For Everyone of the Politically Correct Persuasion
If you aren’t interested in hearing some hard nosed truth not glossed over and made nice and squishy don’t hit play. If you want to see the non pc presentation of some very relevant truths not only watch the video but look at the playlist embedded as well.
Heart Attack Grill = My Kind of Joint Foodwise
Heart Attack Grill serves quadruple bypass burgers – TODAY Health – Diet and nutrition –
Further Explanation of Why We Need to Move to Postgres
This article says it better than i can. The GPL is actually now causing more issues than it solved. I would actually use the GPL to RESTRICT who can use my software and how..whereas the BSD license is truly a Free Open Source license. Internal Email on Why a Software Company Migrates Away from MySQL.
Gov’t Sexual Assaults Getting Out of Control.
These body scanners produce clear images of naked persons..including’s a porn fest. If you refuse the scanners you are then sexually assaulted by the TSA. I will not fly at this point..ever…i’m going to not let my girls on flights either. TSA Groping Out Of Control.
Sex, Drugs More Common in Hyper-Texting Teens –
Sex, Drugs More Common in Hyper-Texting Teens –
Obama’s $2 billion India armada
To me, Obama’s rationalization for the extravagance is more outrageous than spending more money the U.S. Treasury doesn’t have. He says the purpose of the India excursion is to bring jobs and economic opportunities to the U.S. through expanded trade. What’s wrong with this picture? Expanded trade with India for the foreseeable future spells a… Read more
Jerry Jones Fires the Wrong Man
His title says it all eam owner-general manager Jerry Jones Jerry Jones needs to fire himself as the general manager….most likely as the team owner as well because he can’t out of the team’s way so the team can actually play and win. When he has somebody who would time him to kiss off(jimmy johnson, bill parcells) the cowboys were… Read more
My Wife gets one..:)
“One of the things that plucks my nerves is being led by followers” Heather Warren
Obama = Modern day Nero
While our economy goes down the toilet he hosts not only opulent parties with the most expensive things that can be bought but this level of spending for a trade summit is beyond description. The US economy is burning and he is out dancing all over the world. Obama’s India visit security erect a bomb… Read more
Meet my new truck..:)
Fords EcoBoost F-150 packs a powerful punch – Business – Autos – MotorHead – You’ll need another company’s V-10 to outdo this truck’s v6!!!!
It’s time to move to postgres
InnoDB Storage Engine Dropped From Oracle MySQL Classic Edition. Oracle owns Innodb and now MySQL. It’s time to move from Mysql to postgres. Not one of the mysql forks..but postgres. Oracle is beginning the squeeze of Sun’s properties.
HOw True a Statement this is
I saw this on by steve machol I want to live in a world where a chicken can cross a road without its motives being questioned.
More Casualties of Oracle’s Purchase of Sun
Slashdot Developers Story | 33 Developers Leave Openoffice is for all intents dead. Libreoffice is where it’s at which is what i am going to be trying out for possible reccomendations.
Rangle resurrects compulsory gov’t service
He’s tried this before. now he’s going to try it again. I’m not sure this will fail at this time. This means my two kids would be forced into either “civillian National Security” or military service. Just scary is what this is. Rangel plan gives prez ‘civilian security force’.
IN Support of Another NPO
I have been doing IT work as a volunteer for a local radio station WTHU for a few years now. Slowly but surely we have been moving along the technology track int he right direction. We have a stout server in wash state that handles our streaming. The costs for this are extremely reasonable but time have… Read more
Living Like a King….on Your Dime
This is so over the top I can’t NOT post about this. Since Obama is expected to arrive in the afternoon on November 6, and will travel by road to the Taj Mahal Hotel, the entire stretch from airport to the hotel will be under heavy security. The officer said, There will be no vehicular… Read more
The popular rebellion against the federal gov’t begins
The federal gov’t thinks any unconstitutional laws they pass have any power..they really don’t. It’s time folks start realizing this and start acting accordingly en masse as California voters seem apparently willing to do. That’s the only way to cow this federal gov’t beast back into it’s Constitutional constraints. The attorney general said the ballot measure’s passage would “significantly… Read more
Living With 2 Year old
I got this from one of the folks I Follow on twitter..matt mecham: Living with a two year old is like living with an irate dictator with an unpredictable temper and a fondness of cuddles.
Server Donation Part 4
Well i got the servers in and really didn’t want to wait for the 12u rack…mainly because it’s not int he budget right now. I took one of the servers and have installed untangle on it. I now have 4 network cards in the thing. One is red(internet), one is blue(free public wifi) and one… Read more
Come ckeckout this event at Faith Baptist Church
Only one more week to get your free tickets to Don Piper, author of 90 Minutes in Heaven. He is speaking at my church in Knoxville, MD on Oct 24 at 8:15 and 10:50. Call 301-834-7755 to reserve your FREE (yes FREE) ticket.
School settles laptop spying case to “protect taxpayers”
There’s an easy way to avoid this situation again. If you are presented the option to use a gov’t issues computer.. just don’t. The chances of the gov’t prosecuting itself for it’s own criminal activity are slim at best. The school district accused of spying on students at home via laptop webcam has agreed to settle two student… Read more
Major Changes Coming to God’s Frozen Chosen
There’s a website I have long been a member of called God’s Frozen Chosen. We’ve been looking for a good forums package for a while and have found what we think is going to be best. First head to and you’ll see the current forums. The testing forums are at . It’s a new package that’s in beta called xenforo and… Read more
Come see a Site I Visit often
It’s called God’s Frozen Chosen. We are a small(for now) gaming oriented group of Christians. All are welcome to join the forums and talk with us. Come check us out..:)
Brunswick Railroad Museum faces loss of NPO status
County nonprofits face loss of tax-exempt status – The Frederick News-Post Online. I’m posting this in the hopes somebody will notify the BRRM. I intend to go buy there over the weekend and try to notify them of this change.
Controversial STD drug tied to 16 more deaths
The count is going to continue to climb. More and more vaccines are worse than the diseases they are supposed to contain. Controversial STD drug tied to 16 more deaths.
Major house fire in Brunswick
We have two adjacent structures in Brunswick that are now on fire. We have 2 alarms out on on this fire. Two houses are involved. Please pray for hte families as there has already been one burn victim that is being treated. I will keep everyone notified. Right now Knoxville road at the dollar general is closed. Also Brunswick street is closed form the 700 block to nearly the 900 block.… Read more
This made me a bit light headed just watching it.
Oh wow. What some amazing video. If you are afraid of heights don’t watch this. via YouTube – World’s Scariest Job.
Mattel Consumer Relations Answer Center – Product Recall/Advisory
Mattel Consumer Relations Answer Center – Product Recall/Advisory. This is a huge recall. Check this list of children’s product carefully to see if you have any of this in your home and evalute your own course of action..:)
The Market Beings its Reactions to Obamacare – Do Kids Count? Insurers Stop Selling Child-Only Policies Ahead of ObamaCare Provisions.
Places I Have to Checkout
I will be updating this list often..for facebook users check the blog post and the facebook plugin for my blog doesn’t dynamically update for updates. The Thurman Cafe in Columbus, Ohio Riverstone Grill – Grand Island, NY The Black Sheep– Richmond, VA Tony Luke’s Pat’s, Gino’s and Jim’s- Philly
Zimbra is about ready to go
I just need to get the final list of current mailboxses and get the DNS switched over. Staff meeting this Monday to see if they’ll give the green light. I have found several extensions(called zimlets) that really extend the featureset of the Zimbra platform. I know have built into the platform: 1. Automatic detection of UPS and… Read more
The Dallas Cowboys Implode Against the ‘Skins
Well Mr. Penalty Alex Barron strikes again. This jagoff has been the most penalized player in the NFL. Why the boys keep this idiot is beyond me. Of course Dallas tried to push things right before the half they lost the ball and the ‘Skins ran it in for a touchdown. Then Mr. penalty on… Read more
This is really cool.
YouTube – Rebuild a Jeep under 4 minutes.
Miley Cyrus Goes From WHolesome to Nearly Slutty Much Sooner Than Britney Ever did. – Teenage Miley Makes Teenage Britney Look Tame.
How Can This Possibly be a Good Thing?
It’s not. Not only are these fish a danger to the waters they are most likely a danger to us as well. The article mentions they are going to start with salmon and then go for everything else including tilapia. Fast-growing GM salmon ‘safe to be farmed and eaten’ – Telegraph.
120 Days to Go Until the Largest Tax Hikes in History
it start soon..and only gets worse. Here’s more of that “change” for all you folks who vote for usama obama..:) 120 Days to Go Until the Largest Tax Hikes in History.
When are we going to revoke banking charters and start shutting these vipers nest down??????
the banks listed had dedicated units for laundering money through the us banking system. Yet they get to settle… why are they still doing business in this country? Market-Ticker – MarketTicker Forums.
Anandtech Begins a Major Upgrade Project
They are jumping right into virtualization. Their biggest concern is they are hitting the limits of their colos power envelope before they start getting charged. They are going to reduce their server footprint by about half and hopefully save some power as well. I’ll be tracking this however feel free to watch form Anandtech directly. AnandTech 2010 Server… Read more
How’s This for Change? Obamacare is Showing it’s True Costs Already.
Faced with mounting debt and looming costs from the new federal health-care law, many local governments are leaving the hospital business, shedding public facilities that can be the caregiver of last resort. via – Cash-Poor Local Governments Ditching Public Hospitals.
Banks Find A New RipOff – “Professional” Cards – MarketTicker Forums
All you Self-employed or SMB folks read up. The new credit card regulations do NOT apply to you so get ready for the banskters to s art ripping you off as well. If you don’t have a “professional” card get ready to see a flood of credit card offers. Do what I have done and stay away from these altogether. Banks… Read more
Sotomayor Says Court May Rule to Limit First Amendment in Response to Wikileaks
Following the release of over 90,000 documents by Wikileaks in July, the Pentagon found no evidence that the disclosure harmed U.S. national security or endangered American troops in the field. The Pentagon review team consists of military intelligence analysts, lawyers and others working for the Joint Chiefs of Staffs and other elements of the Defense… Read more
The March to a One World Currency Continues
It was actually an idea floated by the economist whose failed theories haunt us today. Read the linked article for more. It’s getting closer world currency..etc etc etc. U.S. Postal Service Starts Quoting SDR to Dollar Conversion Rates, and IMF Endorses Replacing Dollars with SDRs ? Washington’s Blog.
Fredco Opts out of Race to the Top but not for the stated reasons
It’s not about tracking or least not for the teacher’s union..look at the italicized text below. They don’t want to tie teacher’s evals to student performance. Well if your students are doing poorly it’s either the school’s fault or the teacher’s fault. I think this would give teacher’s the motivation they need to actually advocate for students instead… Read more
Equal rights group says Illegal Immigrants Have the Same Rights as non-illegals.
AND THEY ARE WRONG! If you are in this country illegally you have the right to remain silent…and get deported or jailed. That’s because if you are here illegally you are a criminal! You aren’t even a citizen of this country…or have a valid passport or visa, etc etc are here “without documentation”..aka illegally! This means you don’t have… Read more
Government wants your 401k..So Get Out of It
Government wants your 401k. The gov’t is going tos tart converting your 401k to bonds. Guess what happens when the US debt load(currently at over 25 trillion or more) get too big? The gov’t defaults on the bonds and your retirement is worth bupkis. Karl Denninger over at the market ticker called this last year that… Read more
Remember the old qbasic game where you played gorilas throwing exploding bananas?
Play Gorillas.bas, a free online game on Kongregate.
Egg recall expands to 32 million cartons in salmonella outbreak – Health – Food safety –
If you ahve any eggs in cartons with the following brands you may be under this important safety recall…that continues to expand. The recalled eggs are packaged under the following brand names: Lucerne, Albertson, Mountain Dairy, Ralph’s, Boomsma’s, Sunshine, Hillandale, Trafficanda, Farm Fresh, Shoreland, Lund, Dutch Farms and Kemps. The eggs are packed in cartons… Read more
Major Server Donation: Step 1 Server 1
What are the needs that this server can address? At this time the church’s website is hosted by powweb on their free package for non profits. Unfortunately their e-mail services are horrendously unreliable. We have a business class internet connection with a static ip. We have more than enough outgoing bandwidth to handle e-mail. While… Read more
What to do with a major server donation
You can read about the donation here. I have three IBM x335’s on the way with dual p-4 xeon 2.8 ghz cpu’s, dual 36 gig 10k rpm SCSI drives with hardware raid 1, 4 gigs of ram, all the cables needed including ILO, and rails. All for the cost of shipping. Why am I posting about it here? I run the… Read more
God Provides for FBC Once Again
Faith Baptist Church has been needing some technology help for a bit now. I’ve gotten to the point I do what I can but I know God is going to provide. Up comes the past week and a friend of mine in Seattle Washington. His employer, WTS Inc., is decommissioning a ton of p-4 based… Read more
Scared of the Public so we have to hide
Guess what? The “criminals” are going to be able to decrypt the communications anyway so hiding the transmissions does nothing. All this does is how the contempt you have for the general public. Safety is an issue with the current communication system for two reasons, Debord wrote. The dead zones are one reason. The other is the new system will have the… Read more
Why AVG Remains my reccomendation for businesses
Virus Bulletin : News – A third of anti-malware products fail to secure Vista Business Edition, Virus Bulletin reveals. If you look at the linked graphic you’ll see AVG proudly near the top with Symantec and Macafee much lower. Microsoft Security Essentials isn’t high on the chart So if you really want an anti-something… Read more
Watch the reply of Brunswick Little League
I know this works for Comcast customers. I do not know if this is going to work for other providers. They had a great run. They got drubbed the last time they played this team. I think Brunswick did a great job in this season. I’m anxious to see what happens next year. Congratulations to… Read more
What Has America Become by Ken Huber of Tawas City
What Has America Become by Ken Huber of Tawas City. I could not have summed this up any better. Thank you for this letter Gen
The epitome of Jealousy
Gen jsut won an 8 gig Ipod touch from work. All I can say is…..GREEN!..:)
Time for a New Phone…Time to “Settle”
My trusty rumor now has the offs. It just decides it’s done and turns off. This is not a graceful shutoff either it’s like i pulled the battery off. It’s getting to the point the phone is getting very unreliable and difficult to use. However I really can’t afford the data plan at $150/month for my three line family plan…so I have to settle on something that’ll work.. just not what… Read more
Let’s Hope This Never Happens on YOUR call
The engine essentially locks up right after leaving the fire house requiring a shutdown and restart. Makes you wonder if it was running a MS operating system…:) IF I heard of this happening to one of our engines or any first responder gear I would have some direct questions for the station staff. –… Read more
Brunswick Continues its Winning Ways
Way to go guys! Brunswick bashes way to regionals – The Frederick News-Post Online.
Sometimes Virtualization ISN’T the Answer
After some internal testing and research i can honestly say that virtualization may not be the best solution except for larger deployments. For the same money(or less) than either upgrading one server to be able to host multiple vm’s or the purchase of a new server that’s capable of doing that I can build two machines around Intel Atom d510’s… Read more
This guy doesn’t know anything about the 1st amendment.
I’m no fan of Islam, however if they are citizens they have every right to the Constitution I do. Obviously if they are advocating a violent overthrow then that’s a cause for worry..but muslims have the same rights and protections under the ENTIRE Constitution that all other citizens of this nation do. This guy needs to go back… Read more
Federal Judge Rules Arizona Law Unconstitutional
Of course judges CAN’t strike down laws according to the Constitution. Irregardless, apparently it is illegal to make it illegal to be in this country illegally. What a crock of crap. The state can “deter unlawful entry” but can’t kick them out if they are already here. Where’s the sense in that? Calm urged after judges ruling… Read more
Windows Security Issues Causing Increasingly Diffulcult Malware Removals
This is the primary reason Unix folks remove the computer, make an image for forensics, and then rebuild from a known good source. Windows folks have yet to figure this one out. I take the same philosophy towards malware that Unix admins do..nuke the box…because you can’t trust it’s clean once it’s been compromised. In one incident, a sports… Read more
Many Folks Actually FEAR Freedom
This is so true. Read this letter to the editor I found on Why people fear freedom Some years ago, on the Sean Hannity radio show, Mr. Hannity was interviewing KABC Los Angeles libertarian radio talk-show host Larry Elder. He asked, at the time, why was it that libertarians, when running for political office,… Read more
Here’s What Happens When Gov’t Runs Healthcare
Kidan on facebook posted about this. This is what is coming here..get ready. Axe falls on NHS services – Telegraph.
H.R. 5741 Slave bill now in Committee
H.R. 5741 Slave bill now in Committee. Read this carefully. this is slavery plain and simple…force upon us by..a BLACK CONgressman. Racism in America is dead? Not at all. If you are any color but white you have the full force of the gov’t behind up helping you leapfrog up the “ladders” of opportunity. If you are white…well you have lots of… Read more
Famed Ledo restaurant to close Adelphi location on Sunday
Famed Ledo restaurant to close Adelphi location on Sunday. Wow i’ve been to the soon to be old location. I do intend to go to the new location sometime int he future though.
I’ve Had This Snarky Feeling
All day long. Then i got a song stuck in my head. It’s called Kitty and it’s by The Presidents of the United States of America. It’s off their self-titlted albums. Here are the lyrics(with some bad language removed): Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow Little bag of bones been out all night Little bag… Read more
Hot Commodity
For the first time in my voting life, I am registered as unaffiliated. This was formerly known as independent, but I suppose that Maryland felt this was just not acceptable, so we are now known as unaffiliated. Now, I thought being registered with a political party held power. Wow! I was wrong. This year,… Read more
Some of the Biggest Idiocy I’ve Seen *UPDATED TWICE*
It’s after 9PM here and I just had Co.5, Co 19 go by my house with a parade in tow loudly hitting their sirens and air horns as they went by. I staunchly defended BOTH of you for your sirens a bit back and you folks pull this? Luckily this suddenly, intrusive, and radical change in the local noise… Read more
The New York Times Goes Nuts, Says The Government Should Regulate Google’s Search Algorithm (GOOG)
I totally agree with SFGATE on this one..and the reasons given for opposition are totally accurate and standing within Constitutional principles. The New York Times Goes Nuts, Says The Government Should Regulate Google’s Search Algorithm (GOOG).
Possible Security flaw May Compromise Many Websites
It’s a long time issue in non internet applications but it was thought the latency of internet communications would protect users from this issue. While I’m not sure this is either a large issue now or even if it’s going to be one it is one I will be tracking to see if it becomes… Read more
Some funny..some amazing cat videos
Checkout this youtube video. The most amazing one i saw was at 4:40..the cat that skips across the water.
bp had the well capped.
Now let’s pray the well holds pressure correctly.
BP and the Gov’t…what are they covering up?
Read the links and watch the video in the linked post..i’m not going to recreate it here. However multiple times folks have told us that the gov’t figures are wrong and that BP is also being very restrictive with details. If you stop and think for a moment we don’t know hardly ANYTHING about what is going on… Read more
Praise GOD! It’s raining here! It’s a light shower but it’s been going for about 20 minutes and if the radar holds true we’ve got more on the way. Even if this is all we get it’s still a Praise GOD moment!
Is College Really a Good Idea?
Just from a financial standpoint the answer could very likely be no. Karl really analyzes the numbers and comes up with some results that might just surprise you. The Case For And Against College – The Market Ticker ®.
Idolatry up..Nation Down..Where’s Jesus in the Hearts of Men?
The sight of American citizens gathering to protest basketball player LeBron James decision to join Miami Heat last week, after Ohio Governor Ted Strickland joined celebrities to serenade James in a bizarre appeal video entitled We are LeBron, was a shocking reminder of how millions of Americans are more concerned about sports teams than the… Read more
Are the Trumpets Getting Warmed up?
It’s coming..slowly but surely. The frog in the pot of water that is slowly heated up is what the American people are. A customer chooses a wine on a touch-screen display, swipes an ID, blows into an alcohol sensor (no contact with the machine is required) and looks into a surveillance camera. A state employee in Harrisburg… Read more
Your Retirement Funds Are Not Safe
I am already telling my wife to get her money OUT of 401k’s and other vehicles specifically because of garbage like this. The next step the gov’t is going to do is they will seize all tax free ira’s…convert them to US treasuries(aka bonds) and say if you want it that’s what you have to do. These bonds… Read more
Law: eBay and other resellers endangered by court ruling – Court says First Sale doctrine doesn’t apply to foreign copyrighted items | TechEye
I’m curious to see if this stands SCOTUS scrutiny. Keep in mind this is the SCOTUS that has said eminent domain trumps all other property rights so I am NOT counting on a business friendly ruling form the SCOTUS. We can only pray the most overturned US circuit court is overturned again. eBay and other websites where second-hand goods are sold, not to… Read more
One possible scenario of the Gulf Oil spill
I don’t place much credence in models these days considering most of them are tainted by political and other agendas. This could be another one…however I think this one is plausible given the long standing currents in the area. Take a gander and judge for yourself. YouTube – HD version – The longterm fate of the oil spill… Read more
Talking about total idiocy for a relationship basis
How can you form a long lasting, dedicated, long-term relationship from an encounter(and that’s all it can be called) that’s designed from the start to NOT generate that kind of relationship? Simply? You can’t. That’s akin to lighting a hand grenade into a disorganized library and expecting the explosion to reorganize everything. Hooking up has replaced traditional… Read more
Winning the war against men, Part 2
Here is part two of Vox’s expose on the war against men. Part 1 is here in case you did not read it first. Winning the war against men, Part 2.
It’s that time of year again
I came home the other day and found a flier sticking in my door. The color scheme puzzled me because it did not look like the regular carry our fliers that regularly grace the front of our house. I pulled it out of the door and found it was for a local political candidate. Great.… Read more
Just looking at the symptom I suggested the problem was electronic with these cars with sudden accelaeration. Consider as well that the gas pedal is not mechanically coupled to the engine anymore gives it more credence. Read this story from Yahoo news. It it’s gone poofies(which they tend to do on Yahoo) i have the full story… Read more
Bookkeeper to plead guilty to stealing from the needy
All i can say is this is despicable. Stealing from the mentally and physically handicapped is jsut totally slimey. CSAVR is a national nonprofit organization that advocates for vocational training to help the mentally and physically disabled get jobs. The nonprofit was formed in 1940 and is composed of the chief administrators of state rehabilitation agencies… Read more
Delegate candidate claims model home as legal residence – The Frederick News-Post Online
THis is such baloney. Hey Blaine and WFMD let’s get on this guy…he’s trying to scam the citizens of Frederick and the state. State delegate candidate Scott Rolle is registered to vote at a house being used as a model home. Rolle, a Republican, is living in an apartment temporarily while the new house is being finished,… Read more
Residents Say No to Chip-Using “Voluntary” Recycling Program
One local government is taking recycling enforcement to a whole new level. The City of Laurel has launched a pilot program in the Patuxent Glen neighborhood and electronic chips have been implanted in every resident’s recycling bin Other than the obvious privacy issues here’s the best part. First they say: “We will have the highest rate of recycling, in… Read more
Practice Your Mercury Escape Plan
These CFL bulbs(and any fluorescent bulb) contain more than 300 times the legal EPA limit for mercury. You break one of these in your house and you effectively have turned your home into a highly toxic, unlivable area until you have special cleanup companies com in. Start hoarding incandescents folks. I’m doing that right now…and hoping the upcoming wave of LED lights don’t have this mercury problem. Of course… Read more
Your privacy was already gone
I hate to say it but the concept of privacy on the internet is really a smokescreen. once your ip is logged it’s a trivial matter to trace it back to your isp then get a court order to reveal the account details. REALID by activision is just making it easy for them so they can sell your information even more.… Read more
You need to get XP SP3 installed quickly.
If you are running xp 64 bit you are stuck at sp2 and your installation expires in less than a week. Time for a move to 7. You have less than one week to update Windows XP. Here’s how! – Microsoft SMB Community Blog – By Eric Ligman – Site Home – MSDN Blogs.
Waiting for the “right” job
Karl’s comments are italicized. I have to agree this kid is voluntarily unemployed. The daily routine seldom varied. Mr. Nicholson, 24, a graduate of Colgate University, winner of a deans award for academic excellence, spent his mornings searching corporate Web sites for suitable job openings. When he found one, he mailed off a résumé and cover letter four… Read more
Record corporate cash isn’t necessarily a good thing
The Fallacy Of “Record Corporate Cash” – The Market Ticker ®.
Finance reform? I don’t think so
Super-low interest rates also ensure that the big banks, fated to be wards of the government if the new financial reform becomes law, will have generous margins between their borrowing costs and lending revenues. This will enable them to further pad their balance sheets and correct the mistakes of yesteryear. …. There’s a flip side,… Read more
What are we NOT being told about the oil spill?
It’s ironic..the poster children for obama are now getting stabbed in the back by his tele-promptness. The video in the linked post is from a CNN piece where they are complaining about obama-trons shutting them out of oil cleanpu sites. Not surprising considering hits man bows to foreign monarchs and dictators. Did folks REALLY think he cared about… Read more
Bad air day
Code red. Of course with my asthma I can already feel the bad air. Luckily we are cleaning up the air inside the house. We bought a new vacuum and were astonished at the amount of stuff it’s pulling up that our old one missed. This new one also has two filters..a primary and then the HEPA. We have noticed a marked decrease… Read more
Exactly what are you celebrating?
This is a very interesting read…and much truer than most folks will ever admit. Regardless of what one thinks of the left-leaning Obama voters, it is eminently clear that they did not vote for a Vietnam-like expansion of the war in Afghanistan. Nor did they vote for the assassination of American citizens without trial, government… Read more
A good explanation of the Law of Unintended Consequences
the Law of Unintended Consequences via And another underground business is born.
Hitting the nail on the head about the modern church.
I found this on’s letters to the editor page: Sins of the church Jane Chastain is right [“Christians are slackers”], but her singling out failure to vote is simply emphasizing the gnat over the camel. Any idiot over the age of 18 can vote and whole hordes of idiots do, both Christian and… Read more