HCS's Place

Feeling Anti-Social 2

August 14, 2007 General 0

Between one of my clients acting..in an unexpectedly rude manner, my daughter acting like she has no brain, and the overall crappy couple of weeks since i came back from my vacation, I REALLY don’t want to be around people right now.

Feeling Anti-Social

August 2, 2007 General 1

I am a hermit by nature. That’s the prologue: I just spent 10 days and 2500 miles with my wife, daughter, and my mother-in-law and a trip to a family reunion. I’m done being social for a bit now. I love my family..it’s time for a slight break.

new virus out…

July 28, 2007 General 0

it’s called the storm worm. It is meant to take over your machine and add it to a network of attack computers for criminals to control. It slipped by one client’s defenses and got into one machine. Luckily it was caught and eliminated quickly. the variant i saw was easily manually dispatched. Update your anti-virus… Read more

Many renditions of the super mario theme

July 10, 2007 General 1

I give credit to my wife finding this. The piano, tesla coils, flute and handfarts are the best to me..

Possible DOS in Astaro v7.005 using p2p *Partially Resolved*

July 10, 2007 General 0

unfortunately Astaro has their forums set too restrictively for me to post there..:( I have ips off, web security off, i only use a/v and anti-spam for pop3. I’ll post links to the posts on the astaro.org forums as i find them. i have 5 rules: New rule … Open live log All1Internal (Network) AnyNone… Read more

In honor of the day

July 4, 2007 General 0

Be Kind to Your Web Footed Friends Be kind to your web-footed friends ‘cuz a duck may be somebody’s brother they live in the pond or the brook by the mud and the gunk and the gook You may think that this is the end, oh no, there is yet another be kind to your… Read more

An Oxymoron: The Anti-Microsoft Pragmatist(me)

July 1, 2007 General 0

I have found a very practical Microsoft product that’s not expensive. Small Business Server 2003. What a great idea Microsoft had. You get server 2003(along with IIS), exchange, sharepoint, and outlook 2k3 all for $499 at retail for the standard edition. The premium edition has the same with sql server and ISA server for $699.… Read more

The IPhone

July 1, 2007 General 0

The reviews are overwhelming positive. I would love to get one..the big thing however is cingular only. Sprint/nextel has been good to us for over 8 years and they are making it easy for me to take our sprint account over to the nextel plans(we want the PTT for the business). I’m not willing to… Read more

The wall street disconnect

June 28, 2007 Finance General 0

The stock market is going up right now and projected to go higher. unfortunately they are ignoring the various warnings of a coming recession: 1: Oil is up to $70 a barrel 2: The subprime mortgage mess and the sudden halt of the real estate bubble. 3: Layoffs are starting up again 4: The overall… Read more

Amerika speaks: The judge already granted a temporary restraining order May 21, a day before the ordinance was to take effect, saying public approval of the ordinance does not mean the ordinance is legal.

June 7, 2007 General 0

This is amazing. Talk about an activist judge! He just said the people are not hte gov’t..the judges are. Hello oligarchy. Article text below: Judge Stops Ban That Would Forbid Apartment Rentals to Illegal Immigrants Wednesday, June 06, 2007 AP DALLAS ??? A U.S. judge halted enforcement Tuesday of an ordinance banning apartment rentals to… Read more

Starcraft 2 Announced..and I’m Nearly Foaming at the Mouth..

May 19, 2007 General 1

I am blown away by all of the trailers and videos. However this video posted on gamevideos.com with full gameplay is amazing. It’s 21 mintues long..so hang onto your hats.

Kevin Trudeau Called it

April 25, 2007 General 0

I have heard Kevon talking about the FDA and drug companies wanting to regulate vitamins and other common things as drugs. it is now obvious the FDA wants to go MUCH farther; This article is reproduced in full from worldnetdaily.com: WE ONLY HAVE UNTIL APRIL 30TH TO RESPOND!!! Respond here Article Link LIFE WITH BIG… Read more

A Lesson Learned About Volunteering

March 21, 2007 General 1

Don’t do it for long term..say over a month or two and then no more than a few hours a day..and definitely don’t go more than 10-20 hours a week for that short time.. Even fellow Christians get comfy with it and forget you don’t actually work there..you are a volunteer and they forget the… Read more

I am now a Member of the IEEE!

March 17, 2007 General 0

For me this is a big deal due to the HUUUUGE amount of training courses i have access to for free! My business has finally brought in enough money where i can take the IEEE up on their invitation of a discounted membership offer. I can’t wait to start my training..just which one to take?… Read more

Upgrade WordPress now!

March 9, 2007 General 0

A cracker got into WP’s systems and compromised the release. A new release was put out to protect against this since all of the files are now suspect. Upgrade your wordpress immediately.

For all Windows XP Users…download this update to secure yourself against a wirless hole in Windows

March 8, 2007 General 0

I have the file download attached to this post. Grab it here and install it. I’ll let the transcript from Security Now! talk about it: Steve: Oh, yes. The challenge of secure Wi-Fi just never seems to be resolved. We of course talked last week, following up from the week before, last week we were… Read more

The interest in Anna

March 3, 2007 General 0

During the past two/three weeks, the mainstream media has flooded us with images and news stories surrounding the death (and legal actions) of Anna Nicole Smith. A day has not gone by when there has been something posted on msnbc.com and others, to be sure, relaying the latest developments in the bizarre case. Chapter One,… Read more

An Old Concept That Has Finally Caught On.

February 27, 2007 General 0

It’s called virtualization. It’s running on operating system inside another. The second OS is actually in a shell of the first. Well finally folks are virtualizaing windows and for many reasons. I am going to be doing it from now on for backup simplification and disaster recovery. I am going to be running Centos as… Read more

ie7 and xp badness

February 24, 2007 General 0

I have installed IE7 on 20 machines now with the same results. IE7 chews up a boatload of ram. Machines with 256 megs of ram that ran fine with 256 megs of ram now chug when IE7 is launched. 512 megs is now the bare miniimum with a gigabyte being needed for room to grow.… Read more

It looks like the left is spreading right

February 24, 2007 General 0

This past week, a federal judge in Massachusetts issued a ruling stating that the Board of Education (seemingly in Boston) was well within its rights to hand out material supporting same-sex teaching in public schools. Parents of the school children filed a law suit last year contending that the schools were violating their religious freedoms… Read more

Vista can be literally told to delete files…MS says it’s ok not to worry

February 6, 2007 General 0

Oh this takes the cake.  Talking about an exploit you can drive a truck through.  The funny part is..it’s able to be very easily done.  I have to post this one in full: Vista has speech recognition hole Microsoft has admitted that speech recognition features in Vista could be hijacked so that a PC tells… Read more

A cheap way to get Vista

February 6, 2007 General 0

For home users you should only consider Vista Home Premium.  Why?  Vista home basic is even more stripped down than XP Home.  There’s an interesting way to avoid paying so much money to Microsoft for Vista…install the upgrade version on a blank hard drive without any other versions of windows present. .  Impossible?  nopers.  Here’s… Read more

The sexualization of America makes a drugmaker money

January 30, 2007 General 0

Merck wants all girls vaccinated against HPV using, of course, their vaccine. They say their lobbying efforts are above board. Unfortunately their ethics and greed put them into the criminal element as fas as i am concerned. *update* this vaccine doesn’t protect not only against all HPV virii but it also doesn’t protect against all… Read more

Vista is here

January 30, 2007 General 0

ANd it’s slower than XP in just about all tasks and much slower in video related tasks. This is not surprising as all versions of Windows are slower than their predecessors despite the faster hardware that is available than 5 years ago. I’ll make this easy: REAL minimums for full Vista performance CPU: at least… Read more

Lawmakers debate something they should already know the answer to

January 29, 2007 General 0

Congress apparently has forgotten they control one thing…the money.  Turn that off and the troops are out of Iraq.

Srpint’s huge DOS vulnerability

January 29, 2007 General 0

Now this isn’t hugely simple but it’s not that hard either. Sprint will allow phone service to a phone to be turned off with no verification aside from getting the phone number and business name correct. In order to get it turned back on you have to verify your identity. So it’s not easy to… Read more

So true.

January 28, 2007 General 1

I saw this in an e-mail. How true every single one of these statements are. * *Scenario*: Jack goes duck hunting before school, pulls into school Parking lot with shotgun in gun rack. 1957 – Vice Principal comes over, takes a look at Jack’s shotgun, goes to his car and gets his to show Jack.… Read more

New Interview with Peter Gutmann on Windows Vista Content Protection

January 12, 2007 General 0

Peter Gutmann interviewed by Leo Laporte. Mr. Gutmann, recently in the public eye because of his analysis (and stringent criticism) of the the next-generation DRM present in Windows Vista, answers questions on the subject put to him by Leo Laporte and Steve Gibson. This link is to a transcript of the discussion. An MP3 file… Read more

The Dangers of Running Beta Software

January 7, 2007 General 0

It has long been known that the fedora series is the beta distro for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Fedora legacy is getting shutdown. This means if you are running FC 4-5 you really need to reload your machine with FC6. There’s another RedHat option:CentOS. They take the sources form RHEL..removed the RH trademarks and put… Read more

Major Security Update

January 4, 2007 General 0

There’s a major issue with Adobe Acrobat plugins. This flaw means hostile code can be run on your machine even if the other website is innocent. All the malicious person has to do is be able to append the code onto the end of any .pdf link. I am posting the download for adobe reader… Read more

AACS(the new HD encryption) already cracked

December 28, 2006 General 0

AACS decrypted There’s more on the doom9 forums here.?? It only took this person 8 days of determined effort…:)

HD disk format wars are over?

December 27, 2006 General 0

The Inquirer seems to think so.?? With the highly draconian DRM put into HD it’s not really surprising.?? Remember my previous post about the Vista DRM mess?

Looking Deeply Into the Mess That is Windows Vista

December 25, 2006 General 2

A disgusting use of Jesus

December 15, 2006 General 0

This is so disgusting.  Jesus has nothing to do with trying to get Wal-Mart unionized.  That’s it.

Pray for Sen. Tim Johnson

December 14, 2006 General 0

Regardless of whether he is a (D) or (R) this is something to be prayed for.  I heard the audio and it seems he had a major cranial event similar to a stroke.  He’s now in critical condition following emergency brain surgery.  Let’s pray he has a full recovery.

A scary proposisiton

December 13, 2006 General 0

That could be very true.  Bush has shown himself to not be a conservative at all but a globalist.  If things are this bad(which i have been saying they are for a while) then the plan to make an American union are ripe for the picking.  Interesting how America is not referred to int he… Read more

Upgrade your AVG now. Also AVG is still going to be free.

December 11, 2006 General 1

I have seen many folks and even some clients wondering if the AVG is going away from the free model. This is not the case. Grisoft is unfortunately trying to scare folks and they also don’t make it easy to find the free program. On http://free.grosoft.com it states: New Free Anti-Virus GRISOFT is announcing a… Read more

New sites under construction

December 11, 2006 General 0

I started this blog as a personal thing but figured out how good it is for security alerts and such things. I am going to be taking a copy of this blog to my business site and putting only the business portion of it on that side. This blog will become my personal site and… Read more

The transistion starts

December 11, 2006 General 0

A new admin has been chosen. It’s time to transition that person into my old job. Once i can get him trained on everything I can take that large slice of time and use it towards some very badly needed projects. My run has been long. Only history will tell if it has been good… Read more

Microsoft Word is a Major Attack Vector

December 10, 2006 General 0

Please read this blog posting.  There are now 2 extremly critical holes in MS Word that alow a remote attacker to run code on your system.  If you run as administrator(and most do) this can lead to a remote system takeover.  There is no workaround except to not open word documents.  A/v vendors are slowly… Read more

The ADS are Coming!!

December 8, 2006 General 1

Valve continues to mess with CS.  first they make source impossible to secure against rogue clients with the exception of kick/banning.  Now they are bringing in-game advertising to 1.6.  While valve tries to make it seem they are doing it for the good of the community..it’s all about the money. 

Word is a security breach waiting to happen

December 6, 2006 General 0

From Eweek: Microsoft itself says don’t open word documents from anybody.  Isn’t this lovely.  There’s no patch, workaround, or a/v update for this one yet.  All of Emmanuel Computer Consulting clients are vulnerable to this.  As soon as a patch or workaround is available i will post here.  The security advisory from Microsoft is here.

I Hope this helps

December 6, 2006 General 0

I got tired of the trackback spam. I received 200!!!! trackback spams in the past 24 hours. For me with my small readership that’s more spams than people reading my site. I decided to add askimet and spam karma 2 on the site. I have found a plugin that combine askimet into spam karma so… Read more

A chapter closed

December 1, 2006 General 0

Well i knew this time was coming. I have known it for nearly a year now. I have had to end an Administration project that i took over for the last administrator. As per the rules i have tried to champion I am not going to say which project it is. While i feel like… Read more

Is Valve trying to kill Source servers?

November 29, 2006 General 0

Updates to the Source Engine have been released. Please run hldsupdatetool to make sure your server is up-to-date. Here are the list of changes: Source Engine: – Added cvars to let the server prevent clients setting unreasonable network settings: sv_mincmdrate, sv_maxcmdrate, sv_client_predict, sv_client_interpolate, sv_client_interp, and sv_client_cmdrate_difference – Added protection against servers manipulating the cl_restrict_server_commands cvar… Read more

A Funny E-Mail

November 26, 2006 General 0

I got this from one of my mailing lists: Mr. and Mrs. Fenton are retired. Mrs. Fenton insists her husband go with her to Wal-Mart. He prefers to get in and get out quickly but Mrs. Fenton loves to browse. HE must find an outlet for his boredom at Wal-Mart. > SO after about 25… Read more

Ballmer Thinks MS Owns Linux

November 20, 2006 General 0

Unfortunately Ballmer doesn’t realize that Novell is simply a collection of packages.  Since he indemnified Novell’s distro he has effectively indemnified all gpl packages in the distro.  Ballmer’s claim he owns Linux is ludicrous.  Here’s the Inquirer link and the Linkworld link.

The Draft Returns?

November 19, 2006 General 1

If Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y. has his way we will.  Rangel says, “There”s no question in my mind that this president and this administration would never have invaded Iraq, especially on the flimsy evidence that was presented to the Congress, if indeed we had a draft and members of Congress and the administration thought that… Read more

Linux Desktop Frustrations

November 18, 2006 General 0

All i want is a distro that plays mp3???s out of the box..or makes it easy to enable. So far I ahve tried Fedora 2-6 and Suse 10.1 to no avail. ubuntu works but it’s owner’s anti-US and pro-UN stances make it a non-option for me.

Valve Just Can’t Leave Source Alone

November 17, 2006 General 0

First they turn on dynamic weapons pricing.  Now they have added a cvar to allow the clients the ability to operate independently of the server they are on.  Valve i guess is trying really hard to kill source.  Glad i kept my 1.6 server running..not nearly as many headaches.  Talon also posts on this since… Read more

Vista is still a pig

November 17, 2006 General 0

The Inquirer got a hold of an RTM copy of Vista.  This bad boy still chews up nearly a gigabyte of ram at bootup. I have a couple of earlier posts about Vista here and here. 

Ubuntu Gets Extended

November 16, 2006 General 0

This is an interesting Distro.  It’s called Linux Mint and has pretty much all the current multimedia codecs and programs.  You can check it out or download it at their website.

Gen Finally Gets a New Computer

November 16, 2006 General 0

It’s taken nearly 4 years but I am finally able to build Gen a new machine that will be faster than mine.  She has been asking for a faster machine than me for a while..:)  Here are the specs: Athlon64 3500+1.5 gigs ramNforce 6100 based moboPCI-E x16 GeForce 7600GT 256 Megs RAMSBLive! sound card(carryover from… Read more

The World of Co-Location

November 15, 2006 General 0

Don’t get into it lightly.  The company I am working with has shown good service unfortunately i am getting surprise after surprise.  I’m almost considering refunding some client’s monies and canceling my colo’ed server.  I can pay much much less with a shared host for my sites.  While i would love to do web hosting..until… Read more

How bad are the electronic voting machines?

November 15, 2006 General 0

Pretty bad.  The machine i used was slow and i could have been done much quicker using the old paper ballots.  At lease mine worked properly.  Ars Technica starts off with a summary of the problems and links to several sites.

Franklin Graham Charity Goes PC

November 10, 2006 General 0

I find this article disturbing.  I know Franklin is his own man but for him to do this much of a flip from his father is stunning.  I hope this is just something inside this branch of his organization and that Franklin will turn this ship back to the course of the Gospel.

MIchelle Malkin Buries Her Head in the Sand

November 8, 2006 General 0

Unfortunatly the “tinfoil briigade” is right.  It is remarkably easy to steal votes on a Diebold.  This has been repeatedly demonstrated despite Diebold’s protestations to tthe othrwise.

We get cpu’s reasonable. What about Graphics cards?

November 8, 2006 General 0

Ok this is nuts.  The newest video cards are now using as much power by themselves as some entire systems.  I quote form the article: “Two power six-pin connectors means that the card gets 2x75W from the cables plus an additional 75W from the PCIe bus. This brings total power consumption to an earth-heating 225W.”… Read more

America is Dumbing Down

November 6, 2006 General 0

I heard something on WJTM today.  It was on the show The American View.  It says that when tv first came out everyone knew it was make believe.  Now that’s changed.  A pack of wolves could devour an entire household but that if it did not make the tv news it didn’t happen.  The TV… Read more

Why I Sometimes Hate Elections

November 6, 2006 General 0

Phone call after phone call..sometimes over 50 a day with no caller id identification. I know what they are. Various phone ads for candidates, but mostly against other candidates. It would be somewhat tolerable if they at least had a caller id of of. ” party” at least. I think the next national and/or state… Read more

RHEL 4U4(Centos 4.4) kernel issues with memory

November 6, 2006 General 0

For some reason Red Hat can’t leave the memory timing in the kernel be. Every so often one of the kernel releases causes an issue similar to what is being seen here. The fix I have used every time to fix Red Hat’s “I’m not going to give cache memory back like i should issue”?… Read more

Hyperventilation over the MS – Novell Deal

November 6, 2006 General 0

Some folks say it is bad for Linux some say it is good.  I think it’s MS trying to push Linux out.  They failed with the SCO vs. Linux lawsuit so they’ll try it this way.  This deal is MS almost getting it’s wish.  MS now gets paid for every copy of SLES(Suse Enterprise) sold. … Read more

For Those who Think “Vegetables” Aren’t Worth Anything

November 5, 2006 General 0

Take a gander at this to see what happens when you leave these people behind.  Remember Terri Schiavo?  This is a Father who refused what the doctors told him.  My God Bless him and his family forever. Talking about a tough measure to reach as a father myself. 

MS buckles

November 3, 2006 General 1

Microsoft tried to tie Vista to a machine by allowing one transfer from the original and then that was it. Needless to say there are a lot of folks that like to upgrade their machines and as soon as they changed motherboards this would wipe out that transfer.  The outcry forced Microsoft back to its… Read more

How to steal an election by hacking the vote

November 2, 2006 General 1

I had to copy this title word for word.  It’s just too good.  Want to see how easily this election can be(and most likely will be) is?  Time for some links. First,  the original Ars Technica article.Bruce Schnier has a few additional links.Another Ars Technica article.Computer World previews the upcoming election mess.A review by Computer… Read more

This Extension Makes FF a Great Blogging Tool

November 2, 2006 General 0

It’s called Performancing and it rocks.  I am using it to post this entry right now.  My last 4 entries have been via this tool.  Now i can blog directly in my browser.  I honestly don’t know the security implications of this extension but I love it for now..:)

A Big difference Between Christians and Muslims

November 2, 2006 General 0

Now this article is one i agree with.  Put the Bible and koran aside and jsut look at how the two try to spread their faith.  As a Christian this is all too obvious to me. Yes I agree we are in no danger of becoming a theocracy(until the gov’t and liberals hand this country… Read more

Much excitement over not a whole lot(Intel’s new quad core cpu)

November 2, 2006 General 1

Take two conroes, slap onto a single cpu chip and you have an instant quad cpu machine. The problem is, Even in software that’s optimized for SMP the results have been far from convincing on the desktop side. People simply don’t need SMP in their daily tasks unless you do heavy multitasking and CAD work.… Read more

A lawsuit that can be easily fixed another way.

November 1, 2006 General 0

U-Tube Sues You-Tube Over Too Much Web Traffic Perrysburg, Ohio (AP) – You visited the U-tube site recently? We don’t mean the one with the videos. We mean the one that’s suing the one with the videos. An industrial products company in Ohio – called Universal Tube and Rollform Equipment – has a Web address… Read more

Getting Radeon Drivers to Word Under RHEL4(and rebuilds)

November 1, 2006 General 0

Found this site because of the poster’s sig on one of my mailing lists.  A very useful tip indeed.

Hot Dog!

October 31, 2006 General 0

Well i am now on my own colo’ed server. This is neat. Now i just hope to get some web hosting customers so this server makes me some money. If you are a small non-profit, SMB, or just a household looking for web hosting contact Emmanuel Computer Consulting.

Yet Another Activex Critical Windows Security Flaw

September 16, 2006 General 0

Attack code targets new IE hole: ZDNet Australia: News: Security This is one that nothing is going to stop if you are using IE. The workaround? Turn off Activex. The fix truly? Dump Activex completly(MS won;t do this though). All ECC clients: Do not browse any sites that haven’t been to before until this is… Read more

The interest Only Scam revealed as it unravels

September 3, 2006 Finance General 0

Nightmare Mortgages – Yahoo! News The average joe is going tog et hammered. Also any investors and sharholders are getting ripped off as well. Be expecting things to get ugly once this house of lies comes crashing down in terms of hte economy.

Say Bye Bye to WEP.

August 29, 2006 General 0

Wep is now equivalent to not running encryption at all. Time to change your gear to WPA. Jsut make sure your passphrases are 13 characters or more.

Another Blaster? (Windows Security Alert)

August 10, 2006 General 0

To all ECC clients whom I have setup either a firewall server or a router..you are protected from this exploit except the laptops since they can leave the protection of the network. Please update the laptops immediatly. If you have questions contact me immediatly. Eweek.com If this part of the article is true: Dave Aitel,… Read more

Sometimes Serving Christ Sucks…and..I am a “Sick Man”

August 10, 2006 General 0

I just got done helping to pack my music pastor’s house into the moving truck to help him move to Texas. I counted him among one of my few close friends and the first solid Brother in Christ I have had the pleasure of interacting with on no less than a weekly basis. The part… Read more

Rising Rates Take Their Toll

August 8, 2006 General 0

Rising Rates Take Their TollMSNBC.com Remember this post? Unfortunatly it’s now coming true.

Oh my goodness, I have heard it all now

July 31, 2006 General 0

Please disregard my previous post, I am ready for the rapture. Just when I thought I had heard it all (or read it all for that matter) I stumble upon this article. Whilst you read this, I am going to pick myself off of the floor from laughing so hard. Scientist thinks invisibility is possible… Read more

I hope He comes soon, but maybe I don’t

July 30, 2006 General 0

Now that is a contradictory title. How can I hope that my Saviour comes soon, but even before the next breath, I hope He doesn’t. Well, let me ask you this. Are you ready for His return? Salvation through Christ Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.… Read more

NewsWeek Interviews Tim Lahaye.

July 29, 2006 General 0

Q&A: Are These the End Times? – MSNBC.com This is a very interesting interview. The interviewer tries to hide his skecpticism but does try to biat Tim a couple of times..:) It’s a very good interview though.

Design for Discipleship: Your Life in Christ – Christian Gamers Alliance Forums

July 11, 2006 General 0

Design for Discipleship: Your Life in Christ – Christian Gamers Alliance Forums This is a Bible study going on at the Christian Gamer’s Alliance. My wife is leading it and we went through the first study last night and it rocks. Hope to fill the teamspeak server!!

Bush the Globalist(starting with the Clinton era NAFTA).

June 16, 2006 General 1

Bush’s Plans Yeppers. this is going to amke illegal immigraiton now seem like child’s play. No security except this sentri system? I’m feeling real secure now. Talking about a border breach you can drive a truck through.

Using USB to Compromise Your Systems

June 8, 2006 General 0

Schneier on Security: Hacking Computers Over USB I never thought of autorun as a major security risk until i read this article. I always thought of it as a minor problem. Not anymore..:) I wonder how modern linux systems do now since they are trying to emulate the windows feel. Are they subject to this… Read more

Using USB to Compromise Your Systems

June 8, 2006 General 0

Schneier20on20Security3A20Hacking20Computers20Over20USB http3A2F2Fwww.schneier.com2Fcgi-bin2Fmt2Fmt-tb.cgi2F929 This is an interesting and very common attack vector. Bruce has it nailed as well. The best fix? turn off autorun to start. I would disable all usb ports if possible. MacOs used to have this feature until a virus used it to spread. Now it’s gone. I’m surprised the windows virus folks… Read more

My Linux Desktop Adventure

June 8, 2006 General 0

I had a resident at a men’s shelter i volunteer for leave me a cd with a distribution on it called ubuntu. It worked perfectly out of the box interms of my tower’s hardware which is a first because my hardware is very Linux unfriendly. However, I don’t like the gnome desktop and i went… Read more

Word Zero Day Expoit Detected

May 21, 2006 General 0

SANS – Internet Storm Center – Cooperative Cyber Threat Monitor And Alert System Lovely. Update your a/v sigs as this is now being detected. If you are not scnning your e-mail pelase do so. A patch is NOT avaialbe at this time. MS is working on one and should be released this upcoming patch tuesday.… Read more

Windows Vista Capable and Premium Ready PCs(the pain begins)

May 18, 2006 General 0

Windows Vista Capable and Premium Ready PCs Remember this post? It looks like it has come to pass. Some diggers are on the same page as I am. Interesting.

Backdoor deals: Dubai World Holdings to buy defense contractor

April 27, 2006 General 0

WorldNetDaily: Treasury issues ‘secret’ report on Dubai acquisition As is always the case the ports deal was jsut a front to distract the public form the real deal..the buying of a defense contractor and others closely tied in with our latest generation military equipment. From the f-35 to the M1 Abrams this would give Dubai… Read more

The Nuclear Option: When to Use it on Any Computer

April 6, 2006 General 0

? Wiping an infected computer is best for any OS | George Ou | TechRepublic.com This is spot on. If the system is compromised the only way to ensure it’s clean is to nuke it. That is why you backup and backup often. Unless you can say without a doubt you have checksums of every… Read more

Let the Switch to Mac Begin!

April 5, 2006 General 0

Apple’s 30th Anniversary show number one: Boot Camp | Computerworld Blogs Now that Apple has made it simple to dual boot winders and OSX it will be even easier to switch since now you can use mac all you want to and go to windows only when you have to. Maybe this is the foot… Read more

Plesk install errors

March 27, 2006 General 0

===> Autoinstaller: start logging at Mon Mar 27 16:14:57 2006 Downloading list of all available versions and platforms Downloading http://autoinstall.plesk.com/versions.inf — Search releases for OS Enterprise Linux, Vendor RedHat, Version 4, Arch i586 Search releases for OS Enterprise Linux, Vendor RedHat, Version 4, Arch i586 Search releases for OS Enterprise Linux, Vendor RedHat, Version 4,… Read more

Father of LaFave Victim Complains That LaFave Did Not go to Jail.

March 27, 2006 General 0

WorldNetDaily: Father of LaFave’s boy toy: Debra should have got jail Part of the reason the case did not go to trial was the lack of willingness by the victim’s family to go through a public hearing, especially without guarantees television cameras would be kept out of the courtroom. It comes down to this…if you… Read more

WorldNetDaily: What’s behind today’s epidemic of teacher-student sex?

March 25, 2006 General 0

WorldNetDaily: What’s behind today’s epidemic of teacher-student sex? I ma going to leave this totally intact. I am posting the entire articdle here justt in case the link goes down but this is the work of the website and article author not mine in any way. All copyrights are of the author and WorldNetDaily. ——————————————————————————————-… Read more

Another Child Predator Walks

March 22, 2006 General 0

ABC News: Double Standard in LaFave Case? This is nuts. From reports there is yet another eye-witness to the criminal act/s so the prosecution doesn’t need hte victim’s testimony. This is the same prosecutor that nearly bungled the Jessicas Lundsford case into obvlivion. Worldnetdaily.com also has a post.

Joe Volz Criticizes Lennie Thompson. I Disagree With Joe.

March 18, 2006 General 0

The Frederick News-Post : Opinion – Joe Volz Frankly I have yet to see a development that truly takes everything into account: 1. traffic generation and flows patterns and loads on existing infrastructure 2. emergency services load increases 3. water allocation 4. increased school loading 5. possible environmental impacts 6. crime increases and increased police… Read more

XP on an INtel Mac

March 17, 2006 General 0

TWiT.tv The Mac folks are all a flutter over getting XP to run on the new macs. While i am no programmer when apple went to intel it was only a short matter of time before someone would figure this one out. They had already made OSX run on Intel/AMD so the other way around… Read more

SBS 2k3: More Braindeadedness Shows Itself

March 17, 2006 General 0

Well it seems SBS is configured to use offline files by default. Good luck trying to turn them off unless you understand the Group Policies. I am thinking this is only SBS as another 2k3 fresno server i admin does not try to enable offline files by default. I am still trying to get the… Read more

SMB’s Now Targeted by Socialists.

March 16, 2006 General 0

ABC 7 News – Bill Modeled After Wal-Mart Law Would Apply to Smaller Firms Remember this debacle? I thought I would be safe in my SMB if i just kept it under the magic 10k number. Well if htis passes(and considering how socialistic our state gov’t has become it will) then if i have to… Read more

The Vista bloat Comes Out.

March 8, 2006 General 0

Vista set to swallow 800MB of RAM 800 megs at idle? Holy cow! Also 7 gigs of HDD space is required as well. That’s nuts. Remember my earlier post?

New Intel Chips Showing Large Promise in Intel Benchmarks

March 8, 2006 General 2

I can hear the Intel crazies right now, “Intel is going to toast AMD!! AMd is going to be destroyed!!” Well, maybe. The benchmarks everyone is chortling over are ones at IDF run by Intel. When the chips are released retail in a few months and some truly independent folks can run benchmarks we’ll see… Read more