Servant leadershiop…it’s eally nonsense and goes against what the bible says
This is mainly to resurface a post I made a while ago….I wanted it back on the main page again as i had to update it as the video is no longer freely available..but i found an audio excerpt that succinctly explains my issues with “servant leadership”
Where Have all the good men gone
What is happening to men these days? They have been buried/destroyed/maligned by the modern anti-male, militant feminist, SJW culture. It has led to sad situations,the rise of MGTOW, a subsequent rise is the number of men unwilling to marry or even be in any kind of long term relationship with a woman, sexual misbehavior by… Read more
A Sad State of affairs
A young college couple sat down in the dunkin i was in working on various remote projects. Listening to their interaction was depressing. The dude was acting like a whipped pulpy and the female he was with was taking great joy in denigrating him and not only insulting him but also using the fbomb towards… Read more
Time to Make some churchian heads spin
Can a Christian wife withhold sex as a way to change her husband’s bad behavior? August 1, 2015 / biblicalgenderroles Can sexual refusal be used by a wife to change her husband’s bad behavior? Does God allow sexual refusal as method for addressing wrong behavior on the part of a husband? Can bad behavior on… Read more
A Heart Attack Moment That Turned Funny
When my eldest was between 2 and 10 there were nearly weekly instances of her saying or doing something that at first were not funny but then turned out to be hilarious. 9 years old…it was finally time for the youngest to do something that at first was nearly scary…but then once some investigation… Read more
A long posting absence…broken.
I have been doing a fair amount of commenting on Facebook. However this post needs more formatting control than what i can do on Facebook easily. I am not a total MGTOW type but I can see some of their points. There lies fault on both sides in the current male and anti-male conflict going… Read more
The Opiod Problem is Growing. What is Maryland’s response? Even MORE Enablement and a Statement of Faith and Personal Responsibility.
I made a post last year about how the push to put Narcan in the hands of all first responders was going to enable more overdoses. I am not saying this is the only reason but it is one of the biggest reasons. The economic circumstances for so many people has not changed…or in many… Read more
Another Enablement is Taking Hold
This is not going to go over well with some close friends of mine but here goes. There has been a long standing push to get narcan in the hands of every possible first responder as a way to “combat” the scourge of opiate overdose that is running rampant. When this first started here in… Read more
Home with dada – time lapse (Original) – YouTube
Home with dada – time lapse (Original) – YouTube.
Life “Battle Scars” Courtesy of Lupe fiasco
Excerpts From Lupe fiasco’s Battle Scars: Hope the wound heals but it never does That’s cause you at war with loveYou at war with love, yeah I saw this last night as i was heading to bed..jimmy fallon had Lupe on and i loved this song. Sometimes as i think about my life the scars… Read more
If You Don’t Want to Care for a Child Use Birth Control or Don’t have Sex at All.
How narcissistic have we become in this country? We’ll have the baby as long as it doesn’t have any “defect”? i work with a down’s individual. he is one of the most caring individuals you could meet. His Down’s causes him some problems…which while they infuriate me at times don’t make him any less special in God’s eyes and that’s what i constantly remind myself… Read more
No Krakana: The RetroSexual Code….
I don’t need to add anything..:) A Retrosexual, no matter what the women insists, PAYS FOR THE DATE. A Retrosexual opens doors for a lady. Even for the ones that fit that term only because they are female. A Retrosexual DEALS with IT, be it a flat tire, break-in into your… Read more
“Accidental” dad takes care of nephew, niece – US news – Life –
Accidental my behind. This young man purposefully stepped up and took on this enormous responsibility. This is what family is all about. Great job Adrian! You are an inspiration. Accidental dad takes care of nephew, niece – US news – Life –