Big Windows/Linux/Softwre Design Question
I wonder how many other “features” like this WMF backup excution routine in case of failure there are? Given MS’s track record I bet we are going to hear of more of this kind of attack. I am curious if the Linux kernel, Linux Apps and other Unix Operating systems and apps have this issue?
Dell comes out with a firebreathing monster of a machine
The Tech Report – Dell & NVIDIA unveil Quad SLI-certified PC You want a firebreathing machine? Take a look at this monster. Dell actually takes an Intel cpu and overclocks it and then puts in two dual gpu nvidia card in sli mode. Dual core cpu with quad gpu in sli. This should be a… Read more
Power Line Gets it Wrong Again
Power Line: The source of our disunity The source of our disunity on the conservative side is that conservative bloggers have somehow swallowed the lie that we need to give up our liberties for security. This is a liberal/communist posistion almost and certinaly not the conservative/limited government I was taught and that is inside the… Read more
XP Home Cripleware obsolete even sooner than you think.
Windows XP Home: obsolete sooner than you expect I have always said XP Home is crippleware. It is simply a cut down version of XP Professional. January 1st 2007 is the date for security fixes to end right now. I have always advocated running XP Professional. This article explains why in painful detail.
Huge Windows Exploit
F-Secure: News from the Lab The Inquirer’s post Please DO NOT USE Windows media player right now. Also do not surf via ANY browser to any sites that are not known to be safe. This includes Outlook since quite a few e-mails are sent HTML. Do not double-click any e-mails in Outlook until this security… Read more
Map Database Upgrade – God’s Frozen Chosen Forums
Map Database Upgrade Well this is almost nuts..:) My clan has just upgraded their maps database to 8000 maps. Right now with 3400 mpas a maps listing can take 30 seconds. It should be interesting to see how long it takes for 8000 maps rofl!
The Patriot Act Story Won’t Die
A growing number of fellow conservative blogs are buying the adminstrations constant assertions that the Patriot Act is alone responsible for stopping another terrorist attack. Unfortunatly the loudness of the conservative blogs is growing, along with the post i am using to track it. Frankly, I think my fellow conservatives are totally wrong on this… Read more
The Criminalization of Americans Continues
“Analog hole” legislation introduced This will instantly criminalize me as i will use whatever i have to do use the content in ways i wish to. i will not share it illegally with other folks but telling me that i cannot timeshift, record, save, or whatnot while inside my heck with them.
Another Problem – Politics – Congress Taking Action in Weekend Session A fresh controversy flared when House Republicans, in a move designed to hinder Democratic-aligned political groups, pressed a last-minute bid to pass legislation limiting individual donations to independent groups. Now then..where’s Congress’s concern for our Constitutional rights?
The Have’s and Havenots of the Internet Cometh
At Stake: The Net as We Know It BellSouth, for one, wants to guarantee that an Internet-TV viewer doesn’t experience annoying millisecond delays during the Super Bowl because his teenage daughter is downloading music files in another room. this is not a problem caused by google or other websites. This is caused by sharing your… Read more
My First Huge IT Project
Well, Emmanuel Computer Consutling just recieved it’s first BIG contract. Mind you this is a volunteer one but still it’s big. The total cost is $15,000 is hardware and software. The scope is to take the entire facility of approximatly 25 machines and one server and relicense the facilty. The clients are a mix of… Read more
WorldNetDaily: U.S. teacher sexpidemic spreading across planet
WorldNetDaily: This article lists a lew of cases of female teachers preying on their male students. Reverse the roles and the men would have been put under the jail. The penalties leved against many women predators though are much less severe.
Possible Filibuster of The Patriot Act Renewal
KRT Wire I am not normally a fan of any democrat. If Fiengold filibusters and gets a few others with him, I’ll cheer him on until this despicable act dies and gets buried. Andrew Cochran of the counter-terrorism blog disagrees. Next up, the DMCA. *UPDATE* The amount of disagreement with trashing the Patriot Act is… Read more
More Copy Protection Woes for Sony MOre of Sony’s cpoy protection software is now a security risk. They have cd’s out there that use copy protection by Suncomm that allow your ocmputer to be taken over by trojans if your computer is infecte with this software. Mind you Sony says it will advise users of the flaw and patch via… Read more
JollyBlogger Nails Things
JOLLYBLOGGER: The large studios never would have touched this had Mel Gibson single-handidly thrust The Passion of The Christ onto the scene. Once that happened the large athestic studios know there is a market for movies like this so here they come. With LOTR such a smash it only figures they’ll try to make the… Read more
TBN Kotows to The PC Thought Police
WorldNetDaily: As WorldNetDaily reported, John Casoria, general counsel for the network, responded yesterday to Lindsey’s contention that the weekly program “International Intelligence Briefing” had been canceled for December, and possibly permanently, because its message was deemed “too pro-Israel and too anti-Muslim.” Casoria initially replied, “That is absolutely, 100 percent false.” But now, after talking with… Read more
Girl can sue school for telling mom she’s gay – Education – The ACLU and the judge in this case apparently are ignoring one major fact. This person is a minor and therefore is under her parents perview. Under legal rules since she is 17 she can’t bring a court case on her own behalf and no attorney can either without parental consent. Of course we… Read more
My responses to Security Now! Episode 16:
My responses to Security now! Episode 16: I have some comments and I also must point out some huge flaws in Steve Gibson?s replies to some questions: Storing stuff on a USB key really should be encrypted. Especially if the USB key is going onto a public computer. Otherwise that unencrypted file can be read… Read more
A RINO Becomes Unhinged This is moronic. TO has made a complete fool of himself on multiple occasions. He has also purposefully attacked every team he has been on and the management of said teams. Spector, this is nothing you need to be involved in. TO made his bed, let him sleep in it. If you stick congress… Read more
The IE-Tanic Springs Another Leak
Unpatched IE Flaw Is Worse Than Expected Ouchies. This one was considred minor. However it appears to be a remote code excution hle in IE. This affects XPSP2 so turn off active scripting…or don’t use IE.
Vista DRM’ed Bloatware May Get Released Early
ArsTechnica: Oh yeah this is going to be fun. Search my blog for previous posts about Vista. This is something that is going to be a support person’s nightmare..:)
AMD Issues Some Dual Core Spankage to Intel
CNET AMD for a while now with it’s Athlon64/Opterons have been spanking Intel in nearly all areas. Well CNET shows how much spankage is going on with dual cores. The results are ugly. CNET IMO is not the best review site out the fact that the results came out like this shows that AMD… Read more
The Invasion of America Rides on the Back of Disaster Talk about our porus border. This is reported openly. There are pictures of htis openly. What is hte government doing about this? Nothing. The minutemen need to be armed. If the Gov’t won’t enforce our borders, it appears we have to ourselves.
Amerika’s March
Vox Popoli: Actually there’s three sites on all of them and make up your mind about this.
Let the War Against Christmas Commence!
Michelle Malkin: Michelle links to Darleen’s Place about the war on Christmas. It continues iwth Target, Wal-Mart, and other large shows not using the Christmas term..instead using Happy Holidays. I am going to be watching this one. Keep an eye on this post as i’ll udate it as i run across stuff.
More Ludwig News Surfaces More details come out now. I wnated to give David the benefit of the doubt in terms of why he would do something like this. The fact that he killed the parents is going to kill him..either on death row or behind bars for life. New details have emerged that tell me this guy… Read more
The Borden Case is One to Watch Ludwig will get tried and most likely convicted for murder. The one thing the MSM is missiong(and a ton of the blogosphere) is the rape part. Ludwig was 18..she was 14. Will he get procescuted for statutory rape as well? I doubt it considering authorities knew about the sexual side of the relationship for… Read more
Sony’s Rootkit DRM easily Defeated by Tape
The Register ROFL!!!!! So this malware which does nothing but harm honest folks is easily defeatable by pirates and tech savvy folks. I have been saying to folks i know this DRM junk doe sot stop pirarcy..this is just another example of how DRM is a failure and always will be.
Sony Attempts to Make Amends Sony is trying to cover themselves now only after all their previous smokescreens were exposed. Frankly for me and a few others i know the damage is done and is permanent. Too late for recovery. Had they just come out with at first and offered the free cd’s and unrestricted mp3’s like they are… Read more
More Folks Turn Against Our Soldiers
Betsy’s Page It’s too bad we have folks like this continuing to embolden those who wish to do us harm.
Blast Sony’s Rootkit Uninstaller and Prevent Reinfestation
Freedom to Tinker This post detials a program that can remove the nasty uninstaller AND prevent it from being reinstalled. Use this at your own risk though.
Other Sony DRM Uninstaller Leaves Security Holes
Freedom to Tinker ? Blog Archive ? Not Again! Uninstaller for Other Sony DRM Also Opens Huge Security Hole For a background check the previous posts here and here. Hat Tip J. Alex Halderman: Apparently the other Sony DRM by suncomm also swiss chesees windows as well. It is based on….drum rol please…activex. Surprised? You… Read more
The Inquirer Gets it Wrong Again We here in the US designed the very things that the inet has to have to even run. Sorry folks it’s ours. If you want your own and get out of our property.
The Rootkit That Never Dies
Schneier on Security This is an excellent summary about what has been going on with the Sony Rootkit debacle right down to the complete ineptitude and sometimes indifference of the a/v companies. I have already posted about this before but this continues to get better and better..:) *UPDATE*(slashdot) According to First4Internet, the company that made… Read more
Brunswick, MD Is Going to Loose All Water Pressure Tomorrow
I jsut got this sent to me via e-mail directly from the City Council: Since I don’t know another way besides signs, Citizen ads, Frederick News Post, Gazette ads, Channel 99 … Thursday (November 17tth) night at 8pm, ALL WATER in Brunswick will be turned off until (hopefully 4am) to accomodate for repairing a valve… Read more
14 year Old Missing. Possilbly Kindnapped by Her 18 Year Old Boyfriend I hope everyone realizes letting your underage child have any kind of intimate relationshilp is a bad thing. I hope she comes home safely and her so-called boyfirend is buried UNDER the jail. It’s time parents stop allowing this madness now. Unfortunatly this quote from a 16 year old friend says it all: Age-difference… Read more
Deserter Continues His Plight to Run From HIs Due Punishment
CANOE — CNEWS – Canada: Whether or not Canada decides to grant this coward’s petition is not my affair although i hope they deny it and then deport him. That way this disgrace to our armed forces can be brought back and tried for his desertion crimes. You volunteered for the military and being part… Read more
Sony Joins the Hacker Community
Schneier on Security: Bruce Schneier was where I first heard about this at. It has since gotten much worse. I have purposely not posted on this until things have shaken out a bit. 1. First it is discovered that sony has been installing a rootkit into wondows systems via it’s audio cd’s. 2. Mark Russinovich… Read more
Amerika’s March Continues.
WorldNetDaily: Court: It does take a village when it comes to sexuality The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled yesterday against parents who sued their local school district after their elementary-age children were given a sexually charged survey, saying there is “no fundamental right of parents to be the exclusive provider of information regarding sexual… Read more
Illegal Alien Hiring Outed?
La Shawn Barber?s Corner LaShawn links to another site that is trying to out companies that hire illegals. The site is saying these are alleged but even allegations can get you in hot water. Still, I am going to be checking this site out..:)
aaron | aaron ? Deck ?O Bloggers 2005 – Taking Nominations
aaron | aaron ? Deck ?O Bloggers 2005 – Taking Nominations Maybe I can get one of the big blogs to nominate me for like the 2 of something?..
The Vatican Goes Further Off-bible
WorldNetDaily: First the statement from a cardinal the the Bible is simply a book and not a historical document of any credence to this. If you are a Catholic I would seriously investigate your own priest and dicoese. If they start talking this’s time for a new dicese or maybe another denomination.
Talon?s Blog ? Web Hosting
Talon?s Blog: This rocks. We’ll finally have a high-speed place to download hte maps from. Folks like priceless and wafle can now jsut download al of the maps in one shot..:) *also this might be talon’s first trackback. Let the trackback goodness begin and hte word spread..:)*
Steam Authentication Errors
Steam is not my favorite program. It’s still buggy after all this time. If you start getting various kinds of authentication errors or steam says it cannot make a secure connection and things were working fine before then try this: close steam out. search your hard disk for *.blob. delete all blob files bring steam… Read more
One Disaster Averted. Another One to Come? I would not expect a true conservative like Scalia or Thomas. Bush is simply not politically conservative enough to do it. I figured this was bad news the instant I heard Schumer liked her. The Captain notes this is not over yet. LaShawn expects the next pick to be just as bad. I’m thinking… Read more
The Pullout Now Shows It’s Failures With Israeli Blood
CosmicX Like me and Cosmic didn’t call this one eh? Cosmic has great commentary on this. It’s time for a trackback party. Israel Perspectives Outside The Beltway The Blue State Conservatives Euphoric Reality Jo’s Cafe Real Teen The Political Teen
So Much For diplomacy Well I hope the UN doesn’t find this surprising…but they will probably be shocked at the venom spewed here. Luckily for Israel God promises they will not be abandoned and most assuredly will not be destroyed.
California Courts Go Further Left. And folks wonder why California, Oregon, and Washington state are called the Left Coast. These are illegal immigrants. Frankly the company should be heavily prosecuted for hiring said immigrants(which is being admitted to just by the arguments they make in the article.) The worker in quesiton should be immediatly deprted. They should not be… Read more
Intel’s Paxville: The Ovens Become Blast Furnaces
The Register Holy cow. Talking about a desperation part. the fastest Xeon furnaces can’t keep up with the slowest opteron parts and consume a stupid amount of power. Gamepc tries to spin it positivly but there are not positives to the latest Xeon. *UPDATE* The Register has another article on Paxville in response to a… Read more
Blizzard gets busted
Schneier on Security: I am not a fan of WOw and now i have to reconsider every putting a blizzard product on my machine ever again. this is too bad. There’s more at the Christian Gamers Alliance forums.
Is Too much Government Dependency Bad? You bet!
La Shawn Barber?s Corner Is too much government dependency destroying Black families? What role did racism play in the Hurricane Katrina response? Are establishment Black leaders exercising legitimate moral authority or simply fleecing their constituencies? How well are Black churches combating the moral crisis in urban America? How can Black Americans achieve true success? These… Read more
STD’s On The rise Despite all the safe sex messages, there has been little progress in stemming the spread of sexually transmitted diseases in the United States. STDs like chlamydia and herpes are more common than ever, and doctors are now starting to see a couple of new or previously unrecognized infections. Expect this to get worse as… Read more
My daughter made the greatest decision of her life. She has officially accepted Jesus as her savior! I am beyond words with joy and I cannot wait to see the party that heaven is throwing right now. it’s amazong to see Jesus at work. i praise the Lord that He is in such mighty control!!!!… Read more
The Tech Report – EU plans to end US Internet control
The Tech Report – EU plans to end US Internet control ROFL. The only way this is going to happen is if our Gov’t gives it up. Right now that jsut is not going to happen. The EU might setup their own DNS tree..which would go against their internet for all humanity line since this… Read more
Was Intel Playing Dirty?
The Now this is interesting. If this discounting is not deemed illegal it is certainly unethical. I would hold BOTH sides(Intel AND the vendor who agreed to this lockout) accountable with my wallet. I will be watching this one very very closely.
The Ripoff Continues
The Here comes the biggest ripoff in computing history. Windows Vista.
Too Many Linuxes?
There’s only one Linux. Yes there’s tons of distros. i would rather have tons of distros than the Microsoft monoculture or any other monoculture for that matter.
Conservatives Buffaloed? That’s what this columnist basically says in this posting. Here’s a quote from the article: Among pro-lifers, I have long held the minority view that Bush never had the slightest intention of packing the Supreme Court with justices who would seek to overturn the 1973 decision legalizing abortion. Karl Rove would throw himself in… Read more
The Miers Heartburn Continues
Michelle Malkin: A small minority of readers say we should wait and see, trust Bush, and hold out hope that Miers is a stealth candidate. This last line of defense is truly pathetic. We have a Republican House. A Republican Senate. And a Republican White House. Why is it, after working so hard to put… Read more
A Woman Who Chose Career Over Marriage And Children Reflects On Her Choices Vox has been on a tear against many things in the feminist agenda and women’s rights. I am interested in how he is going to react to this. I find this very refreshing. Hopefully this is the beginning of cracks forming int he feminist movement as women realize they have a very limited time… Read more
What Can You Build For a Grand?
A pretty fast machine. You can read it in this word document.
Israel to U.S.: stop Iran’s nukes — or we will
Jihad Watch: As much as I love Israel, They have no business telling us to stop iran. If you want to stop their nukes via it.
Direct Revenue to Ride Kazaa onto Desktops You have to love these p2p applications. Considering there is a way to create registry entries that are invisible to admins in windows it appears getting rid of spyware will soon become impossible. MS has poo-pooed this flaw which is unfortunate.
Web companies shafted by GPL(Wrong! Web Compaines Forced to Abide by The GPL)
Web companies shafted by GPL3 I don’t know what is up with the inquirer lately but this series of baseless articles is making me consider no longer reading their stuff anymore.
The World Whines While We Keep Control Of Our Internet
The Heh. Let the whining begin. It appears at least for now the U.S. gov’t is going to remain resolute in keeping control of what is ours..:) More details on the whining at *Update* There’s a growing thread on as well. The agreement on us remaining in control of our internet is… Read more
EU deal threatens end to US dominance of internet | The Register
The Register Let’s see what happens with this. So far it appears some of the most totalitarian countries in the world are trying to wrest control of the internet away from it’s rightful owners. Of course the only way anyone can get control is if our Gov’t gives it away or hacks the dns servers.… Read more
America needs to give up Internet control
The Ok, I’ll make it very very clear..:) America invented the Internet and we funded it from the beginning. It’s ours. If you want control go build your own internet. Enough said.
That Was Interesting
Well it seems my host did something that broke my permalink structure. I had to reset it back to the way it was and then the blog worked again. With me working I did not notice it until i tried read something here. Sorry about that to anyone who reads this.
Disarm our Citizens?
WorldNetDaily: Absolutly not. It may be time to get a shotgun here. I like handguns but they are too problematic these days.
The Assault on the Constitution Continues.
WorldNetDaily: What’s sad is that folks allow this to happen. The main tenet of communism is make the people believe they are helpless and can only depend on the gov’t. Well we have seen this in full effect in Katrina’s wake. Guess what Galveston did in 1900? They did not go whining to the gov’t,… Read more
My Absence
I managed to land a job!!!! I am with a local lawn mowing service. It doesn’t pay much and it hard work but I love doing this type of work..:) The posts could be few for a bit as the bulk of my day is now spoken for..:)
Democrats declare open season on Bush – Hurricane Katrina –
Democrats declare open season on Bush – Hurricane Katrina – ROFL! They are going to go on the attack. I can’t wait for the next hurdle a Dem president has to face. We’ll watch them meltdown just like the gov’t did this time. Most folks don’t understand the gov’t cannot handle things like this… Read more – Politics – Byrd: School Isn’t Too Cool for Constitution – Politics – Byrd: One day a year? That’s all? This is all you want to “protect” our Constitution with? This smacks of politicing just to raise his job approval and nothing else.
Tropical Depression SIXTEEN
Tropical Depression SIXTEEN Florida’s under the gun again..ick.
Here’s HAM in your eye BPL! BPL or broadband over power lines is a unique idea with a serious drawback. BPL severely interferes with HAM radio. Right now HAMS are just about the only communications links in the devasted Guld Coast area. If BPL was online there HAMS would not be able to operate. The fact that the FCC is… Read more
I Thought XP Was Bloated
TechEd 2005 – APC Magazine: You haven’t seen anything yet. 2 GIGs of ram(i would bet 4) and more thn 256 megs of ram on the video card(more like 512). DRM rules the day. If you don’t have this monitor with this DRM you can’t watch hi-def. Your computer now rules do not rule… Read more
Lawsuit Filed Against Herndon Virginia To Stop Illegal Immigrant Workcenter
La Shawn Barber?s Corner: Good Deal! Of course it also takes businesses to stop hiring illegal aliens as well. The rules are already in place for this to be tackled on the busniess side as well. Thoughts Online says Herndon is building this for legal immigrants. Herndon itself refutes this argument. But council members said… Read more
The Aid to Katrina Victims That is not Being Reported
****** Cosmic X ******: Israel is also sending aid. You would never know it by watching our media though.
Don’t Forget Mississippi Either..It’s Not Just New Orleans
NewsCom .com: Everyone is focusing on New Orleans. Take a look at this satellite photo of the total destruction of parts of Mississippi. Once you look at the big picture you can see why aid is slow to come. There is simply no infrastructure for the aid to come into and the area of destruction… Read more
Judicial Activism Runs Amok : A Superior Court judge issued a temporary restraining order yesterday barring the city from transferring the Mount Soledad cross to the federal government under the deal voters overwhelmingly approved in San Diego’s July special election. Judge Patricia Yim Cowett Judge Patricia Yim Cowett’s tentative, 34-page ruling in the case questioned the constitutionality of… Read more
Another View of the Katrina Disaster
The Intellectual Activist: This is a very thought-provoking essay on the dangers of the welfare state.
Camera Helps Identify Unknown Sea Creatures
Sea Creatures This was awesome to find out. Just image, leaving something alone for a prolonged period and poof look what happened. It seems almost like a Christmas present. I have to wonder what else could be discovered if scientists were a bit more patient with their studies. Maybe that is what a cure for… Read more
More Whining About New Orleans
T don’t miss this it very very carefully: “Call it biblical. Call it apocalyptic. Whatever you want to call it, take your pick,” said Robert Lewis, who became marooned by floodwaters in his downtown New Orleans home where he and others had sought to ride out Hurricane Katrina. They chose to ride out… Read more
Read Them EULA’S
The You know those EULA’s that popup with every bit of software? Better read them(or get your lawyer to) as they are now enforceable. So installing winders means you have no right to the winders software you jsut “bought”..oh wait..licensed(bleh).
Evicerating The Feds LaShawn Barber Style
La Shawn Barber?s Corner: There is one thing many folks are overlooking. There’s no infrastructure to get the things to folks right now. The helicopters the military is sending in aren’t armed and they cannot risk the massive collateral damage that the cobra attack helicopters would unleash to protect the transport helicopters. The Navy is… Read more
Many Famous Musicians Impacted By Katrina, Some Missing Fats Domino chose to ride the storm out and is now missing. Some evacuated. Let’s pray for everyone in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. *UPDATE* Fats Domino has been found. I can only imagine how many others were washed out to see when the surge pulled back out to sea. They will give… Read more
Windows smashed by unpatched critical Explorer hole Wow. Server 2k3 was suposed to be more secure. Vista is based on 2k3 so is the security really going to be enhanced? Not if MS does not patch their unpatched holes.
House Speaker Doubts the Sense of Rebuilding new Orleans WOW! New Orleans is such a historic city. Myabe it’s time to consider saving the artifacts and not rebuilding the current New Orleans. Maybe moving to higher ground? An interesting thought.
New Episode Of Security Now
This Week In Tech: Leo Laporte and Steve Gibson talk about software firewalls and the benefits of a NAT router and the security benefits of a NAT router.
So Much For Security If You Give Away Your Rights
Yahoo! News: So they declare martial law which means law abding citizens canot get out of their homes. Yet the folks who are law breaking get to roam the streets freely. Yep, the government is really going to protect you with extra security if you give up your rights.
Martial Law in New Orleans
Michelle Malkin: KATRINA: THE MILITARY STEPS IN I figured this was a hollywood fantasy. Now the Gov’t in New Orleans is under military control. This is totally unconstitutional. Folks think removing their rights for security is the way to go. This is so distrubing.
Terrorists Exploiting Our Lack of Immigration Law Enforcement
ABC 7 News – Study: Terrorists Exploit Immigration Laws I saw this last night. Lashawn posted about it first..:) This is only going to be solved by geting our military stationed along our southern border and building a fence. Do not forget about the northern border either.
Woot for Coffee Drinkers Everywhere!!!!
Coffee top antioxidant source for Americans – Yahoo! News WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Europeans have red wine, Asians have green tea but Americans have their own source of antioxidants — coffee, researchers reported on Sunday. Americans drink plenty of coffee, which is high in antioxidants, compounds such as vitamins that fight damage to cells and to… Read more
Overboard With The GOP!
Vox Popoli: I disagree with VOX on one thing. Conservatives should NOT stay home and not vote. Conservatives MUST vote. Just don’t vote demopublican or repulicrat. Lashawn has another link.
Our Country is Being Invaded
The Washington Times: Lashawn Barber writes an amazing op-ed in the Washington Times. It totally nails how the gov’t is alowing this country to be destroyed under our noses while it looks to taking care of foreign buisiness.
Rev. Jackson Supports Chavez And Calls For Gov’t Censorship of Pat Robertson
Yahoo! News Ah the cry of the communists. Protect our enemies and silence those dare to criticize you.
The Forgotten Southern Border
Power Line: A positive accounting Our military has done a great job in the face of defeatism and attacks from the marxist left. As a former US Navy member I applaud the tropps for the work they are doing. However, one fact looms large to me and should to all who want to so easily… Read more
Katrina’s Wrath
Want to know what to expect by a landfalling Cat5? This is a recording of the NWS New Orleans read by a Fox News meteorologist. This warning can be expected for anyplace that gets nailed by a Cat5. Katrina Warning
An Interesting Daydream
My most inspiring times are in the shower. That’s when me and God are closest. That’s where I got the inspiration for my business and the name of it. Today I was Just relaxing and letting my mind wander and I had an interesting daydream. In my daydream Verizon(my phone provider) was running a secret… Read more