Category: Faith

Servant leadershiop…it’s eally nonsense and goes against what the bible says

March 5, 2025 Faith Family Fathers 0

This is mainly to resurface a post I made a while ago….I wanted it back on the main page again as i had to update it as the video is no longer freely available..but i found an audio excerpt that succinctly explains my issues with “servant leadership”

The Lie of Servant Leadership

March 18, 2022 Christianity Church Churchianity Faith 0

It’s taken me a while to be able to expatriate my thoughts on why I had problems with this inherently contradictory statement/belief being taught in modern churches.  First of all servant leadership isn’t logical at all.  It most assuredly isn’t biblical either.  The man was not made for the woman but the other way around. … Read more

A Time For Mourning…a Time to Move Forward

February 21, 2022 Faith Family General 0

Tired of Facebook putting fact check crap on my posts and others.  It’s time for me to get back on my own platform again..:) It was less than a month after Mike died that my closest friend…basically my brother…died suddenly.  he literally dropped dead.  It’s something you hear about…but it’s something else when it hits… Read more

Fair winds and following seas to a close friend and mentor

October 1, 2021 Faith Family 0

Now that Rob Webber has posted I can post mine…   Now that the family has officially announced it I can publicly say…I’m going to miss you Mike Webber.  I’ve known him for 20+ years.  he’s always been one I could call locally for advice and he wasn’t afraid to call me down when he… Read more

A Moving Testimony RE: Covid Mandates.

August 22, 2021 Christianity Church Churchianity Covid-19 Faith Family Health Pandemic 0

listen to this healthcare..CRITICAL care worker in California has to say: Here’s Karl Denninger’s take I can hear it now..he’s so selfish..but if he dies because of the vax..there is now 50 percent less in his field in that town. Also his family looses their breadwinner. Let that sink in folks. We are being told… Read more

The Churchian/SJW infiltration of the SBC

December 10, 2020 Christianity Church Churchianity Faith 0

I’ve talked about a similar topic several times over the years..but I didn’t know it went back to 2010.  Sounds about right given what I’ve experienced over the years.  Now there’s this article that exposes what is going on and unfortunately even the North American Missions Board is getting converged.  Sad really..for the churches operating… Read more

The Current Doctrine of Complementarianism…I’ve always had a problem with it…

August 14, 2020 Christianity Church Faith Family 0

Grabbed this post from Redditt…and i am going to reproduce it here in it’s entirety..just in case it goes poof:   No, your congregation does not preach “biblical headship” “Headship” as a concept is given a lot of lip service, but few people actually practice it the way Christ does with the Church. I can’t… Read more

Should we be afraid of worshiping the lord in groups…including singing?

May 10, 2020 Christianity Church Churchianity Covid-19 Faith Health 0

Of course not.  However with this covid thing around folks, especially Christians, are the first ones hiding in their houses finding reasons to NOT gather and worship.  Now comes an article that basically says singing in a group is so much more deadly that we should consider not doing it.  The article, written by a… Read more

I am a fan of Jesus. Are you?

March 24, 2020 Christianity Church Faith Finance 0

I have always had a strong faith.  many times I have not known it..but others see it.  I have had folks tell me things like “you have a bulldog faith.  You have grabbed onto Jesus and latched on like a bulldog would a bone and refuse to let go however much life shakes you.”  The… Read more

Ventilators and hospitals will not save you…they will actually kill you

March 19, 2020 Covid-19 Faith Family Health Pandemic 0

From Karl Denninger’s YouTube channel: “Flatting the curve” is stupid and will save almost ZERO lives. Fact: In Wuhan if you went on a vent 95+% of the time you came out in a box. There ARE known protocols (found in S. Korea, now confirmed in Europe) that CAN be effective and might be worth… Read more

For My Future Wife(and Lover) In That Order

December 31, 2019 Faith Family 0

i know how I will feel for her…but most importantly I know how she will feel for me.  Her feelings will draw out my instincts to protect and lead the household on the correct path.  The dancing, the closeness..the energies, will be something to behold.  It’s just a matter of time.  The visions that i… Read more

A picture of my Faith

November 18, 2019 Faith 0

Very few will get this picture. Honestly I have not figured out all of the facets that appeal to me..but I know the base levels. The knight is a dark knight…one who does his battles from behind the scenes….who works in the shadows. The knight has defeated a devil and prays to God in thanks… Read more

How does God Come For You in Times of Darkness?

November 6, 2019 Faith 0

it’s been a rough past couple almost three weeks here.  The strain is amplified by the fact I have not slept well in weeks.  First it was Chloe getting a cold…that’s minor so I took that in stride.  I still sleep much more lightly when someone in the house isn’t feeling well..but this was not… Read more

Widow’s Fog

June 15, 2019 Faith Family 0

For a very long time…years..after heather died This song really describes how i felt on a daily basis. The only thing i had to keep my sanity whilst I tried to figure out who i was, where i was, how i was going to move forward, and what the F*&^ is next was my extremely… Read more

Time to Make some churchian heads spin

March 11, 2019 Christianity Church Churchianity Faith Family Fathers 0

  Can a Christian wife withhold sex as a way to change her husband’s bad behavior? August 1, 2015 / biblicalgenderroles Can sexual refusal be used by a wife to change her husband’s bad behavior? Does God allow sexual refusal as method for addressing wrong behavior on the part of a husband? Can bad behavior on… Read more

Hunting Happiness and Being Thankful

November 3, 2018 Faith Family 0

I have the house to myself for about half the day(until Alessa comes back home) and I finally have some time to relax with some good music. After the emotional storms I have been hit with during the past few months, I have been saying daily to the Lord thank you for my truck…and I… Read more

A Startling Revelation

October 11, 2018 Christianity Faith Family 0

I recently bought a newsed(thanks to Chris K..I told him I was stealing this one)…Ford Escape./  I am VERY thankful to the Lord for giving me the means to purchase it and I have noticed something.  In terms of tidiness…i take MUCH better care of the truck than i ever did for my other two… Read more

A Picture of demonic possesion

August 15, 2018 Christianity Faith 0

Anytime a title like this gets put online folks are filled with skepticism…it’s understandable, most folks have never truly come face to face with a real demon.  This includes most pastors, faith leaders, etc etc etc.  Demons do exist..not in the Hollywood way but they do exist.  The picture I am going to show you… Read more

Back to Business

June 6, 2018 Faith Family 0

The job hunt has turned into a great pit of nothingness.  Usually when i hit this it means it is time to change direction…and so I have gone back into self-employment full time.  I have a new plan and a good core of clients that stuck with me during my trip into the corporate world. … Read more

Being Stuck and Moving Forward

March 24, 2018 Christianity Faith Family Job Stuff 0

It’s been nearly 3 years since my wife died.  I have been in what I would call a personal morass.  I have seemingly been stuck in one spot…unable to move forward.  I was then blessed with a good job opportunity…but the sacrifice required was immense.  I had to sacrifice my nearly 15 years of self-employment. … Read more

A good freakout tonight RE: finances.

December 15, 2017 Brunswick Faith Family Finance 2

God is good.  I got my first paycheck from my new job and it alone is almost what i normally make in one month.  I started the day with $1995 in my account and as i walk in the door this evening i have…$523 left.  The vast majority of that is bills that have been… Read more

First Paycheck is here.

December 15, 2017 Christianity Faith Family Finance Job Stuff 0

THANK GOD!  I had 1.5 months of nearly ZERO income due to my having to effectively shutdown my business and then having my start date pushed back a month…however I have my first paycheck…and i am glad i can look forward to more of them.  now if you look at just the raw number..i am… Read more

The Transistion Continues…It’s Complicated

October 25, 2017 Faith Family Job Stuff 0

As I noted in my previous post, I had accepted an offer of employment with another company with a start date of Oct 30.  I was just informed by a friend of mine(who works at the same company) that my start date is pushed back to Nov 20th.  Why did this happen?  It’s complicated..allow me… Read more

A long posting absence…broken.

September 25, 2017 Christianity Church Churchianity Faith Family Fathers 0

I have been doing a fair amount of commenting on Facebook.  However this post needs more formatting control than what i can do on Facebook easily. I am not a total MGTOW type but I can see some of their points.  There lies fault on both sides in the current male and anti-male conflict going… Read more

A Recollection of Feelings After the Death of my Wife.

June 24, 2017 Christianity Faith Family 0

I have been asked what I was feeling right after Heather died.  The days immediately after her death I do not remember much. I literally slept nearly 24 hours the morning I somehow drove myself home and then collapsed on my bed with no concern about anything else. The next month is a blur as… Read more