HCS's Place

FrontPage magazine.com :: Mainline Christian Anti-Semitism by David Meir-Levi

March 15, 2005 General 0

This is insanity. All you have to do is read the bible to see what happens to ideas like this that are aimed soley at hurting Israel.Gen 12:3 I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” You all go… Read more

****** Cosmic X ******: American Jews Get A Taste of The Sharon Dictatorship

March 15, 2005 General 0

‘nough said. Sharon has gotten infected by his left much like our president has gotten infected by our left.

****** Cosmic X ******: Civil Disobedience Against Disengagement Blocks Tel Aviv Artery

March 15, 2005 General 0

the protests against the removal of Jews from their God given land begins to heat up even more.

WorldNetDaily: WashPost editor’s candid China interview

March 14, 2005 General 0

Here’s confirmation that at least the Washington Post is a subersive, elitist publication.

WorldNetDaily: ACLU threat drives Scouts out of schools

March 14, 2005 General 0

I am so tired of the Anti_American Civil Liberties Union. Frankly if anything has union in its name i turn the other way. Tthe ACLU has shown it is no different. It is an Anti-Christian, communist organization at its core and its agenda shows it clearly. It is sad to see how many Americans have… Read more

WorldNetDaily: Benny Hinn: Huckster heretic

March 14, 2005 General 0

Beware the false prophets as many will rise up and even the elect will be decieved. At my last church they loved Benny HInn. It did not take me long to see him for the huckster he is.

WorldNetDaily: It’s murder … that’s the ugly truth

March 14, 2005 General 0

Excellent article and full of nothing but the truth.

AP Wire | 03/13/2005 | Family and religious groups rally for brain-damaged woman

March 14, 2005 General 0

Keep praying, e-amling, faxing, and blogging!

WorldNetDaily: Illegal aliens threaten U.S. medical system

March 14, 2005 General 0

The costs of President Bush’s policy that leaves our borders open and “While President Bush says the U.S. needs more “cheap labor” from south of the border to do jobs Americans aren’t willing to do, the case of the Silverios shows there are indeed uncalculated costs involved in the importation of such labor ? public… Read more

Should Terri Schiavo Live or Die?

March 13, 2005 General 0

Thanks to Cosmic X for posting first. How sad it is this one judge and one husband are somehow determined to kill a woman who has concious abilities to interact with others. There are videos as well. Take a gander..pray..and let florida know things need to be changed.

Israel Delays Action on Settlements (washingtonpost.com)

March 13, 2005 General 0

Besides the fact the Post gets the settlements wrong terming them illegal, the illegal part is forcing God’s chosen people off their land. Unfortunatly Sharon and Israel’s Left seem determined to commit this act of treason.

****** Cosmic X ******: Homosexuality Is Nothing To Be Proud Of

March 13, 2005 General 0

I have to thank CosmicX for pointing this out in reponse to this earlier post.. ‘Nough said only I echo this for American soil as well.

The Frederick News-Post Online – Murder plot halts alimony payments

March 13, 2005 General 0

This kind of weirdness shouldn’t happen anywhere..much less in Frederick county, MD. A man jailed for life was getting alimony from his wife. He is now indicted for federal conspiracy to commit murder charges stemming from him wanting to get his wife killed. Needless to say she stopped paying hte alimony and a judge found… Read more

Slashdot | AIM’s New Terms Of Service(All Your IM’s Are Belong to Us!)

March 12, 2005 General 0

If you value it..aka if it is truly private, don’t send it through AIM. Yahoo IM has much the same license. DO NOT use any IM from another company for business purposes. Setup your own IM server..like Jabber.

Captain’s Quarters: The Italian Journalist Assasination That Wasn’t

March 12, 2005 General 0

I figured this was a fabrication. There is no doubt now. It is also interesting that right after Italy paid the ransom the terrorists fresh with new cash have embarked on their bloodiest terror compaign seen yet. Yep, there reward you gave them surely worked. It only puts more innocent lives at risk. You see,… Read more


March 12, 2005 General 0

Michelle Malkin seems to think that because we are in a “war on terror” that a U.S. citizen can be arrested on U.S. soil and held against his will without any representation of an attorney and no contact with the outside for an indefinite aount of time. This is insanity. Our constitution specifically gives us… Read more

MSNBC – Maryland’s Sarbanes rules out sixth Senate term

March 11, 2005 General 0

One down..one to go. We also need to get Ehrlich out of the Governor’s chair and get somebody else in who is a true conservative. Time to start looking at who is running.

The Associated Press: Man Turns Down $1M in Sciavo Case

March 11, 2005 General 0

Well we at least know it is not money Michael is interested in. he jsut wants to further the cause of state sponsored murder otherwise known as euthanasia.

Roger L. Simon: Bring It On – The Sequel

March 11, 2005 General 0

Roger L. Simon is of the opinion that the politicos won’t try to shtudown bloggers due to the stink we could raise. His reasons are sound. I am not sure the politicos are going to think reasonably about this. We are already loosing constitutional rights left and right and the SC does not look to… Read more

CALIFORNIA YANKEE: Fatwa Issued Against Bin Laden

March 11, 2005 General 0

Now this is interesting. Some spanish muslims have declared a fatwa against OBL.


March 11, 2005 General 0

The dems woke up. They have latched onto the open borders thing. Will they actually do anything about it? Of course not. Well, not anything tangible. They want the open borders as well so they can get illegals aliens dirver’s licenses and therefore the right to vote(aka hijack elections). I hope they can make enough… Read more

Wittenberg Gate: A Voice to Speak for Others

March 11, 2005 General 0

Just goes to show you outward appearances are not always what they seem. Get the point Michael?

WorldNetDaily: Petition: No ‘gay pride’ in holy city

March 11, 2005 General 0

I hope this gets stopped. However, that is a hard line to draw. At what point do you take the freedoms of your citizens away? I would like to see this stopped by the prayers of prayer warriors all over hte world. Pray for God’s intervention is His Holy City.

WorldNetDaily: Cucumber-condom video online

March 11, 2005 General 0

This is the county just south of mine. Sex-ed does not work. The teen pregnancy rate and teen SD rate is not going to go down and is highy likely to just go up after this is implemented. The only effective education is abstinence. What’s even more amazing is that the board would put an… Read more

WorldNetDaily: Man offers $1 million to save Terri Schiavo

March 11, 2005 General 0

This will be interesting to see. This puts Michael in a bind. Either way he shows his true colors..:)

MSNBC – Fla. bid to intervene in Schiavo case rejected

March 10, 2005 General 0

Geer and Michael Schiavo are determined to kill Terri at all costs. *update* Blogs for Terri has even more informaiton about Greer’s apparent arrogance..i akin this to apparent insanity.

Opposistion to Disengagement Grows

March 10, 2005 General 0

The opposistion to disengagement is mounting and now folks from the military and police are refusing orders. This could get really really ugly.Arutz Sheva via CosmicX carries an op-ed from Yehuda Poch asking what happened to Sharon and our Governments desire to protect our homeland and its people? In an earlier post the Israeli Left… Read more

Opposistion Grows Against the New Bankruptcy Giveaway to the Credit Card Companies

March 10, 2005 General 0

wow has this thing exploded. I knew the bankruptcy bill was bad but i did not know how bad. Politology has a nice post and informative post about hte effort to get a blog swarm started on this one. the opposistion crosses both liberal blogs and conservative blogs as well. I posted earlier about this… Read more

Hackers put Bush in power

March 10, 2005 General 0

Oh this is rich. So unknown hackers hacked hte optical scanner machines to put Bush in power? ROFL! This is rich when it is known the Dems and some Repubs pushed for hte touch screen machines becuase they facilitate voting fraud..:)

We Won’t Shut Down Bloggers.

March 9, 2005 General 0

Now McCain and CO. are saying, “Trust us..we won’t come after the bloggers”. As noted in the above Captain’s post..yeah..right.


March 9, 2005 General 0

Well what do we have here? Mr. Harrington is making a stink about the City’s mangement report and Audit report. He is leaving one major detail out…he knew about this report a full 6 months to a year before it was released and knew about its generation before that..while he was still on the City… Read more

Consumer Data Stolen from Reed Elsevier U.S. Unit

March 9, 2005 General 0

Qutoing the article:Seisint, based in Boca Raton, Florida, collects data from government agencies, building large databases and ways to extract information from them. A Seisint-created criminal information database called Matrix came under fire after it drew up a list of people with terrorist profiles, which then led to some arrests. Many of the company’s customers… Read more

MSNBC – Shoe chain says customer data stolen

March 9, 2005 General 0

More identity theft. This time DSW gets hit. Unfortunatly for DSW they did not catch it internally..an outside credit card company alerted them.

MSNBC – ChoicePoint files found riddled with errors

March 9, 2005 General 0

The Homeland Security Dept’s contractor for informaiton is riddled iwth errors. Is this truly surprising?

More Disengagement Opposistion Surfaces

March 9, 2005 General 0

The opposistion to disengagement inside Israel is getting louder and more intense. There is the Sanhedrin speaking out and then one Rabbi blasts Sharon’s plan here. Both of these are at Cosmic X.

lgf: The Definition of Sedition

March 9, 2005 General 0

Now this is a small problem now..but if these idiots continue this they will be leading us to the one thing they are hysterical about..a draft. Keep it up guys and gals you may be the cause of the one thing you claim to fear the most..:)

galileeblog: Column: What Are They Thinking?

March 8, 2005 General 0

This is a highly insightful article about the Israeli Left. However you can take this and apply it to our leftists as well. While you are at it, most lefties think this way. Hat tip to Cosmic X for the tips to look at this blog. *update* Here is another article on the same bog… Read more

WorldNetDaily: The New Age Supreme Court

March 8, 2005 General 0

Did you know Supreme Court justices can be impeached? It has come high time for this as the wackos who formed their legal judgements based on international laws and opinions need to be thrown off the bench. They are supposed to make judgements according to our constituion not eslewhere. Had this court been following our… Read more

Bankruptcy Follies Cloaked as Reform

March 8, 2005 General 0

While there are some good pooints in this…there are some missteps. “What the credit card industry has been doing the last 10 years is akin to sending free samples of alcohol to alcoholics,” says Travis Plunkett, legislative director for the Consumer Federation of America. True I get credit card offers monthly. Now that I have… Read more

WorldNetDaily: If the president isn’t lying, what’s he doing?

March 8, 2005 General 0

This is an interesting op-ed on the lack of border control by our federal gov’t.

MSNBC – Tax cuts lose spot on GOP agenda

March 7, 2005 General 0

Spend like a drunken Democrat and guess what? Tax cuts go bye-bye..:) RINO’s abound these days..:)

It’s Taking Over!

March 7, 2005 General 0

Actually this is something I want to happen. I currently have 3 linux boxes in my house. 1.) Astaro Security Linux Firewall2.) File server running CentOS 3.43.) Gaming server running CentOS 4(this is my CS 1.6 and teamspeak server) Now we can add another one:4.) My wife’s Laptop running CentOS 4/Win 2k pro. The CentOS… Read more

****** Cosmic X ******: A Blogger From Inside Jerusalem

March 7, 2005 General 0

I have found a blogger who lives in Jerusalem. This is a unique perspective from INSIDE Israel about what the poeople think about what their gov’t is doing in regards to this disengagement debacle. Frankly this disengagement merely creates a vacum whre the terorists can move in and seutp new cells. Plus why are govt’s(including… Read more

La Shawn Barber’s Corner ? Liberal and Conservative Bloggers United

March 6, 2005 General 0

There are so many things the gov’t is trying to steal from us with Bush’s blessing. Besides trying to make a national ID card, further attacks on the constitution are coming under Bush’s watch. Lashawn Barber has this one covered well with her own commentary and lots of links. *update* IF this law gets extended… Read more

Yahoo! News – Ex-Hostage Disputes U.S. on Iraq Shooting

March 6, 2005 General 0

An Italian Eason Jordan in the making? *update* It turns out the driver of the journalists car was speeding towards a checkpoint that has been the target of several suicide car bombers. Gee, no wonder our boys opened fire. Captain’s Quarters has more. *update 2* Michelle Malkin notes how CNN either fabricates more stuff or… Read more

Business leaders bail out on payroll tax

March 4, 2005 General 0

The Jan. 14 Gazette report noted that the board was not endorsing a specific bill, but was backing the general concept of the payroll tax. At the time, a health care policy analyst for the board said the tax “seemed to make perfect sense to our membership, especially when you account for the fact that… Read more

State reviews final power plant filings

March 4, 2005 General 0

oh lovely. More overcapacity so we can watch our PURPA surcharges go up even more. PURPA is a regulation at the federal level that says generators can make all the power they want and thee local power utility HAS to buy it if the generator wishes to sell it.

Mayor recommends assistant police chief appointment

March 4, 2005 General 0

Congrats Andy! The council has more than a few things on its plate this year..:)

Brunswick Buzz: Brunswick bustles with signs of spring

March 4, 2005 General 0

Here’s the thiings coming up in town..:)

Slots, slots, slots, slots, slots

March 4, 2005 General 0

To quote Mr. Bush“The only reason that I can think that they wouldn’t accept this is that there is a greed factor involved,” he said. “The longer this goes on, it will become transparent to people that this is all about unjust enrichment for a few well-connected Marylanders.” sorry you have it backwards..the only need… Read more

MercuryNews.com | 03/04/2005 | Apple 1, bloggers 0

March 4, 2005 General 0

The individual who runs thinksecret is not under the NDA. Apparently the folks who disclosed the informaiton were. While this could chill freedom fof speech online..the folks that broke hte NDA’s are legally liable. However thinksecret is not liable here..i don’t think.

How to track a PC anywhere it connects to the Net: ZDNet Australia: News: Security

March 4, 2005 General 0

I am sure various govt’s are going to love this. I am also sure the BSD’s and linux vendors will beath this waaaay before MS does..:)

broadband ? News ? New Homeowners Handcuffed to ISP’s – Carriers striking deals with developers

March 3, 2005 General 0

This is one of hte many reasons i loathe HOA’s.

A Chapter Closed

March 3, 2005 General 0

It’s over. My obessing over the community is partially to blame. I am no longer interested in proving my point. I am leaving and that is it. My wife rightfully blasted me for obessing over the community then obessing over my wanting to prove my feelings and conclusions are right. I love having a wife… Read more

ICANN Still Steal Your Domain

February 27, 2005 General 0

Yeppers..domain hijacking is easy now. If your registrar does not offer domain locking..get another one who does.

MSNBC – Bank of America loses customer data

February 27, 2005 General 0

How ironic. I have been seeing BOA running commercials saying that in there business no errors are acceptable. Hrmm looks like they need to re-evaluate their procedures and commercials.

Yahoo! News – Man Cleared to Remove Wife’s Feeding Tube

February 25, 2005 General 0

The judge basically says, “I am not going to investigate the possible abuse nor am i going to worry about the inconsistenceies put forth by Michael. Sir you are cleared to murder your wife with the court’s blessing.”

ABC 7 News – Anglican Church Asks U.S., Canada to Leave

February 25, 2005 General 0

I was wondering when the fallout from the American Episcopal Church’s blessing of homosexual priests and weddings would come around and bite them. I was hoping they would reverse themselves before it came to this point.

When Will They Come for My Son? :: Terri Schiavo :: ProLifeBlogs

February 23, 2005 General 0

The appeals has been rejected and this paves the way for Michael Schiavo to murder his wife with the court’s blessing. Most folks do not realize how big of a precedent this will set. One blogger named Tom McMahon asks, “When will they come for my son?” His concerns are very noteworthy in this case… Read more

Judge delays Terri Schiavo’s starvation

February 22, 2005 General 0

Woohoo! Keep those prayers, e-mails, blog posts, and phone calls coming *UPDATE UPDATE*This is mistaken! Michael Schiavo has decided he will murder Terri immediatly and starve this woman to death. The correction and details are here. *UPDATE 2*Apparently the stay was issued after all. Lashawn Barber has the details.More details at blogs for terri and… Read more

WorldNetDaily: The year’s 10 most underreported stories

February 22, 2005 General 0

Just a quick thought: How true this list is. The bloggers have been all over most of these. Nothing from the MSM who apparently are for open borders and unregulated immigration to try to steal elections. *Hat Tip* Michelle Malkin

Jackson’s Junction: Choicepoint – What you are not hearing

February 22, 2005 General 0

Big Brother comtinues his march. It turns out this company is one that the Homeland Security Dept. uses in its anti-terrorism operations. You would think they would be a bit more in the due dilligence area. The blog I have linked to is a member of the credit/collections industry. I have a previous post about… Read more

The ICC’s new winding road

February 18, 2005 General 0

Well i am 0-2 for good election decisions. Bush was the first. Now my state’s Gov. Ehrlich has turned out to be another RINO. He wanted to borrow against FUTURE projected federal funding to build a road that really wasn’t needed in the area it was proposed to run.

AP Wire | 02/17/2005 | ChoicePoint hacking attack may have affected 400,000

February 18, 2005 General 0

This is about what i thought. I figured the break in would be much bigger than first reported given their database with billions of records.

The MSM is Beside Itself Over Easongate

February 18, 2005 General 0

Here is the MSM’s attempt at a response. Instead of trying to get their readers caught up they decide to attack bloggers. Bad move. It only makes them look more like dinosaurs. The MSM can compete with bloggers…as long as they change how they do things. Their days of free passes with no accountability are… Read more

WorldNetDaily: Judge drops all charges against Philly Christians

February 17, 2005 General 0

Good to hear it. While I may not like what the homosexual activists have to say the First amendment is clear that it is protected under free speech. They tried to silence Christians who deicded to stand up to them. I am glad to see it failed.

WorldNetDaily: Revived Sanhedrin discusses Temple

February 17, 2005 General 0

I wonder..how much time do we have left before Gabriel blows his horn and we are wisked away into heaven and the tribulation starts?

Wittenberg Gate: Afterthought

February 17, 2005 General 0

Wittenberg Gate has some excerpts of Michael Schiavo’s testimony. It shows how vindictive he is and how self-centered he is. If he wants out of the marriage, just divorce her. Why is Michael bent on killing Terri? Another post shows that Terri is not being kept alive mechanically. That means Terri is disabled. Where’s the… Read more

More news on Terri

February 17, 2005 General 0

Hyscience is one of a few large blogs that are aggregating the Terri Schiavo stories and refusing to let her die without a fight. I hope this little link helps save her life. *update*Over at Pro-life Blogs there is more going on with the save Terri fight as well *update 2*Over at Wittenberg Gate there… Read more

iowahawk: The BLOG

February 17, 2005 General 0

This is a funny post in the form of a novel that satirizes the rise of the blog against the current mdeia structure. It is quite the hoot.

The Captain’s Quarter’s: The Party of Media Silence

February 17, 2005 General 0

Howard Dean dicided he wanted to debate a “neocon”. Now you figure this would be something he would crow about to all the press right? Nope. Dean wanted a media blockout. Go figure.

Powerline: Gentleman jockeys must be crazy

February 17, 2005 General 0

The Easongate Follies continue. Much as the MSM did during Rathergate, they are trying to say bloggers have no idea what they are doing. As it was in Rathergate, it will be shown the MSM is being help accountable for once. This is a treand that will continue. The MSM’s days of free passes are… Read more

Fredericknewspostonline.com : Homeless and houseless

February 16, 2005 General 0

Oh no! While that house was old and probably falling down, had been through many storms, and withstood our tornado this past summer, kinda sad to see Avery loose the house he has been living for as long as most folks around here can remember. Avery is such a nice man and doesn’t bother most… Read more

Save Muni Wireless

February 16, 2005 General 0

I thought my home state would have enough intelligence to not go here. It appears politicians everywhere are not immune to the lobbying poisoning.

La Shawn Barber’s Corner ? Howard Dean: Emboldened White Liberal of the Week

February 16, 2005 General 0

This is classic: Howard Dean, the new leader of the Dems, just got done insulting the black caucus. They either let him get away with it or they are so wrapped up into their I am a victim mentality they did not even see the racial slur he sent their way.

A message from Terri Schiavo’s father

February 16, 2005 General 0

This is a continuation of an earlier post. How amazing. Michael has not produced a single shred that his wife wants to die and he seems determined to kill her so he can continue to live with his lover whom he has children with. The part that boggles my mind is this; if he wants… Read more


February 16, 2005 General 0

How much more U.N. sex corruption is there? Apparently quite a bit. Michelle Malkin is on the case again. This is a continuation of what i posted earlier.

Rathergate continues

February 16, 2005 General 0

This is getting ugly. It appears that CBS simply tried to sweep it under the rug and then whitewash things to make them go away. Unfortunatly this appears to be backfiring. *update*LaShawn Barber has more details on the ugliness.


February 15, 2005 General 0

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

February 15, 2005 General 0

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

FOXNews.com – U.S. & World – Seven NAMBLA Members Busted in Sex Sting

February 15, 2005 General 0

I always thought these perverts were sick. This just confirms it. Thanks to Vox Day for posting it.

MSNBC – Database giant gives access to fake firms

February 15, 2005 General 0

Ah the myth of privacy. Read this story fully..this company has information on just about everyone in the country..and probably more.

Great Progress but the Battle is Ahead :: Terri Schiavo :: ProLifeBlogs

February 15, 2005 General 0

The fight to save Terri Schiavo continues. I have added my link to this effort. My post about this mess is here.I am not going to rehash what i said, follow the link to my previous post last month about this.


February 15, 2005 General 0

One of out trooops now faces the death penalty for defending himself during a military operation. The leftists wonder why our casualty rate is going up in such seemingly mundane operations. Hrmm..maybe the fact that you are prosecuting our soldiers for doing their jobs?

Big Brother Cometh

February 15, 2005 General 2

Want a national ID card with embedded technology that means you can be tracked anywhere you go? It is on the way if this Real ID Act goes through. The House has already passed it…the Senate will..and Bush intends to sign it(Bush is pushing it). This may be a no-no in the blogger world but… Read more

Break-In At SAIC Risks ID Theft (washingtonpost.com)

February 13, 2005 General 0

Whoopsie!I wonder if they need an outside contractor to help them out?On a serious note, I hope those secret types build new covers quickly. ICK.

Eason Jordan Resigns over slander of U.S. Military

February 12, 2005 General 0

The power of the blog swarm. While I feel sorry for his family, I personally would have taken a simple apology. He chose to stonewall. Reminds us of Rathergate no? I wish CNN and Mr. Jordan would just come clean. Instead the coverup continues. *update*More links:LaShawn Barber has a ton of links *update 2*This is… Read more

ABC News: U.N. Sex Crimes in Congo

February 11, 2005 General 0

And we want to keep these people(the UN) around? Their reaction to this is horrid at the least..revolting is more like it. *update* It turns out this is not the only U.N. sex scandal in the world.(of course not..)Michelle Malkin has more.

WorldNetDaily: Homeland chief to ‘waive all laws’?

February 10, 2005 General 0

Well now isn’t this interesting? If this goes through the Secretary of Homeland Defense can waive whatever laws at whatever time for however long at any given moment. Bush a conservative? Hardly. We are seeing his true colors now that he does not have to worry about re-elction. A final note:Our governor here in Maryland… Read more

Southpaw:Baby Got Book

February 9, 2005 General 0

How about a new take on Sir Mix Alot’s Baby Got Back? Here is one from a Christian perspective..Baby got Book. I ran across this on my favorite hangout the CGA forums. I then found i was waaaaaay behind on it rofl. It rocks. This guy is starting a church in Clevland before long. May… Read more

Vox Popoli: A Delano, not Reagan*update*

February 9, 2005 General 0

I thought this law of the sea business had died. Unfortunatly it appears to only gaining steam. IF this passes more of our national sovreignty will be wiped away. *update* Here is a direct link to the column I am reproducing it here: Opportunity knocking: defeat Law of the Sea TreatyPhyllis Schlafly (archive) February 7,… Read more

Hero Salute

February 9, 2005 General 0

This brought tears to my eyes. As a former military member myself i saw some of the apathy and outright hatred our military members must suffer through at the hands of those ungrateful citizens. We are following orders. The military only does what it is told. Unfortunatly i am afraid the country will have to… Read more

The United States of America was founded upon the principle of secured liberty

February 7, 2005 General 0

An interesting dissertation on the ways the gov’t has and is violating the very constitution it is supposed to protect. The United States of America was founded upon the principle of secured liberty

Freedoms Lost Under G.W. Bush(REasons i did not vote for Bush this year)

February 7, 2005 General 0

Freedoms Lost Under G.W. Bush February 03, 2005 By Chuck Baldwin Supporters and apologists for President G.W. Bush will often assail my assertion that the Bush administration has done more to dismantle constitutional protections of our liberties than any president in modern memory. It seems that these people believe that until federal Storm Troopers knock… Read more

No good deed goes unpunished

February 5, 2005 General 0

You have got to be kidding me; a judge actually let this go through? People wonder why people resort to computers and phones now. Knock on somebody’s door to be neighborly and you get sued? Those two girls who were just trying to do a good deed got punished for it by the court system.… Read more

Yahoo! News – Bush Budget Calls for Law Enforcement Cuts

February 5, 2005 General 0

Now this is from the AP which has been quite liberal. That being said I applaud the huge increase in defense. I also applaud the increase in the Coast Guard’s budget. However I do have a problem in one area. Where is the massive increase for the border patrol and the hiring of agents to… Read more

The leftists strike again at the military

February 5, 2005 General 0

Don’t these idiots understand if it were not for the U.S. Military we would not have the freedoms we do today? If you do not agree with he military..do not attack our men and women who put their lives onthe line. They are following orders..orders that ultimatly come from the President. Leave the military alone.… Read more

OH NO! The Diplomad signs off!

February 5, 2005 General 0

Oh this sucks. I find a blog i really like and they sign off..:) Oh well..I have taken all of the posts at the diplomad and turned them into word documents. LOOOOOng word documents. Each document is one month’s of postings. Zipped up they are only 512k. If anyone wants them jsut ask below in… Read more

The brainwashing in full swing

February 2, 2005 General 0

I do not normally agrew with Vox Day..but this one is quite disturbing.Vox Popoli: At least they’re learning something

Power Line: Administration Critics Keeping Mum

February 2, 2005 General 0

Have to love it. All the leftists who were crying because the Iraqi elections would fail were proven wrong. NOw let’s see if the Iraqi people can work to get themselves a new consitution and avoid the self-defeatism that is rampant here in America.Power Line: Administration Critics Keeping Mum *update* Another Powerline ArticleHere