The Genius of the Electoral College and the Broader Constitution
The founders could not see every potential thing that came. The Constitution is just as relevant today as it was back when our country was founded. The reason people are calling for the dismemberment of various parts is because they do not want to operate within its constraints. The biggest offender is the Federal government. … Read more
How does God Come For You in Times of Darkness?
it’s been a rough past couple almost three weeks here. The strain is amplified by the fact I have not slept well in weeks. First it was Chloe getting a cold…that’s minor so I took that in stride. I still sleep much more lightly when someone in the house isn’t feeling well..but this was not… Read more
A New Adventure…Being A Trustee
It has been an interesting few months. The Lord and life are taking me and have taken me into directions I would never have gone on my own. It started with Bruce Conley asking me to assist in a restart at a church that is now called North Valley Church. I was highly hesitant but… Read more
Japanese Kabuki Theater, USA Political Edition
I have been watching this whole impeachment thing with a quiet interest. I “stole” the first part of my thoughts(because it eloquently stated my initial thoughts on this) and then i added the second part. the first part is italicized followed by my own words in regular font. I posted this on Facebook RE: another… Read more
A New Church…and Helping to Rebuild
I have been churchless for several years. I have had many issues with churches and the people that attend them. Just about every single one of them are fear infested, SJW/Churchian infested, and cannot handle someone who is willing to speak his mind when it goes against the grain. A friend of mine whom I… Read more
The Journey Through The Fog
One of the many tragedies of the past 4 years has been my inability to find a church home. it’s been a long time and every church I have tried I do not feel like I belong there(including one i used to attend). This morning, one of the few men claiming the title of Christian… Read more
Widow’s Fog
For a very long time…years..after heather died This song really describes how i felt on a daily basis. The only thing i had to keep my sanity whilst I tried to figure out who i was, where i was, how i was going to move forward, and what the F*&^ is next was my extremely… Read more
Where Have all the good men gone
What is happening to men these days? They have been buried/destroyed/maligned by the modern anti-male, militant feminist, SJW culture. It has led to sad situations,the rise of MGTOW, a subsequent rise is the number of men unwilling to marry or even be in any kind of long term relationship with a woman, sexual misbehavior by… Read more
Churches and The Source of my Suspicions of Them Generally.
A short with more links to other posts of mine. I have not had a great time with churches, or other Christians, to be blunt. These days the SJW’s have taken over many things including christianity and turned it into something I(and others) call churchianity. It is basically our version of the Pharisees…folks have… Read more
“Christian Brothers” Strike Again
This incident took place late last year….it has taken me this long to calm down…as this was a man I respected in the local business community…no more. I have to tell you…if my faith in Jesus wasn’t as strong as it was I would have left Christianity long ago. Here recently I was attacked by… Read more
An Open Letter to the FCC RE: “Net Neutrality”
The Net Neutrality Debacle: A Submission To The FCC* An open letter to the FCC, transmitted to, the FCC’s comment address for their “Open Internet” rulemaking process. Dear Mr. Wheeler; The recent debate on Open Internet has been entered by stakeholders on all sides. Unfortunately, in my opinion, many of those presenting positions are failing… Read more
A Sad State of affairs
A young college couple sat down in the dunkin i was in working on various remote projects. Listening to their interaction was depressing. The dude was acting like a whipped pulpy and the female he was with was taking great joy in denigrating him and not only insulting him but also using the fbomb towards… Read more
More 737 MAX details emerge(Long post warning)
Get ready for a long post folks with embedded links. For previous posts please look in the 737 category. Yesterday’s post gave some details about the 737 MAX issues. Karl’s post yesterday goes into greater detail: Let me note up front — I’m not a pilot. I am, however, a software and hardware guy with a… Read more
The 737 MAX is not the first aircraft affected by computer issues
Quantas flight 72 nearly crashed after one of it’s sensing computers got inconsistent data from it AOA(angle of attack) sensors. It seems that AOA sensors also cause a freekout of the MCAS software system aboard the 737 MAX series. The reason the MAX has MCAS is the engines. The engines on the MAX 737 are… Read more
the world grounds the 737 max aircraft, the faa doubled down to leave them flying so trump forces groundings.
The 787 was grounded after battery fires and there were no fatalities. While I think the rest of the world grounding or denying airspace to the 737 MAX series is partially anti-Trump, I also think it is partially because for whatever reason two of these brand new jets have crashed within 5 months of each… Read more
taxing the rich via capital gains does no such thing
The very multi-millionaires proposing this know good and damn wlel this will not impact them….otherwise they wouldn’t propose it. Raising the capital gains will hit the middle class..sell your house? That’s capital gains..which is what the middle class does more often as they try to stay afloat. this isn’t a stealth attack on the rich..this… Read more
Time to Make some churchian heads spin
Can a Christian wife withhold sex as a way to change her husband’s bad behavior? August 1, 2015 / biblicalgenderroles Can sexual refusal be used by a wife to change her husband’s bad behavior? Does God allow sexual refusal as method for addressing wrong behavior on the part of a husband? Can bad behavior on… Read more
Is there a problem with the new 737-8MAX MCAS automation?
Two new 737-8MAX aircraft crashing within 8 months of each other. I have been warning folks closest to me about the horrid quality of software these days. Frankly even if i could fly right now I wouldn’t. Self-driving cars? No way. My favorite operating systems(Linux and BSD) are not immune from poor coding. It’s everywhere. … Read more
HOw much pain in moving to a single FreeNAS setup?
Not that much actually. I looked around here and realized i now only have two machines utilizing a 12/core 24 thread monster server. Because my FreeNAS is unix based like my Linux webservers I do not need to run a linux vm at all. I have my firewall setup to only allow SSH connections from… Read more
Server Changes
I have been trying to figure out how I want to change the rack to save power and reduce complexity. Given i am switching away from ETC Maryland i do not need the massive amount of computing power i have sitting upstairs. It just hit me..:) My FreeNAS machine has the capability to hold everything… Read more
incoming: A ton of content
As i transition away from to I wanted to preserve the posts over the eyars from ETC Maryland. I am going to pull the posts from ETC over to this site….it wil take a whle to clean them all up…but i did not want my decade of work to simply vanish..:) Now i… Read more
Recycling was always broken…the greens are just now figuring out exactly how.
Recycling was flawed to begin with. it can be done but not for the pricing it was at. Why? the recycling companies relied on a single point of failure….in this case…China. We shipped most of our recycling overseas to get processed and used over there…most of this stuff never made it back over here…we were… Read more
15/hr Minimum wage. What are the costs?
Amazon is going to be the leader…and the costs are already apparent: This high minimum wage is going to mean the very folks who say they cannot live on minimum wage will not be able to live on the higher minimum wage because it will result in hourly cuts. the minimum wage is… Read more
remember the Global Cooling Hysteria? I do.
I remember it well as we had zero degree actual air temperatures back in Allen, TX and the gas companies were rationing natural gas because they could not keep up. The news was full of many of the same charlatans as right now saying we are headed for another ice age right now!!!!! The ice… Read more
Hunting Happiness and Being Thankful
I have the house to myself for about half the day(until Alessa comes back home) and I finally have some time to relax with some good music. After the emotional storms I have been hit with during the past few months, I have been saying daily to the Lord thank you for my truck…and I… Read more
The night before Halloween: What haunts you?
My late wife honestly. For the longest time I felt lost…now it is a more frightening time…moving on without her. I type this with tears flowing because an episode of 911 drove home this point for me. Substitute the name Heather for Abby here and it is mostly accurate as to my feelings. The thing… Read more
Why I Salute During The Anthem
Simply put,. I am an honorably discharged US Navy veteran. As such I am afforded the honor of rendering the salute during the national anthem. As per the US Code: 36 U.S. Code § 301 – National anthem US Code Notes prev | next (a)Designation.— The composition consisting of the words and music known as the… Read more
The Saudis Are Feeling Uppity…
The Saudis want to threaten us with price hikes. I hope they do try it..we can easily make up the difference as we have plenty of reserves…especially with ANWAR now open…but the Brakken oil field is not being touched much either…all we would have to do is cut off all of the exporting of energy… Read more
A Startling Revelation
I recently bought a newsed(thanks to Chris K..I told him I was stealing this one)…Ford Escape./ I am VERY thankful to the Lord for giving me the means to purchase it and I have noticed something. In terms of tidiness…i take MUCH better care of the truck than i ever did for my other two… Read more
Rack Upgrade Plans…:)
It has been a while since I have been able to post about any kind of research I am doing. Right now I am figuring out just exactly how I want to build my new rack mounted PfSense firewall to replace my USG-pro-4. I want this machine to be fast enough to eventually handle a… Read more
A Picture of demonic possesion
Anytime a title like this gets put online folks are filled with skepticism…it’s understandable, most folks have never truly come face to face with a real demon. This includes most pastors, faith leaders, etc etc etc. Demons do exist..not in the Hollywood way but they do exist. The picture I am going to show you… Read more
The Death of a Spouse…How it Affects The Spouse Left Behind
I have personally experienced what this text below talks about. I got this from a shared Facebook post. I have amended it into a form I like without changing the meaning of the post. The death of a spouse or partner is different than other losses, in the sense that it literally changes every single… Read more
Some Tinkering and Self-Education
While my current server setup is great for business use it really doesn’t have enough space for a hardcore cord-cutting setup. I will require more than the 4 terabytes I have available on my storage server right now. 25% of that is for business backups..the rest is for my new personal experiment. Plex media server… Read more
Back to Business
The job hunt has turned into a great pit of nothingness. Usually when i hit this it means it is time to change direction…and so I have gone back into self-employment full time. I have a new plan and a good core of clients that stuck with me during my trip into the corporate world. … Read more
Being Stuck and Moving Forward
It’s been nearly 3 years since my wife died. I have been in what I would call a personal morass. I have seemingly been stuck in one spot…unable to move forward. I was then blessed with a good job opportunity…but the sacrifice required was immense. I had to sacrifice my nearly 15 years of self-employment. … Read more
Unfortunately I Lost My Job.
I went into my last job with high hopes that my talents and knowledge would be appreciated and utilized. It became very apparent that this was not the case. Sure I was getting paid 75k a year, and to some this is dream job. I worked at home, had great benefits, and wrote reports for… Read more
Will There Be Arrest? If Not Then Trump is Part of The Swamp.
Nough said. There are online links but I have a copy here. Karl Denniger breaks things down really well. MULTIPLE PEOPLE should be going to prison..for a loooooong time. Start the arrest AND lengthy sentences…or Trump is part of the swamp. I would then follow any congresscritter in moving for impeachment if arrests and subsequent… Read more
Insane speeds cancelled
Finally heard back from Comcast. They will not configure the 12k router they install for 2 gigabit into 2 1 gig links…which i can support. If i ordered this service i would have to purchase a 1k router to support a configuration that Comcast is jsut being an ass about. Project terminated.
My New Job…One Month In
I am growing to love this job. Once i get the kids taken care of and off to school my interruptions are few and I can really get some work done. Right now it is researching the documents provided by the client and working with my team to get the deliverable products done. I just… Read more
C.Diff, The Hidden Killer Fed By A Hidden Fuel
For a long time I tried to figure out how Heather went from pneumonia to sepsis to dead. After talking to quote a few medical folks(most of whom would not say officially) I have learned C.Diff is what finally got loose. right after she died I had several close friends of hers and mine tell… Read more
New HVAC Vs Previous System
Since installing this new central HVAC system back in Oct of 2015 it really has not gotten a bitterly cold winter to test the oil burner side with it. This winter…i am getting that cold test i wanted. So far the results are excellent: The last time we had temps in the single digits with… Read more
If You Are Not Married…Might Not Want to..Yet…The Fleecing of Men Goes Into High Gear But The Winds Of Change Are Blowing Stronger
I was blessed with a loyal wife who honored the wedding vows we both took literally…until the day she died. The newly signed tax law takes a further dig at men. However since men are now being drained of all of their livelihood by the legal system this latest dig now has the “let’s drain… Read more
Some Network Tweaks
I decided to go from software dynamic disks raid on the VM mirror to direct hardware raid. This was relatively painless. I exported the Hyper-V VM’s to the backup server (which took about an hour at a gigabit)..deleted both disks from storage spaces…then using the web interface logged into the raid controller and created the… Read more
Social Security is a ponzi scheme..the real problem with the gov’t budget.
Let’s start off with a definition. What is exactly is a ponzi scheme? There’s wikipedia definition. In a nutshell newer investors are required to continually payoff the existing investors. When(not if) this fails everybody looses. Many government programs are variations of this….most pension funds are variations of this as well as the ACA. Right now… Read more
Car Stuff
I have liked the KIA Soul for the most part. My biggest gripe has been the 6 speed manual transmission. It is geared so closely that I can literally go 1-2-3-4-6 and back again…Or i can skip any gear from 2-5. It’s ridiculous and makes finding the right gear a pain in the ass. I… Read more
A good freakout tonight RE: finances.
God is good. I got my first paycheck from my new job and it alone is almost what i normally make in one month. I started the day with $1995 in my account and as i walk in the door this evening i have…$523 left. The vast majority of that is bills that have been… Read more
How December overfloweth
I just blew my own mind. I just realized this 2k paycheck carries until the 27th when I get an additional $2800. Then 3 days after that I will get another @$2300. I am used to $2800 having to last the entire month. I am not going to spend like mad…but it is nice knowing… Read more
The source of my malcontent(resolved)
You will see some malcontent in earlier posts…it was me getting frustrated with what i felt was the usual cliques i find..that i despise. However the CEO and my supervisor made sure that I was introduced to most of the senior leadership team face-to-face. It was nice to see the CEO himself taking an active… Read more
Private posts.
For the few that can see these private posts allow me to explain something. I am not confident in facebook’s “privacy” controls. i will put things i do not want getting back to my employer(either good or bad) or anyone else. If you are able to see this you are one of a very fee… Read more
First Paycheck is here.
THANK GOD! I had 1.5 months of nearly ZERO income due to my having to effectively shutdown my business and then having my start date pushed back a month…however I have my first paycheck…and i am glad i can look forward to more of them. now if you look at just the raw number..i am… Read more
Moore Fakenews..It is Too Predictable
The Trump Derangement Syndrome has gotten to the point that anything in the media that comes out I hold off on before I post. I would say about 90% of the time if it is anti-conservative(not cuckservative), anti-trump it’s bullshit. The instant this Roy Moore stuff started coming out I was highly suspicious. Back on… Read more
Into the Kettle…and Getting Back Out Before I Get Burned.
I have decided to take a step back at work. IMO the inclusiveness and opportunities are only skin deep…just like any club once you get in the door the barriers go up. Too bad. Frankly, right now going to this masquerade is not on my high priority list either. I think this year is the… Read more
A Heart Attack Moment That Turned Funny
When my eldest was between 2 and 10 there were nearly weekly instances of her saying or doing something that at first were not funny but then turned out to be hilarious. 9 years old…it was finally time for the youngest to do something that at first was nearly scary…but then once some investigation… Read more
The Transistion Continues…It’s Complicated
As I noted in my previous post, I had accepted an offer of employment with another company with a start date of Oct 30. I was just informed by a friend of mine(who works at the same company) that my start date is pushed back to Nov 20th. Why did this happen? It’s complicated..allow me… Read more
I have been offered, and accepted, full time employment as a security analyst for a US Federal gov’t contractor. i will be part of a team helping to secure a gov’t agencies internal security. The pay is better than anything I could have imagined and the challenge is high. it also means that my servers… Read more
I’m a big tough guy…at least sometimes on the outside…
I have noticed more than a few times recently from a friend and a relative that I have a tough presentation on the outside but once you take the time to get to know me I am really a teddy bear..:) Music is a spot for me that i love. it can move the soul… Read more
A long posting absence…broken.
I have been doing a fair amount of commenting on Facebook. However this post needs more formatting control than what i can do on Facebook easily. I am not a total MGTOW type but I can see some of their points. There lies fault on both sides in the current male and anti-male conflict going… Read more
The Google Debacle
I saw this popup online and I was not surprised at the document nor was I surprised at the reaction and fallout. It took a bit but the original, unaltered document finally got released. I have archived it here on this site just in case it disappears.
A Recollection of Feelings After the Death of my Wife.
I have been asked what I was feeling right after Heather died. The days immediately after her death I do not remember much. I literally slept nearly 24 hours the morning I somehow drove myself home and then collapsed on my bed with no concern about anything else. The next month is a blur as… Read more
The Opiod Problem is Growing. What is Maryland’s response? Even MORE Enablement and a Statement of Faith and Personal Responsibility.
I made a post last year about how the push to put Narcan in the hands of all first responders was going to enable more overdoses. I am not saying this is the only reason but it is one of the biggest reasons. The economic circumstances for so many people has not changed…or in many… Read more
The Churchian Cancer Spreads. Children are not Immune.
I have often posted links to my churchian experience. As I was surfing I came across this post on Vox Days site. My experience was at least confined to me. However another parent had his children attacked. Let me say one thing. If your church condones political correctness in ANY FORM your church is infested… Read more
(Update: It approved the resolution so it is now full Churchian mode)The Southern Baptist Convention could be heading squarely into Churchianity.
The Southern Baptist Convention, if this proclamation is ratified, will have gone from one of the most biblically based protestant denominations to squarely within the churchian theology. Resolution for the 2017 SBC Annual Meeting – Condemning the Alt-Right & White Nationalism Resolution On The Condemnation of the “Alt-Right” Movement and the Roots of White Supremacy… Read more
An article on FNP about downtown Brunswick
Vacant buildings drive dissatisfaction in downtown Brunswick By Kate Masters 17 hrs ago 3 Buy Now Staff photo by Graham Cullen A view looking down West Potomac Street in Brunswick. Machelle Lee wants to work with the Brunswick city government, she said, but still felt a twinge of concern when she independently hired workers… Read more
College financing is a scam…and it automatically puts parents as co-signers if said parents fill out FASFA.
The gov’t has now made education a total financial debt trap not just for the students but the parents as well. IF you fill out the FASFA form you are co-signing for your child’s student debt. since there is a high high chance of default the gov’t can(and will) come after the parents income…however that… Read more
Pettiness shows itself in interesting ways.
I had hoped the last election which led to Former Mayor Karin Tome being defeated by Mayor Jeff Snoots would result in Karin tome returning to the generally personable person I have known her to be throughout my time here in Brunswick. While I am diametrically the opposite of her on many political issues I found… Read more
The problem with “Green Energy” that nobody talks about.
Karl Denninger talks about the one thing greens do not want to acknowledge, Green Energy will not be able to produce energy 24/7 on its own. Either it needs batteries or some kind of storage system system for when..not if the green energy doesn’t produce. Nuclear or fossil fuels are much more reliable and cost… Read more
Outside agitators invade Brunswick’s election
I just got the most despicable, libelous publication about a candidate in the upcoming Brunswick City election. Eric Beasely is being targets with allegations that had been expunged that are now apparently being dug up illegally. I am not a lawyer but this kind of activity cannot be allowed to go unaddressed. Eric has not… Read more
The Latest Jobs Report Actually Sucks
The unemployment rate of 4.x percent is an outright lie. BIG excerpt from the economic collapse blog: This is exactly what we have been expecting to happen. On Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that the U.S. economy only added 38,000 jobs in May. This was way below the 158,000 jobs that analysts… Read more
What is wrong with the modern church? Churchianity.
Just a quick preface note: I am going to break all kinds of punctuation rules starting with the title. I will capitalize things I feel are the most important not necessarily what grammar calls for and most assuredly not what the modern churchanity cultists call for. I have spent many months and even years and… Read more
SHIT…Today is Here
That’s the first thing that came to mind when I saw my phones notifications and the first one was from Jessica Shullenbarger and Arden Herzberger about Heather’s one year anniversary of her passing. As the tributes roll in, and there will be many of them all of which she deserved, all I can say is first keep… Read more
Moving Forward….Sometimes Staying Put
I just got done with a cry. Not one of loss but one of shame. I let an entire side of my family down and it jsut hit me how much that relaly bothers me. My Mother in law asked me recently if I had gone to Heather’s grave recently. i admitted I have not… Read more
Another Enablement is Taking Hold
This is not going to go over well with some close friends of mine but here goes. There has been a long standing push to get narcan in the hands of every possible first responder as a way to “combat” the scourge of opiate overdose that is running rampant. When this first started here in… Read more
Obama says a mental choice is a civil right.
How many Constitutional violations must we put up with? Unfortunately there is not a single senator who will impeach Obama. Karl Denninger has it nailed with this latest version of government tyranny. In a prime example of governmental overreach, the aObama administration is now using the threat of the removal of Unconstitutional bribes(funding) to make… Read more
Obama continues his path towards turning the United States in the Amerika.
I talked about this a while back. I had warned that obama is going to come after retirement accounts. I warned about this back in 2012. We can trust obama and/or the gov’t right? Socialized medical care was supposed to save us money right? How did you like the premium increases? Nice savings. As long… Read more
How Cruz can shut Trump up.
Karl denniger has a good breakdown of this issue when it comes to Ted Cruz. first there is this question about his citizenship: There’s a clean question on the table regarding dual citizenship for persons born in Canada prior to 1977 (when they changed their law to officially recognize dual nationality.) Prior to that date, with few exceptions,… Read more
Employment is not doing well(despite what the media says)
Take a look at what Karl Denniger has on his site. I can only grab the text so hit the link..:) ops… +151k….. Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 151,000 in January, and the unemployment rate was little changed at 4.9 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Job gains occurred in several industries,… Read more
The State’s Revolt Against Syrian Refugees is Meaningless in the Short Term
Why? Immigration as defined in the constitution is one thing solely handled by the federal gov’t. This means the states really do not have a choice in the matter unless they want to secede…which they won’t do. karl denniger sums it up nicely as follows: Rick Scott was on this morning going on about his… Read more
The Persecution of Christians is Just Getting Started and Being led by the Federal Government
For those who think appeasement of those who are against the biblical view of Christianity…look at the following. Do you think that living in fear of what others think is going to protect you? Absolutely not. Appeasement only leads to more aggression. Folks just look back through history for that one. Churches if this act… Read more
A Prime Example of the Sheeple
Americans have allowed themselves to be so pussified..yes that’s right..pussified that we will cower in fear. It turns out the shooter reloaded TWICE! Not from his belt but from a backpack?!?!? Come on folks if within that amount of time you cannot bring yourself to at least charge this asshat then frankly anyone who got… Read more
Gun Free Zones are the Problem
This is from not exactly a conservative bastion with some startling revelations: Since at least 1950, all but two public mass shootings in America have taken place where general citizens are banned from carrying guns. In Europe, there have been no exceptions. Every mass public shooting has occurred in a gun-free zone. And… Read more
The Oregon Shooting and Gun Fear
I am tired of seeing Obama take every incident of shootings to scold this country on the exercising of our rights under the Constitution even though more and more of us are actually giving up those rights. This shooting was a targeted attack on Christians. Where’s the media outrage? Where’s the Al Sharptions? Where’s the… Read more
Giving Jesus the Glory
I usually do not post things of a personal nature here but since my beliefs are part of my businesses foundation I feel this is appropriate. Since my wife died over memorial day I have been having to adjust to such a huge loss and trying to keep not only myself together but also keeping… Read more
Massive life changes…it is time for my family to be able to breathe
I was going to make a book sized blog post but for right now i simply do not wish to take the time to write one of my missives. I am not going to tag anyone because i do not want this to be construed as i am targeting any specific person. I have draft… Read more
The Fear Infestation of the Modern Christian Church
I have been visiting many churches in the past couple of years looking for someplace I can call my church home. My anchor throughout this journey has been two things: First is my faith in Jesus Christ. Second was my now deceased wife Heather. She helped me stay grounded in many ways. When she passed… Read more
Same Sex Marriage Ruling by SCOTUS
Gay marriage is only the beginning. Words do have meaning and do have consequences Mr. President to wit: This morning, the Supreme Court recognized that the Constitution guarantees marriage equality. In doing so, they have reaffirmed that all Americans are entitled to the equal protection of the law; that all people should be treated equally,… Read more
Churches: Are you ready for the government to be able to LEGALLY tell you how to operate?
Welcome to 2015 and the Obama admin has stated at the SCOTUS case now being heard about gay marriage that if the SCOTUS rules for gay marriage any institution that fails to comply might loose(let’s be honest it WILL change to WILL LOOSE) it’s NPO status. Do you understand what this means for ALL CHURCHES????… Read more
Is Gay Marriage at the SCOTUS Over Already?
I am not sure but I have been following this story. Considering the current SCOTUS rulings in favor of a horrid gov’t enabling emminent domain(they can take your land for ANY reason AND give it to a private business), and of course Obamacare. I would not be surprised if the SCOTUS sides with the lgbt… Read more
Baltimore Is a Democrat Problem, Not America’s Problem – Breitbart
Contrary to the emotional blackmail some leftists are attempting to peddle, Baltimore is not America’s problem or shame. That failed city is solely and completely a Democrat problem. Like many failed cities, Detroit comes to mind, and every city besieged recently by rioting, Democrats and their union pals have had carte blanche to inflict their… Read more
The irony of Californias water crisis
Now get this..California cities are now going to build massive desalination plants for watering their desert abodes. The power for these? “Carbon Pollution” emitting Natural gas electricity plants. Anyone unable to see the duplicity here? The irony is inescapable: In reaction to the historic drought that has transformed the California dream into California dust,… Read more
It’s nice to see not all gay folks are as intolerant as the ones who are running the movement
Out Of Over $200,000 Raised, This $20 Donation Speaks Louder Than Any Liberal Threat – Chicks on the Right.
It is not about bigotry but it IS about discrimination(RFRA).
It’s not the Christians actively acting discriminatory against gays(who’s lifestyle is by definition a choice) but the other way around. Also Christianity is also a lifestyle(a choice of how to live as well). Yeah, you see, it’s actually the Christians that are the bigots….. or wait, maybe it’s not? No one targeted pro-gay bakeries, but gay activists… Read more
Why RFRA is NOT discriminatory
I have been called bigoted because of my support for this. They have one fundamental flaw. it would be bigoted of me to discriminate black folks. They cannot change the fact they are black. As far as the LGBT(add whatever letters they want after this) goes if you listen to them talk and watch what… Read more
That nationwide measels outbreak? Try half of them are the illegals Obama is using to fix the 2016 election.
In other words of the people who got sick roughly half were illegal invaders. In point of fact only one quarter were intentionally-unvaccinated kids who were here in America legally, either as citizens or otherwise. 43%, or nearly double the number, were “unknown or undocumented” as to their vaccinated status, which means they weren’t here in the country legally. If you were a visitor (e.g. tourist)… Read more
The 2016 Election rigging is in Full Swaing
‘Nough said. President Obama’s temporary deportation amnesty will make it easier for illegal immigrants to improperly register and vote in elections, state elections officials testified to Congress on Thursday, saying that the driver’s licenses and Social Security numbers they will be granted create a major voting loophole.While stressing that it remains illegal for noncitizens… Read more
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan R State State | Video |
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan R State State | Video |
New Warning To All Ford Ecoboost Owners! – YouTube
If you have an ecoboost engine i would reconsider the “induction service’ many folks are doing on their vehicles. I might reconsider this for any GDI engine. Unfortunately in gasoline engine tend to have carbon issues on the intake valves. New Warning To All Ford Ecoboost Owners! – YouTube.
Fact check: Texas has both the legal and moral right to secede from a corrupt union –
Will Texas grow the required set to actually do this? I truly hope so. The instant this gains traction i’m heading to Texas..:) From the Texas Constitution, article 1, section 1:”Texas is a free and independent State, subject only to the Constitution of the United States…”As points out: Note that it does not… Read more
The new spending bill has some nasty surprises inside of it.
It doesn’t end there either; among other provisions are a rollback in trucking safety regulations that will permit drivers to work 82 hours a week and exempts agricultural refuse from clean-water standards. Yep, you read that right; Congress is voting to both allow big corporate farms to poison the water and big trucking companies to run… Read more
The Seattle Minimum Wage Hike Has Immediate Consequences. Job Losses Begin.
According to the National Review Hotline, Kathrina Tugadi owner of Seattle’s El Norte Lounge, no longer hires musicians for her restaurant, she said she can’t justify expenses that don’t directly “add to the bottom line.” And, she says, hours will have to be cut: El Norte Lounge plans to stop serving lunch and only serve… Read more