HCS's Place

It did not take long for the rationing to take effect now did it?

July 2, 2010 New World Order Obama Obama Care 0

Here we go.  It’s not on the “major” sites yet because the gov’t doesn’t want to scare everyone like they should be.  It’s the frog in the water on the stove.  They’ll let these little leaks to smaller outlets come first then the “big news” will hit and by then…it’s too late to stop it.  Time to… Read more

Here comes the REAL cost of obamacare.

July 1, 2010 Anti-Americanism New World Order Obama Obama Care 1

EducationNews.org – Six Months to Go Until the Largest Tax Hikes in History…. The original site has been taken down either due to traffic or something else..but there are tons of copies.  Read up and get ready.  Fro those of you that voted obama..you got what you voted for..enjoy.

FOXNews.com – School Officials in Mass. Town Won’t Let Students Recite Pledge of Allegiance

June 29, 2010 Anti-Americanism 0

Wow.  NO pledge even voluntary due to the fact God is mentioned and it might offend the religious atheists?  It’s interesting that the atheistists think they are being infringed but the ironic part is they are infringing on everyone else 1st amendment rights by removing the ability for said pledge to be said voluntary. When Sean Harrington entered his… Read more

Christian Music

June 29, 2010 Church 0

It’s gotten stagnant.  Most of it is slow paced..kinds like any churches have become.  What happened to our outdoor celebrations and things like that?  Read Psalms..David would be dancing in worship and so would his household.  I’m a huge fan of the Arabic and “renaissance” and “Celtic” sounds.  Blckmore’s Night has grabbed my attention..but some of their lyrics… Read more

Winning the war against men, Part 1

June 28, 2010 Anti-Americanism Feminazis New World Order 1

I am anxiously awaiting part 2…:)  It should be very interesting. Winning the war against men, Part 1 via Winning the war against men, Part 1.

Intel will ship x86 android 2.2 this summer – The Inquirer

June 25, 2010 Linux 0

Intel will ship x86 android 2.2 this summer – The Inquirer. Now this would be interesting.  If this is actually true then instead of me having to get a smartphone with the high price of the cell carriers scamming built in I can get a netbook running android….hrmmmm…I like this idea.  If it works out I might just leave the notebook at home when i… Read more

Paul McCartney Shows his Intelligence..lack of it.

June 24, 2010 Anti-Americanism Climate Scam New World Order 0

The Beatles legend said: “Sadly we need disasters like this to show people. Some people don’t believe in climate warming – like those who don’t believe there was a Holocaust. “But the facts indicate that there’s something going on and we’ve got to be aware of it if we want our kids to inherit a… Read more

Obama Actually Acted Like our President…

June 23, 2010 General Obama 0

After the comments by McChrystal in a way that directly challeneged the authority of Obama as Coomander-in-Chief Obama surprised me and actually stood up for himself and the Office of the President and fired McChrystal.  This is something that should have been done.  McChrystal offered his resignation..but this was to save face..he was toast.  It… Read more

Interesting Experience

June 22, 2010 Brunswick Politics 0

Any another reason to not listen to Twisted Sister (the song to which I am referring is “We’re Not Gonna Take It”) This past Saturday, my husband and I were working through some things in the dining room when we heard a knock at the door. Not expecting anyone, I cautiously approached the door and… Read more

A case for Linux on the Corporate Desktop

June 21, 2010 Linux Open Source 0

The author makes some great points here.  Take a gander. Not using desktop Linux? You’re wasting your money | Linux – InfoWorld.

When Cloud Computing Can Help Security

June 21, 2010 Linux 0

Right now cloud computing isn’t a security enhancement..it’s a security nightmare.  Most cloud apps actually require you to download and install an executable file that then connects to the cloud.  The operating system requirements are?  Windows…most of the time.  I would like to see the cloud vendors support a truly web-based experience..like Google.  Then you wouldn’t need windows..Linux would work.  Your costs go through the floor.  No high costs for server operating… Read more

Happy Father’s day Lord

June 20, 2010 Church General 0

I went to church today specifically because it is Father’s day.  If there’s no other day to go other than Jesus’ birthday and his death Father’s day(a day when we celebrate fathers) i think it owuld be hypocritical of me to NOT goto church on a day we celebrate fathers.

Pastor tests IRS and sets up his church to be spanked

June 19, 2010 Church 0

As a non-profit the church’s npo status is purely by the convenience of the gov’t involved…which means they CAN tell you what to say since you entered into this what effectively is a private agreement.  If this church(and all others in this country) want to have true freedom..drop your npo status immediately.  Then the gov’t has no reasonable expectation of being able to legally tell you… Read more

Motorcyclist jailed for 26 hours for videotaping gun-wielding cop | Photography is Not a Crime

June 19, 2010 Anti-Americanism New World Order 0

This is one of a growing number of incidents in Maryland.  if this is true then it means if an officer comes up to me in public i will let them know that if they continue to talk to me they consent to be recorded.  If i get stopped where there are security cameras(ones operated by a… Read more

January 2013

June 18, 2010 General 0

Dear American Public I would like to encourage you to step outside of your box, really think about what is good for the country and vote appropriately.  I know you thought that BO would be good for our country, but his change is really not what is good for us.  It is only good for… Read more

Some more good 2nd amendment pictures.

June 17, 2010 Notable Quotes Politics 0

I got these in my e-mial from a friend of mine..:)

Cramer Calls Market “Stupid, Rapacious, Arbitrary, Capricious And Downright Ridiculous”, Tells Viewers To Stay Out | zero hedge

June 15, 2010 Finance 0

It took him long enough..:) Cramer Calls Market “Stupid, Rapacious, Arbitrary, Capricious And Downright Ridiculous”, Tells Viewers To Stay Out | zero hedge.

Arizona Lawmaker Targets Citizenship by Birth..and Looks to Enact yet Another Unconstitutional Law

June 15, 2010 Anti-Americanism Politics 0

I have posted about this sort of thing before…read the previous post. BTW the US Constitution is clear on this(read the 14th Amendment). Here’s the 14th Amendment: Amendment 14 – Citizenship Rights. Ratified 7/9/1868. Note History 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of… Read more

We don’t live in a Constitutional republic anymore.

June 13, 2010 Anti-Americanism Criminal New World Order Obama Obama Care Politics 3

First Obamacare now this.  Rush has been saying all along once healthcare is controlled by the gov’t our entire lives can now be dictated.  Well Rush was once again correct.  It looks like the change of this country going to full blown communism may be on track..socialism is just the first stop.  Buckle up folks. … Read more

Chamber Of Commerce Says Taxpayers Should Help Pay For BP Spill Cleanup; GOP Leader Agrees, Then Recants

June 13, 2010 General 0

Hey there, Americans! I’m sure, by now, many of you have had some time to reflect on the massive, unfolding Deepwater Horizon oil disaster and thought to yourselves, “My, that really is a terrible, apocalyptic cock-up!” But have you gone so far as to think to yourself, “My, that really is a terrible, apocalyptic cock-up,… Read more

Kidan opines on Obama Care

June 13, 2010 Anti-Americanism New World Order Obama Obama Care Politics 0

Don’t just go for the Anti-incumbent my friend…vote for the one who is actually going to try to do something..and make sure it’s Constitutional to boot.  99% of the republicrats and demopublicans are NOT interested in the Constitution.  This is why I take a look at “alternative” parties.  Don’t continue to buy into the two… Read more

Various things I have found in e-mail signatures..elsewhere on the web

June 13, 2010 Notable Quotes 0

Somebody should have said: A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Freedom under a constitutional republic is a well armed lamb contesting the vote. “Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have.” Remember: The Ark was built by amateurs,… Read more

Why Marry?

June 12, 2010 General 0

The femi-nzis DON’T want marriage at all. So, people still want to get married. Most of Bennett and Ellison's friends are getting married. Why are these authors, both of them unmarried feminists, so intent on talking them out of it? Therein lies a tale. The first hint is that both women are self-identified feminists. As… Read more

The American Man: R.I.P.?

June 12, 2010 General 1

Had Enough Therapy?: The American Man: R.I.P.?.

FOXNews.com – Spill Oil to Seep Into Supply Chain as BP Sells It

June 12, 2010 General 0

Refer back to my “misplaced anger” post for a background. It’s possible the oil won;t even be sold to a refinery directly by BP or processed in the Gulf. Big oil companies have trading departments that commonly swap barrels of crude with other firms or sell them to traders who could route the oil across… Read more

The Troubles with being “green”

June 12, 2010 General 0

This person sums up thing nicely.  Ever noticed that anything the envir-nazis get pushed though always turns out worse in the end?  I found this on wnd.com letters to the editor page. Those blasted greenies It amazes me how stupid and ill-informed liberals are allowed on the streets of this great country and, worse yet,… Read more

More Mediocrity open in Brunswick

June 11, 2010 Brunswick 0

me and my family tried this place.  I’ll explain my title in my upcoming food review. The Frederick News-Post Online – Frederick County Maryland Daily Newspaper.

Windows Server vs. Linux…which is better?

June 9, 2010 Linux Open Source 0

Windows Server vs. Linux. There are some serious errors in this..i’ll address them inline. Text below: Windows Server vs. Linux by Ellen Messmer June 8, 2010 — Which is better? Microsoft Windows Server or open-source Linux? This debate arouses vehement opinions, but according to one IT consultant who spends a lot of time with both… Read more

2011 Looks to be an ugly economic year.

June 8, 2010 Finance Obama 0

On or about Jan. 1, 2011, federal, state and local tax rates are scheduled to rise quite sharply. President George W. Bush’s tax cuts expire on that date, meaning that the highest federal personal income tax rate will go 39.6% from 35%, the highest federal dividend tax rate pops up to 39.6% from 15%, the… Read more

A working solution that’s not idiuotic..but idiotic to not try it.

June 5, 2010 General 0

They’ve looked out some outlandish solutions involving nukes..how about this one that worked?? Later in the article Chris Matthews who obviously doesn’t know much about the Constitution says: So on MSNBC tonight, first on Hardball, Chris Matthews excoriated the White House’s irresolute response to the Gulf catastrophe, quoting John Kennedy from the American University speech:… Read more

Obama and Congress look to further takeovers

June 5, 2010 Anti-Americanism Criminal New World Order Obama 0

Former Labor secretary Robert Reich wants to place BP's U.S. operations in temporary receivership. Sen. Ron Wyden D-Ore. wants the oil giant to suspend its dividend payments. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. is weighing criminal charges. And lawyers in more than a hundred lawsuits want BP to pay billions of dollars in damages for… Read more

Man Breaks Car Window to Save Baby in Distress

June 5, 2010 General 0

While this man is a hero for saving this child’s life this NEVER SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED!  The father should be arrested..nough said.  I don’t even leave my daughter in the car going into the local convenience mart even for two minutes….i take the time to get her out of her car seat..and bring her with me.  There’s no reason… Read more

How to reduce the size of the sharepoint database

June 5, 2010 Uncategorized 0

I logged into a client’s machine today and saw this one sharepoint file was over 7 gigs in size. I am thinking this is one reason sharepoint has been pokey as of late. Some googling showed me that by default MS basically has the database in debug(which means every little thing is logged no matter… Read more

Gov’t enforcers are going out of control

June 3, 2010 Anti-Americanism Criminal New World Order Politics 0

Are Cameras the New Guns?. The folks want to disarm the citizenry anyway they can.  First it was to try to violate the 2nd amendment by banning all or classes of weapons…these laws are finally getting overturned.  Now gov’t agents want to go after video and audio recordings of these “public servants”.  Do we need… Read more

The screwjobs continue

June 2, 2010 Finance General 0

AT&T Just Killed Unlimited Wireless Data and Screwed Everybody in the Process. Ah yes.  It continues. Now that AT&T has everyone by the shorthairs they do what any myopic company does..milk their clients dry until they have no clients.  Read the linked article as Verizon intends to do the same thing eventually.


June 1, 2010 General 0

I’ve been told how horrible of a person i am for so long it’s got to be true.  Of course this only occurred once i tried to not be a hermit….so i am  getting help I need but i know what i have to do..i have to be a social hermit.  if you aren’t married… Read more

I got this in an e-mail

May 31, 2010 General Politics 0

I’m not normally a forwarder but I liked this one..:) Does anyone know where I can get my pistol engraved like this? Things that I found helpful by living this long.    The purpose of fighting is to win.. The sword is more important than the shield, and skill is more important than either… The final weapon is… Read more

MS SBS is rapidly loosing its luster.

May 30, 2010 Linux 0

The times really are getting smaller and smaller.  You really need to have 5 or more machines active.  Running e-mail out of house can be done but it’s not easy as exchange really wants to be the mail hub(which makes since as it IS a full featured mail server).  The issues are the high cost… Read more

A new look

May 29, 2010 General 0

The default theme just wasn’t cutting it.  I have a widescreen monitor and it didn’t use one quarter of it.  Since widescreens are becoming increasingly popular I wanted to find a theme that took better advantage.  This one is called F2 for WordPress and it’s where I am going for right now.  Others i found used the whole screen but did not have the… Read more

Superweeds a problem after super foods and super pesticides

May 29, 2010 General 0

U.S. Farmers Cope With Roundup-Resistant Weeds – NYTimes.com. Oh yes.  We think we cna play God and get away with it.  first it was overuse of anti-biotics….now it’s superweeds.  This is also another example of the “green” movement utterly fialing to realize it’s efforts most times produce worse issues than what they envision in their… Read more

More Attacks on the Constitution

May 29, 2010 Anti-Americanism New World Order Politics 0

Under the DISCLOSE Act, certain incorporated entities would be restricted in how they can exercise their free speech rights. There is an exemption for some in the media sphere like newspapers, TV news, and the like. However, there is one driving force in today’s public debate that is NOT exempt. Bloggers will not have the… Read more

Rand Paul has it wrong..Prisonplanet.tv does to

May 29, 2010 General 1

I am no fan of illegal iimmigrants(just read the blog)…BUT rewriting the Constitution to exclude certain folks from having citizenship that is bestowed by birth is totally wrong.  If you are born in this county you have citizenship.  Now if the parents are here illegally deport the lot of them.   The US citizen can come back legally when he/she is of age. On this issue harsh criticism of Rand Paul… Read more

One of Many Reasons HOA’s are evil: Soldier in Iraq Loses Home Over $800 Debt

May 29, 2010 Finance General 0

Soldier in Iraq Loses Home Over $800 Debt | Mother Jones. This is NOT an isolated incident.  There are many and a quickly growing number of incidents of HOA’s running rampant.  The problem is..they are a contract between yourself and a private entity.  since you voluntarily entered into it…there’s not a ton you can do but hope… Read more

Misplaced Anger about BP…the usefullness of gasoline boycotts.

May 27, 2010 General 1

I know somebody who has a permanent boycott of exxon to this day after valdez.  This same person intends to do the same to BP.  There’s one problem… just because you buy your gas at say….citgo or BP or anywhere else…doesn’t mean they only sell citgo gas.  If you watch the gas station it’ll most likely NOT be a… Read more

It’s not just Maryland Democrats

May 26, 2010 Anti-Americanism Politics 0

Brian Griffiths: Purple Shirted Punks. This is a national behavior.

Mirant carbon tax gets initial approval

May 22, 2010 Climate Scam New World Order 0

Here’s several excerpts from this article.  Of course the enviro-nazis have these politiboobs totally gamed.  It’s been shown over and over that global warming/climate change is a scam yet as usual so many folks simply refuse to think for themselves. “I would like to thank Mirant for finding the climate change deniers who are here… Read more

Social Media = Bad Corporate Security

May 21, 2010 Uncategorized 0

Report: Facebook caught sharing secret data with advertisers. Especially with Mark Zukerberg(CEO of Facebook) calling his users obscene names and now being accused of securities fraud, this revelation isn’t surprising.  Right after the first series of Zuckerberg rants the company tried to do some damage control. That obviously is out the window with subsequent privacy… Read more

The Pledge AND the Constitution

May 19, 2010 General 0

I’ve seen folks posting the pledge on Facebook.  I decided to go one further and post the US Constitution as well. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under GOD, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all. This is how the federal… Read more

Scott Gottlieb: No, You Can’t Keep Your Health Plan – WSJ.com

May 19, 2010 New World Order Obama Obama Care 0

For all of those that thought this was going to help healthcare.  Think again. Restrictions on how insurers can spend money are compounded by simultaneous constraints on how they can manage their costs. Beginning in 2014, a new federal agency will standardize insurance benefits, placing minimum actuarial values on medical policies. There are also mandates… Read more

Obamacare hospitals killed: 60, with 200 on life support

May 18, 2010 Anti-Americanism New World Order Obama Obama Care 0

Buried in the recently passed health-care reform bill is a new law granting one of the nation’s largest corporate lobbyists what it has been targeting for years: Death to its competition, and, consequently, a heavy blow to patient choice. Section 6001 of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is responsible for Obamacare’s first casualties:… Read more

The “Digital Transistion” sucks

May 17, 2010 Brunswick General 0

This forced transition to digital cable has been a sucky one.  First we couldn’t get the tv’s to work at all..inet worked fine.  They had to remove a filter they had put on when we first moved in because we had too much signal..now we didn’t have enough.  For the past two days the internet… Read more

The supposedly conservative SCTUS again defies the Constitution

May 17, 2010 Anti-Americanism Politics 1

“The statute is a 'necessary and proper' means of exercising the federal authority that permits Congress to create federal criminal laws, to punish their violation, to imprison violators, to provide appropriately for those imprisoned and to maintain the security of those who are not imprisoned by who may be affected by the federal imprisonment of… Read more

Let’s hope the American public is truly waking up.

May 17, 2010 Finance Politics 0

Tea party claims a scalp.

Time for bed(after securing the church)

May 15, 2010 General 0

Got a phone call around midnight about multiple burglar alarms at the church.  I went out and checked the doors and found two open.  Had the police dispatched.  Got THREE troopers..i was amazed.  They swept the building declared it safe and i was able to go re secure the doors…reset the alarms..and head home…:)  Niter’s… Read more

I wish more elected officials would lay it out like this.

May 14, 2010 Politics 0

Vox Popoli: Striking a chord. The title says it all.  Thanks vox!

The idiocy over the Arizona anti ILLEGAL Immigration law builds

May 13, 2010 Anti-Americanism Criminal Politics 0

From stupid boycotts to totally uninformed criticism the hilarity ensues.  “Liberals” are falling over themselves about the Arizona law that simply enforces the laws already on the books.  All of the cards are in play now…from racism to nazism to anti-americanism, all of the reasons this law is bad are now in play.  unfortunately for… Read more

Terremark vCloud Express: First month « TechOpsGuys.com

May 12, 2010 Linux Open Source 0

Terremark vCloud Express: First month « TechOpsGuys.com. Oucies.  That’s horrendously expensive.  I’m assuming he’s getting great service..:)  There are less expensive options out there…like mine..:)

Finally got Facebook and the blog to play nice

May 11, 2010 General 1

It wasn’t an easy thing at all.  Now however whenever a post is made on the hcs blog it will automatically appear here…which means i won’t have to manually update my status..:)

May 11, 2010 General New World Order Politics Revelations 0

I hate to say this but your opinion is flat wrong.  You apparently don’t realize(or refuse to realize) that Christians are already targeted by just about every government in the world(including ours in the USA) and you are asking the scorpion to not sting you as you carry him across the river on your back. … Read more

More Anti-American Racism

May 8, 2010 Anti-Americanism Politics 4

LOL!  GIVE ME A BREAK!!!  I wonder how many of the “marchers” are LEGALLY in this country?  Guess what..this isn’t the USM(united states of mexico) yet…it’s still the USA so cinco isn’t an AMERICAN holiday therefore wearing American themed flag shirts or anything else AMERICAN isn’t a pro0blem.  The fact that you expect WE AMERICANS… Read more

May 6, 2010 Gaming 0

How to: Get and install the Mektek Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries release, and get it to actually work « Dwell On It. This worked perfectly.

Racism is DEAD!!! Unless you are white.

May 6, 2010 General Politics 1

On any other day at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, Daniel Galli and his four friends would not even be noticed for wearing T-shirts with the American flag. But Cinco de Mayo is not any typical day especially on a campus with a large Mexican American student population. via Students Kicked Off Campus… Read more

Hotshot sniper in one-and-a-half mile double kill – Times Online

May 3, 2010 General 0

Hotshot sniper in one-and-a-half mile double kill – Times Online. WOW!

Illegal Immigrants getting angry that criminal laws are being enforced

May 2, 2010 Politics 1

This can be solved very easily obama.  Enforce the immigration laws that exist then the sates won’t have to enact tough laws that simply enforce what’s already on the books.  Arizona isn’t anti immigration it’s anti ILLEGAL immigration.  Since the dems and repubs BOTH want these criminals to vote(due to our lax voter verification..) the… Read more

Police Seize Computers Illegally….The strong case for full disk encryption.

April 26, 2010 New World Order 0

Police Seize Jason Chen’s Computers – Iphone 4 leak – Gizmodo. I hope this blows up in their faces.  Makes me think it’s time to start doing full disk encryption on everything now if judges and law enforcement are going to start doing things like this openly in violation of the law.

More Railing aginst a non-existent monopoly

April 22, 2010 Open Source 0

He said that with 70 per cent of the US market for Internet search, Google is the gateway to the Internet. How it tweaks its proprietary search algorithms can ensure a business's success or doom it to failure. via Consumer group calls for google breakup – The Inquirer. Give me a break.  My business works… Read more

Sprint is pulling a Verizon

April 6, 2010 General 0

There was a large thread on broadbandreports about how verizon’s phones will check monthly to see if the data connection works..whether it’s asked for or not..which in turn gets you the 1.99 fee. I have for the past two months gotten data charges of 8 bucks and 13 bucks on my bills from my phone.… Read more

Blowing Smoke

April 5, 2010 General 0

http://www.wjla.com/news/stories/0410/722460.html “[Maryland First Lady Katie]O’Malley says similar pinwheel gardens will be planted all across the state to represent the anti-abuse campaign’s motto, “parenting should be a breeze.”” It has been obvious that politicians are out of touch with the people, but to have continued new stories flaunting their ineptitude has shown just how out of… Read more

For once Max speaks the truth.

March 27, 2010 Finance New World Order Obama Obama Care Politics 0

Oh REALLY?!?!?!  How much of your paycheck are you willing to donate to this cause Max?  I know the answer..ZERO!  This is simply to suck money out of everyone and give it to folks like you.  It’s unfortunate that many folks in the country through their lack of self-thought and research will actually let this… Read more

It’s time to detail the cuts and tax increases.

March 27, 2010 Finance New World Order Obama Obama Care Politics 0

Medicare gets eviscerated over the next decade.  While i don’t have the specifics yet I found this which goes into some detail about what’s going to happen.  All you seniors who are members of AARP who either directly voted for this OR indirectly voted by remaining in AARP here is your reward.  This goes for… Read more

The costs of the healthcare socializaiton(obamacare) shows up NOW

March 26, 2010 Criminal Finance New World Order Obama Obama Care Politics 0

Consequences Of Health Care: Valuations – The Market Ticker. Read this linked article closely.  Where are the healthcare savings at?  There are none! It gets worse.  The companies taking charges is growing exceedingly rapidly. More articles on the already unfolding impacts: 1 2 3

The Gov’t Theft(bailout) hits close to home.

March 24, 2010 General 0

The bailout theft has claimed it’s first major casualty…Don Phillips Jeep.  This video says everything.

Kidan’s sad day…and all of Americas

March 23, 2010 General New World Order Obama Obama Care Politics 0

krashpad: Am Sad. Don’t just throw out the incumbent…make sure(as i hope everyone will) the person you vote is is worthy of your vote…if not vote for yourself as a write-in.

The RINO’s are killing the GOP not immigration

March 23, 2010 General Politics 0

The title says it all.  They use McCain as the example in Ariz.  This is laughable because he helped push through one of the largest intrusions into the First Amendment seen in a long time.  He’s no GOP he a rino like 99% of the rest of them.  Demopublicans and Republicrats. Immigration’s killing the GOP.

MIcrosoft Exchange and Outlook may have met their match

March 8, 2010 Open Source 0

bfish.xaedalus.net » Stay in Sync with GCal and Thunderbird.. I have converted two of my domains to gmail via Google apps.  I am now using Thunderbird via Secured IMAP to check my e-mail for those accounts.  I also now have access to my business e-mail from my phone without having to get a higher priced… Read more

How the Dems Prepare to Commit “Suicide”

February 26, 2010 New World Order Obama Obama Care 0

FOXNews.com – In Gamble, Obama and Dems Prepare to Ram Health Care Through. So they are going ot use reconciliation(which means attach it to hte budget which means no debate) for an up or down vote.  since scott brown is a “moderate” I doubt he’s going to change the balance so this will go through. … Read more

How NOT to endear yourself to your new constituents

February 23, 2010 General Politics 0

By SPAMMING them…case in point I just received this in my BUSINESS e-mail: : Jenkins, Charles Delegate [Charles.Jenkins@house.state.md.us] Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 2:24 PM To: Jenkins, Charles Delegate Subject: Week 6 – Maryland General Assembly Attachments: oledata.mso Below is the first page of this week’s legislative wrap-up.  The link to read the entire report… Read more

Something doesn’t smell right with the Stack suicide

February 19, 2010 General New World Order 0

This article sums it up.  Too many inconsistencies….. I Don’t Buy the Official Story of Joe Stack.

GOP is running scared..so are the Dems…Tea Party has begun throwing out establishment pols.

February 19, 2010 Politics 0

hatch and the other establishment pols have it wrong.  Tea Partiers aren’t interested in electing Dems..OR REPUBS..they want the Constitution back.  That’s going to mean throwing BOTH establishment parties out.  It’s what I have been hoping for for years.  Now as long as they don’t allow themselves to be co-opted by the likes of Palin… Read more

Schools use School Issued Laptops to Spy on Students and Families

February 18, 2010 New World Order 0

Warning To Schools: Your Conduct Can Constitute A FELONY – The Market Ticker. People wonder why I ma highly distrustful of the gov’t and anything to do with it?

Obama Heads to Colorado to Doom Another Senator

February 18, 2010 Obama Politics 0

FOXNews.com – President Heads to Denver to Lend Hand to Endangered Democratic Senator. So far everywhere obama has gone he has failed.  I think Colorado is going to be another Democratic defeat in 2012.

This Is How It Begins Wanton Violence – The Market Ticker

February 18, 2010 Finance General Politics 1

This Is How It Begins Wanton Violence – The Market Ticker. This is an interesting perspective.  If this is true then it’s only the beginning of the people’s response to this loooooong term raping of the American public. I am watching the news conference and the Austin PD is stone walling reporters even when Federal… Read more

Yahoo’s Search to Become More Useless

February 18, 2010 Open Source 0

It’s very simple.  Yahoo is abandoning their search.  All of their search results are going to come from Bing.  How bad is Bing?  I can search Microsoft’s site with Google faster, with more accuracy, and more relevance than Bing can hope for.

War Monger RINO’s Have Taken The Tea Party Movement Hostage.

February 11, 2010 Politics 0

From the election of RINO Scott Brown to RINO Sarah Palin(she’s popular because she’s “hot”) the Tea Party has been successfully hijacked.  The question is..will the tea partiers realize this in time before their movement is relegated to the grass roots trash pile? During her keynote address and in subsequent television appearances, Palin aggressively beat… Read more

Global Warming Doublespeak: Snowmageddon Blizzards Are Part Of Heating Trend

February 11, 2010 Climate Scam New World Order 0

The warming lobby is now claiming that global cooling is a part of global warming, and that we must still lower our living standards and pay carbon taxes, while all the real environmental problems are ignored or actively made worse by the same power brokers demanding that we make sacrifices in the name of fighting… Read more

State and county road crews being suspended.

February 10, 2010 Brunswick General Revelations 0

As per Fredrick Central Communications: All county and state road operations have been suspended due to weather conditions until further notice. Per me: This means if you decide to drive your wait for a response is going to be a while since even fire and ems crews are getting stuck…. Be expecting response times for… Read more

The Presidential Assassination List January 28 2010

January 29, 2010 Criminal New World Order Obama 0

Will Grigg’s Liberty Minutes – The Presidential Assassination List January 28 2010.

Listen to your wife’s sniffer

January 26, 2010 General 0

Well she thought it was a bad idea for me to do volunteer work in IT(which is why she doesn’t do it).  I have to say i agree.  I jsut had bad days at both sites i volunteer for and i am now seriously re-evaluating my volunteer status. Location number 1:  I have been blown… Read more

WTRI is Coming Back on the air With YOur Help!!!

January 12, 2010 General 0

I got this in my e-mail.  i do a fair amount of volunteer work for WTHU who has acquired WTRI in Brunswick: Dear WTHU friends, As many of you may know, the Lord has dropped an incredible opportunity into our lap to broadcast over the station in Brunswick MD which will allow us to reach… Read more

Smokey and the Bandit Fire Department..:)

January 11, 2010 General 0

YouTube – Fire Chief Runs Blocker.

NewsFactor Network | MagicJack’s Next Act: Disappearing Cell Phone Fees

January 11, 2010 Open Source 0

NewsFactor Network | MagicJack’s Next Act: Disappearing Cell Phone Fees. If MajicJack doesn’t get sued out of existence this is an excellent value..that means you can drop your plan back since you won’t be using as many minutes.  If it only worked for CDMA phones then i could relaly save some minutes on my Sprint… Read more

Joe Albero…Stop the Grandstanding

January 11, 2010 General 0

Salisbury News: The Daily Times Gets The Scoop On The Foxwell’s, So What?. I sent this to joe’s blog in the comments regarding the story at: http://sbynews.blogspot.com/2010/01/daily-times-gets-scoop-on-foxwells-so.html I am posting it here since Joe deleted ti..:) “All I can tell you is this. ANY time anyone has come forward to raise money for the Family,… Read more

A Decade of Self Delusion? NOT

January 4, 2010 Climate Scam Criminal Finance General Homeschooling New World Order Obama Obama Care 0

Greetings to all, I just had to comment on this. To find the story, here is the link: http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=35018#c1 I think I know the direction that Mr Buchanan was heading for. The problem is, I never agreed with his whiny words and policies. Even now, people are still blaming “W” for their woes. You want… Read more

Interesting Timing by the Fed…Time for a Housing Price Crash.

January 4, 2010 Finance 0

“HAFA” – Foreclosure Warning Dead Ahead! – The Market Ticker. Don’t forget that we have a second wave of massive foreclosures coming Alt-A and Option-ARMS which are going to either reset or recast.  Now they are going to send another wave of defaults into the market as per a post I made back in December… Read more

New GM Same old Skins

January 4, 2010 Football Sports 0

Washington Redskins Fire Coach Jim Zorn|ABC 7 Sports. Zorn is fired to pay for Snyder’s incompetence.  It remains to be seen if this GM is in title only or really has the powers needed to get some continuity into the organization which is what is really needed.  The skins have the talent in their roster… Read more

Obamacare To Kill Private Insurance

January 2, 2010 Criminal New World Order Obama Obama Care 0

Employers will not be required to offer their workers coverage, being subject to a $750 annual penalty if they fail to do so, a figure most analysts say is not high enough to prevent employers from dropping their plans, meaning that more people will be forced to buy government health care. via Obamacare To Cost… Read more

“Healthcare Overhaul” not about covering everyone

January 2, 2010 New World Order Obama Obama Care 0

Health bill would leave millions uninsured – Washington Post- msnbc.com. Health bill would leave millions uninsured Backer of Senate legislation says ‘the problem is still going to be there’ By Perry Bacon Jr. The Washington Post updated 7:02 a.m. ET, Sat., Jan. 2, 2010 // Even as Democrats seek the biggest expansion of health coverage… Read more

I like this….(course language ahead)

January 1, 2010 Finance 0

As The Clock (er, Worm) Turns… – The Market Ticker.

The TSA is not going to protect you.

December 27, 2009 General 0

This isn’t even the best part.  Read the entire article.  If i could fly without rupturing my eardrums i wouldn’t due to the insanity of “gov’t security” which is a total joke. Let me make myself clear: I am very interested in not being blown to smithereens by some Islamic Nutjob who believes his personal… Read more

Our own “Lost Decade”

December 27, 2009 Finance New World Order 0

You know it’s going to be bad and that the media is lying about how we are done with the recession when they put this stuff out: I like it how Karl Denninger calls cnbc cnbs..msnbc could be msnbs as well.  Along with fox, dnn, abc and cbs.  With many of our manufacturing jobs permanently… Read more