HCS's Place

Just A Quick Note… in [Market-Ticker]

December 30, 2013 Uncategorized 0

There’s a particular irony to be found when a “scientific expedition” full of people who are globull-warming true believers take a trip to Anarctica, in a ship, during what is supposed to be summer for that part of the world (remember, folks, the southern hemisphere has its summer in what are our winter months) and gets stuck in… Read more

VIDEO: Baby imitates beat-boxing uncle | Mail Online

December 30, 2013 Uncategorized 0

VIDEO: Baby imitates beat-boxing uncle | Mail Online.

THIS is how to teach our children

November 2, 2013 Family 0

My mom moved me out of the public school rat race and put me into a montessori school for a time.  Until she couldn’t afford it any longer.  I thrived in this loose type of learning environment.  We were allowed to learn much like this mexican teacher teaches.  Actually this man isn’t a teacher.he is… Read more

Gobble tov! American Jews ready for Thanksgivukkah – New York News

October 7, 2013 Christianity 0

This is a funny title.  This is exciting to see the jewish holiday of such significance aligning with my day of Thanksgiving..:)   Gobble tov! American Jews ready for Thanksgivukkah – New York News.

I Miss My Cats

September 10, 2013 Uncategorized 0

I miss my cats I miss my cats one orange and one kinda black I miss them greeting me in the morning I miss them looking at me saying good night Mandaryn was the flake and had to sneak up on her water Majyk was the “old lady” not to be fooled by such things… Read more

Bostom Marathon Bombing Post Mortem.. Getting the Facts Straight

April 20, 2013 Anti-Americanism Policed State/Martial Law 0

I’ll let Karl run with this one.  Read the entire article folks. Such as the fact that despite every news anchor and many of the people in Boston pumping their fists and screaming “USA!” along with lauding law enforcement, the fact is that law enforcement could not find its ass with both hands. It doesn’t stop… Read more

What Is the Threshold for Martial Law? | The Beacon

April 19, 2013 Uncategorized 0

I cannot help but wonder what the standard is that triggers the martial-law response we’re seeing in New England. If these bombers had murdered three but not caused as many injuries—if the sheer terror of their crime had not reached this magnitude—would Boston look like a totalitarian state right now? What if the police needed… Read more

Obama’s And Boston’s Lesson: Jihad Works in [Market-Ticker]

April 19, 2013 Anti-Americanism Patriotism Politics 0

The stupid, it burns. The wrong answer to terrorism is what we’re doing right now. What our government is teaching prospective terrorists is that all they have to do is manage to get two jackasses who are willing to die to commit mass-murder, even if they kind of suck at it (let’s face it, when they… Read more

Terrorism By Our Gov’t..The Terrorists are Winning Aided By Our Gov’t.

April 19, 2013 Anti-Americanism Patriotism Politics 0

REad the rest of this post linked at the bottom.  Karl has this exactly right.   The wrong answer to terrorism is what we’re doing right now.   What our government is teaching prospective terrorists is that all they have to do is manage to get two jackasses who are willing to die to commit mass-murder,… Read more

The Rule Of Three When It Comes To Church A/V Systems – Church Hub

April 10, 2013 Church 0

What is the most common form of horrid sound?  It is called band in a box..that is where you drive the monitors so loud you can hear them over the main loudspeakers.  It is usually due to bad monitor placement and the inability of the folks on stage to realize you don’t need to have… Read more

Persecution in America..

April 8, 2013 Christianity Church Family New World Order 0

Are evangelical Christians rapidly becoming one of the most hated minorities in America? Once upon a time such a notion would have been unthinkable, but these days things are changing dramatically. All over the United States, evangelical Christians are being called “extremists” and evangelical Christian organizations are being labeled as “hate groups”. In fact, as… Read more

Something to Believe In

March 18, 2013 General 0

Above and beyond my faith in the Lord I’ve come up with something that defines my forward vision:   “I will succeed”   I have a little limerick in my head I’ll update it as i add to it   I Will Succeed   I will succeed no matter who stands in my way regardless of who… Read more

How True This is

February 2, 2013 Notable Quotes 0

Taken form a facebook post:   Calling an illegal alien an ‘undocumented immigrant’ is like calling a drug dealer an ‘unlicensed pharmacist.’

From the Archives… Debunking Flu Shot Myths with Megan Pond – Episode 140 – Off The Grid News

January 25, 2013 Family New World Order Obama Obama Care 0

The flu vaccine isn’t safe at all.  Just by the EPA standards for mercury the current crop of vaccines have more than what the EPA says is safe by quite a bit.  hit the link for the full details.  there is no mercury free vaccine.  Also read the inserts..most vaccines say they haven’t been tested for safety… Read more

President Obama Introduces a Plan to Reduce Gun Violence – YouTube

January 16, 2013 Anti-Americanism New World Order Obama 0

As much as we can as quickly as we can.  Keep that in mind.  They are going to cram this as fast as they can because they know enough of the American public cherishes their right to bear arms.  They’ve allowed the rest of their rights to be eroded by re-electing these fools.  I’m not… Read more

Texas Proposal: JAIL Any Federal Officials Trying to Enforce New Gun Restrictions in the State – NewsRadio 1200 WOAI, San Antonio

January 15, 2013 New World Order Patriotism 0

A Texas lawmaker says he plans to file the Firearms Protection Act, which would make any federal laws that may be passed by Congress or imposed by Presidential order which would ban or restrict ownership of semi-automatic firearms or limit the size of gun magazines illegal in the state, 1200 WOAI news reports.   Republican… Read more

We Now Drive More Fuel Efficient Cars….Now PAY UP!

January 14, 2013 Anti-Americanism Finance New World Order Politics 0

An on-again, off-again move by the Obama administration to scrap the federal gas tax in favor of a pay-per-mile fee would boost the tab to Americans as high as 250 percent, raising their current tax of 18.4 cents a gallon to as high as 46 cents, according to a new government study. But without a… Read more

To the Foolish Pro-Obama Voters

January 14, 2013 Anti-Americanism New World Order Obama Politics 0

Disarming the public is step one.  Obama already doesn’t hold our Constitution to any regard…it’s about to come full circle.   “My understanding is the vice president’s going to provide a range of steps that we can take to reduce gun violence,” said Obama. “Some of them will require legislation, some of them I can… Read more

Obama is Going to Attempt to Disarm Everyone

January 9, 2013 Anti-Americanism Criminal New World Order Obama Patriotism 0

An executive order does NOT override the Constitution but this president thinks it can.  All of the fools that voted this dictator into office are in for one hell of a shock as Obama begins his takeover..and does it quickly.   “The president is going to act,” said Biden, giving some comments to the press before a… Read more

Home with dada – time lapse (Original) – YouTube

January 4, 2013 Family Fathers 0

Home with dada – time lapse (Original) – YouTube.

Life “Battle Scars” Courtesy of Lupe fiasco

January 3, 2013 Christianity Church Family Fathers General 0

Excerpts From Lupe fiasco’s Battle Scars: Hope the wound heals but it never does That’s cause you at war with loveYou at war with love, yeah I saw this last night as i was heading to bed..jimmy fallon had Lupe on and i loved this song.  Sometimes as i think about my life the scars… Read more

Forget the Fiscal Cliff Smokescrren: $1 Trillion Obamacare Tax Hike Hitting on Jan. 1

December 29, 2012 Uncategorized 0

Americans for Tax Reform : $1 Trillion Obamacare Tax Hike Hitting on Jan. 1.

When Seconds Count the Police Are Minutes Away…Many Minutes

December 26, 2012 Family Politics 0

Read the rest of the article linked below..it’s sobering.   According to the CNN timeline for the Sandy Hook tragedy, “Police and other first responders arrived on scene about 20 minutes after the first calls.” Twenty minutes. Five minutes is forever when violence is underway, but 20 minutes — a third of an hour —… Read more

Obama’s Hypocrisy Problem On Guns in [Market-Ticker]

December 20, 2012 Family Patriotism Politics 0

Unfortunately when we continue our examination that we find that there is evil in the world.  There are those who disrespect other people’s rights.  Some of them may want to kill you.  Everyone who undertakes to murder believes their reason for doing so is justified.  That they may be objectively insane doesn’t change their view of the world. … Read more

Setting The Record Straight – Arm Yourself With Information, The 10 Most Popular Liberal Lies About Gun Control… | The Last Refuge

December 19, 2012 Anti-Americanism Patriotism Politics 0

Another good post about the lies of the gun control folks..:)   Setting The Record Straight – Arm Yourself With Information, The 10 Most Popular Liberal Lies About Gun Control… | The Last Refuge.

THE TRUTH About Guns — And The Media in [Market-Ticker]

December 18, 2012 Family Politics 0

this excerpt is spot on…hit the link for the rest of the post…it is totally true…time for folks to put their actual thinking caps on instead of taking the spew on tv as gospel folks.   Why does the media only cover guns in the face of such tragedy? Why don’t they discuss it when we can examine the… Read more

On Newtown, CT 12/17 by TickerGuy | Blog Talk Radio

December 18, 2012 Uncategorized 0

On Newtown, CT 12/17 by TickerGuy | Blog Talk Radio. Listen to internet radio with TickerGuy on Blog Talk Radio

The Facts about Mass Shootings – John Fund – National Review Online

December 17, 2012 Family Politics 0

I’ve seen this statement more and more that mass shootings are not on the rise.  I’m not sure i agree with that one..but the rest of the points in this article are spot on.   A few things you won’t hear about from the saturation coverage of the Newtown, Conn., school massacre: Mass shootings are no more… Read more

Solutions For CT: There Are Some in [Market-Ticker]

December 16, 2012 Family Politics 0

Laws don’t stop massacres….read on.   But they’re not what people are promoting, especially those who are always looking for a way to shove you in the hole — right after they remove your ability to resist. And let’s not kid ourselves — that’s exactly what happened in Connecticut.  The teachers and staff in that school had… Read more

Are the Majority of Adults Smarter Than a 5th Grader in Regards to on School gun violence?

December 15, 2012 Family New World Order Politics 0

With what I’ve been seeing…i’d say no.  Read the liked post as it contains several cartoons that i can easily cut an paste here.   Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?.

CT School Shootings; Facts Before Hype in [Market-Ticker]

December 15, 2012 Family Patriotism Politics 0

I invite anyone opining on this massacre read this entire article at the link below.  there are some facts in here you will never hear about in the “mass media’ at all.  Read all of the facts here before pining…   We’ll start with the guns.  They are reported to have been legally owned by… Read more

In Regards to the Conn Massacre

December 15, 2012 Anti-Americanism Brunswick Family New World Order 0

I came home last night and gave my older daughter a big hug…i then proceeded to explain to her about one of the reason so many folks died that horrid day.  Gun Free Zones = Turkey Shoot.  I’m not going to be blithe and say armed staff could have eliminated all deaths..that’s simply idiocy.  However,  armed staff would have meant… Read more

Even With “Deal” your Taxes go up on Jan 1.

December 9, 2012 Anti-Americanism Finance IRS New World Order Obama Obama Care 0

this so called ‘fiscal cliff” is merely a smokescreen for the Obamacare taxes that start kicking in from now until 2014.   Even if lawmakers somehow stop the Bush-era tax rates from expiring, taxes are still expected to rise on Jan. 1 — thanks to a trio of new fees tied to the federal health care overhaul.… Read more

Vox Popoli: Another conservative purge

December 5, 2012 Anti-Americanism Politics 0

So true.  Repubs=Dems How many times can Republicans purge those to their right from their ranks and still be meaningfully considered to represent the American political right? Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) and Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) have worked assiduously to keep conservative groups on the outside in line as they try to… Read more

Facebook’s “Promote” Blows Up In Their Own Face? in [Market-Ticker]

December 4, 2012 Uncategorized 0

Wonderful.  Facebook is now intentionally reducing the reach of everyone’s posts..unless you promote them..which is a paid thing.  I don’t mind them trying to make money but this is done in the typical sneaky Facebook way.  of course i’m not highly invested in Facebook as i see it as a fad anyway..it’ll go away in… Read more

this is why you never ask the gov’t permission for anything.

November 27, 2012 Anti-Americanism Family 0

The instant we both don’t have to work and can pull our kids out of public schools you can bet we are going to do just that. Anna Engelsone of Rockville said she didn’t think twice about starting to send her 10-year-old daughter, Liz, to school on a Ride On bus this school year. When… Read more

Some interesting responses to the last posted article by the author.

November 25, 2012 Anti-Americanism Finance 0

I’m looking at putting a 250k ceiling on my earnings right now too..i’m nowhere near that but if that’s what i have to do to avoid a 50% increase in taxes that’s what i’ll do.   Instapundit » Blog Archive » SO YESTERDAY’S DISCUSSION OF MARGINAL TAX RATES raises a thought: In today’s freelance economy,… Read more

Instapundit » Blog Archive » RESPONDING TO MARGINAL TAX RATES: Reader Alex Clay writes: After the election, my wife and I are…

November 25, 2012 Uncategorized 0

Instapundit » Blog Archive » RESPONDING TO MARGINAL TAX RATES: Reader Alex Clay writes: After the election, my wife and I are….

Slavishly Following a Political party is Akin to an Abusive Relationship.

November 22, 2012 Anti-Americanism Politics 0

Karl Denninger has this nailed perfectly and also debunks the lesser of two evil argument as well. Think long and hard ladies and gentlemen.  Political parties and groups will try to tell you that you must choose between evils, and of course they are the lesser of them, as if there is no other option. … Read more

Ever Wonder Why our Gov’t is out of Control?

November 22, 2012 Christianity Church Churchianity Family 0

It starts at home…then goes to our churches. I have to say i’m guilty of the home bound version.  I’m not nearly where God wants me to be.  Secondly, our churches.  If the church body won’t regulate the church according to first the Bible then secondly it’s own founding documents then the issues are going to continue.  For all… Read more

Obama declares disaster for Maryland, offers funding – The Frederick News-Post Online

November 21, 2012 Uncategorized 0

It’s about time.   The Federal Emergency Management Agency has announced federal disaster aid is being made available to Maryland to support state and local recovery efforts in areas affected by Superstorm Sandy. The disaster declaration by President Barack Obama announced Tuesday night makes federal funding available to state and local governments and to certain… Read more

The Obama gov’t is Coming After your Retirement Monies..Count on it.

November 21, 2012 Anti-Americanism Criminal Finance IRS New World Order Obama 1

If you have any kind of gov’t aided pension like roth or 401k..anything tax free…get that money out now…otherwise the gov’t is going to take it within the next 4 years.  Maybe 8 if Obama amends the constitution for a 3rd term.   A recent hearing sponsored by the Treasury and Labor Departments marked the beginning of the Obama Administration’s… Read more

The Hostess Liquidation: A Curious Cast Of Characters As The Twinkie Tumbles | ZeroHedge

November 17, 2012 Finance Food 0

Well now.  I suggest folks you read the entirety of the article because this first paragraph only gives you a taste.  it is very interesting that in the first bankruptcy the Teamsters union was part of an investment group that tried to buy hostess.   Perhaps one of the most interesting aspects of the just… Read more

Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released… and here is the chart to prove it | Mail Online

November 14, 2012 Climate Scam New World Order 0

Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released… and here is the chart to prove it | Mail Online.

UPS ends grants to Boy Scouts over discrimination. Engages in discrimination(using their definition) itself

November 13, 2012 Anti-Americanism 2

The philanthropic arm of shipping giant UPS said it will no longer give money to the Boy Scouts of America as long as the group discriminates against gays, the second major corporation to recently strip funding from the scouts. The UPS Foundation made the change Thursday after an online petition protesting its annual grants to… Read more

Who Needs to Wait Until 2014 for Obamacare Loses: Obamacare Is About To Whack Personal Income in [Market-Ticker]

November 5, 2012 Family Finance New World Order Obama Obama Care 0

Several restaurants, hotels and retailers have started or are preparing to limit schedules of hourly workers to below 30 hours a week. That is the threshold at which large employers in 2014 would have to offer workers a minimum level of insurance or pay a penalty starting at $2,000 for each worker. The shift is… Read more

Split Charging- the Latest “Fee” From Your Doctors: Doctors now hitting patients with extra fees if they ask too many questions

November 3, 2012 Anti-Americanism New World Order Obama Obama Care 0

Howl lovely.  First it was backbilling..now this mess.  Guess what..it is going to get worse with Obamacare/romneycare. The next time you visit your primary care physician for a physical, you may want to consider inquiring as to whether or not you will be billed extra for asking too many questions during your checkup. This is… Read more

Persecution in America: Potential 10-year terms for ‘bias’ challenged by pastors

October 31, 2012 Christianity 0

Another example of persecution here in America.  It is not coming to America..it is already here.   The American Freedom Law Center today said it has asked the high court to review a 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals’ ruling that Michigan pastors who preached the biblical condemnation of homosexual behavior were not protected by the First Amendment right… Read more

Romney = Obama

October 17, 2012 Anti-Americanism Criminal Politics 0

Take a close look at the below excerpt.  Anyone who thinks Romney is anything different than Obama is in for a rude surprise after this election.   Romney is NOT pro-life – he’s fine with government-mandated funding of abortion as required by Obamacare. But wait. I thought conservatives thought this issue was of the utmost importance? I… Read more

Churches Tweaking the Lion’s Tail

October 5, 2012 Anti-Americanism Christianity Church Finance IRS 0

The below isn’t bold it’s nearly stupid.  If you are using a gov’t mechanism to get around your entity having to pay taxes you shouldn’t be surprised when said gov’t pulls on your chain..because you’re wearing one!  If you don’t want the gov’t “interfering” then give up the npo and you can freely talk about anything you want.   Some pastors… Read more

Obamacare Summed Up in One Sentence – YouTube

October 2, 2012 Anti-Americanism IRS Obama Care Politics 0

This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO True..in every single word.   Obamacare Summed Up in One Sentence – YouTube.

YouTube to live stream 2012 presidential debates for first time | Digital Trends

October 2, 2012 Politics 0

YouTube to live stream 2012 presidential debates for first time | Digital Trends.

Americans for Tax Reform : 100 Days Until Taxmageddon

September 22, 2012 Finance IRS Obama Obama Care 0

Read the entire article.  It’s breathtaking.   Sunday will mark the start of the 100-day countdown to “Taxmageddon” – the date the largest tax hikes in the history of America will take effect.  They will hit families and small businesses in three great waves on January 1, 2013: First Wave: Expiration of 2001 and 2003… Read more

GM recalling 2007-2010 malibu, G6 and Saturn Auroras

September 21, 2012 Uncategorized 0

General Motors Co is recalling 473,841 Chevrolet, Pontiac and Saturn sedans globally to fix a condition that could lead the cars to roll when the drivers think they are in park, the No. 1 U.S. automaker said on Friday. GM said it was aware of four crashes that resulted from the problem, but no injuries.… Read more

Pastors pledge to defy IRS and get what they deserve if the IRS enforces the law.

September 19, 2012 Anti-Americanism Christianity Church Finance IRS Politics 0

These pastors are forgetting you are using a gov’t instrument to get around paying taxes.  Because you are using a gov’t instrument the gov’t can most assuredly do this.  Want freedom from gov’t interference?  Drop your NPO status voluntarily.  if you are paying taxes as per the laws of the land you can preach anything you want.   More… Read more

Obama’s Determination to Turn This Country Into Serfdom.

September 19, 2012 Anti-Americanism New World Order Obama 0

Obama administration officials have insisted that their decision to grant states waivers to redefine work requirements for welfare recipients would not “gut” the landmark 1996 welfare reform law. But a new report from the Congressional Research Service obtained by the Washington Examiner suggests that the administration’s suspension of a separate welfare work requirement has already… Read more

Why This Muslim Uprising Now? (Other Than 9/11?)

September 14, 2012 Anti-Americanism 0

nough said   Its pretty simple, really.There is a long history in Presidential elections, and the Muslims are not stupid — The American people typically will not change a President during a significant armed conflict or other time of material international disruption.Think about it.And then consider this — Obama is as about as friendly to radical Muslims… Read more

Finally Got FB Integration Fixed

September 3, 2012 General 0

Since FB required https(which means i have to pay somebody $$4 to say I am who I ma on the web i found a workaround..:)  Now i can freely post on both this blog and my eccmd.com blog and know they will both post properly on my FB timeline..:)

Samuel L. Jackson Shows His Own Total Ignorance…or Maybe Racism.

August 28, 2012 Anti-Americanism 0

This isn’t the first time Jackson has made ridiculous statements like this before.  he said Katrina was a racist event because it hit NO head on instead of hitting a white folks area.  I’ve not watched a movie of his since..frankly for an ethnic group that claims it wants to be out of the slavery mentality some of it’s… Read more

Pat Robertson Forgets Jesus Was Adopted….and Shows His Own Arrogance.

August 18, 2012 Christianity 0

As somebody adopted himself this man has consistently shown he doesn’t know much about Jesus’s gospel.  I’m no Biblical scholar myself but even I know Robertson is just plain off his rocker on this one.  I also work with two special needs adults in my daily lawnmowing job.  I’ve not even gone to the 700 club website in nearly a decade.… Read more

» National Weather Service Follows DHS In Huge Ammo Purchase Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!

August 16, 2012 Anti-Americanism 0

Why are various gov’t agencies buying up so much ammo?   » National Weather Service Follows DHS In Huge Ammo Purchase Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!.

Examiner Editorial: To protect ethanol, Obama seeks to inflate meat prices | WashingtonExaminer.com

August 15, 2012 Anti-Americanism New World Order Obama 0

“Today the Department of Agriculture announced that it will buy up to $100 million worth of pork products, $50 million worth of chicken, and $20 million worth of lamb and farm-raised catfish,” Obama explained to reporters in front of a drought-stricken cornfield. “Prices are low, farmers and ranchers need help, so it makes sense,” Obama… Read more

More “tolerance” on display.

August 12, 2012 Anti-Americanism Frederick 0

I’m not saying all same gender folks are like this..but this is unfortunately typical with those that disagree with this agenda..:(   Someone sprayed glue and pasted marriage equality messages on the windows of the Chick-fil-A restaurant in Frederick overnight on Saturday, according to police. The Frederick County Sheriff’s Office responded to the restaurant, at 5501 Urbana… Read more

Obama That I Used To Know – Gotye ‘Somebody That I Used To Know’ Parody – YouTube

August 10, 2012 Patriotism Politics 0

Oh man how true and how funny!  Saved to my server as well!!   Obama That I Used To Know – Gotye ‘Somebody That I Used To Know’ Parody – YouTube.   Lyrics: LYRICS Now and then I think of that election day, November When you won I felt so happy I could die Chugged… Read more

Time for Another election…I’m officially going to run.

August 9, 2012 Brunswick City Council 0

Tom Smith has resigned From Brunswick city Council.   I’m going after that empty seat.  No write in this time.  Spread the word I’ll need 20 signatures and then getting the votes..:)  Again a no cost campaign.  No signs just me and whomever wishes to volunteer.  I’m out and about every week doing my mowing… Read more

PJTV – Suspending Disbelief: Obama Administration Proposes Race-Based School Discipline System – Trifecta

August 4, 2012 Anti-Americanism Family 0

The White House thinks that schools are providing too much discipline to black students, and it is proposing race-based quotas for school suspensions. Thats right, affirmative action for school discipline. Could Asian students be disciplined more to meet quota requirements? Thats what Trifecta thinks. Hear what race-based school discipline means for American education. via PJTV… Read more

Our Insane Society 07/23 by TickerGuy

July 23, 2012 General 0

We have far too many other deadly agents we use every day.  The theater shootings are terrible yes..but we have many more even deadly devices inside our homes every day. Read the article linked in the following page then read the feedback as i debate the author.  After that listen to the the insane society… Read more

Here Come The Gun Control Folks

July 21, 2012 Politics 0

“mayor” Bloomberg has pined on the Colo shotings: New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a long-time advocate ofgun control, called on both candidates to address what they would do to help prevent such tragedies. “No matter where you stand on the Second Amendment, no matter where you stand on guns, we have a right to hear from both… Read more

Bussard problems puzzle employees, partners – The Frederick News-Post Online

July 17, 2012 Family 0

I don’t know at this time…but I’m thinking this NPO has been shutdown for good.  They’ve gone totally dark.  This is never a good sign.   Bussard problems puzzle employees, partners – The Frederick News-Post Online.

What Does the Obamacare Ruling Really mean?

July 16, 2012 Anti-Americanism Family New World Order Obama Care 0

Listen to this episode from Karl Denninger.  It very well explains what the government can now compel form the american nation.   The United States Of Korea 07/02 by TickerGuy | Blog Talk Radio. Listen to internet radio with TickerGuy on Blog Talk Radio

The Penn State Scandal

July 13, 2012 Family Football Sports 0

I agree with vox on this one.  Take a gander at his posting below:   First, I would note that Paterno’s actions did not, in any way, make him “an accomplice to child rape”. An an accomplice is a person who is present at the scene of the crime, actively participates in its commission, and… Read more

Here Are The New Taxes You’re Going To Pay For Obamacare | Daily Ticker – Yahoo! Finance

July 4, 2012 Obama Care 0

Here Are The New Taxes You’re Going To Pay For Obamacare | Daily Ticker – Yahoo! Finance.

June 29th Derecho Satellite Loop

July 4, 2012 Uncategorized 0

Take a look at this thing during it’s travels across our country..wow!   120629-30_g13_ir_derecho_anim.gif (1280×960).

CRAZIEST weather report from CBS Richmond Virginia – YouTube

July 4, 2012 Uncategorized 0

What a great piece of Satire in regards to Global Warming!   CRAZIEST weather report from CBS Richmond Virginia – YouTube.

The Death Of Medical Care (And Choice) [Market-Ticker]

July 2, 2012 Anti-Americanism Brunswick Finance Frederick Frederick County IRS Obama Care Politics 0

I am going to cross post this to both blogs as this affects me both as a person and a business man.   Now consider this — the PPACA sets forth a “fine” (tax) of $2,000 per employee for a business that has 50 or more and does not provide “at least” the minimum “insurance”… Read more

Obamacare: Seven New Taxes on Citizens Earning Less than $250,000

June 29, 2012 Anti-Americanism New World Order Obama Obama Care 0

The first, and best known, of these seven taxes that will hit all Americans as a result of Obamacare is the Individual Mandate Tax (no longer concealed as a penalty). This provision will require a couple to pay the higher of a base tax of $1,360 per year, or 2.5% of adjusted growth income starting… Read more

Why Stand Your Ground Is a Must In Society.

June 23, 2012 Family New World Order Patriotism Politics 0

Many people mistakenly believe one of the roles of government is to protect them from physical harm.   However, this is not the case.  One only has to look up the concept of “affirmative duty” to understand what the Supreme Court has defined as the role of any government entity in regard to protection of citizenry; both at Local/State… Read more

The Replulicrat Fawning Begins

June 19, 2012 Politics 0

I’m having fun sitting back watching all the repubs fawn over Romney.  The architect of Romneycare in mass.  Anyone who thinks he’s going to be massively different than Obama is in for a rude awakening.  I’ve been listening to Rush and he’s leading the fawning..it’ll be interesting to hear him try to cover tracks much… Read more

U.S. presidents above the law?

June 18, 2012 Anti-Americanism 0

Through our nation’s history, our youth were always taught in school that the U.S. legal system was the most honest in the world, and that “no one is above the law.” Indeed, even grownups were inclined to swallow this Kool-Aid. Perhaps it was our egocentric arrogance that resulted in this self-delusion – a delusion that… Read more

The Teacher’s Union Gets Paid The Students Loose

June 18, 2012 Brunswick Frederick County 0

This school board caved to the teachers.  First they are doing this work to contract stuff and now through their temper tantrums they get over 6 million more in pay..and the students loose not only people but needed programs that help them.  This is insanity.  It’s time for the BOCC to tell these clowns you… Read more

When the President Ignores the Law That’s Ground for Impeachment

June 16, 2012 Anti-Americanism Politics 0

I won’t happen because right now the American people won’t stand up for our nation’s Constitution and laws….but if they would it’s time for this lawbreaker to get removed.  Keep in mind that when you remove Barak his next in line(Biden) won’t be any better.  I can’t for sure about the current speaker but i wouldn’t be surprised if he got… Read more

My Contributions Statement

June 11, 2012 Brunswick City Council 0

I Will NOT accept any kind of monetary or financial contributions towards my campaign for city council.  If you want to assist you can help me by getting the word about me and my campaign.  This is going to be a verbal, word of mouth campaign only.  As far as I’m concerned this is the purest way to run… Read more

A Run For City Council

June 11, 2012 Brunswick City Council 0

I never thought i would do this…but i’m going to run for Brunswick City Council.  Not that anything is really wrong…but I would like to get more involved.  I currently run my own business, Emmanuel Computer Consulting and I work for a lawn mowing company that does a number of lawns in the city Mike’s Mowing.  3 days… Read more

Update #28 – George Zimmerman Will Be Acquitted – P.E.R.I.O.D. | The Last Refuge

June 11, 2012 Anti-Americanism 0

I’m not going to summarize this as i can’t well…read the entire article though.   Update #28 – George Zimmerman Will Be Acquitted – P.E.R.I.O.D. | The Last Refuge.

60 days to go

June 6, 2012 60 days Family 0

Will detail at the end of the series.

7 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Outbreak Would Fail (Quickly) | Cracked.com

June 3, 2012 Environment 0

7 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Outbreak Would Fail (Quickly) | Cracked.com.

5 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Apocalypse Could Actually Happen | Cracked.com

June 3, 2012 Family 0

5 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Apocalypse Could Actually Happen | Cracked.com.

I don’t know about ritalin..but this one paragraph lit a light bulb in my head…

June 2, 2012 Family 0

Now i’m not sure about ADHD but this below paragraph is very fitting for me: As an ADHD kid myself, and father to two more, this may also explain something I have found troubling my whole life. I don’t react well to praise. Tell me you like this article and I may just shrug it… Read more

Some feelings of mine….especially towards “fellow christians”

June 2, 2012 Christianity Church Family 0

I wonder how many of your own people you have to destroy before you’ll realize you are only advancing the agenda of Satan with your attacks on each other. I wonder how many more destroyed lives the churches will allow before the pastors grow a set and start enacting biblical discipline on their congregations. I… Read more

What is a friend? Beware our gov’t.

June 1, 2012 Anti-Americanism New World Order Obama Obama Care Politics 0

Somebody you know you can count on…not only to stand beside you when things are good but to stand beside you when either you screw up or when you are under attack through no fault of your own. I can count the number of friends i have on one hand. Friends are based on trust… Read more

I’ve been citified long enough

June 1, 2012 Brunswick Christianity Church Family Frederick County Patriotism Politics Rosemont 0

I’ve been trying to be “more civilized” the past few years…it’s gotten me more problems with folks who think they know more than me about many things they have no idea about.  The lid’s off now…:)  I’m going to express how i feel and if folks can’t handle it..too bad for them.  My loving wife likes to tell folks i’m a redneck…that… Read more

AARON LEWIS – “Country Boy” (Official Video) – YouTube

June 1, 2012 Brunswick Church Family Frederick Frederick County Patriotism Politics Rosemont 0

Just how i feel about everything..not just the government..but about most groups of people as well….seeing as how many of them think they know how to run my life.  Get out and leave me and my family alone.  Even Brunswick is feeling too big these days…time to start praying for a change in homestead location.   AARON LEWIS – “Country… Read more

Louisianas bold bid to privatize schools | Reuters

June 1, 2012 Family 0

Louisiana is embarking on the nations boldest experiment in privatizing public education, with the state preparing to shift tens of millions in tax dollars out of the public schools to pay private industry, businesses owners and church pastors to educate children.Starting this fall, thousands of poor and middle-class kids will get vouchers covering the full… Read more

Senators File Idiotic Bill Against .01%.

May 17, 2012 Anti-Americanism Finance Immigration IRS Politics 0

This bill will do nothing to folks such as those mentioned in this article. It will only increase the flight from our country and they will all raise the middle finger since they’ll never have to come back to this country nor touch any operations that have any kind of business nexus in it either.  F-U money is what… Read more


May 16, 2012 Music 0

i loved this song when i was a kid in the 70’s and 80’s…i never knew who this was until tonight when i saw a story and interview with him posthumously.   CHUCK BROWN & THE SOUL SEARCHERS, BUSTIN’ LOOSE – YouTube.

Nationwide Wireless Emergency Text Alert System Launching This Month | Ubergizmo

May 15, 2012 Anti-Americanism Brunswick New World Order 0

We are the government and are here to help….oh boy..get ready for governmental spamming now.  Now the government is going to be able to fearmonger even more and faster…of course “Presidential Alerts” you can’t opt out of.   The federal government and American wireless providers will be bringing a new Emergency Text Alert System to… Read more

Get Ready For a Flood of Dangerous Drugs and Medical “Procedures”

May 11, 2012 Anti-Americanism New World Order Obama Care 0

Then there are some “fun” provisions. One of them is a $250,000 statutory limit on non-economic damages in health-related lawsuits.  This one came out of left field — I had no idea it was being proposed.  Actual economic damages remain uncapped but things like pain and suffering. I have a strenuous objection to this law… Read more

The Current Scam Called Healthcare….Pssst..it’s the Gov’t Running the Racket

May 7, 2012 Family Finance Obama Obama Care 0

See how the lie is set up?  The premise put forward — that everyone needs medical attention at some point, and virtually everyone needs insurance to pay for it, is put forward as a “fait accompli” without first asking the following questions: Has it always been this way? Can you, for example, show us that health insurance… Read more

Russia’s military threatens pre-emptive strike if NATO goes ahead with missile plan | Fox News

May 3, 2012 Politics 0

I’m not a fan of everything Reagan but I like how he handled the Russians when they got uppity during his time…give them the finger..time to do it again.   Russia’s top military officer has threatened to carry out a pre-emptive strike on U.S.-led NATO missile defense facilities in Eastern Europe if Washington goes ahead with its… Read more

What do We Work For?

April 26, 2012 Family Music 1

In terms of after we’ve raised our kids and what not?  I don’t relaly want to give up my business..per se..but i DO wish to give up the rat race…this song by blackmoor’s night sums it up very well.  While I don’t ascribe to the apparent pagansistic ways of blackmors night there’s no doubt you… Read more