Argentina’s turnaround by it’s current president
Look at Argentina…this guy is acting a bit like Trump…i am watching this closely:
Servant leadershiop…it’s eally nonsense and goes against what the bible says
This is mainly to resurface a post I made a while ago….I wanted it back on the main page again as i had to update it as the video is no longer freely available..but i found an audio excerpt that succinctly explains my issues with “servant leadership”
Found this online…but i cannot find it now
this was so true during covid. I was one of the few that not only saw through this…but also was able to find the public data that showed was was truly up with covid. I found this video online and archived it. It’s as poignant today as it was back during the covid nonsense. … Read more
on Star Trek Picard: An ending statement of thoughts.
What a great send off for the stng crew. Also this is the first time in stng history and Enterprise D fought like her specs said she could in terms of her primary phaser arrays. It was nice to see her fight and kickass in a way she was always capable of. Data’s piloting was… Read more
Is Your name in Jesus’s Book?
What does it mean anyway? Well carman’s song the courtroom makes it pretty simple on the basic concepts.
WE TOLD YOU SO! Covid-19
Putting this one here as Facebook might take it down. I have been following the covid shitshow for years. I have been one of the few wiling to question the official narrative. The evidence has always been out there..put out by these snakes themselves. The admissions coming out the past few public..have been amazing..not… Read more
Day 2 of my Klipsch T5 II buds
I am at a local radio station waiting on a Comcast tech to come and install a new modem for a speed upgrade we ordered. I have been doing various tasks while I wait …normally this isn’t the most exciting time but the T5 has totally changed that. Right now I am running my Chlozee… Read more
Initial Review of the T5II True Wireless Earbuds by Klipsch
I just had an interesting audio experience. I purchased a set of Kplisch true wireless t5 II earbuds. Klipsch is my speaker vendor of choice for their signature sound. I have a Klipsch pro media thx computer speaker system that I have had for several years now and am looking to start building my new… Read more
The War is Against America…and the electorate is complicit.
“Ishmael” over at the market ticker has a very poignant post that i will reproduce in full. However, there’s more food shortages coming…the food plant shutdowns for baby formula is one..but there’s been a rash of fires in major processing plants in all kinds of products. Folks this is only the beginning..when Biden said shortages… Read more
FCPS policy change erupts into controversy.
I have been seeing news releases from the Frederick County school board and the Frederick news post talking about parents being hateful and violent at a recent meeting. I have my own opinions about this..but this much is true. FCPS over the past few years has passed policies talking about anal and oral sex to… Read more
The Lie of Servant Leadership
It’s taken me a while to be able to expatriate my thoughts on why I had problems with this inherently contradictory statement/belief being taught in modern churches. First of all servant leadership isn’t logical at all. It most assuredly isn’t biblical either. The man was not made for the woman but the other way around. … Read more
State of The Union 2022…Let’s Play Biden Bingo
I am hoping Biden can coherently get through tonight’s SOTU address but I’m not confident. If this goes as badly as it might the United States will look even more incompetent than it does already. So to add some fun I saw this on Twitter and am making it a post here in case it… Read more
A thought Provoking Interview With Maajid Nawaz
A formerly radicalized person who has been labled anti-vaxx despite being double-vaxxed, an anti-muslmi extremist despite going to prision for his Islamic faith…among other things:
A Time For Mourning…a Time to Move Forward
Tired of Facebook putting fact check crap on my posts and others. It’s time for me to get back on my own platform again..:) It was less than a month after Mike died that my closest friend…basically my brother…died suddenly. he literally dropped dead. It’s something you hear about…but it’s something else when it hits… Read more
Fair winds and following seas to a close friend and mentor
Now that Rob Webber has posted I can post mine… Now that the family has officially announced it I can publicly say…I’m going to miss you Mike Webber. I’ve known him for 20+ years. he’s always been one I could call locally for advice and he wasn’t afraid to call me down when he… Read more
It’s Time for the Covid BS to Stop
Karl Denninger has an excellent rundown about the idiocy that has been the Covid response. It’s really time for it to stop. Biden is going to talk about his 6 point plan..which is going to do nothing to stop Covid from killing people…it more than likely will only increase the misery. I am going to… Read more
A Moving Testimony RE: Covid Mandates.
listen to this healthcare..CRITICAL care worker in California has to say: Here’s Karl Denninger’s take I can hear it now..he’s so selfish..but if he dies because of the vax..there is now 50 percent less in his field in that town. Also his family looses their breadwinner. Let that sink in folks. We are being told… Read more
The Afghanistan Disaster(TONS OF Links)
I will keep adding links..but hell it’s not hard to find stories about this everywhere. I find it hard to believe even Biden is this incompetent…or that our military is this incompetent. I can only surmise this was done on purpose…maybe it’s truly gross incompetence…but i find this level hard to believe: Post 1 Post… Read more
It’s Long Overdue for us to Have Left Afghanistan
It’s about time we pulled out of Afghanistan. I’ll explain’s very simple. The muslims hate each other so much they were3 very busy killing each other(iraq iran war anyone?). There’s only one thing a Muslim(and i am talking about the fundamentalists…the ones the media calls radicals. They are not radical..they are following their Koran… Read more
Archived Mike Rowe FB Post
From mike rowe FB post: Off the Wall Here’s a delightful headline, followed by a charming article, written by a guy named Jonathan V. Last. I don’t think he likes me. Strap in. It’s a doozy. MIKE ROWE’S DIRTY LIES The voice of the working class goes anti-anti-anti-vaxx. Mike Rowe—the famous real man, dirty-jobbing, tough… Read more
So much for protecting others
The narrative is getting destroyed..again. The folks have been yelling about the delta variant and how it’s the unvaccinated that are spreading this..but the nationals now have a big time breakthrough infection story going right now that caused their most recent game to be postponed. Karl has been talking about how vaccinating into a pandemic… Read more
Let’s stop the bs…
Another article excerpt: “I’m admitting young healthy people to the hospital with very serious COVID infections. One of the last things they do before they’re intubated is beg me for the vaccine. I hold their hand and tell them that I’m sorry, but it’s too late,” she wrote. “A few days later when I call… Read more
Why is covid called the plan or scamdemic…
and folks wonder why covid is widely known as the scam or plandemic. This is an excerpt of the following article: Plenty of people have tried to discredit “hesitancy” with the Covid shots. Calling people “uneducated hicks” and similar slurs is unlikely to lead anyone to believe those pushing the shots, of course. Never mind… Read more
It’s Been An Interesting Time
Since my last post. I kind of forgot I had this personal site. With Facebook getting more and more strict about their filters…i realized i need to start moving things to my own site here. My upcoming posts are going to be content that I have copied from my Facebook account to here.
Time Just Posted A Damming Article About the 2020 Election
I am not going to say anything. In case it disappears I will do three things. I will provide a link to the original article. I wil also post the article in full here, and i have a pdf archive atttached here as well. You be the judge: Original article on is here. The… Read more
do not build your fort inside enemy territory- parler edition
I was REALLY curious why Dan Bongino was pushing his FB live as he doesn’t use FB most times. This morning it hit me. He is asking for support because parler is in true imminent danger. Parler made a grave tactical error. Guess who their infrastructure provider is? nslookup Server: UnKnown Address: Non-authoritative… Read more
Gamecache Update: Windows Eats Data Edition
That was interesting. I at least annually wipe my windows boxes to keep the Windows bitrot in check. Over time windows just gets cruft built up. Stuff gets installed, uninstalled or never updated and starts causing problems in the background. These problems can be anything from weird errors, to occasional crashes to the system going… Read more
Sound Card troubles…finally solved
I had a Asus Xonar dg sound card from the money I had when my wife died. I have had that for quite some time. i finally started having problems with that card not working under windows 10 because the drivers were pushing 5 years old and the windows driver architecture had quite a few… Read more
Gamecache update: Comcast cap avoidance edition
I have been posting bout my gamecache setup here at the house. Well it just got even more important as Comcast has announced data caps across the remainder of its footprint where it had not been enforcing cap. I now have nearly 1 Terabyte of data on this gamecache drive. What this means is that… Read more
The holidays spoiled..and my rescue plan
it’s been now more than 5 years..almost precisely 5.5 years since the passing of my wife Heather. The holidays for her were a time to go all out. It was nice though because she would make it easy for me to do my relaxing thing. I am not into the craziness that is the time… Read more
Karl’s take on 2020
2020: A Look In Review, And Dark Days Forward* [Comments enabled] When I first began writing The Market Ticker I made a practice of doing a “Year in Review” ticker toward the back half of December with a list of predictions for the next year. Part of this, after the first one of course, was scoring myself… Read more
The Churchian/SJW infiltration of the SBC
I’ve talked about a similar topic several times over the years..but I didn’t know it went back to 2010. Sounds about right given what I’ve experienced over the years. Now there’s this article that exposes what is going on and unfortunately even the North American Missions Board is getting converged. Sad really..for the churches operating… Read more
Trumps recent speech
I am not sure Trump will triumph in this battle because the establishment simply does not want Trump to win no matter what. That begs the bigger question of what happens in either result either Trump winds or he doesn’t? I tried to post this link in Facebook but it appears Mike Adams has blocked… Read more
A whitepaper on covid-19 by Karl Denninger
I am going to put a link to the post but Karl is blocking remote access to the have to goto his site and then click the link. I have grabbed a copy and will serve it from my site if you want a faster way to get to the paper. Here’s my local… Read more
Politicians are now saying vaccines can be forced upon the population
Politicians are now coming right out and saying they believe they have some kind of right to force a vaccine on you. They fully believe that all they need is a law (words on paper) that they wrote themselves to violate your basic human rights. Anthony Sabatini, a Republican state representative, has already warned Floridians… Read more
The election fraud plot thickens*updated as twitter deleted the link*
Well now…as if the Chinese gov’t didn’t own enough critical infrastructure in this county they have a significant stake in Dominion voting systems as well: Free trade is good, they told us. The free flow of international capital benefits everyone, they told us. So, we can only conclude, without doubt, that it… Read more
Where Covid-19 will wind up if the citizenry doesn’t stop following medical tyranny
More Covid-19 scam numbers
If you get banned from facebook make sure you ahve your own platform..which I do. Karl Denninger has posted a story in which a study titled “Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR)” Status Determines Mortality in Patients with COVID-19 So basically if you have a DNR your risk fro covid death is higher. Well no shit sherlock…if… Read more
Worship Music
Has gotten too entirely predictable…at least in churches. The worship music has become acoustic guitar based. Most of it is fairly predictable. Every once in a while a local band comes up with a song that’s pretty good like the worship leader at North valley came up with one called holy moment that’s pretty good. … Read more
Music..and Home Hi-FI: A New Category For The Blog And a Rekindling of a Passion.
It is nearly impossible to find non-digital music anymore. There’s vinyl of course but right now I do not have the finances to rebuild my HiFi system…at least not all at once. Modern digitizing has made music easier to obtain but also much harder to sound truly immersive. I see folks playing stuff through their… Read more
The Tantrums of the Left
It’s all over the news. Where are the riots done by anyone who is not on the left? NYC Mayor goes after Jewish holiday celebrants. This is not the first time he has done this…and he routinely uses photos of pre-covid Jewish gatherings as examples of what not to do. Deblasio also allows BLM/Antifa when… Read more
The Current Doctrine of Complementarianism…I’ve always had a problem with it…
Grabbed this post from Redditt…and i am going to reproduce it here in it’s entirety..just in case it goes poof: No, your congregation does not preach “biblical headship” “Headship” as a concept is given a lot of lip service, but few people actually practice it the way Christ does with the Church. I can’t… Read more
Covid-19 a planned event?
Let’s assume that the events of the last five months are neither random nor unexpected. Let’s say they’re part of an ingenious plan to transform American democracy into a lockdown police state controlled by criminal elites and their puppet governors. And let’s say the media’s role is to fan the flames of mass hysteria by… Read more
It never was about science…it’s always been about FUD
Masks have little to no effect. The transmission of Sars-COV-2 is not aerosol. It’s contact. Specifically fecal-oral. That’s right folks your butt to your hands to surfaces. Gloves don’t help as they are a hard surface so all kinds of virii can live a very very long time and get spread. The following post has… Read more
Big Tech Censorship Now Reaches into Your Cloud Storage
the big tech companies now also search your cloud archives for “inappropriate: content. build your own storage and do not expect the cloud to keep your data safe…unless you setup Pre-encrypted cloud backups..then the big tech folks cannot see your content..yet you have a cloud backup. True you are using their platform under their rules…but… Read more
Rack Consolidation: Finale
Finally, it is completed. I won’t use finished because the implies it will never change…and we all know life is all about change. So what’s the final product look like? The rack is full. Sure if I wanted to I could squish everything together and get a couple of more U’s worth of gear..but i… Read more
Rack Consolidation: Part 4.3
Well got everything installed and completed the initial data replication. I went upstairs and removed all of the servers from the rack. I then removed all of the rails. I then re-installed the rails and then re-racked the servers. The r210 did not make it back as it was dead anyway. The order is now… Read more
Rack Consolidation: Part 4.1
Just like that. Another day arrives and the eBay shop where i bought the hard drives did me a solid. Instead of putting the two pairs of drives into two boxes he jsut shipped all four in the same box. I’ll be giving all the eBay vendors that were involved in my build excellent feedback… Read more
Rack Consolidation: Part 4
Finally got some parts in for the 520 that allow me to start getting it put together. I have half of the SAS hard drives, the SD card connector(don’t want to say SD card card..<G>), an extra 64 gigs of ram, all of the drive caddies, and of course the SD cards themselves. Read the… Read more
Rack Consolidation: Part 3
The project continues..:) I was able to take the ram, CPU’s, and HBAH310 (reflashed to base LSI IT mode) out of the 420 and put them into the 520. I now have the rest of the parts inbound: 8 x 6TB SAS HDD’s, SD card adapter, 8 x 3.5″ HDD caddies are all inbound. I… Read more
Should we be afraid of worshiping the lord in groups…including singing?
Of course not. However with this covid thing around folks, especially Christians, are the first ones hiding in their houses finding reasons to NOT gather and worship. Now comes an article that basically says singing in a group is so much more deadly that we should consider not doing it. The article, written by a… Read more
Education during a manufactured crisis
(This is the first post in a series…i will go into greater detail later) For a while I never though I could homeschool..but covid has shown me something: I think for students and families that can do it distance learning should be an option. If 25% or more opt in the amount of money that… Read more
Rack Consolidation: part 2
I got the 520 in and began poking around. First of all I fired up the machine as a test and it booted fine. I then ran the lifecycle controller’s firmware updater. This machine was far far behind so i told it to install all of the updates. I stuck with it for a few… Read more
Rack consolidation project finally begins
I had recently purchased a Dell Poweredge R420 to replace my aging R310 server that acts as my central storage node. I began to have need to have the ability to run virtual machines and FreeNAS does support running virtual machines. I found out my R310 CPU is too old to run vm’s under… Read more
Well imagine that..two doctor’s posted something based on data they have seen and youtube..citing their new community guidelines…specifically the section that says anything disagreeing with the WHO will be taken down..has taken down the videos. I didn’t have a chance to rip them. The hunt now starts for me to find another copy and put… Read more
Hey Maryland. this lockdown can EASILY be terminated
Hey fellow Marylanders, There’s one body that can shut him down in an instant…the Maryland State Legislature. Here’s what the law in Maryland says about States of emergency: In general (a)(1) If the Governor finds that an emergency has developed or is impending due to any cause, the Governor shall declare a state of… Read more
America is done folks…and we the people voted it in..and then allowed our republic to die
so it appears there will never be return to normal…..remember fauschi was saying we will have to have restrictions in place until there’s a vaccine? There has not..and most likely will not be a vaccine for any corona virus due to there’s no way to generate a lasting immunity to these things..which is why there… Read more
If the liars have any pants left they are now on fire
Fauchi should be fired along with Birx. Why Trump has not overridden these clowns is beyond me. Fauchi has been caught in more than one lie. Karl points this out quite clearly: Market-Ticker link There’s links in there where you can hear things for yourself. Governors are now crying for 500 billion in… Read more
This is not a short term event…nor is the “recovery”
The economic damage is only now being seen even though Karl, along with me, have been saying it’s going to be devastating. Well now there’s more second order consequences that are beginning to show themselves. Now that the additional unemployment funds are kicking in there are those that can now see their annual income jump… Read more
Liar, Liar, pants on fire
Still want to listen to the government? Most, of course, will continue to do so even though the data has been out there and now despite suppression efforts to NOT reveal’s coming out now. The mainstream media which has been acting as the mouthpiece of the government will not be able to contain this… Read more
Arkansas and Iowa: A case study in exposing the lies justifying the lockdowns.
We now have more than two weeks of data to compare against the screamers who were saying if you do not do the lockdowns 25% of your people will die. Guess what? The IHME model has failed to prove itself EVERY SINGLE TIME IT HAS BEEN USED! That means this model…and all of the other… Read more
Covid-19: The real numbers…
The real death rate from covid-19 is less than 1 percent…that’s right..less than one percent. If you listen to the government we are all going to die. Remember the last post that talked about how the lockdowns guarantee the virus comes back next season? So the lockdowns are not going to save any lives..they are… Read more
The lockdowns have done nothing to stop the spread of SARS-CoV-2(covid-19)
Every single lockdown happened after the population was already infected. The only ones we are seeing now with the tests are folks already infected..not new infections. This data is out there..i have linked quote a bit both to links I have found and extensively to Karl Denninger who has found the data as well. The… Read more
covid-19 truths
…all being reported right here’s up to you to read them at this point…I’ve spilled quite a bit of digital ink on this..and i see more and more folks like lambs to the slaughter. We are being lied to..yes even by Trump…either he is actively lying or is totally incompetent. Why he is allowing… Read more
the lockdowns are not working..again
If these lockdowns were actually working…why are the numbers going up? It’s because the transmission vector is NOT’s hand to face via surfaces. Where is the largest case of surface transfers? The healthcare system itself. The transmission vector has long been known to those who do not listen to the media that the main… Read more
Social distancing/Lockdowns are not working
Remember when I posted that the responses put in place by various govt’s are based on flawed thinking when it comes to this virus? Well now places that are in soft martial law(shelter in place) are still seeing an increase in testing. Of course this is more because of increased testing than increased infections because… Read more
Diamond Princess blew up the models..and guess where the virus came from on that ship?
the answer to the question in the title is inside the podcast linked below. The data has been out there for months…for some reason the gov’t and media refused to see it…until now. The lockdowns were based on a flawed model. There’s a large group of folks who either got sick and didn’t go to… Read more
It’s time for the lockdowns to end.
The lockdowns need to end now…the data is out there to show this entire lockdown was at the best based on flawed data. There will be consequences…which should be every politician who is not term limited, and who supported this absolute insanity should be at the best removed form office and at the most arrested… Read more
The current lockdowns are based on outdated medical virology thinking
Most virii attack and then present with symptoms pretty quickly. Most virii also also do not infect without presenting symptoms. Covid-19 however is different. It has a large percentage of folks it infects..but does not result in symptoms and therefore doesn’t result in in a huge spike of hospitalizations. Basically this means these lockdowns will… Read more
I am a fan of Jesus. Are you?
I have always had a strong faith. many times I have not known it..but others see it. I have had folks tell me things like “you have a bulldog faith. You have grabbed onto Jesus and latched on like a bulldog would a bone and refuse to let go however much life shakes you.” The… Read more
The simple numbers folks…YOU ARE BEING LIED TO
THE SIMPLE NUMERICAL FACTS [Comments enabled] FACTS: Last year flu, CDC: 490,600 hospitalizations and 34,200 deaths. Case fatality rate on the same testing basis for Coronavirus today: 6.97% Right now, US, 31,888 positives, 398 deaths. Case fatality rate considering that essentially all Coronavirus tests to date have been in hospitals: 1.25% But that’s not fair, because the CDC says only 12% of… Read more
THIS is what we need to do..Get the folks back to work before it’s too late.
We need to isolate the elderly from everyone else. If you are a high risk person then you should self-isolate to keep yourself from getting it for as long as possible. This is true and reasonable. The lock downs, which will not stop the virus from going through the population, should be released before our… Read more
Who is more in danger?
tons of Americans are. With our medication culture you get something that takes advantage of your basic physiology then add body chemical altering drugs in mass quantities to it..and you get problems. Found this is the comment section of karl’s latest post: Coronavirus and medication From the French Government: The virus has just been shown… Read more
Do Hogan’s proclamations actually constitute a law?
possibly not. I had a friend over in Cali send me an interesting article regarding the orders given by their governor..and i wonder if hogan’s order are similar. If so what does Maryland law say? We would have to look at the text of Hogan’s orders very closely and then determine..does his current EO’s actually… Read more
Fauchi and others are worried about being behind….
I have no doubt is karl can pull up these figures and results then they already have them. They are already behind…10’s of generations behind.15 days will do nothing but crater the economies from the nation, to the states, to counties, to cities all the way down to home based businesses. As i noted in… Read more
Let’s get some numbers the media is not telling you….
Math doesn’t lie…but it’s only usable with actual facts…there will be some estimations..but the crap being put out that..”worst case scenario” is all they are talking about. First of all if you have to “go on the vent” of any type..your chances of survival is exceptionally poor. You have a better chance of surviving the… Read more
Ventilators and hospitals will not save you…they will actually kill you
From Karl Denninger’s YouTube channel: “Flatting the curve” is stupid and will save almost ZERO lives. Fact: In Wuhan if you went on a vent 95+% of the time you came out in a box. There ARE known protocols (found in S. Korea, now confirmed in Europe) that CAN be effective and might be worth… Read more
Gov’t money always has of them “could be” an ownership stake
Just saw this. Could be? These lockdown were a “could be” scenario and look and where have things gone. All i can say it keep an eye out. They usually telegraph to see what reaction they get…if any. Am i saying that the feds will absolutely do this? NO. The fact this is even being… Read more
Flattening the curve….the economy gets flattened first
I do not need to say anything here. The relevant post is here. Have that in one window and then listen to the below while looking at the post and chart. He breaks it down in a way that if you do not want to read the book he posted..the podcast makes it very clear.… Read more
What are these lockdowns going to do…nothing positive
I have had a couple of folks tell me they are math based folks and the math says this will work. Unfortunately I am also a math based person..but I do not take obviously problematic numbers and try to draw conclusions based on faulty numbers….garbage in equals garbage out. Folks are out there worshiping the… Read more
The US is heading for a depression..not a recession
This shutdown is going to do far more damage long term than an additional 15k deaths from this virus by itself. This bill from the gov’t that mandates ALL businesses including the SMB’s that would get bankrupted by the requirements of paid time off even during a force majure situation like Covid-19. If the bill… Read more
Trump goes liberal…we must send money to folks immediately
I do not know what to think of this: Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Tuesday that the Trump administration wants to send checks to Americans “in the next two weeks” in an effort to help people cope with the economic fallout due to the coronavirus pandemic. “We’re looking at sending checks to Americans immediately,” Mnuchin… Read more
Maryland goes further into tyranny
There’s a local site I follow called The Tentacle. They are currently hosted on Godaddy(hopefully that will change) and of course when they get popular they get highly throttled by said company. I am going to snag their article and reprint it here with a linkback: URGENT Call to Action! OPPOSE Emergency Legislation HB650… Read more
What the gov’t is doing could be more deadly than Covid-19
So why are the experts not giving the percentages of saves? The media is screaming about we need more vents…but if you go on a vent you are most likely screwed anyway. Folks I have personal experience with vents. Once you go on a vent…your chances of surviving are VERY VERY SMALL. If you are… Read more
Why are we not isolating the vulnerable population instead of shutting down the economy?
I am going to rip a total post from Karl Denninger’s site and post it here..because it is absolutely relevant to the gov’t induced panic that is going on right now. Is covid-19 a problem? Yes. It is enough to warrant this reponse and emergency declarations that are now approaching martial law? IMO..NO. I am… Read more
This is a Test….of the Government Control System.
What a totally eye-opening expose. This is only an excerpt…please read the rest: This is a test. This is not a test of our commitment to basic hygiene or disaster preparedness or our ability to come together as a nation in times of crisis, although we’re not doing so well on any of those fronts.… Read more
Star Trek: Picard Two Weeks In
I have seen plenty of folks complaining about how STP is not moving fast enough in the first few episodes. I find it refreshing that they are building the backstory and foundation first not just ramming stuff through. It is nice to see. So far things are going well and I have finalized my plans… Read more
Star Trek: Picard
ok the series of star trek on cbs for me has been garbage..however picard has me hopeful…although cautiously. I hope things will go well…some of the previous st’s are coming in but I am anxious to see what Patrick has done and allowed.🙂 I am cautiously hopeful but excited to see if this series honors… Read more
Gamecache Update: All Games Operational.
Remember that one game that refused to run on Gamecache? I decided to disable the onboard nic(Realtek) and order a PCI-E 1X nic for the girls computer. I ordered 2 on eBay for a total of 12 bucks for two of them and they shipped via the boat so they just arrived a couple of… Read more
Let’s Stop With The Gun Control BS RE: White Settlement Church Shooting
Politicians are saying idiocies like, “Our representatives in Texas have left us open to these kinds of attacks,” he tweeted. “Time to change our representatives.”. If you want to see what happens when there is NOT a gun free zone…this is it. How many more shots would this lunatic have gotten off when the police… Read more
For My Future Wife(and Lover) In That Order
i know how I will feel for her…but most importantly I know how she will feel for me. Her feelings will draw out my instincts to protect and lead the household on the correct path. The dancing, the closeness..the energies, will be something to behold. It’s just a matter of time. The visions that i… Read more
So i ordered a couple of pci-e network cards one for my machine and one for the girls tower. Let’s see if that helps the eldest’s one game not crash the entire networking stack…:) Realteks are decent if you aren’t doing heavy networking stuff like I am will take a couple of weeks for… Read more
Toss A Coin
When a humble bard Graced a ride along With Geralt of Rivia Along came this song From when the White Wolf fought A silver-tongued devil His army of elves At his hooves did they revel They came after me With masterful deceit Broke down my lute And they kicked in my teeth While the devil’s… Read more
All Goes Well With One Exception
So far my eldest has all of her games on the gamecache drive. Unfortunately ElderScrolls Online refused to run on the Gamecache drive. It would hang up the network card causing all network connectivity to go away. Only a restart of the machine would fix it. However the fact that all of the other games… Read more
GameCache Project Updates
It is working out better than I anticipated. Right now the eldest has been installing all of her games on the G drive. I found out one of her games is nearly 200 Gigs in size. Holy crap batman. She can easily chew through more than 400 gigs of storage just with the games she… Read more
One Thing i like about zfs
*Game Cache Update* Is the built in compression. For vm’s you can sometimes get 5-10x compression because vms are mostly empty space. ZFS does compression transparently. Right now as part of the eldest’s game cache her system thinks it has written 75 gigabytes of data. ZFS compression has reduced that down to 52.5G in the… Read more
Game Caching update
I made an earlier post about an experiment I am running. So far so good. The eldest is having to put her games onto the new G drive her computer sees. The magic of ISCSI makes it appear as a local hard drive even though it’s on a network server. I am a HUGE fan… Read more
An interesting FreeNAS Experiment
I came across an interesting use case for FreeNAS. My eldest daughter likes games that are huge. Like 100-250 gigabyte huge. I simply cannot afford to keep adding SSD storage to her machine. I will not do hard disks as main storage..under Windows 10 it’s too painfully slow. What Lawerence had done was taken a… Read more
A picture of my Faith
Very few will get this picture. Honestly I have not figured out all of the facets that appeal to me..but I know the base levels. The knight is a dark knight…one who does his battles from behind the scenes….who works in the shadows. The knight has defeated a devil and prays to God in thanks… Read more