – International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

January 6, 2009 General 0

Arab nations floated a proposed U.N. Security Council resolution Tuesday calling for an immediate end to combat in the Gaza Strip and deployment of an international force to monitor a cease-fire and protect Palestinian civilians. LOL!  They kept tweaking the tiger’s tail and now the tiger is biting back and they want protection FOR palestinians… Read more

Comcast Is Now Limiting how You Use Your Connection

January 6, 2009 General 0

I quote the article: Comcast’s first traffic throttling trigger is tripped by using more than 70 per cent of your maximum downstream or upstream bandwidth for more than 15 minutes. Its second traffic throttling trigger is tripped when the Cable Modem Termination System you’re hooked-up to – along with up to 15,000 other Comcast subscribers… Read more

Another Gov’t overreaction

January 6, 2009 General 0

krashpad: Surprise! The Government Wants to Destroy More Businesses. RE#ad the article..it says it better than i can.

Linux Distro Timeline

January 5, 2009 Linux Open Source 0

linux_timeline.png (PNG Image, 2888×2079 pixels). I found this interesting…enjoy.

The pandering of illegals in the mortgage market has come home to roost.

January 5, 2009 General 0

Foreclosure Crisis Hits Hispanics Hard | The Big Picture. Let’s see..there’s nearly 20 million ILLEGALS in this country and they are mostly in the southern states..and migrating north.  I remember posting about this insanity back in 2005. Illegal immigrans able to get a home mortgage..guess what kind they were?!?!?!  Sub-Prime, ARMS, Interest only..etc etc etc. … Read more

SSL Cracked? The sky if falling!!!!! The sky if falling!!!!! The latest security overreaction

January 4, 2009 Open Source 0

SSL broken! Hackers create rogue CA certificate using MD5 collisions | Zero Day | ZDNet.com. The sky if falling!!!!! The sky if falling!!!!! There is a ton of heavy breathing going around about this issue and it’s not necessary at all. This is a non-issue for the majority of folks and the “solution” is only… Read more

Barack Wnated to Join the Military Like Billy Boy “Never Had Sexual Relations”.

January 3, 2009 General 0

Barack Obama has said he considered joining the United States military when he left school but decided not to because the Vietnam war was over and “we weren’t engaged in an active military conflict at that point”. All I have to say is..Yeah Right.

Google’s Andriod Already A Netbook OS

January 2, 2009 Linux Open Source 0

Startup Founders Turn Android into Desktop OS – PC World. Now this is itneresting.  Read on for full details.

Smart Host using Port 587 on SBS 2008 or Exchange 2007

December 26, 2008 Uncategorized 0

Smart Host using Port 587. I found after some searching and asking at other forums that doing this from the gui console is not really possible.  Here’s one of many areas powershell comes into play: Open Exchange Management Shell and start by checking your Send Connector(s) : Get-SendConnector You should get the name of your… Read more

A Warren Night Before Christmas

December 24, 2008 General 1

Twas the night before Christmas And I sat right here Listening to Celtic woman perform a song called green the whole year round I began to reflect on this night Seeing how things have gone awry The wife is sick and the presents are scant The house is a mess as I struggle to keep… Read more

New Wave of Defaults Coming

December 15, 2008 General 2

Subprime isn’t the only issue and a new wave of defaults is on the way.  Hat Tip Barry Ritholtz.

Views on auto aid fall on North-South divide

December 14, 2008 General 0

There are other auto manufacturers in this country as well who don’t have the union baggage the big three do.  The unions killed the bailout(not that i think the big three should be bailed out anyways) because they wanted to keep their inflated wages until 2011.  Here’s one quote in the article that has it… Read more

Mass Layoffs by Profitable Firms a ‘Horrible Act,’ Diller Says | The Big Picture

December 10, 2008 General 0

Mass Layoffs by Profitable Firms a ‘Horrible Act,’ Diller Says | The Big Picture. Diller is stoned.  We are in a downturn.  The companies are protedctiong their shareholders..that is their job.  It’s unfortunate but this is the evil of being a public company.

Practicing abstinence, bride and groom have never kissed — chicagotribune.com

December 1, 2008 General 1

Practicing abstinence, bride and groom have never kissed — chicagotribune.com. Abstinece is possible and viable..it’s just about choosing Biblical discipline or not.,

Hillary to head State: Is it constitutional?

December 1, 2008 General 0

Hillary to head State: Is it constitutional?. So along with obama most likely being an illegal alien it apears that most of hte congress is Constitutionally ineligible to serve on the cabinet as well.  NOt that this will stop obama..it certainly hasn’t stopped other presidents…it just appears obama is going to take violating the constitution… Read more

North American Union supporter top Obama economic adviser(socialists beget socialists)

November 28, 2008 General 0

President-elect Barack Obama recently appointed to his economic transition team a known socialist activist who has previously urged the creation of a North American Parliamentary Union, a governing body to consist of Mexico, Canada and the U.S. North American Union supporter top Obama economic adviser.

Obama puts the American health system in a dangerous posisiton

November 28, 2008 General 0

Obama’s threat to Catholic hospitals and their very serious counterthreat. – By Melinda Henneberger – Slate Magazine If Obama signs this act and the bishops carry through we’ll loose 1/3 of our hospitals.  Like i said before buckle your setbelts..it’s going to be one heck of a ride. Hat Tip to Vox Day.

The Frederick News-Post Online – Frederick County Maryland Daily Newspaper

November 27, 2008 General 0

Frederick County Sheriff Chuck Jenkins said Wednesday he will not bend to requests by the state’s largest immigrant advocacy group for information on a controversial program that allows 26 deputies to enforce federal immigration laws. CASA de Maryland filed suit Tuesday in Montgomery County Circuit Court, requesting the immediate release of information on the county’s… Read more

A group that supports lawbreakers wants to try to lawfully stop the FSO from doing it’s job

November 26, 2008 General 0

I wish casa would go away.  I tire of their constant drivel.  They relaly should be labeled a criminal organization since it’s criminals and their criminal activity they are suporting.  The fact they are trying to use FOIA type laws to figure out what the various law enforcemnt agencies are doing for the express purpose… Read more

Government unveils plans to continue the insanity

November 24, 2008 General 0

The government unveiled a bold plan Sunday to rescue Citigroup, injecting a fresh $20 billion into the troubled firm as well as guaranteeing hundreds of billions of dollars in risky assets. The action, announced jointly by the Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., is aimed at shoring up a huge… Read more

Emergent church leader says ‘gay’ can be biblical lifestyle

November 23, 2008 General 0

WND Exclusive TESTING THE FAITH Emergent church leader says ‘gay’ can be biblical lifestyle Cutting-edge Christianity debates: Should we accept homosexuality? Posted: November 23, 2008 1:00 am Eastern By Drew Zahn © 2008 WorldNetDaily Tony Jones One of the key leaders of today’s most cutting-edge church movement has opened an Internet discussion on the issue… Read more

Wal-Mart picks Mike Duke as new CEO – Retail – msnbc.com

November 21, 2008 General 0

Burt P. Flickinger III, managing director of Strategic Resource Group, said the shift doesn’t signal a no-confidence vote in Scott. But he believes the board may have thought the company needed to make a change to work better with Obama, who has pushed for the passage of the Free Choice Act, which makes it easier… Read more

Child deaths test faith-healing exemptions

November 21, 2008 General 0

OREGON CITY, Ore. – When Dr. Seth Asser saw row after row of flat headstones marking children’s graves in a small cemetery not far from the end of the historic Oregon Trail, he knew many of these early deaths should not have happened. The children’s parents relied on faith healing, instead of doctors. The pediatrician… Read more

How Obama is going to affect the @nd Amenment

November 20, 2008 General 0

The Campaign Spot on National Review Online. The fact that Attorney General nominee Eric Holder is no friend to gun owners is not a surprise. What may be a surprise, and worthy of examination at his confirmation hearing, is Holder’s post-9/11 contention that a pressing threat to our national security is terrorists shopping for weapons… Read more

Boy is Tom in for a Surpise

November 19, 2008 General 0

It was as if a massive salt water wave swept over the country and washed away all of the hate and intolerance. I felt cleansed, jubilant and am still high from the November 4 election results. No more African-Americans, or Chinese-Americans, or Native Americans. We are all Americans. Friends from around the world have e-mailed.… Read more


November 19, 2008 General 0

After decades of being blackmailed with the threat of crippling union strikes, the Detroit Three finds themselves with uncompetitive work rules. It manufactures products which continue to languish with the perception that they lack the quality of their competitors. They offer numerous models, in which the American consumer has little or no interest. They make… Read more

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Hottest October on record … was really a September(HOw the folks that compile this data can’t rely on it..the myth continues)

November 18, 2008 General 1

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Hottest October on record … was really a September.

Obama: Warming must be tackled now (The actual message..we must give up our sovereignty to the UN under this myth of global warming)

November 18, 2008 General 1

Obama: Warming must be tackled now – Climate Change- msnbc.com. Here’s the text of the article(to prevent poffies) Obama: Warming must be tackled now In surprise speech, he says U.S. to help lead ‘new era of global cooperation’ msnbc.com staff and news service reports updated 6:41 p.m. ET, Mon., Nov . 17, 2008 // LOS… Read more

A new movie that hides the occult in a seductive shell…the new harry potter series

November 18, 2008 General 0

It’s interesting that this cult series is written by a cultist herself..a mormon woman.  I read the pluggedinonline review with some consternation because the first part of the review it appears the author gets fascinated by the movie and only later is able to figure out the deep occult currents this movie presents.  Many folks… Read more

The rise against the majority through the courts begins in cali and around the country.

November 16, 2008 General 0

Now it is time to watch this nation tear itself apart..or begin to over a sin that is one of hte few labeled as an abomination and labeled as one the Lord hates..homosexuality.   Since gay marriage was banned by the voters of california this past election,  gay activists have been going nuts and are now… Read more

Walkersville follows their own rules

November 14, 2008 General 1

The Frederick News-Post Online – Frederick County Maryland Daily Newspaper. They wanted to give the banner school an ag zoning exemption AFTER they had turned down the same exepmtion to a muslim group.  I mentioned eariler in the blog..they’ve done the right thing here and followed their own rules.

Obama Begins the Amerikanization of the US Govt.

November 13, 2008 General 1

NYT: Washington applicants to face scrutiny – The New York Times- msnbc.com. The real meaty story is here. Noone with a critical mind need apply.  If you fill out this form and give everything they are asking for you’re the perfect lemming for the coming marxist revolution.

A Frederick Count Editorial gets it Wrong

November 13, 2008 General 0

Wouldn’t it be funny if the run on guns was “manufactured” by gun manufacturers and gun dealers, trying to drum up sales in a slumping consumer economy? Not to frighten you or anything, but Frank Krasner,–Silverado Gun Show organizer, says he called all the major gun makers on the entire east seaboard, and not one… Read more

Taxes: Why The Rich Voted For Obama | Newsweek Voices – Daniel Gross | Newsweek.com

November 10, 2008 General 0

Why did they vote this way?  It’s easy..they already know the loopholes and they won’t pay anymore which means the tax burnden wil fall onto the “middle class” like it most often does. Taxes: Why The Rich Voted For Obama | Newsweek Voices – Daniel Gross | Newsweek.com.

Sprint Nextel losing subscribers and money|ABC 7 News

November 10, 2008 General 0

this is appropriate.  The only reason i am staying is because I have two lines locked in until 2010..after that i’m gone with all three of my lines.  every time i have even sneezed on my account sprint has screwed it up.  My latest adventure was a one month fiasco with my current phone having… Read more

The Christian right regroups – Politics- msnbc.com

November 9, 2008 General 0

Unfortunatly the christian right he refers to are actualoly the christian lemmings.  They blindly follow the republicrat apologists who blindly follow the demopublicans after the same politicos have shown over and over that they are simply vote whores.  Folks you need to quit listening to these frauds(just like the liberals who voted in islamobama) need… Read more

Ben Smith’s Blog: Obama apologizes to Nancy Reagan for ‘careless’ joke – Politico.com

November 9, 2008 General 0

Honestly this shows two things: 1. He can’t operate outside of a scripted environbment. 2.  He either doesn’t posses the intelligence to know his job or is being badly mishandled..frankly i htink it’s both. President-elect Barack Obama called Nancy Reagan this afternoon to apologize for a joke about her having held “séances” in the White… Read more

Presidential security team swamps the neighbourhood – Times Online

November 9, 2008 General 0

Barack Obama’s neighbourhood in Chicago has been turned into a virtual fortress as the Secret Service moves to protect the President-elect. Assassination fears mean that Mr Obama, who was codenamed “Renegade” by his Secret Service detail on the campaign trail, will become perhaps the most heavily guarded president in history. Streets around his mock-Georgian mansion… Read more

Obama to use executive orders for immediate impact

November 9, 2008 General 0

President-elect Obama plans to use his executive powers to make an immediate impact when he takes office, perhaps reversing Bush administration policies on stem cell research and domestic drilling for oil and natural gas. John Podesta, Obama’s transition chief, said Sunday Obama is reviewing President Bush’s executive orders on those issue and others as he… Read more

Welcome to the Civilian United States Security State Police – or CUSSTAPO

November 9, 2008 General 0

The official website of President-Elect Barack Obama , Change.gov, originally announced that Obama would “require” all middle school through college students to participate in community service programs; but after a flurry of blogs protested children being drafted into Obama’s proposed youth corps, the website’s wording was softened. Originally, under the tab “America Serves” Change.gov read,… Read more

California’s new gay-marriage ban challenged – Decision ’08 – ballot initiatives- msnbc.com

November 6, 2008 General 0

Gay-rights advocates went to court Wednesday to press for same-sex marriages a day after California voters dealt them a stunning setback by approving a ban on such unions. The constitutional amendment approved Tuesday will limit marriage to heterosexual couples, the first time such a vote has taken place in a state where gay unions are… Read more

Md. electorate faces choice on early voting. (this was approved)

November 5, 2008 General 0

The proposed constitutional amendment would enable the General Assembly to enact legislation permitting qualified voters to cast their ballots up to two weeks before an election. About 30 states allow early voting, but a Maryland law that did so was struck down by the state’s highest court in 2006. The ballot measure would also make… Read more

Barack Obama cruises to victory in Maryland — baltimoresun.com

November 5, 2008 General 0

Barack Obama cruises to victory in Maryland — baltimoresun.com. This headline is misleading as usual.  Obama carried 5 counties, Baltimore, Howard, PG, Montgomery, and Charles county.  The rest of hte state was solidly McCain.

Election analysis: Young, minorities join to form new U.S. majority — baltimoresun.com

November 5, 2008 General 0

Election analysis: Young, minorities join to form new U.S. majority — baltimoresun.com. Yes the one who are products of hte don’t think for yourself system of “educatin” in this country have now elected one of the most radical, anti-us, anti-life people into this office we have seen.  They’ll enjoy the fruits of gov’t handouts for… Read more

A sad day for our country

November 5, 2008 General 0

A black man who is a product of hte chicago machine is now president.  I have seeen the vairous black community “leaders” in attendance of obama’s massive gathering.  Jesse James and Al Sharpton were practically salivating at the prospect of having a young, islamic, corruptible(if not already corrupt) black man in the highest office with… Read more


October 23, 2008 Open Source 0

Welcome to the ECC Blog!  This is where you will find various postings I have deemed important or helpful.  If you find something of interest please use the contact form to alert me.

I figured out what is going on with Activesynch and networking problems

October 21, 2008 General 0

I had a client that has two palm treos running windows mobile and activesync 4.0 and above.  When they would connect to their machines and sync via usb they would loose connection to their server.  I had a windows mobile PDA but never experienced this issue.  I just recently upgraded to a HTC Touch which… Read more

How do we FIX this mess?

October 10, 2008 Finance General 0

It’s actuallly very simple…get out of debt.  Once you get out of debt stay out of debt.  This goes for individuals, companies, municipalities, states, and countries.  What I have seen over and over is credit is needed to finance everything..daily operations, payroll(?!?!?!?), etc etc.  This is insane.  My business is about 90% debt free however… Read more

This is what happens when a large corporation(that is not totally open source..or worse) buys an open source company

October 9, 2008 General 0

Sun terrible place to work – The INQUIRER. The open source founders walk after they see that selling their baby to said non open company means they are working inside a corporate prison.  This is why i started my own consulting firm.

The first outright Bible ban in the US is getting challeneged

October 9, 2008 General 0

Colorado’s Bible ban faces court challenge. IF..and that’s a big IF gets overturned with either jihadobama or mcinsane in office you’ll see more of these band coming..and sticking.

Girl faces child porn charges for nude photos of herself.

October 9, 2008 General 0

FOXNews.com – Girl, 15, Faces Child Porn Charges for Nude Cell Phone Pictures of Herself Now this is stupid.  She is going to get charged with a serious felony, possibly be registered as a sex offender for life..for taking nude photos of herself?!?!?!?  Not the smartest thing to do to be sure..sending them to her… Read more

The Bailout Hydra has global offspring

October 9, 2008 General 1

Britain Announces Huge Bank Bailout – NYTimes.com. I’m a bit behind on this part to be sure..but the ramifications are recently revealed.  The US is going to be doing the same thing.  I say this becuase the Bush has already lied repeatedly saying the trilion dollar bailout was for main street when it was really… Read more

The worldwide plunge has started

October 8, 2008 General 0

FOXNews.com – Japan’s Nikkei Takes Biggest Dive in Two Decades; Markets in Asia, Europe Plunge – International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News. I don’t know how bad it’s going to be..but central banks all over the world ar now using pretty much the same strategy,  pump billions… Read more

If you have any credit card debt..get rid of it now

October 8, 2008 General 0

I’m not going to post any links right now as the informaiton i am seeing is wildy swinging between depression alerts to recession alerts.  However it’s clear the hydra’s growing heads aren’t stopping the slide around the world and the slide may be accelerating here.  If you have an arm loan of any kind refi… Read more

Cramer says to get out now in the short term.

October 7, 2008 General 0

The eternal optimist Cramer says get out in the short term.  I found his details for his 5 year plan on video. *Update* i can’t get this to embed so i have a direct link in the above text.

Now this is amazing. How wall street is a founding pillar of this (now criminal)mess.

October 7, 2008 General 1

A Look At Wall Street’s Shadow Market, 60 Minutes: How Some Arcane Wall Street Financial Instruments Magnified Economic Crisis – CBS News. Let me highlight something in this video: They are private and largely undisclosed contracts that mortgage investors entered into to protect themselves against losses if the investments went bad. And they are part… Read more

The bailout hydra grows another head

October 7, 2008 General 0

Fed eyes short-term loan plan – Stocks & economy- msnbc.com. I quote the article: The government is weighing a bold plan to buy massive amounts of unsecured short-term debts in a dramatic effort to break through a credit clog that is imperiling the economy. The Federal Reserve is working with the Treasury Department on the… Read more

Some debt numbers

October 7, 2008 General 0

Company Name | Cash | Debt ATT | 1.63B | 80.13B Level3 | 666M | 6.84B Verizon | 2.07B | 43.11B Cogent | 129M | 330M Comcast is carrying 31 Billion is debt right now. Verizon isn’t too far behind and then there’s AT&T. I wonder how much longer these companies are actually going to… Read more

The bailouts spread to Europe

October 7, 2008 General 0

Dow shocker: It’s global crisis. Well DUH!  It apears nobody is learning that having multiple trillions in unpaid debts running around is a BAD THING!!!!

Great American Debt Monster beings eating it’s global children.

October 7, 2008 General 0

U.S. financial panic goes global – Eye on the Economy- msnbc.com.

Another goldman cronie is now in the Treasury

October 7, 2008 General 0

Former Goldman exec to run financial rescue – Stocks & economy- msnbc.com. Ah yes..nepotism at it’s best.  Now another person who helped create this mess is now going to oversee the office of financial Stability.  If it wasn’t so ridiculous I would be laughing right now…

Vista Network Speed-Up Tip

October 6, 2008 General 0

Vista Network Speed-Up Tip

Getting Vista to work with Samba

October 6, 2008 General 0

Getting Vista to work with Samba This is interesting…:)

Let’s thank Congress for the selloff…it’s not going to stop today

October 6, 2008 General 0

Thanks For the Crash CONGRESS! – The Market Ticker This is the beginning.  Once Paulson(who helped create this mess and is now supposed to fix it..RIGHT!!!) spends all of this non-existant cash and devalues the dollar even more that’s when folks will wake up and go oh crap and bail out.  I’m no economist but… Read more

More Posts on the NO Banker Left Behind Act soon.

October 6, 2008 General 0

Been busier than a one legged man in a butt kicking contest.

Debt is a bad thing

October 6, 2008 General 0

Credit crunch puts squeeze on businesses – BusinessWeek.com- msnbc.com If you have to borrow to make payroll you have waaaaaay to many expenditures.  This is going to be a pinful time but I htink hopefully one that willl get at least some companies off of the debt treadmil and into real growth not the false… Read more

Here’s something you don’t see everyday

October 5, 2008 General 0

Businessman fights affirmative action – Race & ethnicity- msnbc.com A black man fighting to overturn one of hte worst cases of white discrimination ever thought of..affirmative action.

Now let’s see how badly the mismanagement goes

October 4, 2008 Finance General 0

Administration rushes to begin financial rescue – Economy in Turmoil- msnbc.com Paulson..the head of one of hte big five banks that no longer exist is now taked with trying to rescue the economy..oh this is going to be painful to watch considering how badly leveraged most american households(not this one though).  Hang on folks.  Thing… Read more

The 700 Billion Dollar smokescreen

October 2, 2008 Finance General 0

Banks, firms borrow record amount from Fed – Economy in Turmoil- msnbc.com let’s see that’s a total of 311.5 BILLION just this past week.  That’s not including the 398 BILLION Bernake has pumped into domestic AND FOREIGN markets over the past couple of weeks.  So far the gov’t has blown 794.5 BILLION between AIG and… Read more

Glen Beck Has an Interesting Look at One Future of Amerika.

October 2, 2008 General 0

Commentary: America’s chilling future – CNN.com

The Bailout Grows many more heads…and a great speech is given.

October 2, 2008 Finance General 0

Give me a break, a tax break — or else – Capitol Hill- msnbc.com This learnean hyrda of a disaster has just grown more heads.  Read above.  Folks we need to ge the house to stomp on this..once and for all.  This bill further drives us into the entitlement culture and socialism.  heck, even the… Read more

Want to see how precarious our economic situation really is?

October 2, 2008 General 0

China Declares Economic War? – The Market Ticker This  isn’t about the US…it’s the countries we owe money to(aka our national debt. ).  I’ve seen this being mentioned at newsmax and worldnetdaily for years now about how the saudis and chinese(the two biggest holders of us debt) can bankrupt this nation by calling in all… Read more

Chicken Littling This Administration has Done and is Doing

October 1, 2008 Finance General 0

The Big Picture | We need to act quickly on the Bailout! Never mind the fact this “disaster” has been “looming” for a week.  Where’s the huge crash?  It’s going to happen bailout or no.  Also 700 bilion is hte tip of hte iceberg.  The fed has already spent 680 BILLION pumping non-existant cash into… Read more

The TRUTH About The Bailout – The Market Ticker

October 1, 2008 Finance General 0

The TRUTH About The Bailout – The Market Ticker It gets better folks.  This is also going to include FOREIGN assests that have nothing to do with the US.  Folks please get on the horn to the senate and house(senate.gov and house.gov) and REPEATEDLY tell your reps to kill this hydra!!!

Bernanke PROVED Paulson Plan Bankrupt – The Market Ticker

October 1, 2008 General 0

Bernanke PROVED Paulson Plan Bankrupt – The Market Ticker The bailout is a ripoff.  Bernake has already spent nearly $700 bilion injecting cash into vairous markets..and the dow had a hissy anyway.  Paulson’s bailout will not do anything.  Don’t forget the Fed CAUSED the great depression and they are casuing this “crisis”

We’re BACK!!!

October 1, 2008 General 0

Thanks to WP’s easy backup processes I at least got the posts backedup before the database hosed itself..:)  New posts on this bailout to come..and they monster isn’t dead..it’s a hydra with a new head(called the senate version) ready to spring on us.

Bailout backlash builds across the board – Avi Zenilman – Politico.com

September 28, 2008 General 0

Bailout backlash builds across the board – Avi Zenilman – Politico.com

Paulson and Bernake are saying the economy will collapse..chicken little returns

September 28, 2008 General 0

FOXNews.com – Bailout in Doubt as Exec Pay Limits Gain Support – International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News Without the bailout plan, Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke have sketched out a grave scenario for lawmakers: Neither businesses nor consumers would be able to borrow money,… Read more

The deception continues..and YOU need to take action

September 28, 2008 Finance General 0

Goodbye Ben – How Many in Congress Have a Pair? – The Market Ticker Congress needs to be told to stop and think about how bad this is..by YOU..more than once!!! Public outcry is loud but not enough to make congress listen unfortunately. Bernake is holding us hostage with this scare tactic and is deliberately… Read more

Give People a Way to OPenly Shirk Parental REsponsibility..and Officials Wonder why Folks take it.

September 25, 2008 General 0

FOXNews.com – 11 Children, Including Family of 9, Abandoned – Local News | News Articles | National News | US News Nine of the children came from one family. The six boys and three girls were left by their father, who was not identified, at Creighton University Medical Center’s emergency room. Unrelated boys ages 11… Read more

I hope this is really true

September 25, 2008 General 0

FOXNews.com – Bailout Fate Unclear After Bush Meets With Candidates, Congressional Leaders – Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum

The Big Picture | Faber: Fed Acted Like a Liquidity Drug Dealer

September 25, 2008 General 0

The Big Picture | Faber: Fed Acted Like a Liquidity Drug Dealer All of them..Bush, Bernake, Paulson are pushing a huge fraud upon the american public.  The spin machine is starting now since the panic mahcine has met a wall of resistance.  in an earlier post i’ve shown how the Fed is pulling money out… Read more

More Bad Decisions Rewarded

September 24, 2008 General 0

Auto industry to get $25B in federal loans – Autos- msnbc.com Frnakly,  The american automakers screwed up big time and of course now they are also getting bailed out.  The 700 Billion is just the begginning if you don’t contact your federal reps yesterday..loudly and often.

FLASH: Fed Speaking Out Both Sides Of Mouth – The Market Ticker

September 24, 2008 General 0

FLASH: Fed Speaking Out Both Sides Of Mouth – The Market Ticker

This “bailout” is not a sudden crisis. The lies are beginning to be revealed.

September 24, 2008 General 0

Watch this video first: It gets better though.  Here’s the post for the above video.  More details are leaking out though.  Like the fact the Bush administration has been sitting on this bailout plan for months now.  This means this mess was allowed to happen for the express purpose of financial socialism.  I like these… Read more