October 22, 2024 Brunswick Frederick County 0
So the bhs/fcps administration held a conference in the bhs auditorium to waste our time. They did a ton of not answering questions..citing privacy/personnel matters…some chicka i guess from the white elephant repeatedly talked down to everyone present like we were middle school or elementary school students. An hour later they ended the meeting with the decision has been made and now we smut find a way forward. Good luck nimrods. I didn’t like the principal for the changes he made that have impacted my daughter’s grades in a negative way…but to see their condenc3nding attitudes…unfortunately it’s what i expected from this generation of “adult educators”. It is widely known the AD and the football coach do not see eye to eye..
After some digging i got some more information. Last year coach smith was suspended not for running up the score but because the AD then kept blowing up the coach’s phone saying not to run up the score. From several folks who were there coach did everything he could..the other team was just that bad. The AD was not even there. Coach smith got suspended for giving the ad a piece of his mind…probably in a cursing way…which got him suspended. This time at walkserville this past game some of our students were physically assaulted and also peppered with racist slurs. According to witnesses both AD were present…when coach smith advocated for the kids(again in a cursing way from what i hear) he has been removed for the remainder of the regular season. I do not know if he will be allowed to return for the playoffs.
Multiple parents told of disturbing events that happened at the game..the administration passed most of it off as saying if it happened on the field it’s the ref job….so what…you see it and do nothing afterwards? What about the conduct they announce over the pa every game of what will not be tolerated? So does this mean on the football field it’s everything goes…if the refs do not call it..all is good? That field in inside a fcps facility and bound by fcps policy..so the announcements always say…i guess that’s bs as well?
We were repeated talked down to, accused of belong disrespectful(which was NOT occurring) and stonewalled. I got more information talking to the parents who were present than the administration. Most of the information parents got was from eyewitness accounts from their own kids….a couple of parents did actually see what happened right there..and said so.
my conclusion:
if coach smith applies for the head coaching job again…the current AD will probably deny it…I would not be shocked to see coach smith voluntary(or not) be transferred to a different school next year…that part remains to be seen. one thing i do know..coach smith is saddened by his lack of access to the team and he’s also withdrawn from many of the students(including special needs ones that respond well to him) due to this drastic action. One thing i have said and continue to maintain..if azholery was being performed then azxholery in return was justified.




here is the recordinbg of the last 45 minutes..i missed the first 15 in the interest of full disclosure