HCS's Place

Calling Things as They are

September 22, 2008 General 0

Henry Paulson, Socialist | The Big Money

Nvidia has more defect issues

September 22, 2008 General 0

Nvidia chipsets are defective too – The INQUIRER This is the same thing as the GPU chip issue..same paperwork trail and everything.  I think Nvidia really screwed the pooch across it’s ENTIRE line of products.

This Should Make You Think.

September 22, 2008 General 0

How We Became the United States of France – TIME

Why Would Anyone Deposit Anything Into These Banks?

September 22, 2008 General 0

Last major investment banks change status – Stocks & economy- msnbc.com If you put a deposit into these firms..you are either stupid or insane.  Stay away from these frauds.

Ho did we get into this mess? It’s been a long time coming.

September 22, 2008 General 0

Welcome To The USSA – The Market Ticker

Ron Paul has it nailed. Credit(debt) is an addiction.

September 21, 2008 Finance General 0

Ron Paul: This Bailout Won’t Be the Last – The Home Front (usnews.com) I am so glad this household runs on cash.  It’s tough to be sure but we don’t ahve looming depbts over our heads we can’t pay either.

This is Obama’s running mate.

September 21, 2008 General 0

Gingrich to Biden: You’re a ‘socialist’ “We want to take money and put it back in the pocket of middle-class people,” said Sen. Biden, D-Del. “It’s time to be patriotic, time to jump in, time to be part of the deal, time to help get America out of the rut.”

The socializing of Amerika begins

September 21, 2008 General 0

Bailout backlash builds across the board – Avi Zenilman – Politico.com This is the scariest part of the “plan” “non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.” You always see the true colors of somebody right before they leave office.  Bush is a… Read more

Experience to lead the country?

September 20, 2008 General 0

I am sooooo sick of hearing this.  Obama doesn’t have the experience, Palin doesn’t have the experience.  I am listeneing to The American View episode 172.  John Lofton whom i normally respect has this all wrong.  Talk about the Constitution and the Constitutional qualifications..that’s what matters..not the rest of this huburistic garbage.

Im so tired of socialistic calls from techies

September 20, 2008 General 0

Leo Laporte in his latest techguy podcast saying they are making “windfall” profits and that the gov’t should step in and stop them.  Leo needs to realize that if you don’t like it…DON’T USE IT! 

Guess again who’s to blame for U.S. mortgage meltdown

September 20, 2008 General 0

Guess again who’s to blame for U.S. mortgage meltdown Wait until the mother of all bailouts happens.  It won’t be bilions it will be trilions.  The gov’t now owns nearly half of all mortgages out there, the largest insurance company, and soon even more.  This is purely socialism under the guise of free markets.

This is soooo cool. I hope this takes off as i really want solar in the future.

September 19, 2008 General 0

Beaverton boy lauded for solar cell invention | KATU.com – Portland, Oregon | Local & Regional

Libertarian Group Condemns Sarah Palin for Not Killing Disabled Baby in Abortion

September 19, 2008 General 0

Libertarian Group Condemns Sarah Palin for Not Killing Disabled Baby in Abortion This is not a libertarian group but a murderous cult.  My boss’s son is Down’s afflicted but he is far from being non-productive.  He’s 26, and works well.  He’s a bit complusive but you avhe to realize he has the EMOTIONAL mentality of… Read more

Now this would be such sweet poetic justice.

September 17, 2008 General 0

Barr Tries to Kick McCain, Obama Off Texas Ballot – America’s Election HQ Libertarian Party presidential candidate Bob Barr has filed a lawsuit in Texas demanding John McCain and Barack Obama be removed from the ballot, saying they missed the official filing deadline. Texas law requires that written certification of the party’s nominees be delivered… Read more

WoW makes huge profits(and they should be)

September 17, 2008 General 0

WoW makes huge profits – The INQUIRER It’s a wildy popular product and Biizzard has run it lean and mean.  Read the linked article for details.

AIG isn’t out of the woods yet

September 17, 2008 Finance General 0

Fed rescues AIG, Barclays buys Lehman U.S. unit – Yahoo! News AIG will pay interest at a steep 8.5 percentage points above the three-month London Interbank Offered Rate, equal to about 11.4 percent. That gives AIG a big incentive to embark on a massive asset sale program to pay back the loan quickly. AIG’s bailout… Read more

Federal bank insurance fund dwindling (Wamu is probably next)

September 17, 2008 General 0

Federal bank insurance fund dwindling – Stocks & economy- msnbc.com They too shall be taken over by the fed.  Of course none of htis is actually on the public books are the national debt would be many trillions higher than they are saying.  don’t forget page 2’s morsel, “But Whalen said the Federal Reserve, the… Read more

Government announces $85 billion loan to save AIG – Yahoo! News

September 16, 2008 General 0

Government announces $85 billion loan to save AIG – Yahoo! News I saw this coming this morning but only could post a minute ago about it.  This means now the gov’t owns most of hte mortgages in this country and now the largest insurance agency.  Folks..socialism is so close..just nobody is looking at it right… Read more

AIG is on it’s way to a bailout because nobody knows who owns what of it’s securities

September 16, 2008 General 0

I wnated to post this earlier in the morning but i was too busy…soooo: FOXNews.com – Market Rebounds Slightly After Biggest Drop in Years, AIG Still Teeters – Local News | News Articles | National News | US News Investors worry its failure would pose an even greater threat to the U.S. financial system than… Read more

Calls for socialsim begin

September 16, 2008 Finance General 0

Vox Popoli: AMF Vox day has this one nailed.  This is the failure of the socialcrats and outright greed.  this is not the failure of hte capitalistic market system.  The gov’t should not have stepped into freddie, fanny, indymac, or BS.  They should have all failed and brought risk back into this market.  They have… Read more

Japan turns on the money spigot

September 16, 2008 General 0

World markets tumble after U.S. storm – Stocks & economy- msnbc.com Hey guys.  it didn’t work here.  It’s not going to work there.  It’s time for the debt spigot to get turned down to a trickle since it’s the debt firehose that started this mess.  More of hte same won’t fix anything.

One socialist and one debt drunkard.

September 16, 2008 General 0

NYT: In candidates, two approaches to Wall Street – The New York Times- msnbc.com Obama wants socialism..not regulation.  mcCain wants to leave the debt spigot on..that’s not worked so far now has it?

Google Chrome plays outside of Vista Security Zones

September 12, 2008 General 0

Google Chrome plays outside of Vista Security Zones

La Shawn Barber’s Corner » Sarah Palin: Why?

September 7, 2008 General 0

La Shawn Barber’s Corner » Sarah Palin: Why? Honestly?  The real problem is MCcain himself.  Just go research mccain-feingold to see how radically against hte Constitution he really is.  Palin is a smokescreen.  Both johadobama and mccinsane are going to be very very bad for this country..go Ron Paul via the writein!!!! Dr. Laura is… Read more

REading an older post and getting convicted over it

September 3, 2008 General 0

Checkout this older post from the blog Read the last paragraph.  I was going through the archives for curiosities sake and came across this post.  That event was the culmination of a bad time for me and honestly it’s still hanging around.  Damping my enthusiasm for the very church I was very excited about…and has… Read more

How the UDP attack worked « Christian Gamers Alliance Site and Forums Status

September 3, 2008 General 0

How the UDP attack worked « Christian Gamers Alliance Site and Forums Status This is the status page for a community who’s server I manage.  This attack took out entire isp’s and another client of mine was also affected by this.  Take a read for a look at how this DDOS(Distributed Denial of Service) attack… Read more

Frederick County Maryland State’s attorney accused of skipping out on child support

September 1, 2008 General 0

State’s attorney accused of skipping out on child support “When we first separated, we had an agreement that I pay her $200 a month. I paid that amount, and much more at times, until she got a different job,” Charles Smith wrote in the statement. “After that happened, we’ve had a standing agreement that neither… Read more

How to (almost) beat a patent troll | Fonality(But Fonality didn’t Win)

August 31, 2008 General 0

How to (almost) beat a patent troll | Fonality The problem is Fonality didn’t win..they settled therefore rewarding this troll.  They mitigated hte damage to themselves which is laudable but they most assuredly did not win.

Dakota Voice: Dobson Says He Plans to Vote for McCain Palin

August 30, 2008 General 0

Dakota Voice: Dobson Says He Plans to Vote for McCain Palin Unfortunately Dobson and all of those “Christian conservatives” don’t have a clue.  MCcain is one of hte authors of Mccain-feingold, one of the largest attacks on the first amendment in modern history.  Of course he doesn’t mention this glaring fact and therefore many “values… Read more

Medical Bills You Shouldn’t Pay(We got hit by this..DON’T PAY THESE ILLEGAL CHARGES UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE)

August 29, 2008 General 0

Medical Bills You Shouldn’t Pay I was wondering what was going on as we have started getting bills form some of the medical providers for “remaining balances”. Our insurance pays 100% after our very reasonable deductibles. This just blows the lid off of it. This is not money you owe it’s the medical practice trying… Read more

Landowner seeks only $1 in lawsuit(It’s a Bogus Lawsuit Anyway)

August 29, 2008 General 0

Landowner seeks only $1 in lawsuit While he’s seeking $16.5 million or more from the Town of Walkersville in his federal lawsuit, Walkersville landowner David W. Moxley wants just $1 from a grassroots organization he says conspired with town officials against a Muslim group that wanted to buy his land. Moxley in July sued Walkersville,… Read more

Obama camp hits station airing critic(This is What we Get to Look Forward to)

August 28, 2008 General 0

Obama camp hits station airing critic Get islamobama in office and the full blown censorshp of ALL forms of media will begin in earnest.

Report: Studios want interoperable DRM | News – Digital Media – CNET News

August 28, 2008 General 0

Report: Studios want interoperable DRM | News – Digital Media – CNET News They already ahve one standard..it’s called windows vista.  Vista has DRM throught the ENTIRE SYSTEM.  Of course it’s hard to standardize something when nobody wants it..:)

The Frederick News-Post Online – Walkersville may allow Banner School; proposal would still block Ahmadiyya

August 27, 2008 General 0

The Frederick News-Post Online – Frederick County Maryland Daily Newspaper The current proposal, which the planning commission recommended to the town commissioners in a 6-1 vote Tuesday night, would allow the Banner School to proceed because it had obtained a special exception more than one year prior to the April ordinance. Oh yeah.  Just give… Read more

Christian talk-host calls Farah book ‘unbiblical’..She Has bought Into the Two Party Only Lie

August 27, 2008 General 0

Christian talk-host calls Farah book ‘unbiblical’ A Christian radio talk-show host has labeled Joseph Farah’s new book, “None of the Above,” as unbiblical because it advocates not voting for either of the two major-party presidential candidates this November. Janet Parshall, host of “Janet Parshall’s America,” syndicated by the Salem Radio Network, told Christian TV host… Read more

Nearly 600 detained in Miss. plant raid – Crime & courts- msnbc.com

August 26, 2008 General 0

Nearly 600 detained in Miss. plant raid – Crime & courts- msnbc.com “We have kids without dads and pregnant mothers who got their husbands taken away,” said Velez’s son, Robert, youth pastor at the church. “It was like a horror story. They got handled like they were criminals.” If you are in this country illegally… Read more

Watchdog Decries U.S. Deportation Laws

August 25, 2008 General 0

Watchdog Decries U.S. Deportation Laws – News Story – WRC | Washington “The laws are not only cruel in their rigidity, they are senseless,” said Alison Parker, senior researcher for Human Rights Watch’s U.S. program. She authored the report. “How do you explain to a child that her father has been sent thousands of miles… Read more

Slashdot | As of October, FBI To Allow Warrantless Investigations

August 25, 2008 General 0

Slashdot | As of October, FBI To Allow Warrantless Investigations More unconstitutional activity from our gov’t.  HOw long before folks wake up?  Not until we are lliving in a new country caled amerika.

It’s amazing to watch the illegal immigration apologists work

August 24, 2008 General 0

Deported Mexicans face broken lives – Americas- msnbc.com It’s hard..i’m not denying that but it’s relaly simple…had you not come into the country illegally you wouldn’t be in the deportation scenario you have found yourself in.  Come into this country LEGALLY and stay LEGALLY and folks like me will help you in every way we… Read more

FOXNews.com – Illegal Immigrants Returning to Mexico in Record Numbers – Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

August 22, 2008 General 0

FOXNews.com – Illegal Immigrants Returning to Mexico in Record Numbers – Local News | News Articles | National News | US News Illegal immigrants are returning home to Mexico in numbers not seen for decades — and the Mexican government may have to deal with a crush on its social services and lower wages once… Read more

Vaccine-wary parents spark public health worry..MSNBC and Others Engage in Fearmongering

August 22, 2008 General 0

Vaccine-wary parents spark public health worry – Kids and parenting- msnbc.com I have yet to see anything public refuting the public statistics about mercury in vaccines and autism.  HOw anyone could htink that injecting mercury into anyone is safe is beyond me.  The vaccines maybe a good thing..but is it worth poisoning our children?  Many… Read more

Stryde Hax..The Hacker at the Center of the International Storm About Underage Chinese Gymnasts.

August 22, 2008 General 0

Stryde Hax

Texas executes Mexican in defiance of world court(As Well He Should Have Been)

August 22, 2008 General 0

Texas executes Mexican in defiance of world court – Yahoo! News Texas put to death a Mexican convicted murderer late Tuesday, defying a ruling from the International Court of Justice and ignoring a last-minute appeal from UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. ADVERTISEMENT Jose Ernesto Medellin, 33, was killed by lethal injection in the Huntsville death… Read more

new Market Town Council Joins in the March Towards Amerika

August 21, 2008 General 0

Council awaits legal advice for trash vote The proposed ordinance would make recycling mandatory in the town and set a limit of the amount of trash each customer could set out at the curb at 70 gallons per household or business. Leaders want the ordinance in place to reduce the amount of trash New Market… Read more

Whiny Walkersville Landowner Files Ridiculous Lawsuit After His Bid to Sell Farm in Violation of Zoning Rules is Denied

August 21, 2008 General 2

Moxley adds Citizens for Walkersville group to federal lawsuit Moxley in July sued Walkersville, the Walkersville Zoning Board of Appeals, Walkersville Burgess Ralph W. Whitmore, Walkersville Commissioners Roger A. ‘‘Sam” Eyler Jr., Donald W. Schildt, Chad W. Weddle and Russell N. Winch and appeals board members Dan Thomas, Vaughn Zimmerman and Harold Roderuck in U.S.… Read more

Maryland Congressman Pushes for Economic Stimulus|ABC 7 News

August 19, 2008 General 0

Maryland Congressman Pushes for Economic Stimulus|ABC 7 News Maryland Congressman Chris Van Hollen says he supports another fiscal relief package to help boost struggling state economies like Maryland’s. He is an idiot. Maryland’s economy is in the toilet due to the crushing growth of the state gov’t..thanks Ehrlich and now Omalley. Omalley ran Baltimore into… Read more

Crud and I liked wordpress

August 19, 2008 General 0

The bad new is here. While wordpress comes with askimet askimet isn’t nearly as effective and powerful as SK2 was. That chances of this continuing is nearly zero. Looks like i’ll be taking this site to another platform, disabling comments, or something as without sk2 the spam that will appear on this blog will be… Read more

Nearly 2 in 3 voters want someone else(and I say DUUHHH!!!!!)

August 19, 2008 General 0

Nearly 2 in 3 voters want someone else Even the “non mainstream media” has been very slow to catch on. The unfortunate part is many Americans don’t know you are able to write in a name so you do not HAVE to vote for only the slate presented to you. If more people would use… Read more

Iowa Town Pays a heavy price for harboring Illegal Immigrants.

August 17, 2008 General 0

Town struggles after immigration raid – Life- msnbc.com The town decided to hitch it’s future to illegal immigrants. Unfortunately now that’s come back to bite them. As usual they are blaming the feds for simply enforcing immigration laws instead of taking responsibility for their own illegal actions.

Vox Popoli: The puppet jury

August 16, 2008 General 0

Vox Popoli: The puppet jury There’s a way around this. Simply vote not guilty.

Congress is finally waking up to how toxic CFLs truly are.

August 16, 2008 General 0

Lawmakers take up battle against light bulb ban

It’s not too late to stop TERC math

August 16, 2008 General 0

It’s not too late to stop TERC math FrederickEducationReform.com I’m investigating this closely. I’ll read the linked website and then verify via other sources. I’ll post my findings here.

So Long Astaro Hello Untangle and IPcop

August 15, 2008 General 0

Unfortunately it’s time for me to part ways with Astaro Security Linux once again. Back in the version 4 days things were running great and then version 5 came out. it was an unmitigated disaster. I quit using Astaro for a while until version 7 came out. I have run v7 up to 7.2x. I… Read more

How Obama deceives non-discerning Christians

August 15, 2008 General 0

How Obama deceives non-discerning Christians this is an excellent article and most Christians these days really need to read this article and then read your Bibles without today’s PC rose colored glasses on your face.

Our Gov’t has truly lost it’s mind.

August 15, 2008 General 0

Libya to receive reparations for Reagan air strike Despite 189 American lives lost in the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing, the U.S. settled all lawsuits against Libya for terrorist killings and restored diplomatic relations with the country today – with reparations to be paid to Libya. President Ronald Reagan ordered air strikes on Tripoli and… Read more

When environmentalism gets in the way of natioal security

August 14, 2008 General 0

Navy to Limit Sub-detecting Sonar This case has been going on for a long time. The environazis have now managed to get the Navy to capitulate. Frankly the courts have no power over how the military does it’s work.

Pelosi, Pickens plan to pick your pocket

August 13, 2008 General 0

Pelosi, Pickens plan to pick your pocket I’ve had relatives sending me invites to the site but I looked at it with a large dose of suspicion. As it turns out my suspicions are very well founded.

The Chinese Deceptions: A growing list(watch this post for updates)

August 13, 2008 General 0

Anyone who though the hard line communist regieme would loosen up and put their best face forward is deluding themselves.  This is a hard line, atheistic, totalitarian regime the likes we have not seen since the days of the USSR.  The Chinese have managed to do just enough openness to fool the folks who have… Read more

krashpad: Newsgroups and N.Y. Attorney General

August 13, 2008 General 0

krashpad: Newsgroups and N.Y. Attorney General I have to agree this is beyond unconstitutional.  What’s more unfortunate is with the entitlemnt cluture that’s infesting this country nobody’s going to care until the AC comes and it’s too late for them.

krashpad: A Lesson On Human Nature

August 12, 2008 General 0

krashpad: A Lesson On Human Nature This is another great one but i have to disagree with one part.  It’s not the republicrats or demopublicans that will take you away form the socialistic, entitlement culture that has infested our society…it’s following Biblical principles.  I quote specifically: 2 Thessalonians 3:10 For even when we were with… Read more

krashpad: John The Farmer

August 12, 2008 General 0

krashpad: John The Farmer Oh this is a riot and soooooo true about the upcoming election.

Pro Gaming Table Houses All Your Gaming Gizmos – Born Rich

August 11, 2008 General 1

Pro Gaming Table Houses All Your Gaming Gizmos – Born Rich Oh i like this. Now i just need my own office for something like this..

Vista security discovered to be even more usless

August 9, 2008 General 0

Vista security discovered to be even more useless – The INQUIRER Some on. Vista IS NOT a new windows version. It’s based on NT which is over 20 years old. Look at some of the security issues that have come out..they affect vista all the way down to windows 2000! Windows has a deep design… Read more

Blood moon eclipses: 2nd Coming in 2015?

August 9, 2008 General 1

Blood moon eclipses: 2nd Coming in 2015? this is ridiculous. The Bible specifically says we will not have foreknowledge of Jesus’s return. He will come with the aforementioned signs but the exact start of those signs is not something we are ever going to have foreknowledge of. Another silly prediction form those who wish to… Read more

Homeschooling OK – even in California

August 9, 2008 General 0

Homeschooling OK – even in California An appeals court in California has ruled that state law does permit homeschooling “as a species of private school education” but that statutory permission for parents to teach their own children could be “overridden in order to protect the safety of a child who has been declared dependent.” this… Read more

FOXNews.com – Mexican Soldiers Enter Arizona, Briefly Detain Border Agent – Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

August 7, 2008 General 0

FOXNews.com – Mexican Soldiers Enter Arizona, Briefly Detain Border Agent – Local News | News Articles | National News | US News Four Mexican soldiers crossed into Arizona and held a U.S. Border Patrol agent at gunpoint before realizing where they were and returning to Mexico, federal authorities said Wednesday. I raise the BS flag… Read more

Christian Gamers Alliance Forums – GOD’S LIL TELLS….

August 3, 2008 General 0

Christian Gamers Alliance Forums – View Single Post – GOD’S LIL TELLS…. What a great video. I have embedded the video here: Here’s A google search of laminin: if you want the high quality version get it here.

Obama plans to grab oil company profits

August 2, 2008 General 0

Obama plans to grab oil company profits Sen. Barack Obama announced today an “emergency economic plan” he wants enacted by this fall that would use oil profits to give every “middle-class” American family $1,000. Guess what this communist law is going to do? The oil companies will simply raise rates to compensate for this. Everyone… Read more

McCain Web Ad Mockingly Compares Obama to Moses(MCcain might want to head this verse)

August 1, 2008 General 1

McCain Web Ad Mockingly Compares Obama to Moses – America’s Election HQ 7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. MCCain has managed to anger just about every Christian out there. If he wanted to hand the presidency over to Obama I can’t think of… Read more

Oh what a quandry to be in right now. I’m stuck in windows on my laptop?

August 1, 2008 General 333

I absolutely despise vista. it has been a disaster on every machine i use it on. I have a laptop that’s now a year old and i can’t find a single thing i want to run on it. vista is just terrible, Linux works(depending on distro) but such simple things as hibernate don’t work out… Read more

Laptops may be detained at border – Washington Post- msnbc.com

August 1, 2008 General 326

Laptops may be detained at border – Washington Post- msnbc.com WASHINGTON – Federal agents may take a traveler’s laptop or other electronic device to an off-site location for an unspecified period of time without any suspicion of wrongdoing, as part of border search policies the Department of Homeland Security recently disclosed. Also, officials may share… Read more

Canada seeks industry, not consumer input on secret treaty

July 31, 2008 General 1213

Canada seeks industry, not consumer input on secret treaty this is going to make the DMCA look tame.

How to remove Antivirus 2008 – SBSfaq.com Blog Site

July 30, 2008 General 515

How to remove Antivirus 2008 – SBSfaq.com Blog Site I don’t agree with this course of action any longer. It’s more disturbing that this was a pharmacist’s mahcine. This is a huge HIPAA issue right there as the machine was most likely leaking confidential patient information constantly. Any machine that is compromised these days most… Read more

The global warming scam hits Brunswick

July 28, 2008 General 376

The Frederick News-Post Online – Frederick County Maryland Daily Newspaper Ah yes. The environazis have descended onto Brunswick. Right now they are using the high energy prices to say we must go green now to reduce greenhouse gases. It’s known this is a bunch of hooey. These very environnazis are one of the reasons we… Read more

U.S. government: We know parenting better than you

July 25, 2008 General 1

U.S. government: We know parenting better than you

NEA’s radical plan for your kids(WorldNet Daily)

July 25, 2008 General 0

NEA’s radical plan for your kids the article speaks for itself.

Obama’s $845 billion U.N. plan forwarded to U.S. Senate floor

July 25, 2008 General 0

Ah yes..the beginnings of the march towards the AC.  The taking of all monies form our country and in the name of reducing poverty simply goes to the UN to pump up it’s coffers for hte eventual centralization of all power in the earthly world. Obama’s $845 billion U.N. plan forwarded to U.S. Senate floor… Read more

E-mail to the Editor(Worldnetdaily.com)

July 25, 2008 General 0

Here is a letter to the editor I agree with 100% E-mail to the Editor No more votes for ignoramuses In this 2008 election for president, we are told we have a choice between McCain and Obama, Republican or Democrat. My friends, that is not a choice. Given that we should try and keep Obama… Read more

Obama Casts Self as World Citizen, But Will It Play in America? – America’s Election HQ

July 25, 2008 General 0

Obama Casts Self as World Citizen, But Will It Play in America? – America’s Election HQ “I come to Berlin as so many of my countrymen have come before, although tonight, I speak to you not as a candidate for president, but as a citizen — a proud citizen of the United States, and a… Read more

The “cabal” over a DNS flaw is finally busted. *UPDATED* DNS quickly explained.

July 22, 2008 General 0

*UPDATE*  What is this thing called DNS?  Computers don’t understand what www.hotmail.com means.  they do understand  Imagine if you had to type a string of numbers all of the time to get around the web.  it would be a pain.  Most people do letters and numbers better.  DNS is the translation of to… Read more

California Software Programmer Convicted in Wife’s Death Leads Cops to Body In Huge Twist to Case

July 8, 2008 General 0

FOXNews.com – California Software Programmer Convicted in Wife’s Death Leads Cops to Body – Local News | News Articles | National News | US News WHOAH!  It turns out Mr. Reiser is actually guilty.  That’s highy unfortunate as he had a successful business.  It’s a shame as the reiser file system is one of hte… Read more

A staus report on our daughter

July 8, 2008 General 0

Well so far she is improving nicely.  I nearly wound up making an unscheduled stop at hte hospital yesterday when my wife told me the doctor who was present in the OR was on duty today.  Needless to say I don’t trust the man at all.  What made it funny is he started talking to… Read more

And We’re off!

July 7, 2008 General 0

Time for the new routine to start..:)  Gen and I will keep everyone posted with pertinent details(ones that we feel should be made public of course.

another visit at the NICU..with some new folks..:)

July 6, 2008 General 0

Well Gen’s mom has arrived with our older daughter to see the little one.  We all got scrubbed up and i got our older daughter ready to go.  the nicu staff is now trying to wean her off the enforced 3 hour feeding schedule they have been on and are now letting her begin to… Read more

A new routine begins

July 6, 2008 General 0

Well with our daughter in the nicu and gen discharged it’s time for a new routine.  Get up..head to hospital.  drop gen off, head to work, get off work, get older daugter, head to hospital and we all gather around newborn.  then we all head home.  Wash, rinse, repeat. They have discontinued monitoring our daughter’s… Read more

I really, really hate doctors.

July 4, 2008 General 0

I have grown over the years to distrust modern doctors.  The recent birth of my second daughter has only set me further against the modern medical establishment..let me explain: My daughter was born via c-section.  She had a moderate load of merconium inside with her(she pooped in there).  The OB very concerned about that.  Gen… Read more

Oil Prices Closing In on $146 a Barrel. The gouging continues.

July 3, 2008 General 0

Oil Prices Closing In on $146 a Barrel – FOXBusiness.com Oil prices neared $146 a barrel Thursday for the first time ever on reports of declining U.S. stockpiles and the threat of conflict with Iran. Comments by Saudi Arabia’s oil minister suggesting his country had no immediate plans to boost production also lifted prices. If… Read more

Evangelicals say McCain’s the one(and of course they have been duped)

July 2, 2008 General 0

Evangelicals say McCain’s the one “The alternative is so bad we must support John McCain,” Phyllis Schlafly, founder and president of Eagle Forum, told the group, according to the bulletin. “Our shared conservative evangelical values and our concern about judicial activism compelled us to unite around the presidential candidate who most closely aligns with us,”… Read more

NETGEAR Launches Open Source WGR614L Wireless-G Router

June 30, 2008 General 0

NETGEAR Launches Open Source WGR614L Wireless-G Router Nough said.  I’ll be getting these exclusivly from now on as long as netgear has them out.

How to get OpenVPN GUI client and Windows Vista to play nicely with each other

June 29, 2008 General 0

OpenVPN GUI client and Windows Vista | Computer Tech Union This was a quick google find but it’s very pertinent to those like myself who run Vitsa and openvpn..:) 1) Open your client.ovpn file and add the following two lines to the bottom of the file: route-method exe route-delay 2 2) Create a shortcut to… Read more

DC’s handgun ban overturned.

June 26, 2008 General 0

While this is a good thing in defense of the second amendment it’s not a good thing in another way.  This is still judicial activism.  The courts are not the arbritrators of whether a law is valid or not.  that being said The web is on fire with this one. Lashawn Barber and the Supreme… Read more

Any interesting Storm that’s brewing.

June 26, 2008 General 0

israelinsider: politics: Faked certificate suggests that Obama may not be “natural born” US citizen Is Obama even a naturally born US citizen?  Right now..nobody knows.  Obama won’t provide proof and the only “proof” is from the daily kos a known radical blog that will go to any tactic to prove their point.  I’m following this… Read more

Microsoft extends support life of XP(the non-story) and a rebuttal of Leo Laporte.

June 25, 2008 Open Source 0

<a href=”http://www.theinquirer.net/gb/inquirer/news/2008/06/25/vole-extends-support-life-xp”>Microsoft extends support life of XP </a> This is no news.  The 2014 expiration has been <a href=”http://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle/?p1=3223″ target=”_blank”>part of the plan for a long time</a>.  Look at the updated on page…2005.  unless the author has updated information this is nothing new. I also have a huge issue with <a href=”http://www.twit.tv/148″ target=”_blank”>Leo Laporte and… Read more

My first Linux DESKTOP install

June 25, 2008 General 0

I have a new client that’s a result of a referral who has a 5 year old dell machine that took a power hit and toasted the hard drive.  After replacing the hard drive it turns out their xp cd is also bad.  After talking with the owners it turns out literally all they do… Read more

Time for me to heat this blog up a bit..for a little while. My thoughts on obama, clinton, and mccain

June 20, 2008 General 1

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Nvidia Engages in a Desparate bid to Save Itself From Oblivion.

June 16, 2008 General 0

[H] Enthusiast – NVIDIA Dictates Advertised Video Card Pricing With Intel coming back with a new dedicated video card and amd now owning ATI nvidia is hanging out on a limb.  Their next generation of products is hot, uses more power than most CPU’s, will be in short supply, overpriced, and won’t really perform much… Read more

101 ways to be a Patriotic American

June 9, 2008 General 0

Way #1 In an article on msnbc.com from June 9, 2008, it was stated that lunch prices may have to increase by as much as 50% for the next school year because of rising costs. According to this article, the average cost of a school lunch for the 2007-2008 school year was $2.66, which included… Read more

What a good morning

June 8, 2008 General 0

It has been a crazy few months for me and frankly the strain was getting to me. For the first time in a long time i was able to set the world aside and think about what i wanted to do…besides sleep. I wanted to praise Jesus..something I have not done in far too long.… Read more

The fearmongers step back a bit as support for Goodwill grows

May 28, 2008 General 0

The Frederick News-Post Online – Frederick County Maryland Daily Newspaper “There has been a renaissance in Brunswick over the last few years,” said Amy Quillen, a Brunswick resident and an industrial engineer for the Department of Navy in Washington. People have taken older homes and refurbished them for exorbitant amounts of cash, she said. “We… Read more

Goodwill Industries plans expansion to Brunswick..and a local vendor engages in fearmongering.

May 24, 2008 General 1

Goodwill Industries plans expansion to Brunswick It seems like the city has been working behind the scenes with Goodwill, Tynan said. There are several concerned residents who are not pleased. We feel a Goodwill store perpetuates the notion of Brunswick as a depressed community. And we’ve had such an effort over the last few years… Read more