Servant leadershiop…it’s eally nonsense and goes against what the bible says
This is mainly to resurface a post I made a while ago….I wanted it back on the main page again as i had to update it as the video is no longer freely available..but i found an audio excerpt that succinctly explains my issues with “servant leadership”
Found this online…but i cannot find it now
this was so true during covid. I was one of the few that not only saw through this…but also was able to find the public data that showed was was truly up with covid. I found this video online and archived it. It’s as poignant today as it was back during the covid nonsense. … Read more
WE TOLD YOU SO! Covid-19
Putting this one here as Facebook might take it down. I have been following the covid shitshow for years. I have been one of the few wiling to question the official narrative. The evidence has always been out there..put out by these snakes themselves. The admissions coming out the past few public..have been amazing..not… Read more
The War is Against America…and the electorate is complicit.
“Ishmael” over at the market ticker has a very poignant post that i will reproduce in full. However, there’s more food shortages coming…the food plant shutdowns for baby formula is one..but there’s been a rash of fires in major processing plants in all kinds of products. Folks this is only the beginning..when Biden said shortages… Read more
FCPS policy change erupts into controversy.
I have been seeing news releases from the Frederick County school board and the Frederick news post talking about parents being hateful and violent at a recent meeting. I have my own opinions about this..but this much is true. FCPS over the past few years has passed policies talking about anal and oral sex to… Read more
A Time For Mourning…a Time to Move Forward
Tired of Facebook putting fact check crap on my posts and others. It’s time for me to get back on my own platform again..:) It was less than a month after Mike died that my closest friend…basically my brother…died suddenly. he literally dropped dead. It’s something you hear about…but it’s something else when it hits… Read more
Fair winds and following seas to a close friend and mentor
Now that Rob Webber has posted I can post mine… Now that the family has officially announced it I can publicly say…I’m going to miss you Mike Webber. I’ve known him for 20+ years. he’s always been one I could call locally for advice and he wasn’t afraid to call me down when he… Read more
A Moving Testimony RE: Covid Mandates.
listen to this healthcare..CRITICAL care worker in California has to say: Here’s Karl Denninger’s take I can hear it now..he’s so selfish..but if he dies because of the vax..there is now 50 percent less in his field in that town. Also his family looses their breadwinner. Let that sink in folks. We are being told… Read more
The holidays spoiled..and my rescue plan
it’s been now more than 5 years..almost precisely 5.5 years since the passing of my wife Heather. The holidays for her were a time to go all out. It was nice though because she would make it easy for me to do my relaxing thing. I am not into the craziness that is the time… Read more
The Current Doctrine of Complementarianism…I’ve always had a problem with it…
Grabbed this post from Redditt…and i am going to reproduce it here in it’s entirety..just in case it goes poof: No, your congregation does not preach “biblical headship” “Headship” as a concept is given a lot of lip service, but few people actually practice it the way Christ does with the Church. I can’t… Read more
Education during a manufactured crisis
(This is the first post in a series…i will go into greater detail later) For a while I never though I could homeschool..but covid has shown me something: I think for students and families that can do it distance learning should be an option. If 25% or more opt in the amount of money that… Read more
America is done folks…and we the people voted it in..and then allowed our republic to die
so it appears there will never be return to normal…..remember fauschi was saying we will have to have restrictions in place until there’s a vaccine? There has not..and most likely will not be a vaccine for any corona virus due to there’s no way to generate a lasting immunity to these things..which is why there… Read more
This is not a short term event…nor is the “recovery”
The economic damage is only now being seen even though Karl, along with me, have been saying it’s going to be devastating. Well now there’s more second order consequences that are beginning to show themselves. Now that the additional unemployment funds are kicking in there are those that can now see their annual income jump… Read more
Arkansas and Iowa: A case study in exposing the lies justifying the lockdowns.
We now have more than two weeks of data to compare against the screamers who were saying if you do not do the lockdowns 25% of your people will die. Guess what? The IHME model has failed to prove itself EVERY SINGLE TIME IT HAS BEEN USED! That means this model…and all of the other… Read more
The lockdowns have done nothing to stop the spread of SARS-CoV-2(covid-19)
Every single lockdown happened after the population was already infected. The only ones we are seeing now with the tests are folks already infected..not new infections. This data is out there..i have linked quote a bit both to links I have found and extensively to Karl Denninger who has found the data as well. The… Read more
the lockdowns are not working..again
If these lockdowns were actually working…why are the numbers going up? It’s because the transmission vector is NOT’s hand to face via surfaces. Where is the largest case of surface transfers? The healthcare system itself. The transmission vector has long been known to those who do not listen to the media that the main… Read more
Social distancing/Lockdowns are not working
Remember when I posted that the responses put in place by various govt’s are based on flawed thinking when it comes to this virus? Well now places that are in soft martial law(shelter in place) are still seeing an increase in testing. Of course this is more because of increased testing than increased infections because… Read more
Diamond Princess blew up the models..and guess where the virus came from on that ship?
the answer to the question in the title is inside the podcast linked below. The data has been out there for months…for some reason the gov’t and media refused to see it…until now. The lockdowns were based on a flawed model. There’s a large group of folks who either got sick and didn’t go to… Read more
It’s time for the lockdowns to end.
The lockdowns need to end now…the data is out there to show this entire lockdown was at the best based on flawed data. There will be consequences…which should be every politician who is not term limited, and who supported this absolute insanity should be at the best removed form office and at the most arrested… Read more
The current lockdowns are based on outdated medical virology thinking
Most virii attack and then present with symptoms pretty quickly. Most virii also also do not infect without presenting symptoms. Covid-19 however is different. It has a large percentage of folks it infects..but does not result in symptoms and therefore doesn’t result in in a huge spike of hospitalizations. Basically this means these lockdowns will… Read more
THIS is what we need to do..Get the folks back to work before it’s too late.
We need to isolate the elderly from everyone else. If you are a high risk person then you should self-isolate to keep yourself from getting it for as long as possible. This is true and reasonable. The lock downs, which will not stop the virus from going through the population, should be released before our… Read more
Who is more in danger?
tons of Americans are. With our medication culture you get something that takes advantage of your basic physiology then add body chemical altering drugs in mass quantities to it..and you get problems. Found this is the comment section of karl’s latest post: Coronavirus and medication From the French Government: The virus has just been shown… Read more
Let’s get some numbers the media is not telling you….
Math doesn’t lie…but it’s only usable with actual facts…there will be some estimations..but the crap being put out that..”worst case scenario” is all they are talking about. First of all if you have to “go on the vent” of any type..your chances of survival is exceptionally poor. You have a better chance of surviving the… Read more
Ventilators and hospitals will not save you…they will actually kill you
From Karl Denninger’s YouTube channel: “Flatting the curve” is stupid and will save almost ZERO lives. Fact: In Wuhan if you went on a vent 95+% of the time you came out in a box. There ARE known protocols (found in S. Korea, now confirmed in Europe) that CAN be effective and might be worth… Read more
Flattening the curve….the economy gets flattened first
I do not need to say anything here. The relevant post is here. Have that in one window and then listen to the below while looking at the post and chart. He breaks it down in a way that if you do not want to read the book he posted..the podcast makes it very clear.… Read more
What are these lockdowns going to do…nothing positive
I have had a couple of folks tell me they are math based folks and the math says this will work. Unfortunately I am also a math based person..but I do not take obviously problematic numbers and try to draw conclusions based on faulty numbers….garbage in equals garbage out. Folks are out there worshiping the… Read more
The US is heading for a depression..not a recession
This shutdown is going to do far more damage long term than an additional 15k deaths from this virus by itself. This bill from the gov’t that mandates ALL businesses including the SMB’s that would get bankrupted by the requirements of paid time off even during a force majure situation like Covid-19. If the bill… Read more
Maryland goes further into tyranny
There’s a local site I follow called The Tentacle. They are currently hosted on Godaddy(hopefully that will change) and of course when they get popular they get highly throttled by said company. I am going to snag their article and reprint it here with a linkback: URGENT Call to Action! OPPOSE Emergency Legislation HB650… Read more
What the gov’t is doing could be more deadly than Covid-19
So why are the experts not giving the percentages of saves? The media is screaming about we need more vents…but if you go on a vent you are most likely screwed anyway. Folks I have personal experience with vents. Once you go on a vent…your chances of surviving are VERY VERY SMALL. If you are… Read more
Why are we not isolating the vulnerable population instead of shutting down the economy?
I am going to rip a total post from Karl Denninger’s site and post it here..because it is absolutely relevant to the gov’t induced panic that is going on right now. Is covid-19 a problem? Yes. It is enough to warrant this reponse and emergency declarations that are now approaching martial law? IMO..NO. I am… Read more
This is a Test….of the Government Control System.
What a totally eye-opening expose. This is only an excerpt…please read the rest: This is a test. This is not a test of our commitment to basic hygiene or disaster preparedness or our ability to come together as a nation in times of crisis, although we’re not doing so well on any of those fronts.… Read more
For My Future Wife(and Lover) In That Order
i know how I will feel for her…but most importantly I know how she will feel for me. Her feelings will draw out my instincts to protect and lead the household on the correct path. The dancing, the closeness..the energies, will be something to behold. It’s just a matter of time. The visions that i… Read more
A New Adventure…Being A Trustee
It has been an interesting few months. The Lord and life are taking me and have taken me into directions I would never have gone on my own. It started with Bruce Conley asking me to assist in a restart at a church that is now called North Valley Church. I was highly hesitant but… Read more
Widow’s Fog
For a very long time…years..after heather died This song really describes how i felt on a daily basis. The only thing i had to keep my sanity whilst I tried to figure out who i was, where i was, how i was going to move forward, and what the F*&^ is next was my extremely… Read more
Where Have all the good men gone
What is happening to men these days? They have been buried/destroyed/maligned by the modern anti-male, militant feminist, SJW culture. It has led to sad situations,the rise of MGTOW, a subsequent rise is the number of men unwilling to marry or even be in any kind of long term relationship with a woman, sexual misbehavior by… Read more
A Sad State of affairs
A young college couple sat down in the dunkin i was in working on various remote projects. Listening to their interaction was depressing. The dude was acting like a whipped pulpy and the female he was with was taking great joy in denigrating him and not only insulting him but also using the fbomb towards… Read more
Time to Make some churchian heads spin
Can a Christian wife withhold sex as a way to change her husband’s bad behavior? August 1, 2015 / biblicalgenderroles Can sexual refusal be used by a wife to change her husband’s bad behavior? Does God allow sexual refusal as method for addressing wrong behavior on the part of a husband? Can bad behavior on… Read more
Hunting Happiness and Being Thankful
I have the house to myself for about half the day(until Alessa comes back home) and I finally have some time to relax with some good music. After the emotional storms I have been hit with during the past few months, I have been saying daily to the Lord thank you for my truck…and I… Read more
The night before Halloween: What haunts you?
My late wife honestly. For the longest time I felt lost…now it is a more frightening time…moving on without her. I type this with tears flowing because an episode of 911 drove home this point for me. Substitute the name Heather for Abby here and it is mostly accurate as to my feelings. The thing… Read more
A Startling Revelation
I recently bought a newsed(thanks to Chris K..I told him I was stealing this one)…Ford Escape./ I am VERY thankful to the Lord for giving me the means to purchase it and I have noticed something. In terms of tidiness…i take MUCH better care of the truck than i ever did for my other two… Read more
The Death of a Spouse…How it Affects The Spouse Left Behind
I have personally experienced what this text below talks about. I got this from a shared Facebook post. I have amended it into a form I like without changing the meaning of the post. The death of a spouse or partner is different than other losses, in the sense that it literally changes every single… Read more
Back to Business
The job hunt has turned into a great pit of nothingness. Usually when i hit this it means it is time to change direction…and so I have gone back into self-employment full time. I have a new plan and a good core of clients that stuck with me during my trip into the corporate world. … Read more
Being Stuck and Moving Forward
It’s been nearly 3 years since my wife died. I have been in what I would call a personal morass. I have seemingly been stuck in one spot…unable to move forward. I was then blessed with a good job opportunity…but the sacrifice required was immense. I had to sacrifice my nearly 15 years of self-employment. … Read more
Unfortunately I Lost My Job.
I went into my last job with high hopes that my talents and knowledge would be appreciated and utilized. It became very apparent that this was not the case. Sure I was getting paid 75k a year, and to some this is dream job. I worked at home, had great benefits, and wrote reports for… Read more
C.Diff, The Hidden Killer Fed By A Hidden Fuel
For a long time I tried to figure out how Heather went from pneumonia to sepsis to dead. After talking to quote a few medical folks(most of whom would not say officially) I have learned C.Diff is what finally got loose. right after she died I had several close friends of hers and mine tell… Read more
Car Stuff
I have liked the KIA Soul for the most part. My biggest gripe has been the 6 speed manual transmission. It is geared so closely that I can literally go 1-2-3-4-6 and back again…Or i can skip any gear from 2-5. It’s ridiculous and makes finding the right gear a pain in the ass. I… Read more
A good freakout tonight RE: finances.
God is good. I got my first paycheck from my new job and it alone is almost what i normally make in one month. I started the day with $1995 in my account and as i walk in the door this evening i have…$523 left. The vast majority of that is bills that have been… Read more
How December overfloweth
I just blew my own mind. I just realized this 2k paycheck carries until the 27th when I get an additional $2800. Then 3 days after that I will get another @$2300. I am used to $2800 having to last the entire month. I am not going to spend like mad…but it is nice knowing… Read more
First Paycheck is here.
THANK GOD! I had 1.5 months of nearly ZERO income due to my having to effectively shutdown my business and then having my start date pushed back a month…however I have my first paycheck…and i am glad i can look forward to more of them. now if you look at just the raw number..i am… Read more
A Heart Attack Moment That Turned Funny
When my eldest was between 2 and 10 there were nearly weekly instances of her saying or doing something that at first were not funny but then turned out to be hilarious. 9 years old…it was finally time for the youngest to do something that at first was nearly scary…but then once some investigation… Read more
The Transistion Continues…It’s Complicated
As I noted in my previous post, I had accepted an offer of employment with another company with a start date of Oct 30. I was just informed by a friend of mine(who works at the same company) that my start date is pushed back to Nov 20th. Why did this happen? It’s complicated..allow me… Read more
I have been offered, and accepted, full time employment as a security analyst for a US Federal gov’t contractor. i will be part of a team helping to secure a gov’t agencies internal security. The pay is better than anything I could have imagined and the challenge is high. it also means that my servers… Read more
A long posting absence…broken.
I have been doing a fair amount of commenting on Facebook. However this post needs more formatting control than what i can do on Facebook easily. I am not a total MGTOW type but I can see some of their points. There lies fault on both sides in the current male and anti-male conflict going… Read more
A Recollection of Feelings After the Death of my Wife.
I have been asked what I was feeling right after Heather died. The days immediately after her death I do not remember much. I literally slept nearly 24 hours the morning I somehow drove myself home and then collapsed on my bed with no concern about anything else. The next month is a blur as… Read more
The Opiod Problem is Growing. What is Maryland’s response? Even MORE Enablement and a Statement of Faith and Personal Responsibility.
I made a post last year about how the push to put Narcan in the hands of all first responders was going to enable more overdoses. I am not saying this is the only reason but it is one of the biggest reasons. The economic circumstances for so many people has not changed…or in many… Read more
SHIT…Today is Here
That’s the first thing that came to mind when I saw my phones notifications and the first one was from Jessica Shullenbarger and Arden Herzberger about Heather’s one year anniversary of her passing. As the tributes roll in, and there will be many of them all of which she deserved, all I can say is first keep… Read more
Moving Forward….Sometimes Staying Put
I just got done with a cry. Not one of loss but one of shame. I let an entire side of my family down and it jsut hit me how much that relaly bothers me. My Mother in law asked me recently if I had gone to Heather’s grave recently. i admitted I have not… Read more
Another Enablement is Taking Hold
This is not going to go over well with some close friends of mine but here goes. There has been a long standing push to get narcan in the hands of every possible first responder as a way to “combat” the scourge of opiate overdose that is running rampant. When this first started here in… Read more
The Persecution of Christians is Just Getting Started and Being led by the Federal Government
For those who think appeasement of those who are against the biblical view of Christianity…look at the following. Do you think that living in fear of what others think is going to protect you? Absolutely not. Appeasement only leads to more aggression. Folks just look back through history for that one. Churches if this act… Read more
A Prime Example of the Sheeple
Americans have allowed themselves to be so pussified..yes that’s right..pussified that we will cower in fear. It turns out the shooter reloaded TWICE! Not from his belt but from a backpack?!?!? Come on folks if within that amount of time you cannot bring yourself to at least charge this asshat then frankly anyone who got… Read more
Giving Jesus the Glory
I usually do not post things of a personal nature here but since my beliefs are part of my businesses foundation I feel this is appropriate. Since my wife died over memorial day I have been having to adjust to such a huge loss and trying to keep not only myself together but also keeping… Read more
Massive life changes…it is time for my family to be able to breathe
I was going to make a book sized blog post but for right now i simply do not wish to take the time to write one of my missives. I am not going to tag anyone because i do not want this to be construed as i am targeting any specific person. I have draft… Read more
Same Sex Marriage Ruling by SCOTUS
Gay marriage is only the beginning. Words do have meaning and do have consequences Mr. President to wit: This morning, the Supreme Court recognized that the Constitution guarantees marriage equality. In doing so, they have reaffirmed that all Americans are entitled to the equal protection of the law; that all people should be treated equally,… Read more
Fact check: Texas has both the legal and moral right to secede from a corrupt union –
Will Texas grow the required set to actually do this? I truly hope so. The instant this gains traction i’m heading to Texas..:) From the Texas Constitution, article 1, section 1:”Texas is a free and independent State, subject only to the Constitution of the United States…”As points out: Note that it does not… Read more
THIS is how to teach our children
My mom moved me out of the public school rat race and put me into a montessori school for a time. Until she couldn’t afford it any longer. I thrived in this loose type of learning environment. We were allowed to learn much like this mexican teacher teaches. Actually this man isn’t a teacher.he is… Read more
Persecution in America..
Are evangelical Christians rapidly becoming one of the most hated minorities in America? Once upon a time such a notion would have been unthinkable, but these days things are changing dramatically. All over the United States, evangelical Christians are being called “extremists” and evangelical Christian organizations are being labeled as “hate groups”. In fact, as… Read more
From the Archives… Debunking Flu Shot Myths with Megan Pond – Episode 140 – Off The Grid News
The flu vaccine isn’t safe at all. Just by the EPA standards for mercury the current crop of vaccines have more than what the EPA says is safe by quite a bit. hit the link for the full details. there is no mercury free vaccine. Also read the inserts..most vaccines say they haven’t been tested for safety… Read more
Home with dada – time lapse (Original) – YouTube
Home with dada – time lapse (Original) – YouTube.
Life “Battle Scars” Courtesy of Lupe fiasco
Excerpts From Lupe fiasco’s Battle Scars: Hope the wound heals but it never does That’s cause you at war with loveYou at war with love, yeah I saw this last night as i was heading to bed..jimmy fallon had Lupe on and i loved this song. Sometimes as i think about my life the scars… Read more
When Seconds Count the Police Are Minutes Away…Many Minutes
Read the rest of the article linked’s sobering. According to the CNN timeline for the Sandy Hook tragedy, “Police and other first responders arrived on scene about 20 minutes after the first calls.” Twenty minutes. Five minutes is forever when violence is underway, but 20 minutes — a third of an hour —… Read more
Obama’s Hypocrisy Problem On Guns in [Market-Ticker]
Unfortunately when we continue our examination that we find that there is evil in the world. There are those who disrespect other people’s rights. Some of them may want to kill you. Everyone who undertakes to murder believes their reason for doing so is justified. That they may be objectively insane doesn’t change their view of the world. … Read more
THE TRUTH About Guns — And The Media in [Market-Ticker]
this excerpt is spot on…hit the link for the rest of the post…it is totally true…time for folks to put their actual thinking caps on instead of taking the spew on tv as gospel folks. Why does the media only cover guns in the face of such tragedy? Why don’t they discuss it when we can examine the… Read more
The Facts about Mass Shootings – John Fund – National Review Online
I’ve seen this statement more and more that mass shootings are not on the rise. I’m not sure i agree with that one..but the rest of the points in this article are spot on. A few things you won’t hear about from the saturation coverage of the Newtown, Conn., school massacre: Mass shootings are no more… Read more
Solutions For CT: There Are Some in [Market-Ticker]
Laws don’t stop massacres….read on. But they’re not what people are promoting, especially those who are always looking for a way to shove you in the hole — right after they remove your ability to resist. And let’s not kid ourselves — that’s exactly what happened in Connecticut. The teachers and staff in that school had… Read more
Are the Majority of Adults Smarter Than a 5th Grader in Regards to on School gun violence?
With what I’ve been seeing…i’d say no. Read the liked post as it contains several cartoons that i can easily cut an paste here. Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?.
CT School Shootings; Facts Before Hype in [Market-Ticker]
I invite anyone opining on this massacre read this entire article at the link below. there are some facts in here you will never hear about in the “mass media’ at all. Read all of the facts here before pining… We’ll start with the guns. They are reported to have been legally owned by… Read more
In Regards to the Conn Massacre
I came home last night and gave my older daughter a big hug…i then proceeded to explain to her about one of the reason so many folks died that horrid day. Gun Free Zones = Turkey Shoot. I’m not going to be blithe and say armed staff could have eliminated all deaths..that’s simply idiocy. However, armed staff would have meant… Read more
this is why you never ask the gov’t permission for anything.
The instant we both don’t have to work and can pull our kids out of public schools you can bet we are going to do just that. Anna Engelsone of Rockville said she didn’t think twice about starting to send her 10-year-old daughter, Liz, to school on a Ride On bus this school year. When… Read more
Ever Wonder Why our Gov’t is out of Control?
It starts at home…then goes to our churches. I have to say i’m guilty of the home bound version. I’m not nearly where God wants me to be. Secondly, our churches. If the church body won’t regulate the church according to first the Bible then secondly it’s own founding documents then the issues are going to continue. For all… Read more
Who Needs to Wait Until 2014 for Obamacare Loses: Obamacare Is About To Whack Personal Income in [Market-Ticker]
Several restaurants, hotels and retailers have started or are preparing to limit schedules of hourly workers to below 30 hours a week. That is the threshold at which large employers in 2014 would have to offer workers a minimum level of insurance or pay a penalty starting at $2,000 for each worker. The shift is… Read more
PJTV – Suspending Disbelief: Obama Administration Proposes Race-Based School Discipline System – Trifecta
The White House thinks that schools are providing too much discipline to black students, and it is proposing race-based quotas for school suspensions. Thats right, affirmative action for school discipline. Could Asian students be disciplined more to meet quota requirements? Thats what Trifecta thinks. Hear what race-based school discipline means for American education. via PJTV… Read more
Bussard problems puzzle employees, partners – The Frederick News-Post Online
I don’t know at this time…but I’m thinking this NPO has been shutdown for good. They’ve gone totally dark. This is never a good sign. Bussard problems puzzle employees, partners – The Frederick News-Post Online.
What Does the Obamacare Ruling Really mean?
Listen to this episode from Karl Denninger. It very well explains what the government can now compel form the american nation. The United States Of Korea 07/02 by TickerGuy | Blog Talk Radio. Listen to internet radio with TickerGuy on Blog Talk Radio
The Penn State Scandal
I agree with vox on this one. Take a gander at his posting below: First, I would note that Paterno’s actions did not, in any way, make him “an accomplice to child rape”. An an accomplice is a person who is present at the scene of the crime, actively participates in its commission, and… Read more
Why Stand Your Ground Is a Must In Society.
Many people mistakenly believe one of the roles of government is to protect them from physical harm. However, this is not the case. One only has to look up the concept of “affirmative duty” to understand what the Supreme Court has defined as the role of any government entity in regard to protection of citizenry; both at Local/State… Read more
5 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Apocalypse Could Actually Happen |
5 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Apocalypse Could Actually Happen |
I don’t know about ritalin..but this one paragraph lit a light bulb in my head…
Now i’m not sure about ADHD but this below paragraph is very fitting for me: As an ADHD kid myself, and father to two more, this may also explain something I have found troubling my whole life. I don’t react well to praise. Tell me you like this article and I may just shrug it… Read more
Some feelings of mine….especially towards “fellow christians”
I wonder how many of your own people you have to destroy before you’ll realize you are only advancing the agenda of Satan with your attacks on each other. I wonder how many more destroyed lives the churches will allow before the pastors grow a set and start enacting biblical discipline on their congregations. I… Read more
I’ve been citified long enough
I’ve been trying to be “more civilized” the past few years…it’s gotten me more problems with folks who think they know more than me about many things they have no idea about. The lid’s off now…:) I’m going to express how i feel and if folks can’t handle it..too bad for them. My loving wife likes to tell folks i’m a redneck…that… Read more
AARON LEWIS – “Country Boy” (Official Video) – YouTube
Just how i feel about everything..not just the government..but about most groups of people as well….seeing as how many of them think they know how to run my life. Get out and leave me and my family alone. Even Brunswick is feeling too big these days…time to start praying for a change in homestead location. AARON LEWIS – “Country… Read more
Louisianas bold bid to privatize schools | Reuters
Louisiana is embarking on the nations boldest experiment in privatizing public education, with the state preparing to shift tens of millions in tax dollars out of the public schools to pay private industry, businesses owners and church pastors to educate children.Starting this fall, thousands of poor and middle-class kids will get vouchers covering the full… Read more
The Current Scam Called Healthcare…’s the Gov’t Running the Racket
See how the lie is set up? The premise put forward — that everyone needs medical attention at some point, and virtually everyone needs insurance to pay for it, is put forward as a “fait accompli” without first asking the following questions: Has it always been this way? Can you, for example, show us that health insurance… Read more
What do We Work For?
In terms of after we’ve raised our kids and what not? I don’t relaly want to give up my business..per se..but i DO wish to give up the rat race…this song by blackmoor’s night sums it up very well. While I don’t ascribe to the apparent pagansistic ways of blackmors night there’s no doubt you… Read more
Trevon Martin: How Well and Accurately Explained. Let’s Stop the Race Vampires
Molotov Mitchell nails this one. Let’s look past the distortions of the media and media mongers and race baiters like sharpton and jackson. Watch the linked video for another perspective. WND: Trevon Martin: How well and accurately put. Let’s Stop the Race Vampires
It’s Time To Stomp On The Left – MarketTicker Forums
Listen to the supremes vs the constitution episode below. It details what is on the public record about the travon issue..and it’s a much different picture than what the media is protraying. It’s time to look at the public record..folks don’t listen ot the media they aren’t interested in facts they just want to… Read more
Frederick County Teachers Union Wants “Appreciation”…Throws Temper Tantrum
This is going to work well. Because you want to have things exactly your way however it is and don’t get it you are going to cause the cancellation of various after school activities that specifically help students to expand their horizons and help them move forward in life. That’s interesting that in one hand the unions says we want appreciation… Read more
Obamacare is going to cost nearly 2 trillion in 10 years
Which means it will be closer to 3-4 trillion once it’s all said and done. Anyone who bought the lie of Obamacare bringing lower costs…if you have insurance..have you seen your premiums lately? We have. CBO: Obamacare to cost $1.76 trillion over 10 yrs | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner.
If You Don’t Want to Care for a Child Use Birth Control or Don’t have Sex at All.
How narcissistic have we become in this country? We’ll have the baby as long as it doesn’t have any “defect”? i work with a down’s individual. he is one of the most caring individuals you could meet. His Down’s causes him some problems…which while they infuriate me at times don’t make him any less special in God’s eyes and that’s what i constantly remind myself… Read more
Pink Slime Ruckus is NOT an Overreaction or a Panic
Just read the paragraph below as to what this stuff is and where it comes from. “Pink slime” is bits of meat and muscle salvaged from slaughterhouse floors that are treated with a pink chemical to kill any dangerous pathogens. According to an earlier report by, the unappetizing pink goo is widely used… Read more