A Saddening Report From “Experts”
Read this carefully. this is the state the world is in..and where it is going. If you are easily disturbed i would not read this until you have prepared yourself. The article, published in the Journal of Medical Ethics, says newborn babies are not “actual persons” and do not have a “moral right to life”. The… Read more
Doctors call for HPV shots for boys – Washington Times
Does anyone actually believe the drug companies are really out to fix illnesses? This vaccine has been shown to be deadly and now we want to vaccinate boys too? Despite lackluster acceptance among girls for a vaccine to prevent cancer-causing sexually transmitted viruses, the American Academy of Pediatrics is fully recommending that boys get… Read more
Gazette.Net: Court: Frederick schools not liable in peanut allergy case
this is the very reason i advocate to my daughter that if the school tells you to do something that is dangerous to you or others..do not participate…and i’ll deal with the school over it. me and my wife are looking to get our eldest out of the public schools and we hope we can also not have to put our youngest into… Read more
TheTentacle.com – How “The Left” Intimidates
This is an excerpt. Hit the link at the bottom for the full article. Very well written. Currently in the Maryland Senate there is debate over the same-sex marriage bill that was recently passed by the Maryland House of Delegates. It is likely to pass and then be signed into law by Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley (D).… Read more
The Vow Disappoints in It’s Theater Debut
Unfortunately they took their story to Sony…I have to say i’m not surprised at the twists and omissions and additions that were made…:( Based on the love story of two devout Christians, the movie version of “The Vow,” starring Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum, strips the tale of its overt religious themes, which has some Christian reviewers… Read more
Komen Restores Funding
Komen just couldn’t resist the pressure by abortion groups. Fierce controversy over a policy that cut — then apparently restored — funding for Planned Parenthood by the Susan G. Komen for the Cure breast-cancer charity has left some longtime supporters of both groups feeling whipsawed by the fallout.Fans who’ve worn pink ribbons and jogged in Race for… Read more
Iraqi Massacre Leader Get no Jail Time….Derrick Miller Serves Time for Self-Defense
This guy leads other Marines to a massacre and gets no jail time…while this soldier killed a known insurgent in self-defense and get sentenced to life?!?!? I’m former military and the military “justice” system is nothing like civil system. The fact that soldiers are being ramrodded for purely political reasons is disgusting in the extreme. After agreeing to a plea… Read more
Planned Parenthood vs. Komen
msnbc video: Planned Parenthood vs. breast cancer charity. Oh this is interesting..:) Blame the right-wingers..:)
Brownsville Police Kill a Middle School Boy
So a boy who did not threaten teachers and student and simply had a pellet gun was shot and killed by police. I know police defenders are going to say they were protecting themselves and others…did they to try something a little less lethal first? There’s going to be a huuuuuuge lawsuit over this were… Read more
Human Christmas Tree Protests Holiday Decoration Ban At Staten Island Ferry Terminal | Fox News
Human Christmas Tree Protests Holiday Decoration Ban At Staten Island Ferry Terminal | Fox News. Human Christmas Tree at Staten Island Ferry Terminal: MyFoxNY.com
More About Our Nanny State
Folks you REALLY need to read the entire article linked to in my last post. HOwever for those who don’t follow links here’s the full story from the market Ticker which details the fallacies in the Govt’s story: WASHINGTON – States should ban all driver use of cellphones and other portable electronic devices, except… Read more
The Latest Power Grab by Our Nanny State
Of course it turns out that texting wasn’t the primary..or even the reason at all for the crash that is now being used by the feds to try to invade our lives even more. Sure texting while driving is dangerous..there’s no need for the Feds to stop into this. Read this story about who owns… Read more
More Adventures…:)
My younger daughter has decided she doesn’t want to wear pullups to nite nite anymore…i quote, “me no peepee bed..me no wear pullup me wear undies and be big girl”…:)
AHH The Pre-Teen years
The latest in my fatherly adventures. We got Alessa a kid friendly cell phone. We got back from Va Beach and the phone turned up missing. I nuked the phone and a search was undertaken. The phone has not been located…yet. Heather maintains it is inside the house. We’ll see. What’s kewl right now is… Read more
The Time for Declaration of Independence Actions May Be Approaching
So in order to solve our nations debt crises…which the American people have allowed to happen….we are now to turn over total power to the boobs in congress who are doing nothing to stop the run away debts we have incurred? As a way to solve the national debt crisis, North Carolina Democratic Gov. Beverly Perdue recommends… Read more
No Krakana: The RetroSexual Code….
I don’t need to add anything..:) A Retrosexual, no matter what the women insists, PAYS FOR THE DATE. A Retrosexual opens doors for a lady. Even for the ones that fit that term only because they are female. A Retrosexual DEALS with IT, be it a flat tire, break-in into your… Read more
Water Storage Tip For Those With Small Children
The typical wisdom during a potential disaster is to fill your bathtub up with water. This is a good idea unless you avhe small kids where drowning is a major concern. MOst folks don’t know they already have a bathtub’s worth of water stored in their houses that’s secured from little hands….your water heater. How… Read more
A Wild Ride..With God at the Reigns
I had a long day at work yesterday..not a bad one.. just long. It has been so dry my days with my mowing service employer have been just a few hours or non-existent. I got home and i was tired but not dehydrated or overheated…i felt good for a days work well done. I spent some great time at church… Read more
Caught and Expelled for Sexual Sin: Is this What the Church Should Do? | Covenant Eyes
As a recovering(it is like any other drug..you never truly kick the addiction) porn addict myself…this particular post hits close to home. While nobody in my church has been “outed” I would hope they would not follow the example first shown in the linked post and follow the Galatians verse following later in the post. I know I would… Read more
Dead Children Make Bad Laws – Stossel’s Take Blog – FoxBusiness.com
REad this..but go to the linked page and follow the links as well. We don’t need another law passed on emotion only….that is what several noted alws int he article talk about…also the patriot and patriot 2 acts were the same thing..in response to 9/11 which has led to the formation of the TSA and… Read more
Christie: Children’s school “none of your business” – Ben Smith – POLITICO.com
Great Answer form Gov Christie. It’s time to kill this tired, class baiting question and philosopy. Christie: Children’s school “none of your business” – Ben Smith – POLITICO.com.
Something else i get to “de-educate” my daughters on
Now i have to de-propagandize my daughters about the environazi agenda. Under the graduation requirement, public schools will be required to infuse core subjects with lessons on conservation, smart growth and other environmental topics. School systems will be able to shape their programs, but they must align with state standards. via Md. approves environmental education requirement… Read more
Md. to evaluate teachers on student performance – The Frederick News-Post Online
Are you teachers truly interested in student learning? The ones on the educator effectiveness don’t. All the teachers on the council voted against the new system. via Md. to evaluate teachers on student performance – The Frederick News-Post Online.
“Accidental” dad takes care of nephew, niece – US news – Life – msnbc.com
Accidental my behind. This young man purposefully stepped up and took on this enormous responsibility. This is what family is all about. Great job Adrian! You are an inspiration. Accidental dad takes care of nephew, niece – US news – Life – msnbc.com.