Shatner’s Raw Nerve – On BIO Channel
Shatner’s Raw Nerve – On BIO Channel. I have always liked William Shatner as an actor. Now I have been watching this series of his and he’s a great interviewer as well.
This is an Interesting take on the Health Reform Scam.
When, not if, it is you will discover the what I have said all along is the truth purpose of this so-called “reform” – a single-payer system. Here’s how it will happen. 1. Congress will pass and Obama will sign something containing this “individual mandate.” 2. This will generate immediate lawsuits which will begin their… Read more
Another way being “green” can kill you
Energy-efficient traffic lights can’t melt snow – Yahoo! News. Energy-efficient traffic lights can’t melt snow By DINESH RAMDE, Associated Press Writer Dinesh Ramde, Associated Press Writer Tue Dec 15, 6:43 pm ET MILWAUKEE Cities around the country that have installed energy-efficient traffic lights are discovering a hazardous downside: The bulbs don’t burn hot enough to melt snow and… Read more
Are the Trumpets Coming Out?
Did you ever wonder why the United States isn’t even hinted at in the Bible? OPEC is getting their own currency, China is going to head that way. It is only a matter of time now before there is a truly one world currency. To think I saw this on a financial blog hwo is… Read more
How Open Source software can help save costs in our medical system.
I am not normally a fan of anything gov’t but this time the VA has developed a system for electronic health records that is well-rounded, stable, highly customizable, has tons of features into which more can be added, and is recognized as a great package. It’s called VistA(visit a..not vista). I’ll be looking into this… Read more
Municipalities Suing Frederick County
The reason is becuase the Frederick County BOCC is telling Brunswick that growth areas INSIDE Brunswick City Limits cannot be ceveloped. Nice try guys..but you can’t do that inside Brunswick’s city limits. unlike Rosemont Brunwick is an incorporated municipality and has rights boverned by state law. Only if the judges decides to summarily rewrite the… Read more
The holdiays suck.
officially not a fan of the time of the year nov 20th through jan3rd. too much crap..too much choas..too much stress. Tired of bickering. I know it’s me…:) I’m weird like year..this is going to be a stress free zone.
Get ready for obama care – Get Ready for Health Care ‘Sticker Shock’. REad the entire article. for folks who have coverage you are going to pay more. If you refuse they will make you pay in tax penalties…socialism in healthcare. BTW remember that mammogram test they did? They wanted to see if folks would accept that kind of… Read more
Obama wants to hir more vets…the smae folks his administration has labled terrorists
I guess this is a case of keep your friends close but keep your enemies(vets) closer? At the end of fiscal 2008, approximately 480,000 veterans were employed within the federal government. The Obama administration wants to boost that number significantly through the Veterans Employment Initiative the president established recently to recruit and train veterans and… Read more
Under scrutiny, website owner removes cheerleading photos from site – The Frederick News-Post Online
Ah yes. If you complain you don’t know how it is supposed to work or you aren’t intelligent enough to know so trust me. I don’t think so. If you check out his sites they are “model” sites. These kinds of sites simply post pictures of young girls in provocative poses or situations or dress. … Read more
Want to protect your privacy? Don’t use Google.
Concerned About Privacy? You're Probably up to no Good, Says Google CEO via DailyTech – Concerned About Privacy? You’re Probably up to no Good, Says Google CEO.
I hope Vox and others realize what this really is
Vox Popoli: Secret Copenhagen. This so called leaked document isn’t the real deal. This one and the feigned outrage is a feint…the REAL action is what we don’t see. they want to get the rick countries to pay carbon taxes to not the UN but the IMF or another world banking entity to setup a… Read more
More climate scam hypocrisy
Caviar Scoffing, CO2 Belching, Prostitute Molesting Climate Crooks Convene For The Mass Raping.
It’s not GW deniers being financed by big oil
Big Oil Behind Copenhagen Climate Scam.
Life..aka people are a dangerous pollutant
Vox Popoli: Predictable consequences. I don’t need to add antyhing to this post by Vox.
Governor unveils plans to spend more money the state doesn’t have
After pointing out “three out of five jobs in the state are created by small and family-owned businesses,” O'Malley outlined plans to help businesses gain more access to credit by creating the Maryland Small Business Credit Recover Program which offers loan guarantees; proposed a Job Creation and Recovery Tax Credit to give businesses a $3,000… Read more
Someting Doesn’t Smell Right in
Folks who call the sites mentioned in this article model sites aren’t. They put photos of girls on there is a very provocative way. It’s almost always the first step in exploitation. I have met this man and he gave me the jitters but i thought he was nothing more than “a little off”. While… Read more
obama Decidees to go Around CON-gress on the GW Farce
The Environmental Protection Agency took a major step Monday toward regulating greenhouses gases, concluding that climate changing pollution threatens the public health and the environment. The announcement came as the Obama administration looked to boost its arguments at an international climate conference that the United States is aggressively taking actions to combat global warming, even… Read more
When you run a Scam Label the Opposistion With a Negative Context
If this healthcare overhaul was so great CON-gress would not ahve to resort to this kind of childish behavior. – Reid Compares Opponents of Health Care Reform to Supporters of Slavery.
(I Just Have to Leave the Title) Carbonhagen: World Leaders Drive to Climate Summit in Gas-Guzzling Luxury Fleet – International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News –
Now CO2 is NOT a danger to life it sustains it. This however is waaaay to ironic. Carbonhagen: World Leaders Drive to Climate Summit in Gas-Guzzling Luxury Fleet – International News | News of the World | Middle East Noews | Europe News – Carbonhagen: World Leaders Drive to Climate Summit in Gas-Guzzling Luxury… Read more
This is not the Second Wave. That’s not Until 2010
The real second wave doesn’t hit until the 2010 resets of the rest of the sub prime market(which includes quite a bit of commercial) resets in 2010. Second wave’ of foreclosures continues to rise Wheaton homeowner saved moments before his home goes on the auction block by Amber Parcher | Staff Writer In a matter… Read more
The “Party Crahsers” are being way overblown…as usual.
Salahis join lengthy list of security breaches – Washington Post- Salahis join lengthy list of security breaches Salahis not the first pair to break through tight security around president By Spencer S. Hsu The Washington Post updated 7:04 a.m. ET, Mon., Dec . 7, 2009 // Long before a pair of gate-crashers penetrated a… Read more
This is so FUNNY!!!!!
Salisbury News: The Ladies Room. Oh my gosh. I thought this was a total right.
America’s Cult of Personality Compared to a Ruthless Past
Chairman O and America’s Great Leap Forward. I saw this on the Salisbury News blog and followed it. How amazingly similar they are indeed. It is yet to be seen if obama is going to be a bloody as Stalin and Mao were.
EPA Poised to Continue to Try to Further the Global Warming Scam
Salisbury News: EPA Poised To Declare CO2 A Public Danger, With Or Without Legislation. This is a total act of desperation by the usama obama camp. Obama has shown he can’t tow his own city much less the country. Of course it’s hard to tow the country when you are busy bowing in submission to… Read more
Here’s Obama’s Climate Cabal
Meet Obama’s climate ‘experts’.
Slimate Scare Mongering Continues
‘Adapt or die’ becomes climate mantra – Climate Change- Kinda hard for global warming to raise the sea level when the earth is cooling now ain’t it?
Climate Conference Hypocrisy
Talk about your global warming . . . When an estimated 16,500 delegates, activists and reporters descend upon Copenhagen Monday for the United Nations Climate Change Conference, a lot of hot air will follow. The U.N. estimates the 12-day conference will create 40,584 tons of carbon dioxide equivalents, roughly the same amount as the carbon… Read more
Slimate Fearmongers Trying to Scare us in Other Ways now…With Dams
Are Large Dams Altering Extreme Weather Patterns? – Biology | Astronomy | Chemistry | Physics – Given how the climatgate files have exposed these folks as frauds unless i see the data myself this is simply another climate fear mongering scam trying to be perpetrated on us.
Foxnews blogger has an INteresting Take on the Comcast/NBC Deal
Winners and losers in the GE/NBC Universal/Comcast deal « The Cody Word. It’s an interesting take..and he’s most likely right. the Time Warner/AOL suicide pact was sold the same way this one is being sold. Don’t be surprised if in about 5-10 years this all falls apart with Comcast in bankruptcy or worse.
Obama Motors Carousel Begins
GM Resignation Open Thread | The Big Picture. I’ll tell you what it is. These folks don’t like being told you are going to run a multi-billion dollar giant, deal with constant gov’t interference, dealing with all the other gov’t regs imposed on your company, and then be told oh yeah you are going to… Read more
Brunswick Fires Back in Rosemont Mess
Lawsuit roils Rosemont – The Frederick News-Post Online. From the reports I have seen the Rosemont pipes were installed the feds. If that is truly the case Rosemont doesn’t have a leg to stand least until the courts give their own interpretation.
GE, Vivendi REach Deal on the Suicide Pact That is the Comcast Buyout.
GE, Vivendi reportedly reach deal on NBC – Media biz- Remember the Time Warner AOL disaster? Luckily for TW they managed to offload AOL before it killed them entirely. This is going to means even more restrictions on everything Comcast controls. They have been putting the screws down on their internet service..i expect this… Read more
ClimateGate Gets Better and Better
Vox Popoli: NO evidence for global warming. Anyone who tries to say the data was changed by hackers is myopic at best. With the following revelation that the “scientists” are intentionally dumping their original data this only adds to the issues since it’s already been revealed they have been intentionally doctoring the data anyway.
Teaching plan: America ‘an oppressive hellhole’
Teaching plan: America ‘an oppressive hellhole’. More and more universities are saying all whites are racist which is a perfect example of racism against whites. What’s interesting is many of those pushing this are whites themselves. I am curious why do these people hate their own ethnicity and this country?
CRU emails only part of the story
Pajamas Media » Climategate Computer Codes Are the Real Story. These so called scientists not only couldn’t use the scientific method they also couldn’t keep records..or they chose to delete the worst data.
Federal Censorship Being Advocated by White House Appointee on REcord and in Public
Cass Sunstein: Censor Hannity, right-wing rumors.
American Thinker: UN Climate Reports: They Lie
American Thinker: UN Climate Reports: They Lie.
Kix Coming Back to Brunswick
The Frederick News-Post Online – Frederick County Maryland Daily Newspaper. You can get more details at the Brunswick Fire Department’s Website.
Al Gore Says the Earth is a Star
CONAN O'BRIEN, HOST: Now, what about … you talk in the book about geothermal energy… AL GORE, NOBEL LAUREATE: Yeah, yeah. O'BRIEN: …and that is, as I understand it, using the heat that's generated from the core of the earth … GORE: Yeah. O'BRIEN: …to create energy, and it sounds to me like an evil… Read more
What the CRU Reveals..The Total Abandonment of the Scientific Model
Curry: On the credibility of climate research « Climate Audit. This piece shows some of hte major issues with so called climate research. The climate audit mirror site has even more details.
Climate Depot has a Good Series of Updated Links
Read All About it! Climate Depot Exclusive – Continuously Updated ‘ClimateGate’ News Round Up | Climate Depot. This site is getting updated quite often so instead of reinventing the wheel i am going to link you there. My own coverage is here.
THe Global Warming Scam Revealed….FOIA Files Here TOO *UPDATED*
THIS IS A TOTAL BLOGSTORM. “Global Warming” SCAM – Hack/Leak FLASH – The Market Ticker. Oh man this absolutely trashes any kind of intelligent legitimacy to global warming aka climate change..etc etc. I have the zip file and it’s right here. There’s tons of other places to go as well like here, here, and here(it’s… Read more
Talk about funny!
YouTube – Get a Mac: iPhone vs. iPod Touch.
Illegal Immigrant Activists UPset over White House Desire to Enforce Immigration Law While They Violate the Constitution
Hispanic lawmakers say an old adversary, White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, has his fingerprints all over a push to prohibit illegal immigrants from buying health insurance plans in a new market for people who dont get insurance through their employers. A forensic study would show it all leads back to Rahm Emanuel and… Read more
Sherriff Gets Sued for Enforcing the Law
Residents turn out in support of sheriff, staff after federal lawsuit filed – The Frederick News-Post Online. Casa De Maryland, A non-county organization that has and does advocate for illegal immigrants to be above the law, is representing this person. When deputies discovered a warrant from federal immigration authorities on a routine search of a… Read more
Obama Once Again Shows his Distaste for America
How low will he go? Obama gives Japan’s Emperor Akihito a wow bow (Updated with video, pic) | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times. He bowed to the saudi king and now he bows to the japanese emporor. I was recently accused of posting whatever i wanted irregardless of the truth or reality…this… Read more
MIcrosoft Forgets Basic Security in Bing.
Bing hit by costly security loophole | Technology | Whoopsie so now it’s pushed into the underground who are most assuredly taking advantage of it. Sorry MS your usual security by obscurity failed many years ago.
The Real Reason AARP Endorsed Obamacare
When seniors enroll in Medicare Advantage plans, they often drop Medigap policies because Medigap plans won’t pay deductibles, copayments or other cost-sharing under the Medicare health plan. The switch slashes Medigap revenues and simultaneously impacts AARP royalties from Medigap insurance. However, Sec. 1161 of the House bill would slash payments to Medicare Advantage health… Read more
Kelso Proves the Folly of Gov’t Takeovers
A decade ago, the town of New London, Connecticut claimed Kelo’s house by right of eminent domain. The plan was to demolish the residential neighborhood so that Pfizer could built a massive research and development plant on the adjacent land. Pfizer got the land for next to nothing. Five Supreme Court justices upheld the taking,… Read more
One Reason to Keep up With Your PC’s Security
AP IMPACT: Framed for child porn — by a PC virus by AP: Yahoo! Tech. Anti-virus isn’t enough. I have posted before on the security flaws inherent to IE, ActiveX and by extension Windows. Why it may not be a valid defense for all in many cases it purely is a valid defense especially considering… Read more
Optical Rectumitis
Optical Rectumitis. I saw this on a forum last night..:)
Obama the Demagogue
Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » ELEMENTARY EPIDEMIC: 11 Uncovered Videos Show School Children Performing Praises to Obama. Just read the transcripts…they are creepy enough. We aren’t even a year into this man’s “reign”. Frankly I’m not so sure he has the abilities to do this I personally am thinking Obama’s just the front man. … Read more
WJLA to break taboos in breast-cancer detection education –
WJLA to break taboos in breast-cancer detection education – BY SHOWING SOFT PORN. You can wrap it up however you want but that’s what it is. Let’s see if usama obama’s FCC is going to fine wjla for this..i however doubt it since they are announcing it over and over again.
A huge Weapon Against crapware
Welcome | The PC Decrapifier. It seems you can’t buy a windows PC anymore without tons of crap on it that you never use and just junks up your computer. This FREE program now seeks out and destroys all the crapware that comes on most systems. This bad boy is going onto my thumbdrive now.
More fearmongering about H1N1
I suggest you pass this on to your entire e-list. You never know who might pay attention to it – and STAY ALIVE because of it. via Salisbury News: Advice From A RN To Help Avoid H1N1. Oh NO!!!!!! The world is going to end!!!! Give it a rest folks. This bug has killed 5k… Read more
The Global Warming Scam is Starting to Get Exposed
There’s so many things to point to. If you look earlier in this blog you’ll see where i saw the leader of Czechoslovakia talking about how global warming is merely is a cover for the UN being the gov’t of the world. Now a hard hitting speech has been given that really exposes the global… Read more
Another Way to restore your SBs without reinstalling from ground zero
A user on the forums had an sbs server crash and had to restore it. Instead of reinstalling then manually installing(like i did in an earlier post) he leveraged the VHD’s to restore directly form the backups(something sbs seems to have a hard time doing). Here is the text: Symptoms: 1) No concrete errors… Read more
This is going to be an interesting read
Avesther: First step in Canada’s EI reform. This is a person who’s handle I know him as God’s Peon. While we don’t see eye to eye on many things we share a common belief in Christ. This is going to be an interesting read since he lives under a socialized system while usama obama is… Read more
Some Basic IT Security Steps ALL People Should Follow
I am normally not a fan of government recommendations due to the fact they are usually outdated and irrelevant when they are released. However a paper releasede by NIST is the large exception to this rule. To security professionals these are no brainers but I still run into a ton of resistance implementing just a… Read more
A great night at church an a new breakout Christian rap group This group performaned at Faith Baptist Tonight(i am actually at the church right now) and these kids brought down the house both musiclaly and spiritaully. Gurps like this need more exposure and I hope this post helps them out…I am also cross-posting this to facebook..:) Thank you Lord for a great time even though… Read more
Holdren: Seize babies born to unwed women
Obama science czar John Holdren stated in a college textbook that “illegitimate children” born to unwed mothers could be taken by the government and put up for adoption if the mother refused to have an abortion. Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, argued that “illegitimate childbearing could be strongly… Read more
The first vestiges of Facism.
3rd graders chant: Obama ‘uniting blacks and whites’. I have the first two videos downloaded here and stored. If they disappear from you tube i’ll put them on my site. – New Jersey, New York and California Have Worst Tax Climates for Business, Tax Foundation Says
South Dakota Wyoming Alaska Nevada Florida Montana New Hampshire Delaware Washington Utah Texas Indiana Colorado Oregon Virginia Missouri Michigan Idaho Alabama Kentucky Mississippi Tennessee New Mexico Hawaii North Dakota South Carolina Pennsylvania Arizona Georgia Illinois Oklahoma Kansas Nebraska Maine Louisiana Massachusetts West Virginia Connecticut North Carolina Arkansas Vermont Wisconsin Minnesota Rhode Island Maryland Iowa Ohio… Read more
Activists Forget obama is an Illegal Immigrant
Of course that’s never stopped anything now has it? Despite the Unconstitutional regieme that’s now in power and the regiemes that have been in power for decades folks have forgotten about the US Constitution. “Not only is it an attack on the president, but also on all men and people of African descent,” King Salim… Read more
Corsi Forgets the Constitution
The government should not be giving subsidies to ANYTHING. Corsi forgets this basic point in this column. He continued, “Unilaterally ending U.S. fossil fuel tax subsidies would have a seriously negative impact on the U.S. economy.” Approximately 85 percent of the energy that drives the U.S. economy still comes from oil and natural gas. “Simply… Read more
Safe Schools Czar Dongerous to Schools
“A teacher was told by a 15-year-old high school sophomore that he was having homosexual sex with an ‘older man.’ At the very least, statutory rape occurred. Fox News reported that the teacher violated a state law requiring that he report the abuse. That former teacher, Kevin Jennings, is President Obama’s ‘safe school czar.’ …… Read more
The Culture of Death is Alive and Well in the obama Administration
Sunstein: Governments must fund abortion. This is creepy. Women become “involuntary incubators”?
More Rosemont Water Drama
This one is going to go one for a while barring some common sense. If no documents ar produced that definitively show Brunswick owns the lines then this suit is moot…of course again that depends on common sense with all parties involved. The Frederick News-Post Online – Frederick County Maryland Daily Newspaper. Judge allows Rosemont… Read more
WHy is Faith Baptist Operating Under the US Gov’t Perview?
tax. Tax exemption is a function of the gov’t and with that comes many attachments including gov’t interference. I ahve not heard of any in our church…yet…but with obama’s attitude coming more and more into the bright light so that NOONE can deny where he stands one question comes to mind: Is it a good… Read more
Why do folks defend the quran instead of the Constitution
Quran vs. Constitution: Why they’re incompatible. ignorance mostly..
First it’s the toxic CFLs now it’s the exploding refrigerants.
Ben & Jerry’s, GE work on greener freezers for US – Yahoo! News.
MOre obama czar power grabs
A Secret White House Power Grab Is In Full Swing – A Secret White House Power Grab Is In Full Swing Its one thing for President Obama to surround himself with the advisers hed like to have, but its another to bestow on them sweeping powers to broker secret negotiations and push forward vast… Read more
GOP: Take Bill Clinton’s advice. Neither of them do anything close to this right now.
Another Reason to Homeschool Your Kids
Criminalizing public prayer. I am going tob e homeschooling my eldest next school year if this nonsense keeps up and right now I don’t see it letting up.
So Much for Recycling Being the Panacea for Landfills
In Cheyenne, glass pile shows recycling challenges.
Take a look at these stores…then hit the internet for more..make your own decision..
Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?.
Why can’t Christians unite to change America?
Why can’t Christians unite to change America?. Because too many of them dont: REad anything other than tv and newspapers which are under the influence if not outright control of the political machine Can’t get away for the long implanted thoughts that the republicans and democrats are relaly different form each other Think for themselves… Read more
obama the usurper?
49 of 50 states never saw certification of eligibility. I have yet to see an actual birth certificate on this man. Right now as far as I am concerned we have an illegal alien in the oval office. We need immediate impeachment of this person AND anyone in congress who has knowledge of this man’s… Read more
World bids farewell to U.S. dollar
World bids farewell to U.S. dollar.
So Much for Tolerance
NBC Producer Accused of E-mailing Anti-ACORN Group ‘Bite Me Jew Boy’ | Of course it’s only tolerance if it’s within their viewpoint.
Obama IS out to nationalize the health system
Ensign receives handwritten confirmation – Live Pulse – If you don’t buy insurance you go to jail.
‘Hostage situation’ portrays killers as Christians
‘Hostage situation’ portrays killers as Christians. This ties in to my previous post. ‘Nough said.
Law Enforcement Again Warned About “Domestic Terrorists”
Policemen warned again about domestic ‘terrorists’. Guesss who’s on that list? Pretty much anyone who opposes osama obama..:)
Obama’s ‘Safe Schools’ Czar – Schools Safe for Everyone but Straight Folks.
President Obama’s “safe schools czar” is a former schoolteacher who has advocated promoting homosexuality in schools, written about his past drug abuse, expressed his contempt for religion and detailed an incident in which he did not report an underage student who told him he was having sex with older men. Conservatives are up in arms… Read more
Is it Racism if it’s Against Whites? Apparently not to obama and his Czars
Diversity boss: Whites must ‘step down’. Nough said.
Is Google Really out to do no Evil?
Get ready! Here come the energy police. The answer is no. They are income focused and as a free market they can be. However i htink i am going to be moving away form Google because i am seeing more and more of this kind of thing from them…i think they are going to be… Read more
Another Czar Talks Abortion
Holdren says Constitution backs compulsory abortion. Global Warming, carbon emissions..etc etc it’s all about making this country China in form with compulsory birth control, sterilization, and abortion. I’ve been told i’m nuts for saying these things but these are the people obama has surrounded himself with. Get ready folks it’s going to be a wild… Read more
Now Folks Rally Against Obama..Let’s Rally for the Constitution
Rallies catch fire against Obama’s ‘Minion Media’. Opposing obama is not a total lost cause but it’s going to be a loooooong hard slog. See folks like me and others werw arning about obama and his cronies before the campaign. NOw that the masses have elected him he and the demopublicans feel they have a… Read more
More obama Administration Craziness
Obama science chief: Abortion can save planet. This is just totally illogical. You kill all the babies and the human race goes away. Of course obama has two czars that say the US needs to be “dedeveloped”. I wonder how much more craziness has to come out about usama obama before folks realize they ahve… Read more
Why IT Stereotypes Really Exist
Opinion: The unspoken truth about managing geeks. Opinion: The unspoken truth about managing geeks j.ello <A TARGET=”_blank” HREF=”;src%3D2082207%3Bmet%3D1%3Bv%3D1%3Bpid%3D38837514%3Baid%3D216615229%3Bko%3D0%3Bcid%3D33070208%3Brid%3D33088085%3Brv%3D1%3Bcs%3Da%3Beid1%3D25598%3Becn1%3D1%3Betm1%3D0%3B_dc_redir%3Durl%3f”> <IMG SRC=”” width=”336″ height=”280″ BORDER=”0″ alt=”Click Here!”> </A> <IMG SRC=”;src=2082207;met=1;v=1;pid=38837514;aid=216615229;ko=0;cid=33070208;rid=33088085;rv=1;×tamp=340061;eid1=9;ecn1=1;etm1=0;” width=”0px” height=”0px” style=”visibility:hidden” BORDER=”0″/> <IMG SRC=”” width=”0px” height=”0px” style=”visibility:hidden” BORDER=”0″/> <IMG SRC=”” width=”0px” height=”0px” style=”visibility:hidden” BORDER=”0″/> <a href=”;pos=imu;tile=7;sz=336×280,336×600;” target=”_blank”> <img src=”;pos=imu;tile=7;sz=336×280,336×600;” width=”336″ border=”0″ alt=””></a> <a href=”;pos=ezblaster;tile=8;sz=336×35;” target=”_blank”><img… Read more
Vendors Start Releasing TCP DOS Flaw Patches
Vendors are finally releasing patches today for the TCP vulnerabilities first publicized nearly a year ago that affect a huge range of networking products, including any device running a version of Cisco’s IOS software, and a number of Microsoft server and desktop operating systems. Both Microsoft and Cisco released fixes for the vulnerabilities on Tuesday.… Read more
Walkersville shot itself in the foot
Moxley, Walkersville may have deal for land Originally published September 09, 2009 By Gina Gallucci-White News-Post Staff The Town of Walkersville may soon own the land that has caused it turmoil the past two years. In a settlement recently reached in a religious discrimination lawsuit, the proposed purchase price of the 224 acres owned by… Read more
Obama continues his spamming ways
On Facebook, MySpace? Obama’s got your e-mail.
A relaly good faked video
The Megawoosh Waterslide Viral: How It Was Really Done. A client sent me this in a file. Its’ good enough to make you suspend disbielf for a second but if you think logically and critically this just doesn’t seem real. A quick google search got me the linked site that explained how this is a… Read more
Homeschooling Under Attack in the US.
Group Asks Court to Reconsider Removing Girl from Home School Tuesday, September 01, 2009 By Joshua Rhett Miller * Print * ShareThis A New Hampshire court’s decision to order a 10-year-old home-schooled girl to attend public school is coming under attack from some social conservatives and religious freedom advocates. The Alliance Defense Fund, an Arizona-based… Read more
It’s not jsut MASS but iowa as well.
State preps to relocate quarantined H1N1 victims.
MASS prepares for forced vaccinations, forces quarentines, and more.
Cops jump on swine-flu power: Shots heard ’round the world’. this is only the start. Swine flu is NOT that big os a deal but the gov’ts are hyping this in ways that any rational person can see it’s at least hype if not a hoax.
Czar: ‘Spread the wealth! Change the whole system’
Ah Yes the communist manifesto indeed. Does this relaly surpise you consideriong we have an illegal immigrant usurper in the White House? Czar: ‘Spread the wealth! Change the whole system’.
Feds Will Try to Get Kids to Answer Illegal Census Questions
Uncle Sam Will Use Schoolchildren to Pressure Parents on 2010 Census. oh goody…yet another thing to tell my daughter to NOT pay attention to.